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Welcome, You are Now in Pokemon lab Adoption Center Where you are able to adopt your very own Pokémon to put onto your page!!! Now unlike other Pages that have like 1 or 2 pokemon you can adopt all 150 Pokémon here! **Sorry We are all outta Mews**

Pokémon List

#001 - Bulbasaur
#002 - Ivysaur
#003 - Venusaur
#004 - Charmander
#005 - Charmeleon
#006 - Charizard
#007 - Squirtle
#008 - Wartortle
#009 - Blastoise
#010 - Caterpie
#011 - Metapod
#012 - Butterfree
#013 - Weedle
#014 - Kakuna
#015 - Beedrill
#016 - Pidgey
#017 - Pidgeotto
#018 - Pidgeot
#019 - Rattata
#020 - Raticate
#021 - Spearow
#022 - Fearow
#023 - Ekans
#024 - Arbok
#025 - Pikachu
#026 - Raichu
#027 - Sandshrew
#028 - Sandslash
#029 - Nidoran "F"
#030 - Nidorina
#031 - Nidoqueen
#032 - Nidoran "M"
#033 - Nidorino
#034 - Nidoking
#035 - Clefairy
#036 - Clefable
#037 - Vulpix
#038 - Ninetales
#039 - Jigglypuff
#040 - Wigglytuff
#041 - Zubat
#042 - Golbat
#043 - Oddish
#044 - Gloom
#045 - Vileplume
#046 - Paras
#047 - Parasect
#048 - Venonat 
#049 - Venomoth
#050 - Diglet
#051 - Dugtrio
#052 - Meowth
#053 - Persian
#054 - Psyduck
#055 - Golduck
#056 - Manky
#057 - Primape
#058 - Growlithe
#059 - Arcanine
#060 - Poliwag
#061 - Poliwhirl
#062 - Poliwrath
#063 - Abra
#064 - Kadabra
#065 - Alakazam
#066 - Machop
#067 - Machoke
#068 - Machamp
#069 - Bellsprout
#070 - Weepinbell
#071 - Victreebel
#072 - Tentacool
#073 - Tentacruel
#074 - Geodude
#075 - Graveler
#076 - Golem
#077 - Ponyta
#078 - Rapidash
#079 - Slowpoke
#080 - Slowbro
#081 - Magnemite
#082 - Magneton
#083 - Farfetch'd
#084 - Doduo
#085 - Dodrio
#086 - Seel
#087 - Dewgong
#088 - Grimer
#089 - Muk
#090 - Shellder
#091 - Cloyster
#092 - Gastly
#093 - Haunter
#094 - Gengar
#095 - Onix
#096 - Drowzee
#097 - Hypno
#098 - Krabby
#099 - Kingler
#100 - Voltorb
#101 - Electrode
#102 - Exeggcute
#103 - Exeggcutor
#104 - Cubone
#105 - Marowak
#106 - Hitmonlee
#107 - Hitmonchan
#108 - Lickitung
#109 - Koffing
#110 - Weezing
#111 - Rhyhorn
#112 - Rhydon
#113 - Chansey
#114 - Tangela
#115 - Kangaskhan
#116 - Horsea
#117 - Seadra
#118 - Goldeen
#119 - Seaking
#120 - Staryu
#121 - Starmie
#122 - Mr.Mime
#123 - Scyther
#124 - Jinx
#125 - Electabuzz
#126 - Magmar
#127 - Pinsir
#128 - Tauros
#129 - Magikarp
#130 - Gyarados
#131 - Lapras
#132 - Ditto
#133 - Eevee
#134 - Vaporeon
#135 - Jolteon
#136 - Flareon
#137 - Porygon
#138 - Omanyte
#139 - Omastar
#140 - Kabuto
#141 - Kabutops
#142 - Aerodactyl
#143 - Snorlax
#144 - Articuno
#145 - Zapdos
#146 - Moltres
#147 - Dratini
#148 - Dragonair
#149 - Dragonite
#150 - Mewtwo

To adopt a Pokémon you need to copy the following html code to your website, but you need to change two things... One is where it says XXX.gif where xxx is you need to place the number of your Pokémon there. The second thing you need to change is a part that says "Name Of Pokémon HERE!" Place your adopted Pokémon name there.
Go To Pokemon Lab!
Pokemon Labs Mascot #1
Click Here To Adopt Your Very Own Pokémon!
Pokemon Mascot #2!
