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All King Edward Horses Can Manage Big Fences

This is a way to remember what order all the letters on a dressage arena go! You can set up your own arena at home and just do it at home even if you don't intend on competing. The measurements are 20m x 40m for a standard arena (olympic ones are 20m x 60m). The letters are to guide you so you know where to perform each movement. Here are a couple of tests for you to try and a few helpful tips.

Basic Test
A - Enter at trot
X - Halt, salute, proceed at trot
C - Track Left
E - Half Circle left 20m to B
Between M & C - Canter left lead
Between B & M - Trot
C - Walk
HXF - Free Walk on a long rein
F - Take up the reins
A - Trot
E - Half Circle right 20m to B
Between F & A - Canter right lead
Between B & F - Trot
A - Down centre line
X - Walk
G - Halt, Salute
Leave arena on a long rein at A

And a more Challenging Test
A - Enter at working trot
C - Track Left
E - Turn Left
X - Circle left 20m
X - Circle right 20m
B - Turn right
Between A & K - Working canter right lead
E - Circle right 20m
Between E & H - Working trot
MXK - Change rein working trot
A - Medium Walk
C - Working trot
E - Circle left 20m, trot rising, letting the horse gradually take the reins out of hands
Before E - Gradually take up the reins
E - Working trot and proceed straight ahead
Between A & F - Working canter left lead
B - Circle Left 20m
Between B & M - Working trot
HXF - Change rein working trot
A - Down centre line
X - Halt, Salute

Hannahs Ringcraft:
* Don't cut corners!! Use the whole arena
* Practise square halts - these will give you good marks
* Measure out 20m as it quite big so don't do any tiny little circles!
* Your horse should be stretching down his neck in the free walk
* Smile!
* Pat your horse when you have done your final halt even if you haven't done well
* Practise your transitions - they should be smooth and not rushed
* When you are entering the arena focus on a fixed object beyond C to help you get a straight line up the centre
* Remember that its fun!

Top 10 Reasons to Ride Dressage!