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There is a world just around the corner of your mind, where reality is an intruder and dreams come may escape into it at will.You need no secret password,no magic wand or Aladdin's lamp,only your own imagination and curiosity..about things that never were but could is how you see thing that make them as they are and never were it is up to your own what is true and what is faluse..


There are those who-scoff at dreams and call them a waste of time.But dreams are as much a part of you as the beating of your heart.The gift of dreaming, of fantasising,is precious because it evpands one life into countless other lives,like a myriad blossoms on a single branch.Those who can not dream are to be pitied by those who can.They will never know the magoc of slipping through fromrealtime and dreamtime:of seeing through dimension after dimension unknown to our five sences,as though one curtain,deeds,achievements and abilities.Every people, of everytime, have known the importance og dreaming.When their dreams have been recorded we call them myths,or lagends,or fairy tails.They are part of our secret world,able to transport us instantly to VALHALLA or Olympus.They explain to us everything  welong to know, and give supstance to our instinct that there are worlds beyond our world.Dreaming,or fantasy,is our only escape from reality until we pass throuht those gates which lead to the ultimate dream.And yet there is only a shadow curtinn between reality and fantasy.the fantasies of the past are the realities of the present...


populer Theory


The popular  theory is that the earliest creators of fantasy,in its form of myths and legends,used it to explain all the winders of the Cosmos which they could not understand.But there is a Cosmos within us as well as a Cosmos around us, and it is far greater then anything we see or hear with our outward faculties.The exquisite or fearsome pictures of an imagination,the voice and music of the mind, arise out of an immensity for which we have no name.The Cosmos within us holds all the gods and demons ever invented by mankind, with all their magical sreativity compressed in mystic seeds within our hearts and minds. We are able to use their powers to achieve joy and freedom or to spread physical and spiritual devastation.. All we may do is hope to achieve some understanding of that immense Cosmos within us. That which we call fantasy is the first step towards such understanding,because it is the electricity of imagination from which all knowledge springs. As you look into the dream worlds of other men and women they may help you to understand.

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Creatures, Places, People,& Deity's

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