. . Random Interests

Photo Gallery
Pictures of Sedona and Las Vegas

Book reviews, Movie reviews, Misc. Games, none of these things are in this section. They will be later, when I'm not quite as lazy.

Fad of the week
For now, just a list of fads I've gone through over lent.

My Work
Why are you thinking about clicking here?

-Friends & Family-
Life's chock full of good people

Restaurant Review
A few good places to eat

Pop-Up Killer
This website has lots of popups. Here is a link to a free pop-up killer that only takes 40kb of space.

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(August 10th, 2003 -- 11:26 PM PST)

I had a good weekend. Today I went to a Giants' game at Pac Bell park. Since it was my first trip there, I splurged and purchased every food item that caught my fancy. I had a polish dog with kraut, beer, lemonade, garlic fries, and some cotton candy. And the game was good too. I have a stat midterm tomorrow, we'll see how that goes...

-- pauloc

(August 8th, 2003 -- 9:39 PM PST)

More on urinals. Here's SFMOMA's description of their urinal exibition including the sentence:

"Perhaps no work is more singularly identified with the transformation of art in the twentieth century than Fountain (1917) by Marcel Duchamp"

I had no idea that it was an accepted and old piece of art. Not that I now appreciate it, it actually makes me feel worse that it is an important work.

" Before submitting the piece to the exhibition as sculpture, the artist rotated the urinal ninety degrees from its normal, functional position..."

I don't get it. But here's a funny link that not only shows the Duchamp urinal at SFMOMA, but also the museum's other urinals. (link). As a warning, the site is a urinal site, and although the page I linked to doesn't have any fetishistic stuff, I will not guarantee that the rest of that site doesn't.

-- pauloc

(August 8th, 2003 -- 9:26 PM PST)

It's Grace's Birthday! We both took a day off and spent the day in the city. We had some crepes for lunch, went to SFMOMA (modern art sucks! a lot! I saw a signed urinal displayed in the center of the museum. Maybe if it were a used one it'd have some meaning). Then we went to north beach and went shopping and had some dinner. A nice night, but I'm tired now.

-- pauloc

(July 29th, 2003 -- 8:53 PM PST)

Ackk! Errands! When will I have time for fun stuff? I have to buy a bunch of random houseware at Target, fill my fridge with groceries, go to AT&T and get my phone fixed, and still fix up the new apartment. Jeeze, being closer to grown up sucks. Well if you're bored here's a link to a cool toy store; when I finally get some free time, I plan to copy a few of their figures and make them out of clay. (thanks for the link Jino)...

-- pauloc

(July 29th, 2003 -- 8:53 PM PST)

Man, have I been busy. I'm still in the process of moving into my apartment, putting together that swedish puzzlebox furniture, and not studying for my math class. I went to LA for the weekend to visit some family. And I've actually been busy at work, which is nice. I'll either start posting a lot soon, or else this site will languish, then die. We'll see.

-- pauloc

(July 25th, 2003 -- 3:08 PM PST)

Sometimes, being a bug doesn't sound so bad:

LONDON (Reuters) -- As life goes, it doesn't get much better than for male Zeus bugs. The tiny water bugs that are common along Australia's east coast have an easy life. Their female partners provide free food, transport and unlimited sex whenever they want it.

Read the whole thing here, from cnn.com.

-- pauloc

(July 25th, 2003 -- 2:57 PM PST)

Ryan helped me move into my new apartment yesterday. We set up the couch and that's about it. I'm going down to LA for some family gathering, so I won't get to set up my apartment quite yet. I'll have some pictures up once all my ikea furniture is set up...

-- pauloc

(July 24th, 2003 -- 1:28 PM PST)

I got an A on my stat test, and I'm moving in to my new apartment today if all goes well. Pictures will be up never.

-- pauloc

(July 11th, 2003 -- 2:18 PM PST)

Super-powers are are cool in comic books and movies. Here's a Wired article about superpowers that we can or almost can pull off with existing technology. Truthfully, its a little thin on the science, but anything about real superpowers is good reading to me.

-- pauloc

(July 11th, 2003 -- 8:36 AM PST)

I might have actually found an apartment. I don't want to jinx anything, so I'll just post when I find out more...

-- pauloc

(July 10th, 2003 -- 7:26 PM PST)

You must watch this video. (link) Its a Japanese skit, kinda low-tech Matrix, but about ping-pong. Its funny and cool.

-- pauloc

(July 10th, 2003 -- 6:46 PM PST)

The picture on the top left is the print I got in Berkeley. It looks much better in person. Really bold black and red. Berkeley was fun. I don't know why it took me so long to finally check it out there. Grace and I ate at Naan n' Curry, then went to Cory's Bookstore which purports to have everything but they didn't have the ant book I was looking for. Why a book about ants you might ask. Clearly, you didn't check out my Fad of the Week page and look at my old fads. The author won a Pulitzer Prize for it. It must be good. It was written by E.O. Wilson, a great naturalist author. And I used to love ant documentaries as a kid. So what if its about ants and people who like insects are either potential serial murderers or just plain creepy. I don't care what you think. Seriously, stop looking at me like that.

-- pauloc

(July 10th, 2003 -- 9:53 AM PST)

Wow, that last entry was pretty depressing. But that Saturday was pretty horrible. I made up for it the next day though, going all around Berkeley, shopping and eating. Went to Fenton's ice cream parlour and had a great sundae. And since then, I've been keeping busy with school (one stat class) and work. I had great BBQ yesterday, a review of Fenton's and BBQ place will be up shortly.

-- pauloc

(July 5th, 2003 -- 4:48 PM PST)

I'm so very bored! A boredom so deep that it strangles my enthusiasm for doing anything. I've been sitting around all day, bored and restless, but without the will to go out and do anything. Nothing's much worse than a self-imposed imprisonment. Sitting in the house, laziness is suffocating. Listening to the tv blathering in the background. Jeeze, I need some stimulation.

-- pauloc

(July 3rd, 2003 -- 5:36 PM PST)

Restaurant Reviews are up! Sure, its just two reviews, and both of them are pizza places. But I finally got the pages up and running. Check it out here.

-- pauloc

(July 3rd, 2003 -- 11:18 AM PST)

I just finished the latest Harry Potter. It was really good; I liked it much more than the previous four. You could let me describe it to you, but why don't you just check out Amazon's reviews or better yet NYTimes, and let them do the work for me. Thanks. (But ignore the reviewer's complains about the start being "ponderous." I thought it was well paced throughout.)

-- pauloc

(July 3rd, 2003 -- 10:36 AM PST)

I thought I'd kind of start over with this site. All the old stuff is still archived in the links on the bottom of the page if you're interested. But I figured it'd be nice to have a clean slate. I'll post more later today...

-- pauloc

Send Comments to pauloc.

- June-July 2003 -
- April-May 2003 -
- Feb-March 2003 -

Paulo Castaneda - note: this site was fashioned using the source code from www.talkingpointsmemo.com.

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