Phi Alpha Theta


Undergraduate History Honors Society

University of California, Berkeley

 Fall 2000

30 November 2000 Dinner Social

14 November 2000 Lecture with Prof. Ronald Takaki, "Seeing Ourselves in a Different Mirror" At this lecture, Ron revealed that he was a member of Phi Alpha Theta as an undergraduate! He also traced how his research interests grew from his experiences with the Free Speech Movement as a graduate student at U.C. Berkeley in the 1960s.

9 November 2000 Lecture with Prof. Mary Ryan, "Winding My Way to City Hall The Built Environment as Source and Method in U.S. History." Mary clued majors in on some of the fringe benefits of being a historian (i.e. coordinating research jaunts with jazz festivals!) and the importance of space and architecture in urban studies.

2 November 2000 Lecture with Prof. Waldo Martin, "A Change is Gonna Come" Black Freedom, Struggle and Transformation of America, 1945-1975." Waldo played some groovy Aretha Franklin and discussed the importance of popular culture in the struggle for black rights.

26 October 2000 Career Panel with panelists Prof. Thomas Brady, graduate students Erik Sahlin and Kevin Schulz, Boalt law school student Mary Davey

19 October 2000 Film Night with Prof. Yuri Slezkine, "Burnt by the Sun" (1994)

3 October 2000 Film NIght with Prof. Jonathan Spiro, "Little Big Man" (1970)

11 April 2000 Film Night with Prof. Robin Einhorn, "Modern Times" (1936)

17 April 2000 Film Night with Prof. Peter Zinoman, "Regret to Inform" (1999)

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