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Yamato Ishida(Matt)
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In Season02, the kids need these Digimentals, which are shapes of Digieggs to digivolve their Digimon. They need them because the Digimon Kaizer has locked away the power of evolution and because the digimon cannot digivolve when a Dark Tower. A Dak Tower is a tower that is in this area the Digimon Kaizer conquers. It protects or observes the area, even when the Digimon Kaizer is gone. Each digimon could digivolve into a new digimon when they use a different DigiMental. Below are the pictures of the Digimentals. Also, I got these from Megchan so please if you take them, leave the logo on. I respect her. So if you take them off, your guilty because you didn't scan them, she did.

Digimental of Courage

DigiMental of Friendship

DigiMental of Love

Digimental of Knowledge

Digimental of Sincerity

Digimental f Hope

Digimental of Light

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