Phi Alpha Theta


Undergraduate History Honors Society

University of California, Berkeley

 P.A.T. General Meeting Notes - 9/19

Contact Info at the bottom of email.


First Film Night October 3, 2000. Presentation and film by American History Professor Jonathan Spiro at 515 p.m. Room and Film TBA

First Board Meeting (For those interested in helping plan out activities for the coming semester. Contact Shirley Ye for more information) Tuesday, October 26 at the Free Speech Movement Café at 1115am, probably outside.


The first general meeting for the Berkeley chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society was held on September 19, 2000 in Room 88 Dwinelle. At the meeting, the following points were discussed

President Shirley Ye revealed the history of Phi Alpha Theta, the official history honors' society, founded in 1921 at the University of Arkansas and today encompassing over 700 chapters across the nation. We are a professional organization whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. We seek to "bring students, teachers and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by members in a variety of ways."

In short, the Berkeley Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta aims to provide undergraduate history students with a social and intellectual network and interaction with other students of history and professors through a range of activities including film nights, lecture series, career night, and dinner socials. We also provide an opportunity for publication of undergraduate research with Clio's Scroll, the Undergraduate History Journal.

Our departmental sponsor is Professor Thomas Barnes who studies Britain since 1509, in particular Tudor- Stuart England, and English legal history until 1700.

Membership Qualifications

Vice-President Daniel Kim gave the details on official membership for the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society. To be a member, one must have a 3.0 gpa overall and a 3.1 or better in all history courses. 12 semester hours in history courses must also have been completed (roughly the equivalent of 16 units). The student must also pay dues of $30 for lifetime membership. Official membership entitles the student to a certificate of membership, access to scholarships and essay contests, and graduation decorations such as a cord and pin. Membership application forms for this year are due to arrive soon and will be announced when they are available.

Membership in Berkeley’s chapter of Phi Alpha Theta is open to everyone including non-history students and non-Phi Alpha Theta members. Anyone can participate in the activities and also work on the Clio’s Scroll, the Berkeley Undergraduate History Journal.

Positions Needed for Planned Activities for the Coming Semester and Year

Secretary/Treasurer Jeff Knox described the kinds of positions available for the chapter this year. They include, but are not limited to

Film Night Coordinator Arranges movie showings with professors and secures room and equipment.

Lecture Coordinator Arranges lectures with professors and graduate students; secures room and equipment. Help coordinate the lecture series and career panel.

Website designer Constructs website for the Berkeley Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society which will be linked to the UC Berkeley Department of History Homepage. The website designer will work closely with Victor Rotenberg, the Undergraduate History Advisor.

Social Director Plans dinner socials with history faculty for the Berkeley chapter.

Clio’s Scroll

Historian/Editor-in-Chief of Clio’s Scroll, Julie Pham revealed the details of working on Clio’s Scroll. There are abundant opportunities for participation and contribution. Positions include general staff, copy editors and associate editors depending on available level of time commitment. For more information on working in Clio’s Scroll, please contact Julie Pham.

Question and Answer

Afterwards, we opened the forum for discussion. There were several questions concerning the details of Clio’s Scroll. Here are some of the questions posed.

Q. How often are elections held?

A. Once towards the end of the spring semester, for positions in the next academic school year.

Q. How do classes from other schools compute in the membership qualification?

A. We’ll find out.

Q. How is Phi Alpha Theta an accredited club?

A. This is the first semester we are filed with the OSL/ASUC but in the past, this club has primarily functioned independently as an honors’ group within the history department, with our mailbox headquarters at (and still is) 3229 Dwinelle.

After questions, the meeting was adjourned. Those who were interested in helping coordinate activities for this semester stayed after and helped set up the first board meeting time.

Contact Information

Any questions? Suggestions? Comments? Please address President Shirley Ye / (510) 548-8060 /

For inquiries into Clio’s Scroll, please contact Historian Julie Pham / (510) 845-3855 /

Vice President Dan Kim (your info here)

Secretary and Treasurer Jeff Knox (his info here)

Thanks to all who attended, and we'll see you soon!!

Meeting Notes Compiled by Daniel Kim with the assistance of Shirley Ye on September 20, 2000.


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