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Which clip?
Its important to choose the right clip for the amount of work your horse will be doing, bearing in mind that your reason to clip is to remove areas where he becomes hot and sweaty. Use your common sense - a horse which lives out during the winter should not have a hunter clip. Whatever clip you descide you'll need suitable rugs to keep him warm. He may also need more food to help him maintain his condition.

Types of Clip:

Hunter Clip
For horses who are working and competing regulary and living indoors most of the time.

Trace Clip
Suitable for horses who are stabled at night and turned out duing the day. Working three or four times a week with the odd competition.

Chaser Clip
Very similar to a blanket clip but helps to keep warmth on the top muscles of the neck. Used on stabled horses in medium work.

Irish Clip
This is a variation on the chaser clip, sometimes known as the Irish Clip.

Blanket Clip
For horses who are regulary worked, stabled at night and possibly turned out during the day with a rug on.

Bib Clip
Ideal or horses who are living out or stabled horses who feel the cold and are only in light work.

Before you Start
1) Always use a circut breaker. If anything electrial goes wrong it will cut off the power and stop accidents.

2) Make sure your horses is clean and dry. Any dirt in his coat will make it more difficult and possibly damage the blades.

3) Wear clothes you can move around in, Overalls are good for protecting them. Wear rubber-soled boots if using an electric clipper.

4) If the clippers are battery operated, make sure the battery is fully charged.

5) Clip in a well-lit stable with a non-slip floor. Clipping in a stable with rubber matting is ideal.

6) Bandage his tail to keep it out of the way so then there'll be no danger of you accidently cutting it with the clippers.