Phi Alpha Theta


Undergraduate History Honors Society

University of California, Berkeley

 National Scholarships and Prizes

Haas Scholarship
President's Undergraduate Fellowship 
Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program 
George A. Miller Scholars Program 

Prizes and Awards for Phi Alpha Theta members

The Nels Andrew N. Cleven Founder’s Paper Prize Awards

Scholarship awards for Phi Alpha Theta members

Graduate student members 
Book Awards
Manuscript Publication Award
The Gerald D. Nash Student History Journal Prize Award
Phi Alpha Theta Westerners International Award
National History Day Award
Phi Alpha Theta Internships
Ben E. Proctor Southwest Social Science Award

Campus Scholarships

There is funding set aside by the History Department for undergraduate history research, like your 101 thesis. Please see Professors James Kettner (3315 Dwinelle) or David Johnson (2120 Dwinelle) for details on applying.


Haas Scholarship.  Five out of twenty recipients were history majors for the 2000-2001 school year. Up to $5,000 for research funding and a hefty summer stipend. An ideal scholarship for thesis and honors' thesis projects.



President's Undergraduate Fellowship assists talented undergraduate students in pursuing original or creative work under the close supervision of a faculty member during the academic year and summer. The Fellowship funds the cost of the project, but may not exceed $2,000. Another ideal scholarship for 101 thesis and honors' thesis projects.



Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program provides opportunities for you to work with faculty on the cutting edge research projects for which Berkeley is world-renowned.



George A. Miller Scholars Program is designed to provide outstanding community college transfer students who have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership potential, commitment to community service, and who would benefit from mentoring, with a scholarship and research/community service stipend.



Prizes and Awards for Phi Alpha Theta members

To promote the students’ interest and love of History, Phi Alpha Theta has established a number of prizes and awards for its members. Since 1994, Phi Alpha Theta’s award program has grown to over $130,000.

The Nels Andrew N. Cleven Founder’s Paper Prize Awards

Six annual Paper Prize Awards are presented for papers by members of Phi Alpha Theta

The George P. Hammond Graduate Paper Award of $250 for the best paper by a graduate student member

The Lynn W. Turner Undergraduate Paper Award of $200 for the best paper by an undergraduate student member

Four Founders’ Awards of $150 each for superior papers submitted by either undergraduate or graduate student members

Papers submitted in this competition may encompass a wide variety of Historical subjects. Each paper must be recommended by the chapter Faculty Advisor or Chair of the History Department for its high scholarly quality. A national committee determines the winners.

All six award-winning papers are reviewed by the Editor of The Historian for potential publication in The Historian.


Scholarship awards for Phi Alpha Theta members

Each year, Phi Alpha Theta awards nine scholarships to its members.

Phi Alpha Theta members entering graduate school for the first time who are studying in a Master’s program in History are eligible for

The A.F. Zimmerman Scholarship of $1,250

The Thomas S. Morgan Memorial Award of $850

The William E. Parrish Award of $850

Graduate student members of Phi Alpha Theta are eligible for:

The Phi Alpha Theta Scholarship of $1,000 for completion of a Ph.D. in History

The John Pine Memorial Award of $1,000 for advanced graduate study

Phi Alpha Theta student members entering graduate school for the first time or in the advanced stages of a Ph.D. program in History are eligible for four additional Graduate

Student Awards of $750 each.


Book Awards

Phi Alpha Theta offers two annual Book Awards.

One award of $500 for the best first book in History published by a member.

A second award of $500 for the best subsequent book published by a member.

If the winner of one of these awards is a member of an active chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the History Department on that campus receives an additional award of $100 for the purchase of books for the library or department. Members interested in submitting books for consideration should contact National Headquarters. A national committee makes the final selections.


Manuscript Publication Award

In addition to the Book Awards, Phi Alpha Theta offers the Manuscript Award to members for an outstanding manuscript in the field of History. This award is intended to assist in publication costs and support the younger Historian in his or her early publication efforts.


The Gerald D. Nash Student History Journal Prize Award

A prize of $500 and a runner-up prize of $100 will be awarded to members in each of two competition categories

Chapters at schools with fewer than 150 History majors

Chapters at schools with 150 or more majors in History


Phi Alpha Theta Westerners International Award

The Westerners International Association awards The Phi Alpha Theta Award of $500 for the best doctoral dissertation in Western History to a graduate student member at the Phi Alpha Theta luncheon during the Western History Association annual meeting.


National History Day Award

National History Day is a program that encourages prospective college students to research and prepare papers, projects, performances and media presentations on

a Historical theme and to have them judged by History professionals. This Phi Alpha Theta Award of $1,000 is presented annually to a student once he or she has been enrolled full time at a college or university.


Phi Alpha Theta Internships

The Phi Alpha Theta Intern Program provides almost $100,000 to support interns at the offices of The Historian, the Book Review Editor, and three other historical journals.


Ben E. Proctor Southwest Social Science Award

This award provides $1,000 each for nine awards

· Three in United States History

· Three in European History

· Three in Latin American/World History

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