Linux Rocks, Yes, I use lynx sometimes..
various/misc code
(btw, use code at your own risk..)
by akbar A.
March 16, 2000

this part of my site just has various unorganized blocks of code and stuff that couldn't be put anywhere else ;)

June 25, 2001
well i haven't been updating this side of my webpage, added a new section on my site
; under the name of news.html , i send in code modules over there as well.
; i wrote a supper assert function the other day.
will return you the values of some of the 32 bit registers..
eax, ecx, ebx,.. the usual.

March 16, 2000

well here's some source code for those of you that are always bitching on how to calculate the tangent space vectors..
calculating the binormal (binormal = normal cross tangent) to create the [T,B,N] matrix is then pretty trivial.

the non trivial part IMHO is actually coming to the derivation of the tangent vector basing it of the 2d texture cordinates and the object
space x,y,z position.
I really, really think kilgard should have went over this in practicalBumpMap, and the implementions in most of the open source 3d engines/demos
that use per pixel lighting, are _hacked_..
meaning the [t,b,n] matrix is hand defined, ala` _not_ calculated dynamically according to the vertices that build the geometry...

here's some code to do it.


March 15, 2000
    Turns out the geforce3 is going to be delayed till the end of march.

This kinda of sucks, I'm thinking about just buying the geforce2ultra, then returning it later on..
Anyways, I've been playing around with some rigid body physics stuff, I'm guessing it will take me a week or two 
till i post something on my site about it..
here's an early screenshot

BTW, I'm starting to change the colors around on my site. Just getting tired of seeing the same old light blue..

March 5, 2000 
 fairly interesting time in graphics if i say so my self.
the release 10 drivers just got released today at some dutch site...
first thing i did was make it so that you don't have to define a vertex_program from a standard uchar *vertexprogramstream.
here's some source code to use external source file for the defn of the the vertex_program



Jan 4, 2000 
  well i went out and wrote out my own glext.h with the nv_vertex_program entry points/additions.
  you can grab it here..
  it's 'up to date'; has the combiner as well as the nv_vertex_program entry points..

Dec 16, 2000
here is  a write up i had on the geforce hardware and some developers

novemeber 25, 2000
time = 1:31

anyways, wrote a stupid little check the speed of traffic fold overs in this application.
it might come useful for somebody, i had some fun coding it, got bit by a stupid thread bug that i got bit by like a few months back. kind of funny how you forget 'stupid' things. hehe.
you probably know what i'm talking about if you wrote threaded code...
btw, if your wondering why i posted to this to the net, since this is more of a private tool, ...
the answer is because, lately i've been having storage problems <disk's crashing, w2k rewriting over files, etc..> and umm, this just seems safer and i think it's kinda cool ;) i wonder how many hits i get here anyways, hehe, probably 1 or 2 ;)
the source code is in teh example..

i also just made an update to the floating point tips page..

  September 24, 2000
let's see the xbox fans bend over backwards for this ;)
i'm really amazed at the relationship microsoft has created with most of it's 
If bill gates said "smoking crack was good", i am pretty sure that most
people would believe him with out any hesitation.

just on the basis that the "richest man in the world said so, and he's smarter than me and every other
doctor in the world, and i want to be like him!"

the fact of the matter is, "they are a highly money driven based organization", and will probably
do anything to keep it that way! 
even if it means "bending the truth" to the public.


 september 23, 2000
 i restructed this page; as you can see the newest items now go first =)
 i have started a "floating point tips" page.
 I have been bit by there problems long enough, and i'm sure some of you have as well.
 if you would like to send me "tips" to add to this page, please send them to me

 september 9, 2000
this is a code blob that was originally written by chris hecker. i took the code and modified it to the C programming language. i ported this in 2 minutes so there is no warranties, etc..
anyways, it's a lot easier to use imho. here is a screenshot of it in action
nothing like good old C. 
see the comments for more details on adding this to your application
update: just fixed the bug with the drawing mucky issue. see comments for detail

 september 18, 2000
a few people asked me why i put the flame out for OpenGL after so many years of being a supporter of the api.

i wrote about it and sent an e-mail off to the ones who where curious. 
here are my "reasons" unedited.

Update: September 22, 2000
I wrote an e-mail to the Mark Kilgard, he wrote the specification and this is what he had to say.
As you can see, i'm back to using OpenGL

