May ESSIG was born on May 14, 1924. She died on Mar 2, 2002.
She was buried in Mar 2002. Parents: Frank
Wendell ESSIG and Ona Marie EHRET. Frank Wendell ESSIG was born on Feb 21, 1890. He died on Jul 15, 1915. He was buried in Jul 1915. Spouse: Ona Marie EHRET. Frank Wendell ESSIG and Ona Marie EHRET were married on Jul 15, 1915. Children were: Howard Wendell ESSIG, Frances May ESSIG. Howard Wendell ESSIG was born on Aug 27, 1920. He died in 1953. He was buried in 1953. Parents: Frank Wendell ESSIG and Ona Marie EHRET. Spouse: PHYLLIS. Sarah ESTERBY was born about 1864 in , , Norway. She died bfr 1930 in White Butte, Perkins, South Dakota. Spouse: William H SEXTON. Children were: Lida Geneva OLSON. Spouse: Ole John OLSON. Children were: Lida Geneva OLSON, Bertha Wilhelmina OLSON. Spouse: Lewis Albert HASTINGS. Children were: Deforest Raymond HASTINGS. Katharina ESTRAIN was born. Children were: Elisabeth ZOHL. Anne ETHIER. Spouse: Pierre Bertrand LALONGE. Children were: Marguerite LALONGE. Claude ETHIER. Parents: Francois ETHIER and Marie Therese REGEAS. Spouse: Marie Louise ROBILLARD. Claude ETHIER and Marie Louise ROBILLARD were married on Mar 30, 1761 in Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada. Children were: Marie Rose ETHIER. Etienne ETHIER. Spouse: Marguerite SABELLE. Children were: Leonard ETHIER. Francois ETHIER was born on Oct 23, 1674 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He died before Apr 26, 1751. Parents: Leonard ETHIER and Elisabeth GODILLON. Spouse: Marie Therese REGEAS. Children were: Claude ETHIER. Spouse: Marguerite MILLAULT. Francois ETHIER and Marguerite MILLAULT were married on Nov 23, 1701. Children were: Marguerite ETHIER. Leonard ETHIER was born about 1641 in St. Martial, de Mannot, France. Parents: Etienne ETHIER and Marguerite SABELLE. Spouse: Elisabeth GODILLON. Leonard ETHIER and Elisabeth GODILLON were married on Sep 22, 1670 in Montreal, Quebec. Children were: Francois ETHIER. Marguerite ETHIER was born on Jan 28, 1705/6 in Repentigny, Quebec. Parents: Francois ETHIER and Marguerite MILLAULT. Spouse: Paul HERVIEUX. Paul HERVIEUX and Marguerite ETHIER were married on Jun 13, 1726 in Repentigny, Quebec. Children were: Jean Baptiste HERVIEUX. Marie Rose ETHIER. Parents: Claude ETHIER and Marie Louise ROBILLARD. Spouse: Pierre PERSONNE-LAFOND. Pierre PERSONNE-LAFOND and Marie Rose ETHIER were married on Sep 29, 1788 in Repentigny, Quebec. Children were: Marie Josephite PARSON, Pierre PARSON, Marie Rose PARSON. EVA. Spouse: Allan Jacob SIEGEL. Ruth EVANS. Spouse: George STEINMETZ. Sally or Sarah Helen EVANS was born in Nov 1840 in , , Kentucky. She died after 1900 in San Francisco, , California. 1860 - 1870 - Tulton, Fleming under the name Sally H with her husband William B. (?) 1880 - Elizaville, Fleming, Kentucky with her husband and 4 children 1890 - lived in Seattle as a head of house hold She travel to Seattle around 1885-1887 In 1889, 1892 she is the head of household 1900 - Helen and her daughter Mabel moved to San Francisco is a boarder both widowed in a Boarding home run by an Attorney who is a widow with 25 boarders, 3 servants, niece 1910 - she is not alive or remarried at age 69? Spouse: William B PITTS. William B PITTS and Sally or Sarah Helen EVANS were married about 1861 in Kentucky. Children were: Luke D PITTS, Jessie B PITTS, Jack or John Everett PITTS, Benjamin Holton (Ben, Bennie, Benj) PITTS, Mabel Porter (Mammie) PITTS. Matyr Ten EYCK. Spouse: Jannetje ROOSA. Matyr Ten EYCK and Jannetje ROOSA were married in 1679. Charles FACE. Spouse: Elizabeth RAYMOND. Children were: William Hubert FACE. William Hubert FACE was born in 1896. Parents: Charles FACE and Elizabeth RAYMOND. Spouse: Clara Daisy EHRET. Marie Anne FAFARD. Spouse: Louis LAFEUILLADE. Children were: Angelique LAFEUILLADE. Marie Anne FAFARD was born about 1688 in Soulanges, , Quebec. She has Ancestral File Number 1QG7-F06. Spouse: Louis LAFEUILLADE. Louis LAFEUILLADE and Marie Anne FAFARD were married about 1709 in Bellevue, Lac St Jean Quest, Quebec. Children were: Angelique LAFEUILLADE. Francoise FAFART was born in 1624 in Argence, near Caen. She died on Jan 13, 1701/2 in Ste. Anne, Quebec, Canada. Parents: Jean FAFART and Elizabeth TIBOU. Spouse: Mathurin MEUNIER. Mathurin MEUNIER and Francoise FAFART were married on Nov 3, 1647 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Children were: Marguerite MEUNIER. Jean FAFART. Spouse: Elizabeth TIBOU. Children were: Francoise FAFART. Dylan Michael FAGAN was born in 1998. Parents: Timothy John Fagan (D.) and Keri Lynn MATSON. Timothy John T. J. FAGAN was born in 1993. Parents: Timothy John Fagan (D.) and Keri Lynn MATSON. Joseph FAGAR was born in 1767 in Pennsylvania. Spouse: Elizabeth LUTZ. Barbara FANNIN. Spouse: David GROVES. David GROVES and Barbara FANNIN were married in 1971. Agnes J FANNING was born on Jun 14, 1891 in , , South Dakota. She died on Dec 7, 1957 in Seattle, King, Washington. 1900 - South Philipsburg, Granite, Montana says Agnes J Fanning not Agnes I Fanning 1909 - married to Philip T Halpin in Andover Day South Dakota 1910 - married to Philip Halpin in Andover Day South Dakota 1920 - married to Philip Halpin in Andover Day South Dakota and mother Elizabeth Fanning is w/them and she is Agnes J Halpin 1930 - married to Philip Halpin in Seattle, King, Washington Parents: Bartholomew J. FANNING and Elizabeth T DURICK. Spouse: Philip Timmons Timens HALPIN. Philip Timmons Timens HALPIN and Agnes J FANNING were married on May 17, 1909 in Andover, Day, South Dakota. Children were: Marcella Elizabeth HALPIN, Kathleen Mary HALPIN, Margaret Celestine HALPIN, Joan Ann HALPIN. Bartholomew J. FANNING was born in Feb 1858 in , , Canada. He died after 1910 - bfr 1920 in Andover, Day, South Dakota. immigrated in 1889 from Canada 1900 - South Philipsburg, Granite, Montana 1910 - 1920 - not with wife in Andover Day South Dakota Spouse: Elizabeth T DURICK. Bartholomew J. FANNING and Elizabeth T DURICK were married on Nov 3, 1887. Children were: John O FANNING, Mary A FANNING, Agnes J FANNING. John O FANNING was born in Jan 1888 in , , South Dakota. He died bfr 1910. 1910 - Elizabeth is living with her sister Nora and family. She states that she had 3 children but 2 are alive. Parents: Bartholomew J. FANNING and Elizabeth T DURICK. Mary A FANNING was born in 1889. Parents: Bartholomew J. FANNING and Elizabeth T DURICK. Cornelia Nelly FARBER was born in 1879. She died in 1965. She was buried in 1965. Cornelia was still living in 1962 with her daughter in Goshen, Indiana on5th Street. Spouse: Frederick C. EHRET. Frederick C. EHRET and Cornelia Nelly FARBER were married on Nov 24, 1897 in Home of Rev. Schwalm (with both shoes on?). Children were: Faye EHRET. Janet FARLEY. Spouse: Terry Keith LUTZ. Children were: Amanda Jean LUTZ. FARLOW. Children were: Hiram M FARLOW. Alice FARLOW was born about 1867 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. She died bfr 1880? in Howard, Howard, Indiana. 1870 - she is listed in the family age 3 in 1870 Howard, Howard, Indiana 1880 - she is not listed Parents: Hiram M FARLOW and Elizabeth. Amy or Anna E FARLOW was born about 1866 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. Parents: Hiram M FARLOW and Elizabeth. Armilda Matilda FARLOW was born in Nov 1859 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. She died on Feb 28, 1914 in Kokomo, Howard, Indiana. She was also known as angeline. she is also as Angeline in 1870 Howard, Howard, Indiana age 12 Parents: Hiram M FARLOW and Elizabeth. Spouse: Adam T RECORD. Adam T RECORD and Armilda Matilda FARLOW were married on Aug 29, 1878 in Clay , Howard, Indiana. Children were: Della T or M RECORD, Lincoln Fowler RECORD, Blaine Joseph RECORD, Blanche E RECORD, Stella RECORD, RECORD, Theresa E RECORD, Catherine M RECORD. Charles Alfred FARLOW was born about 1863 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. He died on May 27, 1919 in Kokomo, Howard, Indiana. Parents: Hiram M FARLOW and Elizabeth. Spouse: Jane F PAINE. Charles Alfred FARLOW and Jane F PAINE were married about 1884 in Newton, , Illinois. Children were: Henry Manuel FARLOW, Lizzie M FARLOW, Heber Max FARLOW. Spouse: Emma E BALLENGER. Charles Alfred FARLOW and Emma E BALLENGER were married on Aug 19, 1882 in Clay, Howard, Indiana. They were divorced. Charles Max FARLOW was born in Oct 1914 in Kokomo, Howard, Indiana. He died in Lakeland, Polk, Florida. Parents: Heber Max FARLOW and Celia Merle. Claude FARLOW was born on Mar 7, 1909 in Kokomo, , Indiana. He died in Dec 1984 in Rolling Prairie, La Porte, Indiana. Parents: Henry Manuel FARLOW and Edna May. Effa FARLOW was born about 1872 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. 1880 - she is listed in Center, Howard, Indiana with her dad Hiram age 8 Parents: Hiram M FARLOW and Elizabeth. Elise G FARLOW was born in 1907. Parents: Henry Manuel FARLOW and Edna May. Heber Max FARLOW was born on Dec 13, 1893. He died on Sep 8, 1977 in Lakeland, Polk, Florida. Parents: Charles Alfred FARLOW and Jane F PAINE. Spouse: Celia Merle. Children were: Charles Max FARLOW. Henry Manuel FARLOW was born on Feb 20, 1885 in Newton, , Illinois. He died in Mar 1973 in South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana. Parents: Charles Alfred FARLOW and Jane F PAINE. Spouse: Edna May. Henry Manuel FARLOW and Edna May were married in 1900. Children were: Elise G FARLOW, Claude FARLOW. Hiram M FARLOW was born about 1829 in , , Kentucky. He died in Howard, Howard, Indiana. 1850 - District 97, Rush, Indiana both is age 23 (1827) 1860 - Howard, Howard, Indiana age 25 from Kentucky (1835) Elizabeth age 28 (1832) 1870 - Howard, Howard, Indiana age 41 from Indiana (1829), Elizabeth age 41 (1829) 1880 - Center, Howard, Indiana age 51 from Kentucky (1829) Parents: FARLOW. Spouse: Elizabeth. Hiram M FARLOW and Elizabeth were married about 1850 in District 97, Rush, Indiana. Children were: Armilda Matilda FARLOW, Sarah Elizabeth FARLOW, Charles Alfred FARLOW, Isabelle FARLOW, Amy or Anna E FARLOW, Ivy Ann FARLOW, Alice FARLOW, William S FARLOW, Effa FARLOW. Isabelle FARLOW was born in Jul 1864 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. Parents: Hiram M FARLOW and Elizabeth. Spouse: William R DURROR. William R DURROR and Isabelle FARLOW were married on Jun 19, 1880 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. Children were: Leslie DURRER, Bessie DURRER, DURRER, June DURRER, Ralph DURRER. Ivy Ann FARLOW was born about 1867 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. 1870 - she is same age as her sister Alice see Howard, Howard, Indiana 1880 - Change to Ivy A in Center, Howard, Indiana Parents: Hiram M FARLOW and Elizabeth. Spouse: Cw RUDDELL. Cw RUDDELL and Ivy Ann FARLOW were married on Aug 5, 1888 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. Lizzie M FARLOW was born in 1887. Parents: Charles Alfred FARLOW and Jane F PAINE. Sarah Elizabeth FARLOW was born about 1862 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. Parents: Hiram M FARLOW and Elizabeth. Spouse: Edgar LITTLER. Edgar LITTLER and Sarah Elizabeth FARLOW were married on Jun 19, 1880 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. Children were: LITTLER, LITTLER. William S FARLOW was born in Jan 1870 in Howard, Howard, Indiana. He was buried bfr 1880? in Howard, Howard, Indiana. 1870 - Howard, Howard, Indiana He is listed as 5 months old also states he was born in Jan 1870, 1880 - He is not listed Parents: Hiram M FARLOW and Elizabeth. Isabelle FAUBE. Spouse: Jacques DANDONNEAU. Children were: Pierre DANDONNEAU. |