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In Japan, there was already a movie about Digimon. It came out on Summer 99' and the second movie will be out in Spring 00'.
You remember the episode when Tai first came home? Carri said she saw a Koramon. Well, the first movie will be about a few years ago in Highen View Terris, when the destines saw this big fight. It will be a 40minute show. It won't be seen in the cinamax but in a festival.

The second movie is when a couple of years later. The destines have save the digiworld and come back home. They all have grown (especially Izzy). Then, this evil monster starts to control computers and making it impossible for the computers to work. The kids or teens go and destroy it and did. Also, in this movie, the digimon go onto the internet battlegrounds.
The Evil Digi Egg
The Digimon in rookie or champion form
Taichi & Izumi
There are two movies on this I believe. One is Digimon Hurricane and another one is Golden DigiMentals or something but I'm going to chceck on it. On July, they are going to show it. In he movie, their is a new digidestine called "Wallace," who is from America. Two of the old digidestines' digimon will become mega. Then Wallace is visiting Japan because of his girlfriend. His girlfriend is japanese so it was hard to communicate with her so he learned japanese. Wallace and Daisuke don't get along very well either. I"ll try to get as much info as I can. Below is a picture I got. There you could see the logo: megchan. It is there because she was the one that scanned it and it is right to give her credit. Sorry folks but I disabled the right click.

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