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Technology's Impact on Communications

Technology has greatly evolved communications and the way we communicate with one another over the years. From Samuel Morse’s invention of the original telegraph transmitter and receiver, Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone. To today where we have cell phones and the Internet that can connect two people instantly and relay messages in the form of an e-mail or instant message in a matter of seconds. Communications is an ever growing sector that technology has strived in. It has developed greatly over the years.


In the beginning when messages were relayed from word of mouth through a messenger which can take a long time. Today a messaged can be received on your cell phone in a matter of seconds from across the world. Technology has greatly advanced in this aspect of life making the world a tighter nit community where anybody and almost anybody can communicate with each other. As technology has advanced and become more affordable and accessible, the people of the world can now be more educated. Once, when they only way to learn about things was going to a library and reading books that were chained to the book shelves. The invention of the printing press changed everything. Reading materials were made more available to the general public and the public’s general level of intelligence began to rise.

Gutenberg Printing Press

As well with technology being more available to more people, it created a more unified world. Today, communications has let us talk to relatives across the world, to know about current events as they happen instead of days or week’s later. With cell phones, we are able to know where our kids are whenever we choose to. The way we communicate has been changed forever by technology. The days of passing down a story from word of mouth are far behind us. The future is cell phones that not only connect us with voice. But also connect us though text messages and mobile internet where we can read news no matter where we are. The cell phone can also receive and send e-mail that has become extremely beneficial to the business world. This leads us to the second aspect of society that has been changed by the development of technology, business.

Information Age: People, Information & Technology

The Automotive Industry
