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A LUNAR Drinking Game

I recommend that you don't play this game with alcohol. You might do something stupid that would come back haunt you later. Do what my friends and I do, use Coke (or alternate soda product). I you do drink alcohol, please have a designated driver get you home. On to the rules.

1. Take 1 sip everytime Alex says, "... ... ..." or something like that.
2. Take 2 sips if you're playing the Sega CD version, 1 sip if it's Playstation, 3 sips if it's both, 4 sips if you're playing them at the same time.
3. Take half a sip when Nall makes a wise-crack, and another half sip if it's actually funny.
4. Take 2 sips every time there is a pop culture reference.
5. Take 1 sips if you're playing without the help of a strategy guide.
6.Take 1 sip if someone in the room knows the words to the theme. Take 2 sips if that person sings along. Take 3 sips if it's more than one person. Take 4 sips if that person(s) is/are standing up and dancing around. Take 5 sips if it's you.
7. Take 1 sips if someone finds a plot hole, or makes fun of the game MST3K style.
8. Take 1 sip every time Myght farts, or Kyle belches. Hold your nose if the person next to you farts. Applaud if she/he belches. Take 1 sip if it's actually good.
9. Take 1 sip every time Jessica rips on Kyle. Take 2 sips if she does it to Nash. Take 3 sips if she does it to someone else.
10. Take 1 sip whenever someone turns evil, and another sip when someone turns good.
11. Take 2 sips when Mia has a "Duh" moment, or says something naive.
12. Take 1 sip when someone cries. Take 2 sips if it's not one of the girls.
13. Take 1 sip whenever Kyle yells.
14. Take 1 sip when a sexual reference is made, 2 sips if it's not Kyle.
15. Take 1 sip when something reminds you of Grandia, 2 sips for Sailor Moon, 3 sips for Final Fantasy, 4 sips for Project A-ko, and 5 sips for last weekend.
16. Take 1 sip every time Nash acts like an ego-maniac.
17. Take 1 sip when someone puts their foot in their mouth, 2 sips if it's not Nash.
18. Take 1 sip whenever Luna gets upset.
19. Take 1 sip when Ramus say "We're going to be rich" or something of the sort.
20. Take 1 sip when someone laughs insanely.
21. Take 1 sip everytime someone stops for a bathroom break.

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