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1) Rubber Curry Comb
2) Metal Curry Comb
3) Plastic Curry Comb
4) Body Brush
5) Dandy Brush
6) Water Brush
7) Hoof Oil & Brush
8) Mane Comb
9) Sponges
10) Sweat Scraper
11) Stable Rubber
12) Hoof Pick

Grooming Tips:
# Always brush the coat in the direction that it lies

# Start near the head and work along the body and down the legs

# Use firm strokes, putting the weight of your body behind each stroke

# Only groom when the coat is dry

# Pick off awkward lumps of mud with your fingers

# Fasten the head collar around the neck before grooming the head so you groom it properly

# In cold weather leave a rug on when grooming to keep him warm. Fold it back in sections as you groom

# Most ponies love being groomed but a lot have those ticklish spots - so be more gentle and careful around these spots

# Clean your grooming kit regualary. Not a lot of point in trying to get your pony clean with dirty brushes!