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Christianity Today, published in Carol Stream, Ill., is a magazine that appears 15 times a year and addresses Protestant evangelical positions in the clergy. Founded in 1956, it has been widely read for its variety of content written by prominent religious journalists, such as Carl F. H. Henry. Its circulation is just under 200,000.  (Copyright © 1999 Grolier Interactive Inc., Danbury, CT.)



Hour of Decision - 1467kHz Mediumwave 11.30pm Sundays   in the UK

Biggest radio audience for a regular religious broadcast - average audience of 20 million people.                     (Source: Guinness World Records 2000.) 

Nationwide UK Radio Broadcasts

Hour Of Decision - "Biggest radio audience for a regular religious broadcast - average audience of 20 million people." (Source: Guinness World Records 2000.)

7.400 & 6.105 MHz Shortwave

(repeated on 1467kHz Mediumwave)

8.15am Sunday

11.30pm Sunday

Insight for Living

UCB Europe on DAB Radio!

UCB Inspirational on DAB Radio!

7.30pm Monday - Friday

Let My People Think

UCB Europe on DAB Radio!

8.30pm Sunday

20 The Countdown Magazine

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2pm Saturday and Sunday

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Great Christian Music at

 To acquire any of the music played in the broadcast, type the name of the artist into the search boxes of the following websites: Amazon      WesleyOwen    HMV Web site

Reception Tips: Place radio near window, on desk, or cabinet, with aerial fully extended upright.  *Insight for Living also broadcasts on 549/558 kHz Mediumwave (N. Ireland & parts of South Wales) - 7.30pm Monday - Friday.

Music Menu

Sample short clips of previous "20 The Countdown Magazine" Chart Toppers (Real Audio Required).

(For music links, select song from the list; other music clips link to the excellent PremierOnline website)

CCM Artist & Album Title WesleyOwen Amazon
Rachael Lampa - "Live For You" God Loves You   

You Lift Me Up  

N/A N/A £7.99
The Darins - "The Darins" *

*Currently only available from Darins Website

Make Your Mind Up


All Along The Road

Point of Grace - "Rarities & Remixes" Gather At The River (remix)

The Great Divide (remix)

N/A N/A £14.49
Point of Grace - "Life, Love & Other Mysteries" Keep The Candle Burning N/A N/A £7.99
Point of Grace - "24" (Limited Edition)

(Baptist Surfer Highly Recommended!)

They've had 24 consecutive No.1 hits on the Contemporary Christian Music scene, a feat unmatched by ANY artist in ANY genre of music. of their greatest hits including Steady On  

and Keep The Candle Burning  

N/A £9.99 £15.49
Kathy Troccoli - "Love Has A Name" Parade

God Said It

N/A N/A £14.49
CeCe Winans - "CeCe Winans" Say A Prayer

Looking Back At You

£10.99 £14.99 £15.99

Only prices include P&P.   N/A indicates website doesn't list this title.

20 The Countdown Magazine is an internationally syndicated radio broadcast, that features the Top 20 Contemporary Christian Music songs. It's sort of Christian Music's equivalent to the Pepsi Network Chart Show. The show is hosted by Jon Rivers, whose voice is often heard on US commercials, advertising companies such as Radio Shack, Memorex, Hyundai, Zales Jewellers and Coca Cola.

Pocket Profiles

Christian Novelists

C S Lewis (1898-1963) - Author of  the Classic "Chronicles of Narnia" books, as well as several acclaimed adult sci-fi novels and religious works.  His books have been critically described as intelligent, imaginative and often witty.

G K Chesterton (1874-1936)  - Author of the timeless Father Brown novels, and known for his enthusiastic personality and brilliant, witty style.  Several movies were made of Father Brown, but the best is the 1954 release, starring the late, great Sir Alec Guinness (the man whose name forms an anagram of the words "Genuine Class"!).  Trivia: The 80s mystery series Father Dowling Investigates was intended to be a modern version of Father Brown (source:All Movie Guide).  Series One of Father I'm sure G K Chesterton would be honoured if you'd click on his picture...Dowling showed the concept at its best.

Dorothy L. Sayers (1893-1957) - Author of several acclaimed crime thrillers, and one of the first women to receive a degree from  the University of  Oxford.

J R R Tolkien (1892-1973) - Author of the Classic novel "The Lord of the Rings".  A committed Catholic, he played a major part in reviving C S Lewis's interest in Christianity.

John Bunyan (1628-1688) - Author of the allegorical "The Pilgrim's Progress", some critics call it the first English novel. 


Famous Baptists

Billy Graham KBE - The outstanding modern day Baptist preacher.

The young Billy Graham meeting Martin Luther King

(Excerpted from Go to Thursday February 7, 2002)

Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968) - Nobel Prize winning Civil Rights activist, and Baptist Minister.

C H Spurgeon  (1834-1892) - Known as the Prince of Preachers, this outstanding Baptist preacher was gifted with a photographic memory and a keen sense of humour.

Alexander Maclaren  (1826-1910) - Another giant of Baptist preachers, he climaxed his works with the monumental "Expositions of Holy Scriptures", the entire 32 volumes of which you can buy on CD Rom, from WesleyOwen, for only £24.95!!!   Project Gutenberg has started to scan in this huge set of volumes: click here for more information.

John Grisham - Author of several best-selling legal thrillers, such as "The Pelican Brief", "The Firm" and "The Client" (all three of which have been turned into major Hollywood movies), as well as his latest best-seller 'The Brethren'.

Rick Wakeman - Acclaimed member of 1970s progressive rock group "Yes"

A T Robertson (1863-1934) - Greek Language scholar, famous for his "Word Pictures in the New Testament" commentary, and noted for his sense of humour.

Christmas Evans (1766-1838) - Born on Christmas Day (his parents named him after it),  this Welsh Baptist Preacher was known as the "one eyed Bunyan of Wales", due to his "John Bunyan" style sermons.

Jimmy Carter - Former US President and Middle East Peacemaker.  Recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2002 (from a record field of 156 candidates), for decades of untiring effort to improve human rights, and finding peaceful solutions to international conflicts.  The committee cited his "vital contribution" to the Camp David accords between Israel & Egypt.

Thomas Cook (1808-1892) - English innovator of the conducted tour and founder of  Thomas Cook and Son, a worldwide travel agency.

Heather Payne - Member of the CCM supergroup Point of Grace.  She attends Lakeview Baptist Church, in Auburn, Alabama. (Source:Decision Magazine.) All four members teamed up, at Ouachita Baptist University, in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. They've had 24 consecutive No.1 hits on the Contemporary Christian Music scene, a feat unmatched by ANY artist in ANY genre of music.  (Source: Warner Bros. Records Christian Division, a division of Word Entertainment)

Rev Al Green - Classic Soul Singer and Preacher.  He serves as the pastor of Full Gospel Tabernacle, a Baptist church in Memphis.  (The link calls it a Baptist church)

Several Classic Soul Singers were the children of Baptist Ministers:

Otis Redding (1941-1967) ("Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" Soul Classic) - Baptist Minister's son

Aretha Franklin ("R-E-S-P-E-C-T" Soul Classic) - Baptist Minister's daughter.

(Go to The Christian Roots of Soul Music)

Paul Overstreet - Baptist Preacher's son.  A Grammy Award Winning Country Music Songwriter/Singer, he [co?] wrote the hit Tanya Tucker song "One Love At A Time", as well as "When You Say Nothing At All", a hit for Alison Krauss, and, erm...Ronan Keating (!)    

Alice Cooper - Baptist Minister's son (according to recent Google search for terms "Alice Cooper" + "A Baptist")

He no longer performs some of his back catalog. Any song promoting promiscuous sex and drinking "gets the axe," he said.    "I was one thing at one time, and I'm something new. I'm a new creature now. Don't judge Alice by what he used to be. Praise God for what I am now." (Source: CharismaNews February 28, 2002 & Shock-rock Pioneer Says Christianity Is 'Rebellion' September 19, 2001 edition )

Star Trek - The actor who played Dr. McCoy - DeForest Kelley (1920-1999) - was a Baptist Minister's son.

(NB - Children of Baptist Ministers section, illustrates a Baptist Background/Baptist Heritage only.)


Down to the River to Pray song - One of the songs from a hit Coen Brothers movie, is described in an archive New York Times review as "...a country Baptist hymn performed by Alison Krauss and the choir of the First Baptist Church of White House, Tenn."  

Hear .wav sample of Down to the River to Pray(at the base of the page, click the square block, wait for the music to load in, then click the arrow - The Mark 16:16 quote on the above link, is translated  in the NIV Bible as: "Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.")

This song is available on the Grammy Award Winning (2002) "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" album (awarded Best Album of any genre, not just Country).  Label: Mercury.   ASIN: B00004XQ83.  Price: £9.99; £6.99 during previous HMV sales.

It's also available on "The Ultimate Movie Album".  Label: Decca.  ASIN: B00005QC28.   Price: around £12-£19

.The Good Book - Well Read!

More Famous Christians

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) - Physicist, Mathematician, and Christian Philosopher, he devised the first "automatic" adding machine offered for sale (forerunner to the modern calculator), the hydraulic press and syringe.  A programming language was named in honour of him: PASCAL.  He wrote works that were considered masterpieces of prose, due to their wit, style and reasoning.  (Tiny Trivia: Although Wilhelm Schickard is credited with building a calculating machine in 1624, encyclopaedias still credit Pascal with building the first "automatic" adding machine "offered for sale".)

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) - English lexicographer, author, and critic,  He wrote the first major English dictionary to use illustrative historical quotations, remaining authoritative for over a century, and inspiring most modern day dictionaries.

Donald E. Knuth - Professor Emeritus of  The Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University.  Don Knuth is the inventor of the TEX and METAFONT systems for computer typesetting, and known for his pioneering work on algorithms and programming techniques.  His many awards and honours include: the ACM Turing Award, the Medal of Science presented by President Carter, AMS Steele Prize for expository writing, and in November 1996, the prestigious Kyoto Prize for advanced technology.  Acclaimed author of "Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About".  

Larry Wall - Inventor of the Scripting/Programming Language Perl.  Known for his off-the-wall humour, he even quoted part of "The Lord of the Rings" (the man has taste!)

Mike Follin - Used to work as a Computer Games Programmer - something he did professionally for 16 years. Programming credits include:  Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (Spectrum), Spot (GameBoy), Spiderman and the X-Men (SNES), Toy Story (SNES), Shadow Master (PC), Quake 2 (PlayStation), Pocket Soccer (GameBoy Colour).  He's just finished training to be a Minister at St John's College, Nottingham and been ordained at Liverpool Cathedral.

The Miller Brothers - Rand & Robyn Miller, founders of Cyan, the company who created the first entertainment product ever released on CD-ROM (entitled "The Manhole"), as well as Myst and Riven - the two best-selling computer games in history.  

William Booth (1829-1912) & Catherine Booth (1829-1890) - Both preachers, and founders of  The Salvation Army. From 1991 to 1998, the US branch of the Salvation Army raised more funds annually than any other charity. Its total for 1998, £759 million, was an all-time Salvation Army record. (Source: Guinness World Records 2001)

George Cadbury (1839-1922) - Co-founder of Cadburys chocolate, social worker and Quaker Christian.

John Dalton (1766-1844) - British chemist and physicist who developed the atomic theory of matter and hence is known as one of the fathers of modern physical science.

Joseph Lister (1827-1912) - British surgeon and medical scientist who was the founder of antiseptic medicine and a pioneer in preventive medicine...his principle - that bacteria must never gain entry to an operation wound - remains the basis of surgery to this day.

Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882-1944) - English astronomer, physicist, and mathematician who did his greatest work in astrophysics, investigating the motion, internal structure, and evolution of stars. He also was the first expositor of the theory of relativity in the English language.  

Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845) - Preacher, Prison reformer and Quaker Christian (for more information on Quakers and other Christian Denominations, check out the website).  More recently, known as the face on the £5 note!

Sojourner Truth (1797-1883) - Female Evangelist.  A former slave, she campaigned against slavery, and for women's rights.

Toyohiko Kagawa (1888-1960) - Japanese Evangelist, noted for his social reforms in Japan's "Labour & Social Welfare" movements of the 1920s & 30s.

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) - Polish Astronomer, who first theorised that the earth revolves around the sun.

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) - An acclaimed doctor turned preacher, this Welsh Evangelist had a "no nonsense" approach to preaching. Known as the Preachers' Preacher.

Aw shucks!  Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing a Jimmy Stewart imitation myself.James Stewart (1908-1997) - Oscar Winning US actor, star of Christmas classic "It's A Wonderful Life", as well as "Northside 777" (one of my personal favourites!), "The Rope", "Rear Window", "Harvey" (another classic!) & "Vertigo".  The link mentions his family's involvement in their local Presbyterian Church.

Ronald Reagan KBE (1911-2004) - Former US President, who was twice elected President (1981-1989) of the United States.

Sadhu Sundar Singh (1889-1929) - Intriguing Asian Evangelist, noted for his unusually perceptive quotes.

Vijay Benedict - one of India's leading gospel singers.  He would sing and record songs for movies, which would be mimed to by actors in several "Bollywood" (Western term) movies.  (Source: CrossRhythms)

Vishal Mangalwadi - International lecturer and author, social reformer, Evangelist, and political columnist for The International Indian.

Rev Wilbert Awdry (1911-1997) - Author of Children's Classic "Thomas The Tank Engine".

(Edward) Chad Varah (1911-2007) - Clergyman and founder of "Samaritans".  Note new green logo & clipped name.

Samaritans  08457 90 90 90 (UK)  email

Rev Marcus Morris (20th century)  -  Co-founder of  the legendary "The Eagle"  (Dan Dare) comics, and friend of Chad Varah (see above).

Mother Teresa (1910-1997) - Nun, Missionary and Nobel Peace Prize Winner (1979), notable for her work with the poor & destitute in Calcutta.

Saint Nicholas (4th century) -  A Bishop, whose Christian acts of kindness, were the inspiration to the legend that is Santa Claus(!)

Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884) - Austrian Monk & Biologist, known as the father of modern genetics, due to his pioneering experiments in the 19th Century.

Henry Drummond (1851-1897) - 19th Century Scottish Preacher and author, known for his pro evolution works.

William D. Phillips - Physicist, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1997, along with 2 other colleagues, in their development of laser-cooling techniques, and their pioneering experiments using laser light, to cool and trap atoms.

Dr Charles H. Townes (1915-2015) - Scientist, Physicist and Professor, whose Nobel Prize (1964 Physics) winning work led to the invention of  the Maser and the Laser.

Professor Russell Stannard - Scientist and Physicist at the Open University.

John Polkinghorne KBE - Quantum physicist and Anglican.  A former professor of mathematical physics at Cambridge John Polkinghorne KBE - Templeton Prize Winner 2002University, he resigned his chair in 1979 to study theology in preparation for ordination in the Church of England.  In 2002, he won the Templeton Prize, an award which honours an outstanding individual who has shown great originality in advancing our understanding of God.

Christianity Today, published in Carol Stream, Ill., is a magazine that appears 15 times a year and addresses Protestant evangelical positions in the clergy. Founded in 1956, it has been widely read for its variety of content written by prominent religious journalists, such as Carl F. H. Henry. Its circulation is just under 200,000.  (Copyright © 1999 Grolier Interactive Inc., Danbury, CT.)

Dr. Francis Collins - Scientist & head of the Human Genome Project.  He stated that the New Testament, and particularly the works of C S Lewis, influenced his decision to become a Christian. (Source: C4 Programme)  Although these days he describes himself as basically nondenominational, he once helped start a Baptist church. (Source: Archive Time Magazine Article - see Time link below)

Canon Roger Royle - Popular preacher, who broadcasts on BBC Radio 2's "Sunday Half Hour" slot.

Milton Jones - Comedy star of BBC Radio 4's "The Very World of Milton Jones", Perrier Best Newcomer Award Winner (1996) and Sony Radio Award (2000) Winner. (Source: Christian Herald article)

Tim Vine - rapid fire humour

Tim Vine - Popular comedian and entertainer, as seen on several Channel 5 entertainment shows, and Perrier Best Newcomer Award Winner (1995).  (Source: Christian Herald article)  

"Apparently, 1 in 5 people in the world are Chinese. And there are 5 people in my family, so it must be one of them. It's either my mum or my dad. Or my older brother Colin. Or my younger brother Ho-Chan-Chu. But I think it's Colin."

"Now, most dentist's chairs go up and down, don't they? The one I was in went back and forwards. I thought 'This is unusual'. And the dentist said to me 'Mr Vine, get out of the filing cabinet.'"

Kriss Akabusi MBE MA - Acclaimed Gold Medal Winning athlete in the 1990 European Championships, immensely popular television and radio broadcaster, and awe inspiring motivational speaker.

Amy Grant - Chart topping pop singer, whose Top 10 chart breaking hits include the 1991 smash hit "Baby Baby".

Sara Evans - Acclaimed Country Music Artist, who hit the No.1 spot on the Country Music Charts with the song "Born To Fly" (The album of the same name sold over a million copies).  Nominated for 5 Country Music Association Awards, the video to her best selling Album, "Born to Fly", won Video of the Year at the CMA 2001 Awards.  

"...I would never do something intentionally that would offend someone!... I just don't have it all figured out."    

J S Bach (1685-1750) - Famous German classical music composer.

G F Handel (1685-1759) - Another famous German classical music composer!

Andrew Bibby - Australian actor, who played the role of Lance in the popular soap Neighbours.  Used to present a religious rock music show called 'Solstice' for HCJB World Radio.

Double Deutsch - the Mowry sisters were born in Gelhausen, West Germany.  Which probably makes them fellow Europeans!   Schwester, Schwester!

Tia & Tamera Mowry - Twin comedy stars, of popular Channel 4 teen comedy series "Sister, Sister".

An early photo of Dean JonesDean Jones - Actor who played the villainous vet, in the blockbuster comedy smash hit "Beethoven", as well as 'Judge Moore' in the film "Clear and Present Danger", and is a veteran star of many Disney movies, including comedy classic "Blackbeard's Ghost".  (Source: Dean Jones Biography)  

Benjamin S. Carson, M.D. - Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery of the John Hopkins Hospital.  At age 32, he became the youngest surgeon in the nation to hold the distinguished title of Director of Pediatric Surgery.  In 1987, he gained worldwide recognition & made medical history, when he successfully separated the Binder Siamese twins, who were conjoined at the cranium.  Operations to separate twins joined in this way had always failed.  He succeeded where all predecessors had failed, in separating twins joined at the head.Calling Doctor Carson!

“I figure God’s in charge,” Carson said. “I’m the assistant, he’s the neurosurgeon.”

“I want students to know that there’s nothing that they can’t do,” he said. “After all, I had an adviser in medical school tell me that I wasn’t cut out for medical school. But here I am.” - Benjamin S. Carson, M.D.

Texas coolGabbie Nolen -  Rising Country Music performer who had her first taste of chart success with the Texas hit, "Wait A Minute," which was followed by another Top 5 song on the Texas Music Chart, "Bang Bang Cowboy."   Her first nationally released single, "Almost There," went all the way to #1 on the Billboard "Top Country Singles Sales" chart in 2002.  Rare, "Out-Of-Print" (but still new & shrink-wrapped!) editions of "Almost There" are available to order from

"I know everything that happens is because of God,” she said. “Christ is the centre of my life."

"I think God puts each of us here to do something. I think everybody has a gift, and this happens to be mine. It's the only thing I love to do, and the only time I feel at home with myself is when I'm on stage."

John Schneider - US actor, who plays the role of the father of Clark Kent, in the latest Superman spin-off, "SmallVille". He's best known for his role as "Bo Duke", in the 70s/80s action-adventure series "The Dukes of Hazzard".

Efrem Zimbalist Jr (1918-2014) - Veteran actor, who gained a new generation of fans, for his sterling voiceover work on several Classic animated TV series.  His voiceover credits include: "The Legend of Prince Valiant" (King Arthur), "Batman: The Animated Series" (Alfred "The Butler" Pennyworth), & "Spiderman" (Otto Octavius/Dr. Octopus).  He also played the role of "Don Alejandro de la Vega" (Zorro's father), in the popular 90s TV Series of Zorro (Season 1).   (Tiny Trivia:  Performing clearly runs in the family - his father was the respected violinist and composer Efrem Zimbalist, his mother was opera singer Alma Gluck and his daughter is actress Stephanie Zimbalist, who played opposite Pierce Brosnan in Remington Steele.  Ironically, Efrem guest starred, playing the role of Remington Steel's father!)   

A book of matches bursts into flames as Andre appears to harness the power of a large quartz crystal. This is one of a series of effects presented on Miracles or Deception, a video which challenges the claims of the New Age Movement.Andre Kole - Acclaimed as America's foremost inventor of magical effects (he's a creative consultant to David Copperfield), Kole's most famous creation in the field of illusion, was the disappearance of a ten-foot-tall Statue of Liberty. Copperfield called Kole's Statue of Liberty creation "one of the most remarkable illusions ever attempted on stage, anywhere in the world."

Andre Kole has spent more than 20 years investigating psychic phenomena and controversial mysteries. At the request of TIME magazine, Mr. Kole made an investigation of the psychic surgeons in the Philippines who claimed to perform miraculous operations on people without the use of any medical instruments or anaesthetics. Subsequently, Mr. Kole testified in court on behalf of the United States Federal Trade Commission in its attempt to stop the promotion of psychic healers in this country. (Tiny Trivia: Kole has yet to master one trick - he has never pulled a rabbit from a hat. The reason: illusionist Kole is allergic to rabbits.)

"The unexplained is usually nothing more than the unexamined." - Andre Kole

Deniece Williams - Singer, best known for her 1984 pop chart hit "Let's Hear It for the Boy."  She presents "The Deniece Williams Show" on BBC Radio 2.

Richard Kiel (1939-2014) - Actor best known for playing the role of "Jaws" in the James Bond movies "The Spy Who Loved Me" and "Moonraker", and voted best Bond villain, according to Total Film magazine.

It`s me Jimmy, come closer!  Click on this picture to hear a short sample from my "Best of Jimmy Cricket" CD, available from for only £2.99 (+ £1.00 P&P)!Jimmy Cricket - Jimmy belongs to that rare pedigree of innovative comics who can be the "Court Jester" at the London Palladium, the "Principle" on off-shore cruise holidays, the trusted sell out "Headliner" at your local social club and a stadium entertainer. His credits include the 1980s ITV comedy series 'And There's More', the 1990s BBC Radio 2 series "Jimmy's Cricket Team", and a lifetime achievement award by the Comic Heritage foundation in 1998.

"The rolled down wellies seemed a logical accessory for an illogical Irishman."

I went to a showbiz party. I bought Norman Wisdom a few glasses of wine. He got so drunk, he stood upright.

Football - The following Team Brazil players: Baltazar, Batista, Cleber, Ricardo de Brita, Bismark Barreto Faria, Jardel, Jorghino, Joao Leite, Jose Sergio Presti, Cesar Sampaio, Paulo Sergio, Silas, & Taffarel - are all committed Christians. Other footballers include: Hans Segers (Holland), Valeron (Spain), Gavin Peacock (England) & Brian Irvine (Scotland). (Source: The Goal)

WWE (Formerly WWF/WCW) - Several stars of the wrestling world, such as Sting, Eddie Guerrero (1967-2005) & Chris Jericho, have expressed their Christian beliefs.  For more information, click here.

Mr.T - Action Star of  "The A-Team" & "Rocky III", WWF wrestler during the mid 80s & 90s (Hulk Hogan's tag team partner at the first WrestleMania!), and, at one stage, a Professional Bodyguard.  (Source:

SAS (Special Air Service) - According to a new biography, a man called Jock Lewes (1913-1941), was co-founder of the SAS and a committed Christian.  For more information, click here.

(More detailed profiles can be found at the following website:


The Bible is the most widely distributed and best selling book, with an estimated 2.5 Billion sold between 1815 & 1999 (Source: Guinness World Records 2001.) From time to time, as we all know, a sect appears in our midst announcing that the world will very soon come to an end. Generally, by some slight confusion or miscalculation, it is the sect that comes to an end. - G K Chesterton, 9/24/1927 He that is down need fear no fall, he that is low no pride. - John Bunyan (1628-1688), English Non-conformist minister, and author of The Pilgrim's Progress "If our words are ambiguous our meaning will escape [the reader]," wrote C.S. Lewis. "I sometimes think that writing is like driving sheep down a road. If there is any gate open to the left or the right, the readers will most certainly go into it." For more information, go to For more information, go to For more information, go to
ISBN: 0340787325 ISBN: 0385015364 ISBN: 080246520X ISBN: 0006280544 ISBN: 0310228689 ISBN: 0310228735 ISBN: 0310228697

  1. NIV Compact Bible Blue - Cool compact size Bible, utilising the best-selling "New International Version" translation (as used by "The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association", "Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (Let My People Think)" and "The Gideons".  For more information on the NIV translation, click here.   Bible picture derived from  (Bible slightly lighter in colour than image shown. Compact, not pocket size.)
  2. Orthodoxy - G K Chesterton's semi-autobiographical views on Christianity.
  3. The Pilgrim's Progress In Today's English - John Bunyan's superb allegorical story, available in an easy-to-read modern english version.   W H Smith seems to have a slightly different version of this, possibly a UK edition (ISBN: 0854761756), by Kingsway Publications, but I can't yet confirm this.  Either way, WesleyOwen seems to stock both versions. allows you to view sample pages of this book.
  4. Mere Christianity - C S Lewis's Classic explanation of what Christianity is all about.
  5. NIV Compact Bible Commentary- Compact explanation/commentary on each "Book" of The Bible.
  6. NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible - Find out the origins of words, people and places in The Bible.
  7. NIV Compact Nave's Topical Bible - Picks up where the dictionary leaves off.  Find scripture under topics not listed in the dictionary, e.g. lasciviousness.
  8. Father Brown (Wordsworth Classics) - Chesterton's timeless stories of the sleuthing priest.  This collection contains all the favourite Father Brown stories, all for only £1.50!    (ISBN: 1853260037)  

Other commentaries of interest:  International Bible Commentary (ISBN: 0310220203) - An award winning, analytical look at the Bible, by the outstanding Scottish scholar F F Bruce.    Also, The Wycliffe Bible Commentary  (ISBN: 0802496954) - An acclaimed, in depth, Bible commentary, as used by Insight for Living's popular radio broadcaster, Charles "Chuck" Swindoll.  

The Picture Bible

The Holy Bible in comic strip format, including the life stories of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Ruth, Esther, and Jesus.

Hardback, 800 pages (5th February 1998).  Publisher: Kingsway Publications;  ISBN: 0781430550

Price: £8.17 from & eligible for Free UK delivery on orders over £5 with Super Saver Delivery.

Unlike the UK site, allows you to view sample pages of many of these books - try before you buy.

For more information, click on: Your Online Guide to Bible Reference Books & Software by John R. Kohlenberger III

Bookshops online: W H Smith    WesleyOwen     Blackwells     Amazon  

Study Tools

Click on the book cover to find out how to sample pages from the Quest Study Bible!Got Questions About the Bible?

Look to the Quest Study Bible for the answers. With over ½ million copies sold, this unique Bible has clarified the meaning of the Scriptures for countless people—and it will do the same for you.

This revised and expanded edition addresses the common, the uncommon, and the perplexing questions people ask about the Bible with over 7,000 handy, in-text notes and nearly 350 articles by top evangelical scholars and pastors. Passages that puzzle you will snap into clarity as you explore the Scriptures with the study helps.

The pace-setting Quest question-and-answer Bible is like no other—and now this revised and expanded edition assists your journey to the meaning and heart of the Scriptures even more effectively.

Hardback, 1944 pages (February 2003).  Publisher: Christianity Today International;  ISBN: 0310928044

Price: £18.12 from + £4.39 P & P for them to import from the US

Download sample pages from the ChristianBook website!  Alternatively, visit for more sample pages.

The Quest Study Bible is based on the New International Version (NIV) Bible -- The World's Best-Selling Modern English Translation, with over 150 million copies in print since its first full publication in 1978. The translation strikes a balance between a word-for-word and thought-for-thought philosophy, for the best representation of the intent of the original languages, in today's language.  (Source:PalmDigitalMedia website.)

Previously only available in the CEV translation, this full colour Learning Bible is now available in the NIV translation!  (Sample pages from the CEV version at  The text is interspersed with full colour photographs!  The perfect companion to the Quest Study Bible!

The NIV Learning Bible

This is the first time the Learning Bible is available in the NIV translation!

Contains 500 illustrations and photographs of artifacts, maps, timelines, art images, etc. 2,560 pages in full colour. Over 100 helpful mini-articles and over 10,000 in-text notes with a visual notes system. Major section introductions and outlines for each book of the Bible with 15 fully illustrated background articles, full colour maps and temple plans. Measurements: 7 in. x 9 ¼ in.  ISBN: 1585166812. Hardback, 2560 pages (May 2003).

Price: £25.84 from (search for "Learning Bible with Bookmark")  (Free UK delivery on orders over £5 with Super Saver Delivery)

The Complete KJV Audio Bible narrated by Stephen Johnston - available to download for FREE!

Stephen Johnston is one of the foremost narrators of the Bible, having sold over 100 million cassettes and CDs. His work has been honoured with an Emmy® Award, Film Critics® Award, nine Angel® Awards and a National Silver Microphone Award.

The Firefighters for Christ website allows users with broadband access (or a lot of patience!) to download Stephen Johnston's complete KJV audio bible. Each book is packed into a WinZip file which ranges from 1Mb to 44Mb. Users with high speed internet access and plenty of space on their hard drives can download the entire bible in just one WinZip file of 896Mb. You can get Stephen Johnston's narration of the Bible in the NKJV modern english version - from WHSmith.

JFB Commentary - Stuck on a part of The Bible?  This commentary gives a chapter-by-chapter, line-by-line (sometimes word-by-word!) explanation/commentary of  The Bible.  The Des Lynam of Commentaries(!)

Bible Dictionary - Find out the origins of words, people and places in The Bible.

Ask a Scholar - Questions regarding the scripture? Get answers from ABS Scholars.



The Christian Roots of:

Rock Music        - Click here for more information.           (Source: AMG All Music Guide)  (Registration required)

Soul Music         - Click here for more information.           (Source: AMG All Music Guide)   (Registration required)

Country Music    - Click here for more information.           (Source: AMG All Music Guide)   (Registration required)


Local Radio

UCB Relay (unauthorised) - On 549/558 kHz mediumwave (audible in N. Ireland & some parts of South Wales), you can hear "Hour of Decision" (11am Sundays), & "20 The Countdown Magazine" (2pm Saturdays).

ERF (Evangeliums RundFunk) - German & US Gospel Pop Music on 1539kHz mediumwave.  Strongest Reception in the UK around 10.00pm daily!

Manx Radio -  1368 kHz  mediumwave - 9.30pm Sundays broadcasts "Hour of Decision".

Note: Mediumwave signals travel greater distances when it gets dark, especially during Autumn/Winter.  It's possible to pick up Manx Radio in Wales (signal phases in and out - rotate radio to strongest signal for best results). Mediumwave prone to interference from TVs, Computers, etc - try tuning in with these switched off.


Fast Facts

† Christianity has the largest number of followers, with 2 Billion adherents (33% of the world's population).                             (Source: Guinness World Records 2001.)

† The Bible is the most widely distributed and best selling book, with an estimated 2.5 Billion sold between 1815 & 1999 (Source: Guinness World Records 2001.)

† For the next two centuries, under the Tokugawa shogunate, Japan enjoyed extraordinary peace and stability. Ieyasu and his successors built an elaborate system of controls over the daimyo, including limits on their military strength. Fearing that Japan was being prepared for foreign conquest, the government expelled the Christian missionaries, prohibited the Christian religion, and persecuted many Japanese converts to Christianity. By 1638 Christianity was exterminated in Japan.

† Christianity was introduced into Japan in the 16th century by Francis Xavier, a Spanish Jesuit. During the Tokugawa shogunate, Japanese Christianity was banned, and tens of thousands of Japanese Christians were killed. After Japan was opened to the West in the 19th century, Christianity was reintroduced, mainly by Protestant missionaries. Japanese Christians tended to become involved in social welfare movements.

(Excerpts from The Complete Reference Collection Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

† Religious movements in Europe have been significant in preserving and spreading alphabets, culture, agricultural technologies, and political, economic, and social ideas throughout the continent. Europe's history is very much tied to the religious character of various time periods and of different parts of the continent. The traditional role of religion has been weakened by government actions such as the Communist-controlled nations discouraging religion and governments assuming financial support for churches, as in Scandinavia. The rise of affluence in Europe also seems to have lessened interest in religion. (Excerpted from The Complete Reference Collection Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Analysis: Nazis vs. Christians »

Christian History Corner: Final Solution, Part II  » »

"The Nazi Master Plan: The Persecution of the Christian Churches"

"This study describes, with illustrative factual evidence, Nazi purposes, policies and methods of persecuting the Christian Churches in Germany and occupied Europe. Draft for the War Crimes Staff. 6 July 1945."

"This is what my father had been saying since 1937," exclaimed Marianne Meyer-Krahmer, daughter of Carl Goerdeler, who was hanged in early 1945 for his leading role in the attempt to overthrow Hitler's regime...

"The Nazis planned to obliterate Christianity, too, according to newly published Nuremberg documents."

† Christianity became established in nearly all parts of the Roman Empire and in the Middle East during the first two centuries. As it continued to grow and expand, it became the object of persecution by the Roman authorities. The severest persecutions came during the reigns of the emperors Domitian (AD 96), Marcus Aurelius (161-180), Decius (249-251), and Valerian (253-260). Worst of all was the attempt by the Emperor Diocletian (284-305) to extinguish Christianity altogether. But in 313 Constantine the Great issued an edict of toleration for all religions. In 380, Theodosius I made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. (Excerpted from The Complete Reference Collection Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Guido d'Arezzo (990-1050).  Italian Benedictine monk who made important modifications in the system of musical notation. He is said to have developed the musical staff. (Excerpted from The Complete Reference Collection Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

† The Greek word for fish, ICTHUS,  is an acronym of the Greek words for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour" (Source: Parragon Micropedia World Facts.)

† Both basketball and volleyball were invented by physical education instructors at Young Men's Christian Associations. (Excerpted from Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia © 1998 The Learning Company, Inc.)

First Radio Broadcast.  In 1906, Music and Bible Readings by Reginald Fessenden of Canada, were broadcast. (Copyright (C) 1998, Dorling Kindersley Pockets, Record Breakers.)

† When Wales was united with England in 1536 it seemed likely that Welsh would disappear as a living language, but the publication of a Bible in Welsh in 1588 played an important part in preserving it. (Excerpted from The Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia Developed by The Learning Company, Inc. Copyright (c) 1997 TLC Properties Inc. All rights reserved.)

Prophet. Someone who speaks on behalf of another--this is the literal definition of a prophet. The slang word is mouthpiece, often used to refer to lawyers because they speak for their clients. But prophecy is a religious term, and it refers to pronouncements made by individuals on behalf of a god.

† It is often mistakenly believed that prophets mainly predict the future. While it is true that prophets have often foretold future events, their predictions were based on analysis of what they saw happening around them. (Excerpts From Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia © 1998 The Learning Company, Inc.)

Cross Examine

International Church of Christ

International Church of Christ (Article 2)

Mormons aka Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Jesus Christians aka Followers of the Lamb

Jehovah's Witnesses



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