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In the Spring of 1993, a group of musicians from Cleveland, OH came together to form a side project called Mushroomhead. The intention was to create an eclectic blend of extreme music combined with a vaudevillian stage show that was bound to provoke a reaction, turn some heads and leave an impression. From their first concert together in the fall of that year, it was obvious that Mushroomhead would become far more than a side project. It was to become undisputedly, Cleveland's top drawing band.
Taking a cacophony of music, vocals and samples, Mushroomhead shapes it into memorable tunes that are at once sharply satirical, broadly tongue in cheek, and infinitely different. Described by the Cleveland Plain Dealer as "sophisticated, juxtaposing dense, staccato, Ministry-inspired tempos with spacious melodic passages and dark lyrics that don't merely rely on repeated swear words," their music stands on its own, but to fully appreciate Mushroomhead, they have to be experienced live.
Pushing the limits of rock theater to the max - their live show is truly an event and a multi-sensoral experience. What gives the band more substance and lasting appeal however, is their musical range. "Everybody fights for what they want in a song," says Skinny, Mushroomhead founder "and pretty much everyone gets their way - that's our strength
A song will start out sounding like metal until a cool piano part comes in or the turntables turn it into a rap song. We all bring our own tastes to the mix which gives the music diversity." Alternately, it is in the costumed chaos of their writhing live performances that the band members seem most alike and united.