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Technology's Impact on School

As a student, I personally have gone though the technology change that has impacted the school system. As a child in the early grades, we were first introduced to the primitive computer with a track ball on the keyboard where simple programs would help teach us lessons that were currently being taught during in class lessons. A few more years later, those computers we're then replaced with mac's and our school would then have a computer lab that helped out with assignments, learning how to type and as well again programs that help us contiune our learning. One downfall of these labs was that they were very slow and could not handle each and every computer to have it's user log in at the same time. In high school, the computers got more advanced, faster and the networks got faster and bigger. Not only were computers in one lab, but they were in the library and in many classrooms as well.

Today at York University, the computers are all state of the art and currenty with today's standards. With big companies such as Sun Microsystems creating one of the servers within the Technology Enhanced Learning building. As well with many students now carrying a laptop with them, York University has set up AirYork. A wireless network set up by the university for students to have wireless internet in classrooms and almost anywhere on campus. Some colleges and universities also provide each and every student with a laptop to aid in the learning process and make things run much more smoothely. For example, Sherdian college has a full wireless network on it's campus and a laptop is included each year as part of tuition. As well, OCAD's many art programs do a lot of their assignments and work on Apple computers.

Not only has technology changed the way the schools are connected on campus and in classrooms. But they have also changed the way students and teachers can interact with eachother. One of those is the creation of WebCT, this service is extremely benificial to the teacher and student. A teacher can post all important happenings that are going on with his/her's class and the student can find out about it wherever they have access to the world wide web. As well the internet has now allowed students to hand in assignments online through WebCT and other sites like turn it in. As well teachers can also conduct online classes and provide live webcasts of their lectures.

As we can see, teaching has been forever changed due to technological advances. With laptop's, school's being networked and communications between the student and teacher becoming easier. Students will contiune to take advantage of this technology for there learning experience.

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