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Pokemon (Poke-a-mon)(Po-KAY-mon)
A creature that inhabit the earth. A creature that can be captured and use for fights. Pokemon can also be used to be a friend or a helper. A Pokemon got magical powers. That is reason for fights. They have special Attacks and Defneseses. There are many kinds of Pokemon. Known as only 151 Pokemon. Counted 250 and more. To capture a Pokemon. You need a item called a Pokeball to Capture them. Ultraballs, Safariballs and Masterballs are use to capture these creatures.

A item used to capture a Pokemon. 10% chance to capture pokemon. Also the cheapest Item. It is a round item use to capture Pokemon. Colors Red and White. They come in mini size but when you press the button located on the middleof the Pokeball maximizes your Pokeball. All though there's a string attached. you may only capture 6 Pokemon and enter teh Poekmon League. The rest you capture is transfered to where you got your Pokedex.

A item same as a Pokeball. 50%chance of capturing.
Same as a Pokeball. 30% chance of capturing.

Best item on the block. Use it well. You only got one shot with a Masterball. Silhp Co. is the company that made a Masterball but there's only one Masterball in the untire world. 100% chance. Best Item.

None as a hand held computerized encyclopedia. A litter computer known as a Dexter. That is what Ash calls it. This Pokedex holds information on Pokemon that you capture or the memory of what is knows when you got it. It also let's you trade Pokemon if you want to get a different Pokemon then the one you have.

A item needed to enter the Pokemon League. There's only 8 badges known. Boulder badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Rainbow Badge. Marsh Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge. Earth Badge.

A building where you fight to earn a badge. Except the Fighting Dojo.