Phi Alpha Theta


Undergraduate History Honors Society

University of California, Berkeley

 P.A.T. Board meeting notes 9/26

Thanks for being so enthusiastic!!


Here is the schedule we have for the rest of the semester

Oct 3rd Jonathan Spiro presents Little Big Man

Oct 9th week lecture or film

Oct 16th week lecture or film

Oct 24th Career Panel

Oct 30th week lecture or film

Nov 6th week lecture or film

Nov 13th week lecture or film

November 28 (Tuesday) Dinner Social

Lecture Series

Victoria and Deborah will talk to R. Takaki, M. Ryan, W. Martin, and M. Gonzales about the lecture series. They will secure a lecture topic. Perhaps Takaki could speak about the Asian-American immigrant experience. Martin mentioned he was interested in speaking about the black power movement. Ryan is interested in architecture and city spaces. Perhaps we could also secure a lecture title from them as well (so we can better advertise the event) as well as emphasize historiography, since this is a lecture directed at history majors. They will obtain a concrete date from these professors by Thursday, 9/28.

Shirley will coordinate a lecture by Michael Rossman who is presently archiving the Free Speech Movement at the Bancroft Library. He will speak about the history of free speech at Berkeley and perhaps the historiography involved.

Film Nights

After Victoria and Deboarah have secured dates for the lecture series, John will coordinate the film nights for the remainding dates, with perhaps one or two film lectures overlap in week. John will try to get a historian of China (Yeh), Russia (Slezkine), or another non-American subject. John will try to get the film nights coordinated by Tuesday, October 3rd (the sooner the better).

Career Panel Tuesday, October 24th

Nina will contact the Alumni Association in the YWCA building for a former Berkeley history major graduate in the professional world. Nina will contact the alumni before Thursday and keep Shirley up to date on response level. Nina really only needs to secure one or two persons for the career panel, hopefully both will be in fairly varied jobs (computers and business, for example). Shirley will speak with Victor at the end of the week when he gets back from vacation. Perhaps he can also attend the career panel. The date for the career panel is set for Tuesday, October 24th.

Stationary, Logos

Charlynn will look into official stationary for Phi Alpha Theta so we can send out proper thank you cards, etc. She will find out prices and she will contact Dan Kim about the official logo.


Andrew will design fliers for the varied events and he will contact local newspapers about our lecture series and film nights. (Daily Cal, East Bay Express, Berkeley Daily Planet, Guardian). The fliers will need to be drawn up on an on-need basis. Andrew will also design the Sproul sign as soon as we get a hold of a logo.

End of Semester Dinner Social Tuesday, November 28th

It was agreed that we would like the dinner social to be catered, preferrably at the Alumni House with an RSVP and per-head charge. John will look into reserving the Alumni House for Tuesday, November 28th and find some news about it by this Friday 9/29 and tell Shirley (in case Alumni House does not work out we can quickly recoup and find a new site). Nina will look into different catering companies, compare prices. She will do this in the next week or so and get back to Shirley by next Wednesday, October 4th.

Intellectual groupings

Cindy and Nina are both interested in forming an intellectual study group or possible tutoring club. Cindy was also interested in the study of historiography. They will get together and propose a project for the next board meeting. Victoria brought up the Martinez Historical Society that needs computer help. The contact info is Justine Selleck and her contact info is (925) 228-4495. On the 4th Tuesday of the month from 1130-3, the 3rd Thursday of the month from 1130-3 and the 1st four Sundays from 1-4 are the times they need computer help. The address is 1005 Escobar Crt. at the Old Martinez Court House.

The Web and Mailing List

David Chen was not present at the meeting but is interested in helping out on computer related issues. Shirley will speak to Victor by the end of the week about a web page, and will then contact David. We are also interested in starting a mailing list through majordomo@uclink4. Perhaps this is something David can look into?

Contact Info

David Chen /

Charlynn Hayes / / (408) 749-8965

Andrew Massey / / (510) 540-7652

Cindy Lau / / (510) 664-1619

John McClure / / (510) 865-4988

Nina Milosevic / / (510) 704-1992

Deborah Sudduth / / (925) 838-4433

Shirley Ye / / (510) 548-8060

Victoria Zetterquist / / (925) 735-6553


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