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Originally formed in 1992 by Taylor and drummer Joel Ekman, Stone Sour is the product of ten years' worth of determination, patience and creative expression. Longtime friend of Taylor's, bassist Shawn Economaki, joined the fold soon after the band's inception. With no real predetermined sonic direction other than writing good songs, Stone Sour played clubs with a multitude of different guitarists, sometimes having someone fill the spot for just one show. The turning point came in 1995 when guitarist Jim Root – who later joined Slipknot with Corey Taylor - found his way to a practice. This was a defining moment in that it signified the completion of a band as a unit. For five years, Stone Sour generated music for the sheer passion of it not concerning themselves with any particular genre, rather maintaining a sound based upon good hard rock, killer melody and emotional peaks and valleys. “
Stone Sour allows me to execute the writing style that I love and can't necessarily do with Slipknot.”(Corey and Jims former Band)says Corey Taylor. While still embracing the heaviness true to the fundamentals of Taylor and Root's other band, Stone Sour offers a more introspective and intimate take on music, thus the absence of their masks while performing with Stone Sour.
However in the year 1997, Stone Sour, became dead. Corey and Jim whent back to sklipknot and left Stone sour dead without a soul.
In 2000, guitarist Josh Rand, another old friend/collaborator of Corey's and former Stone Sour alumni, approached Corey with some songs he had been working on. Together they would spend a year and a half writing what would eventually become Stone Sour. Upon completion, the duo determined that what they had crafted was of such high quality and so true to the roots of the original Stone Sour that it was only natural to enlist the members who initially made it happen. Almost a full decade after the band's inception and six years after they had played their last show, all of the original members reconvened in Des Moines. Lineup solidified the band faced the task of picking a name. Eventually after a few different ideas (Project X, Superego, Closure) were scuttled, the decision came quickly. With a band of members that already had the chemistry of years of playing together, one option stood out-- Stone Sour was back..

- Corey Taylor - vocals
- James Root - guitar
- Josh Rand - guitar
- Shawn Economaki - bass
- Joel Ekman - drums


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