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Page of Coolness

I found this really cool story on another Lunar page. Wanna hear it? Too bad, you're gonna.

There were these three guys, two were bald and the third didn't have any hair. They went hunting with three guns. Two weren't loaded, and the third didn't have any bullets. They saw three rabbits, and shot at them. Two missed, and the thrid got away. So the men decided to have a barbaque. So they went to this house with no walls, doors, windows, or a roof and knocked on the door that wasn't there. A man answered, and shouted in a quiet voice, "Can I help you." One of the bald men (the one without any hair) replied, "We missed a rabbit, and we were wondering if you had a grill we could cool it on." The man in the house that wasn't there said he had three. Two were broken, and the third didn't work. So he'd go get one. He went out back and came back to the front with a grill. He poured an empty bottle of lighter fluid on the grill. He had three matched, two were used, and the third didn't light. So he lit a match. The three men put the rabbit they missed on the grill. The man without any hair threw an empty bucket of water on the bald man's head, getting his hair all wet. Then they thanked the man in the house that wasn't there, and went home.

Now every normal story has an end, but this isn't a normal story. THE START.

This next thing was taken from two post on the Shrine to Ghaleon message board on 3/30/99. Evens are by myself, and the odds are by Mira Slayer.

Top 10 humorous things to think about while waiting in the extremly long line to buy SSS when it comes out.

10. The episode of South Park where Cartman got an anal probe.

9. Since you've played the Sega CD version, start yelling out spoilers (Ghaleon turns evil--Nyah!)

8. France (need I say more?)

7. Wondering what Ramus would look like dressed as Austin Powers, or better yet in a Black Leather catsuit, no that's just too gross...

6. If Nall and Xenobia had a child, what would it look like?

5. Borgan on a stairmaster.

4. Marylin Manson dressed in a white tuxedo singing Seven Day Jesus and DC Talk songs.

3. Figuring out the origin of Holy Sh** (it doesn't come out white and glowing nad no one says "And I shall bless this moment by saying Holy Sh**)

2. A very fat woman riding a bicycle down hill saying "MOO".

1. Having the fat bicycle woman in falmes and call it the "Burning Beef" or the "Flaming Moo".

Now wasn't that fun? Sure it was.

Rune does it, and that's a cool site, so here are past quotes of the month.

MAY 1999--"It's May! It's May! The lusty month of May!" Gwinivere - Camalot

JUNE 1999--"This movie has warped my fragile little mind." Eric Cartman - South Park

JULY 1999--"Eat me! You're messing with the order! You don't go messing with the order! Eat me!" The frog from the Wally Gator short

AUGUST 1999--"At least I've set foot inside a school, you dumb bastard!" Jessica - Lunar SSSC

SEPTEMBER 1999--"I stole my uncle's toupe and glue it to my face to play Moses in my Hebrew play!" Chunk - The Goonies

OCTOBER 1999--"I'm not supposed to say anything, but I did see the little moron heading for the basement with a pickaxe in his hand." Servo - MST3K: The Movie

NOVEMBER 1999--"Dick York. Dick Sargent. Hmmm...Sargent York." Wayne -Wayne's World

DECEMBER 1999--"If you dare make any trouble while you're here, I'll pop your tiny little heads off your twiggy little necks and... pop ya in the pooter 'till your butt bleeds!!" Mel deAlkirk -LUNAR SSSC outtakes

JANUARY 2000--"Ten days after I turned 8, I got my lips stuck in a gate. My friends all laughed. And I just stood there until the fire department came and broke the lock with a crowbar. And I had to spend the next six weeks in lip therapy with this kid named Oscar, who got stung by a bee...right on the lip. When couldn't even talk to each other until the fifth week, cuase both our lips were so swollen. And when he did start speaking, he only spoke Polish, and I only knew like three words of Polish. Now I know four, cuase Oscar taught me the Polish word for lip...USTA!" Larry -Veggietales

FEBRUARY 2000--"It's not the hell you whale!" Spock - Star Trek IV

MARCH 2000--"They've got trees and mooses and sled dogs." Canada - Five Iron Frenzy

APRIL 2000--"Nobody makes Mary Kenny." Felix Lindor - Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?

MAY 2000--"Let me smell your forehead goodbye." Servo - MST3K: Horror at Party Beach

OCTOBER 2000--"Must drive head to convenience store...get smokes and dove bar." Mike - MST3K: The thing that couldn't die.

NOVEMBER 2000--"She's got a cousin/In fact she's got 'bout a dozen/She's got one in the oven/But it's nothing to do with me." Oasis - She's Electric

DECEMBER 2000--"You know how when you pee into the toilet and it sounds like someone commanding you to kill Weird Al Yankovik..." Emo - Weird Al Yankovik Behind the Music

FEBURARY 2001--"alcohol=drunk=big pukey mess= no one likes you." Adam Sandler - The Wedding Singer

MAY 2001--"Tsuki ni kawatte oshiyokyo! (In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!)" Sailor Moon

JUNE 2001--"Ittai! Chi dettara! Chi!" Satomi Noda Battle Royale

JULY 2001"Everyone knows the moon is made out of cheese." Wallace Wallace and Gromit

No more cool stuff for now. You had too much and would not be able to drive home. You've been intoxicated by cool. Go back to main page. Stop click on that last sentence, it's not a link! Now go!

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