McDonnell and Laurine
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Philipp ROMMEL was born in 1900. Parents: Conrad ROMMEL and Catharina Elisabeth Frank nee KLEIN.

Phillip ROMMEL was born on Sep 24, 1882. Parents: Johann Jacob ROMMEL and Anna Elisabeth FUCHS.

Randy Ron ROMMEL was born in 1961. Parents: Sigismund Francis ROMMEL and Barbara NEUFELD.

Reggie ROMMEL. Parents: Dave ROMMEL and Hilda NEUFELD.

Ronald ROMMEL was born on May 18, 1918. He died on Jan 8, 1975 in Baniff, Alberta, Canada. Parents: Johann Georg ROMMEL and Anna Elisabeth ZINN.

Spouse: Geraldine.

Ronald ROMMEL was born in 1952. Parents: Henry ROMMEL and Ann SCHMIDT.

Roxane Benita ROMMEL was born in 1964. Parents: Sigismund Francis ROMMEL and Barbara NEUFELD.

Roy ROMMEL was born in 1959. Parents: Henry ROMMEL and Ann SCHMIDT.

Salman ROMMEL was born on Nov 12, 1924 in Spooner Dist. Sask. Canada. He died in 1926. Parents: Johann Jacob ROMMEL and Anna Elisabeth MEHLING.

Samuel ROMMEL was born on Sep 22, 1854. He died on Jun 22, 1855. Parents: Johann Nicolaus ROMMEL and Maria Catharina ROMMEL.

Samuel ROMMEL was born on Feb 27, 1922 in , Lane, Kanas. He died on Feb 22, 1994 in Medford, , Oregon. Parents: Johann Georg ROMMEL and Maria Katerina ROMMEL.

Sarah Clara ROMMEL was born on Jun 21, 1927. She died on Aug 12, 1988 in Red Lake, Ontario, Canada. Parents: Johann Georg ROMMEL and Anna Elisabeth ZINN.


Spouse: Wilf DESJARDINS.

Savannah ROMMEL was born in 1996. Parents: Patrick ROMMEL and Julia GILL.

Sherri Dawn ROMMEL was born in 1969. Parents: John ROMMEL and Karen BRADY.

Sigismund Francis ROMMEL was born on Dec 8, 1920 in Spooner Dist. Sask. Canada. He died on Nov 16, 1992 in Nipawin, Sask. Canada. Parents: Johann Georg ROMMEL and Anna Elisabeth ZINN.

Spouse: Barbara NEUFELD. Sigismund Francis ROMMEL and Barbara NEUFELD were married on Jul 1, 1950 in Nipawin, Sask. Canada. Children were: Lorne ROMMEL, Marlene Rachael ROMMEL, Melvin Lorne ROMMEL, Randy Ron ROMMEL, Roxane Benita ROMMEL.

Still-born ROMMEL was born on Oct 4, 1858. Parents: Georg Jacob ROMMEL and Maria Catharina BEDEL.

Susanna ROMMEL was born in 1786. Parents: Valentin ROMMEL and Elisabeth ZOHL.

Susanna Catharina ROMMEL was born on Nov 5, 1824. She died on Oct 21, 1851. Parents: Johann Heinrich ROMMEL and Anna Maria ROTHENBERGER.

Spouse: Andreas KREUZER.

Sydney ROMMEL was born in 1947. Parents: Henry ROMMEL and Ann SCHMIDT.

Spouse: Diane.

Spouse: Laura LEE. Sydney ROMMEL and Laura LEE were married in 1983.

Sylvia ROMMEL was born in 1947. Parents: Henry ROMMEL and Ann SCHMIDT.

Spouse: PALMER.

Tabitha ROMMEL was born in 1981. Parents: Daniel ROMMEL and Karen BIDDAR.

Tammy ROMMEL was born in 1981. Parents: Daniel ROMMEL and Margaret FINLAY.

Tavia ROMMEL was born in 1995. Parents: Douglas ROMMEL and Vera WIEBE.

Terry ROMMEL was born in 1977. Parents: Daniel ROMMEL and Margaret FINLAY.

Tyler John ROMMEL was born in 1974. Parents: John ROMMEL and Karen BRADY.

Valentin ROMMEL died before 1790 in Hussenbach Russia. He was born in Fulda, Germany. [Rommel chart.FTW]

Spouse: Cunigunde. Children were: Maria ROMMEL, Valentin ROMMEL, Maria Barbara ROMMEL, Johannes ROMMEL, Heinrich ROMMEL, Eva Elisabeth ROMMEL, Johann Adam ROMMEL.

Spouse: Anna Barbara.

Valentin ROMMEL died in 1800. He was born BET. 1749 - 1750 in Germany. Parents: Valentin ROMMEL and Cunigunde.

Spouse: Elisabeth ZOHL. Children were: Susanna ROMMEL, Johann Georg ROMMEL, Anna Maria ROMMEL.

Valentin ROMMEL was born in 1817. Parents: Heinrich ROMMEL and Anna Maria KREUZER.

Victor ROMMEL was born on Oct 7, 1922 in Little Bridge, Nipawin, Sask., Canada. He died on May 17, 1987 in Nipawin, Sask. Canada. Parents: Johann Jacob ROMMEL and Anna Elisabeth MEHLING.

Spouse: Mildred BELL. Victor ROMMEL and Mildred BELL were married on Feb 20, 1951 in Nipawin, Sask. Canada. Children were: Dennis ROMMEL, Daniel ROMMEL, Douglas ROMMEL, Eldred ROMMEL, Patrick ROMMEL.

Vivian ROMMEL was born in 1941. Parents: Philip ROMMEL and Pauline SCHMIDT.

Spouse: Bruce ANNIS.

Walter ROMMEL was born in 1936. Parents: Philip ROMMEL and Pauline SCHMIDT.

Spouse: Sonja WAGNER.

Wesley ROMMEL was born in 1972. Parents: Allan ROMMEL and Gloria CHOMETSKY.

Wilhelm ROMMEL was born on Dec 10, 1884. He died on Jul 14, 1886. Parents: Heinrich ROMMEL and Maria Elisabeth KROH.

Wilhelm ROMMEL was born in 1887. Parents: Heinrich ROMMEL and Maria Elisabeth KROH.

Spouse: Marie Elisabeth LEIS. Wilhelm ROMMEL and Marie Elisabeth LEIS were married in 1908.

Abraham Guysbert (Gijsbert) ROOSA was born about 1560 in Herwynen, Gelderland, Netherlands. He died after Feb 27, 1618/19. He was buried after Feb 1618/19. Parents: Goert ROOSA.

Spouse: Metje Gijbertse DEROOS. Children were: Hyjimen\Hymen\Hymanse ROOSA.

Spouse: Maria Alertse DIRCKSEN.

Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA was born between 1618 and 1621 in Herwijnen/Bommel, Gelderland, Netherlands. He was buried in Feb 1677/78. He died on Feb 27, 1677/78 in Hurley or Marbletown, Ulster County, New York. Alder (Albert) Roosa grew up in Holland, in the District of Gelderland,along the Wall (Waal) River, five miles west of Brommel (Bommel).

Aldert Roosa arrived at new Netherlands April 15, 1600 on the ship "DEBONTE KOE",("The Spotted Cow.") The ship's captain was Peter Lucas.Aldert was a wealthy man for his day and brought considerable propertywith him and quickly "occupied an influential position in the newsettlement." In the spring of 1661 he joined in a contract guaranteeing asalary to Domine Bloem who had been called as the regular pastor of theDutch Church at Wiltwyck. Upon their arrival, Aldert secured passage forhimself and family for Esopus (Kingston) and took up residence in theEsopus District at Wiltwyck by 1664.

On May 5, 1661, he was appointed Commissioner of Wiltwyck and took theoath of office May 16th. Peter Styvesant, in behalf od the Mighty Lords,the Stated General and the Lord Directors of the United Netherlands,grnted Wiltwyck it's first charter and Alder Heymase Roosa was appointedMagistrate and therein designated an intelligent person.

In 1662 Alder Roosa was commissioned to proceed to new Amsterdam toobtain 100 pounds of powder and 200 pounds of lead for the protection ofthe settlement.

April 7, 1663, Roosa reported to Governor Styvesat that the savages weregetting troublesome and suggested that the gifts promised them in theTreaty of 1660 be sent to them at once and a few soldiers and munitionsof war to protect the settlement also be sent. The warning was not heededand his earnest requests were not complied with.

When a new village was laid out he moved there, and from that time to hisdeath he lived at Hurley. At the destruction of the village of Hurley on7 June 1663 by the Indians, two of the Roosa children with 43 others weretaken captive. They were rescued by the colonial forces under the commandof Captain Martin Kregier.

Eighteen people were killed in the attack and twelve houses were burnedat Wiltwyck. Hurley was burned to the ground. At Hurley out of the 78inhabitants 65 were killed or taken prisoner. Roosa with twelve othersescaped to Wiltwyck. Of these 9 were severely wounded.

On July 26th an expedition two hundred strong started out to look for theIndians. Of this number 145 were inhabitants, leaving 36 soldiers in thegarrison, but they failed to find the Indians. After burning 200 acres ofcorn and 100 pits of beans, they returned to Wiltwyck.

On September 3rd a second expedition started out, besides the troops, theexpedition included seven citizens of Wiltwyck, of whom Roosa was one.The Indians were found in the Shawangumn Kill, 28 miles from Wiltwyck.The Indians were attacked. Their chief and fourteen warriors, four whitewomen and three children were killed and twenty-three [prisoners wererescued,, among whom were Roosa's two little daughters, Alizabeth andAnita. The white women and children werekilled in the crossfire of thebattle.

After the surrender of the Dutch government to the English in 1664,English soldiers were sent to Wiltwyck to replace the Dutch officials.

In 1667, in protest against the indignities put on the Dutch settlementby te English soldiers, Aldert Roosa led the revolt of the Burghersagainst military leaders. He was ried before one of the King's Justiceswith Cornelius Barentsen Slecht and two others who were found guilty of arebellious and mutinous riot at Esopus and were taken to New York forsentencing. Roosa was to be banished for life out of the government andthe others for shorter terms out of Esopus, Albany, and New York. Thesentence also involved a fine of 100 bushels of wheat. It was laterproven that the trial was prejudiced and the Englishman, CaptainBroaghead was suspended. Each of their sentences were later modified andthe offenders returned to Esopus. Governor Frances Lovelace restoredRoosa to favor and in 1669 appointed him and Louis DuBois two of theoverseers for Hurley (New Dorp or New Village.) Roosa also served in themilitary forces of the Colony as a mustering officer and in othercapacities.

There are many historical references to Aldert or Albert Herymar/HeymanseRoosa. The Early Land Grants of 1667 - Roose, Heymar, Albetse, at Hurley.1686, October 28 - Allardts, Wyntje, widow of Albert Hymans, and herchildren, Arian heymans, John Rose, Aika Kirstead, May Johnson, andNeilka Paulings.

During a drinking time with Indians one night the Dutch attacked them....Accordingly, although contrary to the orders of Smit, he Jacob, Jansenvan Stoutenburgh, Thomas Higgins, Gysbert Phillipsen van Velthuysen,Evert Pels, Jan Atrentsen, Bartn Harmensen, Martin Hoffman, Gilles deHecker, Abel Dircksen and James the mason, marched out and fired a volleyof musketry among them as they lay about the fire.... The Dutch thereuponretreated to the fort with great speed. The Indian attacks went on forweeks. During which time, several captured men were staked, beaten andburned alive! Evert Pel's son was taken as a child and adopted into anIndian family. He eventually married a squaw.

A Justices' Court erected at Wiltwyck. "At the same meeting, on the 16thday of May, 1661, the first court of justice was established at Wiltwyckby the following order: Anno 1661. May 16, the wise and prudent DirectorGeneral Petrus Styvesant hath honored the village of Wiltwyck with, andgranted to it, a Court of Justice, for he found the same necessary. Thisbeing done, he chose three justices ("Scheepenen"), by name Evert Pels,Cornelis Barentse Slecht, and Albert Heymanse Roose; which is done inthis village of Wiltwyck, the 16th of the month of May, Anno 1661."

Allard, or Aldert, Heymanse Roosa, the third member of the bench ofSchepens, came out to the new world in May 1660, in company with RoeloffSwartwout, his wife, Wynthe Allard, and eight children. He emigrated fromHerwijnen, Gelderland, where he left a large family of honest kinfolk. Onhis arrival in new Amsterdam, he secured a passage for himself and familyfor Esopus and took up his abode at Wiltwyck. When two years later avillage was laid out, he removed there, and from that time to his deathresided at Hurley.

A tax of one rix dollar (two and a half guilders) per morgen was leviedon "all plow-and pasture land" in Esopus to pay this bill. The paymentswere in wheat, one-half "directly," and the "other half next summer."This was in November 1661. Aldert Roosa's share was based on 36 morgens(90 guilders).

The Last of the Dutch rule. On 18th of March, 1664, orders went outconvening a "General Assembly" on the 10th of April following. Esopussent two delegates. Among those signing the order were Evert Pels - oneof the first voters in Ulster County and this was the first popularelection in New Netherlands. Names of Male Inhabitants of Ulster Countyin 1689 included "Arrie Roos."

September 9th, 1669, Marbletown and Hurley were laid out and named. TheCouncil also ordered that disbandment of the soldiers at Esopus, and twodays later commissioned several men, including Captain Thomas Chambers,Sheriff Beekman, and Henry Pawling "to regulate the affairs of Esopus."On the 25th Albert Heymanse Roosa obtained permission to build a tan-yardin Hurley, which was the first one erected there. Lewis Dubois and AlbertHeymanse Roosa were made overseers of Hurley. On the 5th of April CaptainPawling mustered and drilled his company of militia, composed of the malecitizens of Hurley and Marbletown, who had enrolled the day before. Asthe muster rolls of this company will show what families were thererepresented.... from Marbletown: Henry Pawlings, Captain; Albert Heymans,Sergaent; and from Hurley the group included Aldert Roosa.

April 7th, 1670, Aldert Roosa was named Overseer of Hurley and Marbletownand October 25, 1671, by order of Governor Lovelace, Roosa was appointedCommissioner for Kingston.

August 7, 1673, 23 Dutch warships with 1600 soldiers entered New York Bayand on the 9th the Dutch flag floated over Mahatten and Colonel AnthonyColve was made governor and on october 6th, 1673, Alder Heymanse Roosawas appointed Captain over Hurley and Marbletown and described as"Captain Aldert who had been prominent in the Revolt of 1667."

An outburst of the same spirit which threw off the yoke of Englishoppression in 1776 carried this country thriumphantly through theRevolution.

Albert Roosa died 27 February 1679. Parents: Hyjimen\Hymen\Hymanse ROOSA and Weilke DE JONGE.

Spouse: Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH. Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA and Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH were married in 1642 in Herwijnen, Gelderland, Netherlands. Children were: Neeltje\Noeltje Albertse ROOSA, Arien ROOSA, Heyman Albertse ROOSA, Jan Albertsen ROOSA, Ike ROOSA, Maritje ROOSA, Annatje ROOSA, Guert ROOSA, Jannetje ROOSA.

Annatje ROOSA. Parents: Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA and Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH.

Arien ROOSA. Parents: Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA and Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH.

Spouse: Maria PELS.

Goert ROOSA was born about 1530.

Children were: Abraham Guysbert (Gijsbert) ROOSA.

Guert ROOSA died in 1664. She was buried in 1664. Parents: Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA and Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH.

Heyman Albertse ROOSA. Parents: Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA and Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH.

Spouse: Ann Margriet ROSEVELT.

Hyjimen\Hymen\Hymanse ROOSA was born in 1593 in Harwynen, Gelderland, Netherlands. He died in 1624. He was buried in 1624. Alber/Aldert was an agriculturist and was considered a wealthy man. OnMarch 3, 1660 Albert, living in Herwijnen, conveyed half a tract of landas yet undivided between the heirs of Govert Ariensen DeJongh, in Hellouw(a mile or so from Herwijnen) and again he pledged his interest in theestate of the late Adrian Meertensen De Jongh as security for thefulfillment of the contract. It is further proof that the wife of Albertwas the daughter of Adrian Meertensen De Jongh. The De Jongh family ownedlarge fowler preserves in Hellouw in the 17th century. He came to NewAmsterdam April 15, 1660 aboard the good ship "De Bonte Koe" or TheSpotted Cow" from Gerlderland, Holland, with his wife, and eight childrenand settled in the Esopus (now Kingston) district of Wiltwyck, New York.He was a wealthy man for those days, bringing with him considerableproperty from Holland, and he speedily occupied an influential positionin the new settlement. UIn the spring of 1661 he joined a contractguaranteeing a salary to Dominie Bloem who had been called as the regularpastor of the Dutch Church in Wiltwyck. In 1661 Albert was appointed oneof the three commissioners to enclose the new village at the Esopuscalled Hurley. In 1662 a schedule of the old and newly surveyed lots inWiltwyck with the name of their owners was made out and in the list ofold lots before the place was laid out was Albert Heymanse Roosa as theowner of lot 24. In 1663 two of his children, along with 43 others, weretaken captive by the Indians when they nearly destroyed the town ofHurley. The story of the rescue of these captives by colonial forcesunder command of Captain Martin Krieger is one of the most interestingepisodes in the history of New York state. After the Dutch towns wereplaced under the command of the English, with Captain Daniel Broadhead incommand over Kingston, much oppression resulted. It is stated thatBroadhead's tyrranical behavior and cruelty caused the people of Kingstonto rise up in rebellion in 1667. Roosa, who was a believer in justice andcivil rights, was one of the leaders of the rebellion. As a result he wastaken to New York for sentencing. He was sentenced to be banished forlife from government services. The sentences were later annuled and theoffenders returned to Kingston when further investigation proved Broadhedhad been guilty of misconduct. In 1669 he was named Sergeant and laterCaptain over the Indians. He was appointed as one of the threeCommissioners to enclose the new village of Hurley. The jurisdiction ofthe court to which Albert (or Elbert) Roosa was appointed involvedpolice, security and peace for the inhabitants and to hear all suits.This first court brought order out of chaos caused by the two Esopuswars. These courts continued until 1691 when positions became appointed.Albert served in the military forces of the Colony as mustering officerand in other capacities and on April 5, 1670 at the military rendezvousheld at Marbletown, he was present as Sergeant of Captain Henry Pawling'sCompany at which also appeared his son, Arie Roosa, as private, and in1673 Albert was captain of a company recruited from Hurley and Marbletown. Parents: Abraham Guysbert (Gijsbert) ROOSA and Metje Gijbertse DEROOS.

Spouse: Weilke DE JONGE. Children were: Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA.

Spouse: Metjie Gysertsor DEROOS.

Spouse: Ijken Jan KUIJSTENDR.

Ike ROOSA. Parents: Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA and Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH.

Spouse: Roeyoff KIERSTEDED.

Jan Albertsen ROOSA. Parents: Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA and Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH.

Spouse: Helleyand WILLIAMS.

Jannetje ROOSA. Parents: Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA and Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH.

Spouse: Matyr Ten EYCK. Matyr Ten EYCK and Jannetje ROOSA were married in 1679.

Maritje ROOSA. Parents: Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA and Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH.

Spouse: JANSEN.

Neeltje\Noeltje Albertse ROOSA was born about 1653 in Herwynen, Gelderland, Netherlands. She was buried in Aug 1745. She died on Aug 27, 1745 in Marbletown, Ulster County, New York. Neeltje, at the age of seven, arrived April 15, 1660, from Holland toAmerican aboard the ship "The Spotted Cow." Parents: Aldert Hymense (Capt.) ROOSA and Wyntje Ariens DEJONGH.

Spouse: Henry (Paelding) PAWLING. Henry (Paelding) PAWLING and Neeltje\Noeltje Albertse ROOSA were married on Nov 3, 1676 in Hurley, Ulster County, New York. Children were: Jan (Johan) (Lt.) PAWLING, Jane PAWLING, Weyntje PAWLING, James PAWLING, Aldert\Albert PAWLING, Anne\Anna PAWLING, Henry PAWLING.


Spouse: Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK.


Spouse: Stanley EHRET.

Ann Margriet ROSEVELT.

Spouse: Heyman Albertse ROOSA.

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