Phi Alpha Theta


Undergraduate History Honors Society

University of California, Berkeley


Next General Meeting: Tuesday October 26 2004 in Dwinelle 156: 7:00pm

Faculty Student Banquet: coming up soon, come to the meetings for info or join the list serve




The U.C. Berkeley History Honors' Society seeks to bring together teachers, writers, students, and just-plain enthusiasts of history both socially and intellectually. We encourage research, teaching, publication, and exchange of learning and ideas among historians through a series of organized programs; lecture series, film nights, and the publication of Clio's Scroll.


What do we do?


The society provides a social and intellectual community and network for history undergraduate majors with regular meetings, socials, and the common class list. We also promote interaction between faculty and undergraduates outside of the classroom and office hours through a variety of programs. Our activities are open to all, unless otherwise noted.


Film Nights encourages the use of film as the subject for historical inquiry. Film, which is as close to "living history" as technology will ever get, is ripe material for historians, not as a transparent reality but as an entry into the mood and period the film was made in.


Lecture Series is an opportunity for professors to share historiography and research interests with club members.



Career Panel gathers graduate students, faculty, and professionals to discuss post-B.A. possibilities for the history buff.


Research Symposium broadcasts information about research scholarships & opportunities available on campus.


Dinner Social gathers together club members and faculty for an end-of-the-semester retrospective and mingling.



Would you like to be on the Phi Alpha Theta e-mail discussion group?  To subscribe, send an e-mail to using the words "subscribe phi-alpha-theta" in the body. No subject needed.


For updates and announcements regarding Phi Alpha Theta events, send an email to using the words "subscribe phat_announcement" in the body.  No subject needed.
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