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Norse Gods and Goddesses

Norse Gods and Goddesses

Aegir: Norse god of the sea.

Alaisiagae: Norse war goddess.

Balder: Norse god of light, joy, beauty, purity, and innocence.

Eir: Norse goddess of healing with herbs.

Elli: Norse goddess of old age.

Forseti: Norse god of justice and reconciliation.

Freya: Norse goddess of sex, sensuality, love, passion, and fertiity. She symbolizes war, the moon, and fertility.

Frey: Norse god of sun and rain, peace and war, and the harvest. He symbolizes prosperity and peace.

Frigg: Norse goddess of love, fertility, marriage and motherhood. She symbolizes the moon, love, and fertility.

Gefion: Norse goddess of vegetation and fertility. She sybolizes luck, virginity, fertility, and growth.

Gerd: Norse earth goddess.

Gullveig: Norse goddess of sorcery. She symbolizes prophecy and healing.

Heimdall: Norse god of light and guardian of the rainbow bridge. He symbolizes teaching and protection.

Hel: Norse goddess of death and the underworld. The Christian concept of "Hell" came from this goddess.

Hermod: Norse messenger god.

Hodr: Norse god of winter and darkness.

Hoenu: Norse god of silence.

Iduna: Norse goddess of eternal youth. She symbolizes youth, fertility, and death.

Jord: Norse earth goddess.

Loki: Norse trickster god. He symbolizes destruction and trickery.

Nanna: Norse goddess of earth. She symbolizes the moon and fertility.

Nerthus: Norse earth mother. She symbolizes fertility, the sea, purity, magic, and witchcraft.

Njord: Norse god of the winds, sea, fire, and wealth.

Odin: Norse god of death, wisdom, magic, poetry, and war.

Ran: Norse goddess of storms. She symbolizes the element of Water.

Saga: Norse goddess of the past and memories.

Sif: Norse goddess of corn, crops, and fertility.

Sjofna: Norse goddess of love.

Skadi: Norse goddess of winter, darkness, and hunting.

Thor: Norse God of thunder and a fighter of giants. He symbolizes defense, law, justice, and protection.

Uller: Norse god whose name means "The brilliant one". Symbolizes oaths, hunting, winter, and glory.

Var: Norse goddess of agreements.

Vidar: Norse god of silence and vengeance.

Weland: Norse god of smiths and metalworkers.

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