Phi Alpha Theta


Undergraduate History Honors Society

University of California, Berkeley

 P.A.T. Board meeting notes 9/8

Contact info

Daniel Kim (510) 848-5145 ddtgkin@uclink4

Jeff Knox (510) 981-0730 jknox@uclink4

Julie Pham (510) 845-3855 jpham1@uclink4

Shirley Ye (510) 548-8060 shye@uclink4


***In order to be added as a signatory to the club, please go to the website http// and sign yourself in. I cannot sign you in. Please do this asap***

welcome, jeff!!

1st general meeting, tuesday sept 19th, 515pm, 88 Dwinelle

executive board should arrive at 5pm however

oct 13 is deadline for submissions to clio's scroll



Jeff: make fliers for the 1st general meeting that are creative and

informative Dan harass P.A.T. at 1800-394-8195 about getting official sanction (this *needs* to be done so we can be more concrete about official honors' dues, etc).

Julie: fliers for Clio, publication center

Shirley: getting a sponsor, revising constitution, getting 1st film night

set up


-RECRUIT in class

-put up fliers in Barrows, Wheeler, Doe, Moffitt. Fliers will be available

in 3229 Dwinelle in PAT box on Tuesday.

-Email all by Friday, 15th on progress of job duties.

What was decided

3 tiers to PAT

1) executive (us);

2) board (us and web designer, film night coordinator, lecture coord., and

social activities coord.);

3) general (full members and junior members)

Agenda for General Meeting

1) Introduction to us (officers) and the group as an honors society but

also as a social club with activities interesting to those in study of

history. Jeff will send around sign-in sheet.

2) Announcement of Goals of the PAT

a) Journal publication center, de-cal class (Julie)

b) Social Activities (film night, career panel, dinner with faculty--to be detailed)

c) Getting officially sanctioned (estimated 1 month)

3) Recruitment

a) Web designer will work with Vic. Official web site of the club. Will

be linked to the official dept page. Will also need to continually update with meeting notes, announcements of activities, etc

b) Film Night coordinator. Room #s, must physically check rooms before requesting to make sure it is spatially correct, advertising, makes appts with professors

c) Lecture Coordinator. Career panel. Talk to GSI's about setting up a night to talk about career opps for history majors. Room #s. advertising.

d) Social Activities. Potluck or Restaurant Dinner with professors and

students toward November-December.

4) Set up next "board meeting" time.


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