Phi Alpha Theta


Undergraduate History Honors Society

University of California, Berkeley

 Officers for Fall 2004

Faculty Advisor Mark Healey

Professor Healey is an Assistant Professor of History at UC Berkeley. Professor Healey earned his B.A. from Princeton and his M.A. and Ph.D. at Duke




Executive Board Members
President: Heather Romano. I am a fourth year history major with a focus on modern Europe. I am currently the president of Phi Alpha Theta and this semester I am preparing for graduate school, starting in Fall 2005. Last semester I participated in the Undergraduate Research Program (URAP), working in the office of oral history, where I helped to compile source material for the Richmond World War II Memorial. This past summer I studied abroad in The Netherlands and Belgium, and traveled around Europe both before and after the course. Working with PHAT has been really fun and I can’t wait to do it again next semester.


Vice President

Treasurer/Secretary Rose Chan. I'm a 3rd year History major concentrating on 20th century America. I'm also the treasurer of PHAT. I make sure that we have adequate funds for our activities.



Film Night Directors:

Lecture Night Coordinator:

Publicity Directors:

Social Night Chairman:

Webmaster: Thomas Kimura


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