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Lunar Walkthrough

Warning! Spoilers!


I just got rid of the old hints page. I'm replacing it with a full walktrough for Lunar SSSC. I figured I should have an SSSC walkthrough instead of a TSS walkthrough since SSSC is newer. Also, I'm not going to give directions through every little forest. You've got to do something your self. Anywho... Enjoy the stimulating experience!


Section A....Caldor Island

Section B....Meribia - Plot Twist

Section C....Burg - End of Disk 1

Section D....Disk 2


Section A-1

In the Beginning There was Burg...and it was good

When you star the game, you'll see Alex standing in front of Dyne's Monument. Nall soon joins you. (Here kitty kitty) There will be a short vioce over (provided by Ashley Angel who is NOT a girl and Jackie Powers who is). An anime movie sequence will kick in, and after that you have full control of Alex and Nall (Mwa ha ha). Walk south, and the screen will shake (This is much better with DUAL SHOCK). Nall then informs you that was the third earthquake this week. I guess Burg is in California. After a second the rotund Ramus approaches you. (Maybe he's what caused the earthquake) In a movie sequence, Ramus (characterized by Nancy Davis...I knew Ramus was a girl) reveals his get rich quick sceme. He's going into the dragon cave to get the dragon diamond. The catch is he's wants you to come too. You agree (like you have a choice), and Ramus goes off to frolic and gather Ding Dongs.

Nall tells you to move your posterior in the direction of Luna 'cause you're late and she's gonna poop bricks if you don't get there soon. Luna is at the Burg Springs, which is east and then north. When you get there, yet another anime sequence begins. In this Luna (voice by Rhonda Gibson... she's a girl too) is la-laing her little blue haired heart out (singing voice compliments of Jenny Stigle, a girl). Alex whips out his oricana and joins in. Luna then laughs at his horrible version of "Ina Gota Da Vida". The anime ends, and Nall blabs yours and Ramus' plan to snatch the dragon diamond. She tells you it's too dangerous. You don't care, you're going anyway. She pouts, you still don't care. She gives you the stink eye, you say "... ... ...". She decides that she' coming with. She also mentions that you should check the treasure chests in the basement of your house. What a wonderful idea.

Go back into Burg and to your house. You have to talk to dad before you can open the chests. When you talk to him he gives you a dagger, and Luna gets a sling. (be sure to equip these weapons before going to the dragon cave) Now you can go down stairs and raid the treasure chests. You'll get a starlight and some other stuff. Feel free to sell everything but the starlight. You might need it later. With the money you get from selling, you can buy better weapons and armor, and you can sell off the sling and dagger to. Now go to the entrance of Burg (All the way to the left side of the screen). Waiting for you there is Ramus. Once he joins your party, you can be on your merry way to the dragon cave.

*A hint: Build up you character's levels by fighting a couple of monsters in the dragon cave, return to Burg to heal, and go back to fight more monsters. Try to get up to a least level 3. This makes the battles easier.*

Section A-2

White Dragon Cave

You'll have to find your way around the cave on your own. I won't help you, but there is a mini-stragtegy guide in the back of your instruction book. Find the doorway that leads to the dragon's lair. Go inside, and another anime sequence kicks in. This is how you meet Quark (Voice by Hal Delahousse,he's a guy). Quark remarks how Luna looks familiar. For all you English teachers, this is an example of foreshadowing. Yada yada yada, to get the dragon diamond you have to find the dragon ring. The dragon ring lies deeper in the cave.

Before you leave his lair, Quark heals you (he's so nice). Exit the lair, and go to the left. Go up the set of stairs, and through the door. This door takes you to a screen with a baboon-looking enemy. The only way out of this room is to get past the ice blocking your path. To do this, stand next to a block of ice, let the baboon thing notice you, let him charge you, and move out of the way before he nails you. If you do this successfully, then the baboon will break the ice. Remeber this precedure, you will me to use it again. Continue deeper into the cave. You'll find a room where you can go no further. This is the room where the dragon ring is. There are two chests blocked by ice (The ring is in one of them). Have the baboons charge the ice, and claim your reward. Head back to Quark's lair and get the diamond. Now you may return to Burg.

Section A-3

Back 2 Burg

Go to Althena's statue in the middle of town and heal up. Now go sell the diamond at the item shop. The only bummer is they won't buy it. I wouldn't either, it's made out of crystalized dragon poop. Seriously, it is. You find that you have to go to Meribia to sell it. (FYI, Meriba is located on the main contenent, and is the largest city on the planet Lunar) You leave the shop and head back to Alex's house. Ramus asks Luna to let him and Alex have a little "guy talk". She leaves, they pow wow, and Ramus wallows in his self pity. (Frightening thought isn't it?) Ramus then decides that he wants to leave for Meribia tonight, and they shouldn't tell the old ball and chain (Luna) about their plans.

Section A-4

The Weird Woods

Alex, Nall, and Ramus head off to the Weird Woods. The fog there is thicker frozen pea soup. The trio tries to make their way through the woods anyhow. Ramus gets scared, and runs home blubbering like a baby. Alex and Nall follow him back. Once again in Burg Alex, Nall, and Ramus decide to try again tomorrow. When you go home and talk to Luna, Nall blabs how you were going to ditch her. Luna gets mad at you for trying to leave her in Burg with the cow. Talk to mom for money, and dad to get advise on how to appologise to Luna. Grovel at Luna's feet, then talk to dad to go to bed.

Section A-5

Luna's Dream

While you're sleeping Luna has a dream. It's a kind of funky dream with no sound. Of course it's not as weird as when I dreampt I was an Oreo cookie. She wakes up to find that Alex isn't in his bed, but she knows right where he is. She finds him at Dyne's monument tooting his flute. (The orcana, get your mind out of the gutter) They have a discussion which involves how white Dyne's teeth were. Crazy kids, Dyne didn't have teeth. He gummed his cheeseburgers. Luna goes off to bed. When you regain control of the characters the next day, your in front of the house saying your goodbyes to the parental units. Meet Ramus before leaving, (he's in his usual spot) and head back to the Weird Woods.

Section A-6

The Weird Woods revisited

Walk right into the woods. Your characters will comment that the fog is getting thicker. Luna then belts out a la la tune, clearing the fog. Everyone is greatful. Luna then begins her version of My Heart Will Go On. Everyone is in pain. After an axchange of words, the party moves on through the woods. In woods there's a large open space. When you try to move through this space, you are attacked by monsters. They'll corner you, but there is still hope. Out of nowhere a dude comes to your resuce. He'll ask you if you need help defeating the monsters. You can say yes or no. No means that you'll fight them on your own. More monsters come, and you have the option to fight them alone. Go it alone again and you'll fight them without the opportunity to heal up. On the other hand, if you pick Yes and let him help, he'll open up a can on those big bad monsters. (This of course angers Luna that you couldn't do it yourself, but what doesn't anger Luna?) After the battle, your hero introduces himself in an FMV. His name is Laike (Blake Dorsey I believe is the actor name), and he's a well-rounded adventurer. Although he looks Scottish. Laike builds a fire and feeds your characters. How nice of him. You have a nice little chat, and when you wake up the next morning he's gone. He didn't even say goodbye. Anyway, continue on your voyage. Leave the Weird Woods, and make your way south to Saith. (You have to go here so you can sail to Meribia)

*HINT: You may want to build up your characters by fighting monsters, healing at a statue, and fighting some more. Soon you'll have a big battle to fight, and you'll need the experience.

Section A-7

Saith or Hick-town if you're from Vane

Once in Saith head straight for the store to sell, and buy new weapons and armor. Heal up at the statue, and talk to the well. Go to the harbor, but the captain of the ship says his boat can't sail. He won't tell you why. The harbormaster, on the other hand, has no problem telling you exactly how dumb the captain is. Turns out, the captain lost the map to Brett, who is gloating in the bar. Go to the bar and challenge Brett. For 100s he'll toss a coin. Call it in the air, but you'll lose no matter what. Ramus is on to something, so he bets the dragon diamond. (Of course he's not going to tell Brett that it's a dragon rump gem) Ramus reveals that Brett was cheating, and retrieves the money, dragon diamond, and nothing else. Brett reveals the he gave the chart to the sea hag. He even gives you a fortune cane to shut you up. All you have to do now is head north, and make sure you travel on the left side of the mountains.

Section A-8

Sea Hag's Woods (and house too)

The monsters in this one are pretty difficult for anyone below level 10. Your best bet would be to fight a few battles, return to Saith and heal up, and fight some more until you get to 10. If you're already on 10 of higher, then kudos to you. After making your way through here, you'll see an area with primative traps. After examining a trap you'll hear the pleas of a certain someone trapped by one. You can chose to help him out, or let him suffer. Either way, this is how you meet Nash (I do believe the voice is done by Lief Huckman). You manage to convince the rude little magician to come with you to get the sea chart. Now proceed into the house and meet the old hag. She'll give you the chart, but you'll have to give her something in return. She doesn't want the fortune cane, she wants Nash's water cane. Nash refuses to take one for the team, and fork over his gift from Ghaleon. Luna manages to convince Nash to part with it by negotiating with his hormones. Now you can head back to Saith. Fight as many monsters as you can because you'll need to be on level 12 for an upcoming fight.

Section A-9

Sea Mucus

Save and heal up the minute you return to Saith. If you're not on 12, go back to the woods and get there. Head to the harbor to hear that a sea monster has slithered his way onto the decks of the Meribia bound ship, the Hispaniola. It's eating all the fish in the cargo, and reaking some major havoc. You know what this means. It's time to fight your first boss. This guy (who looks like a blue booger) has stats 80xAlex's current level. (I need to check and make sure) He can heal about 99 HP at the end of every turn. Have Alex do sword dance, Nash cast spells, Luna heal as needed, and ramus should attack or use items. Hopefully, you found the starlights hidden in chests along the way. The Saline Slimer (his offical name) can shoot snot rockets at one character, pimp slap a character twice, of trap one character in a loogey of doom. This is all the help I'll give you. I'm sure you can handle the rest. Good luck.

Section A-10

Luna's Dis

After the battle, Ramus and Nash return to the city to get some grub. You get stuck with Luna (not fair). After a conversation with you, she reveals that she doubted you, and you're a dork, and your mom dresses you funny. I'm inclined to agree. So she insults you, and says she's returning home. (Yeah, well who needs you!?) Of course she'll stay to see you off the next morning. The next morning, she sees you off (as previously stated). Alex decides that Luna really should come with. At the last bloody minute he convinces her to jump onto the ship. Geez, the things people do for love. Pathetic, I tell ya. So Alex and Luna are reunited...whoop de crap.

Section A-11

The Hispaniola, sister ship of The Good Ship Lollypop

Ah, yes. The part of the game which has spawned many a Titanic joke. Spend a little time exploring the ship. Be sure to get some soap. Yes, I said soap. Why? Becuase you get to use it for an ironic purpose later. Grab about two or three bars. When you're done, talk to Ramus and Nash and Luna. Eventually you'll get to go to bed. That night you wake up to find Luna is not in her bed. She jumped off the boat and committed suicide. Just Kidding! Go up on deck, and you'll find her in the crow's nest (Iceberg!). She's singing her little anime heart out in an FMV. Alex and Nall decide not to disturb her, and go back down below. The next day, you arrive in Meribia. (WARNING! IN COMING TITANIC JOKE) Luna and Alex stand together on the bow to get a better view of the port. "Alex, I'm flying!" (TITANIC JOKE COMPLETE) Then, the ship docks in Meribia.

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