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Kato's Favorite Thing... Kato

I think I've talked enough about Lunar. Time to talk about me. I'm 17, and a senior in high school. I'm currently spending a year in Japan as an exchange student. I already bought the Japanese version of Lunar...used. When I get home, I hope to attend West Point, and major in computer with a minor in history or art. I have a black belt in Taekwondo, and have been taking for about six years. Since I can to Japan, I have taken up Ninjutsu. Below you can see some of my favorite things (besides me and Lunar).

Favorite Video Games

Lunar, FFVII, FFVIII, Syphon Filter, Metal Gear Solid, Rise of the Dragon (Sega CD), Phantasy Star (Sega Master System), and Cool Boarders 4.

Favorite Movies

Saving Private Ryan, Wayne's World, Ghostbusters, Fargo, Project A-ko, Backdraft, MST3K, Veggietales, and The Untouchables.

Favorite Hobbies

Art (especially anime), Taekwondo, Writing, Drama (yes, I'm a drama freak), and Video Games.

Favorite Bands

Metallica, The Clash, The Beatles, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Credence Clearwater Revival, SMAP (J-Pop), Whiteberry (J-Rock), Johnny Cash, Eiffel 65, Buddy Holly, Foo Fighters, and Green Day.

Favorite Sports

Taekwondo (playing), Boxing (watching), Baseball (playing and watching), Soccer (Playing), Hurling (as soon as I learn to play)

Favorite Sports Teams/Athletes

Cleveland Indians, Tokyo Giants, Herb Perez, MA-CHAN!!!! The 2000 US Olympic Soccer Team (Men's & Women's)

Other Stuff About Me

Illinois Teen Institute Participant-1998, ITI PALS1-1999, ITI PALS2- 200, Peterstown TEC 115 & 119, Illinois Violence Prevention Authority: Youth Advisary Board-charter member, Japanese student council member, and former Drama Club Treasurer.

How I Discovered Lunar

It was a little over two years ago. I was a sophomore in high school. I had spent all day that Saturday at a Scholastic Bowl meet. I was captian of my team, and had a very stressful time. One of my friends and I were trying to get our teammates pysched. It wasn't working. The two of us thought we had a chance at placing, everyone else wanted to lose and go home early. They didn't bother trying, and we suffered a horrible defeat. I got back home at about 6pm (There was a several hour drive to and from the meet. If we had place, we would have returned about 8 or 9.), feeling miserable.

Shortly after I got home, my dad announced that he was going to rent a movie. He asked me if I wanted to come with. I didn't have anything better to do, so I tagged along. At the vide store, my dad asked if there was anything I wanted to rent. I decided to sheck out the Sega CD games. I didn't have a Playstation at that time. The video store still had Sega CD games left because they weren't very popular in our area. I had played most of the games they had. I flipped through the pages of the folder the games were in looking for something I hadn't played yet, or at least something tolerable. Nothing caught my eye. I looked over the games again. I saw one called Lunar: The Silver Star. I remeber seeing this one, when my Sega CD was new. The cover design had turned me off. I thought about renting it, but what if I didn't like it? My dad called to me to hurry up. I took Lunar, and forked over the $3 for it. I really wasn't in any hurry to play it though.

I put it in my Sega CD, and prepared to be disappointed. I had recent played Shining Force 2, and that had almost completely turned me off RPGs. Lunar was differnent. From the beginning, the story caught my attention. I thought, "This isn't so bad. Actually, I kind of like it." Stayed up late that night. I wasn't an expert RPGer, so I got myself killed a lot. Finally I made it off Caldor Island. When Luna stayed behind to return to Burg, I felt something. I was actually sad that she was leaving. Had I gotten attached to Luna? It didn't stop there. I couldn't put down the controller. I was emotionally attached to the game and the characters. That was the first time a video game had ever done that to me. When Luna was kidnapped, Alex's emotions became my emotions. When he went to get her back, his quest was my quest.

Finally one night, I made it to the end of the game. I beat Ghaleon, and saved Luna. There was a sense of completion, but there was also diappointment. The game was over. I didn't want it to be over. Lunar left me with a feeling I had never gotten from a video game. I knew that I would have this feeling again. If I did play it again, or get the PS1 version, it wouldn't be the same. No other video game carries the same emotional value for me (save Phantasy Star, which I adore for sentimental reasons not found in the game itself). This is why I love Lunar. To think I almost passed it up.

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