McDonnell and Laurine
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Christopher (Christophel) ZIEGLER was born in 1763 in Pennsburg, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Revolutionary War records referring to militia service - and non-serviceprobably refer to this Christopher Zeigler as his father would have beentoo old to serve in the war. A Christophel Zeigler is listed as servingunder Captain Benjamin Markley's company of Philadelphia County militiawhen it mustered on May 8, 1780. However, other records show ChristopherZiegler was fined 40 pounds for failing to muster for militia duty, whichwas mandatory in pennsylvania. Since Mennonites are traditionallypacifists, it is unusual to see the name appear on the militia rosters. Parents: Christopher ZIEGLER and Deborah DeWitt PAWLING.

Deborah ZIEGLER was born in 1765 in Pennsburg, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. She died in 1826. She was buried in 1826. Parents: Christopher ZIEGLER and Deborah DeWitt PAWLING.

Elizabeth ZIEGLER was born in 1746 in Pennsburg, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. She died in 1846. She was buried in 1846. Parents: Christopher ZIEGLER and Deborah DeWitt PAWLING.

Gertrude ZIEGLER was born in 1713. Parents: Michael (Pastor) ZIEGLER and Catherine (Shrager) SCHRAUGER.

Spouse: Isaac KOLB.

Hannah ZIEGLER was born in 1740 in Pennsburg, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Parents: Christopher ZIEGLER and Deborah DeWitt PAWLING.

John ZIEGLER was born about 1760 in Pennsburg, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Parents: Christopher ZIEGLER and Deborah DeWitt PAWLING.

Margareth ZIEGLER. Parents: Michael (Pastor) ZIEGLER and Catherine (Shrager) SCHRAUGER.

Michael ZIEGLER was born in 1727. Parents: Michael (Pastor) ZIEGLER and Catherine (Shrager) SCHRAUGER.

Michael ZIEGLER was born in 1744 in Pennsburg, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1820. He was buried in 1820. Parents: Christopher ZIEGLER and Deborah DeWitt PAWLING.

Michael (Pastor) ZIEGLER was born in 1684 in Germany or Switzerland. He was buried in Oct 1765. He died on Oct 29, 1765 in Skippack, Skippack Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Michael was originally a Lutheran, who probably lived in the Palatinateregion of Germany. The Book MAINTAINING THE RIGHT FELLOWSHIP, by John L.Ruth, tells of early Mennonite settlement in America. Among the groupsRuth follows is one that consisted of about a dozen families who fled theeconomic troubles and religious persecution in the Palatinate. They endedup in Rotterdam, Netherlands, seeking funds for passage to America. AsRuth writes, "...with them came also the illiterate twenty-five year oldLutheran weaver, Michael Ziegler, who was soon to wed Andrew Shrager'sdaughter, Katharina, and who later became a Mennonite minister."

At what point Michael became a Mennonite we do not know, but he soonbecame a leader in the Skippack Community. The first records of Michael'sstatus are referred to in an item on the Skippack Mennonite Church in THEMENNONITE ENCYCLOPEDIA: "In 1717 the wealthy Matthias van Bebber owner ofthe 6,000 acre tract on which the Mennonites settled, conveyed 100 acresto 7 Mennonite trustees named Sallen, Jansen, Ziegler, Custer and threeKolb brothers, Henry, Martin and Jacob. A meetinghouse was built hereabout 1725, replaced in 1844 by a new one.... Claes Jensen and MichaelZiegler were preachers. This land was used for a school, a burial groundand a farm to support the community's poor.

Ruth continues the story: "In those busy years of clearing and building,not everything got done in proper sequential order. A 'Declaration ofTrust' governing the use of the 100-acre Mennonite farm, school, andmeetinghouse at Skippack was not drawn up until March 20, 1725. This wasalso the year when thirty-four men of the Bebber's Town communityappealed for the laying out of a township to be named Skippack. Half ofthe men were Mennonite. Three Frieds had now moved in, and the names ofHans Detwiler and Willem Weirman made their appearance on the list. Nextto the name of prosperous minister Michael Ziegler was that ofschoolteacher Christopher Duck, though before long he would buy a farm inSalford Township.

Michael Ziegler was indeed later a Mennonite preacher, who emigrated withat least one brother, Melchior, before 1709 to Pennsylvania. He wasappointed Trustee of land at Skipjack Mennonite Church. He obtained 50acres of land which was conveyed from Gebhard and Ann Clemens 18 December1722 at Van Bebbers Township, Philadelphia (Montgomery) County,Pennsylvania. He later purchased the 100 acre plantation of Andrew andBarbara Schrager, 3 May 1727 at Lower Salford, Montgomery County,Pennsylvania. He then purchased 400 acres January 1728 at Goshenhoppen,Upper Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

He was naturalized along with Jans (John) Detwiler, Valentine Hunsicker,Martin Kolb, Jacob Kolb, Dielman Kolb and others from the MontgomeryCounty area in 1729/30.

"Still another document on which Michael Ziegler needed to set his 'mark'involved the whole Pennsylvania Mennonite Community. Gathering from'Canastoge' as well as 'Shipack,' Germantown, 'GreatSwamp,' and'Manatany' were sixteen ministers and bishops to proclaim their loyaltyto the Mennonite teaching as written in the Dortrecht 'ChristianConfession of the Faith of the harmless Christians, in the Netherlandsknown by the name of Mennonists.' ...from Skippacl Bishop JacobGaetschalck seems to be the first sign, followed by Henry Kolb, and hisbrother Martin, Claes Jensen, and Michael Ziegler." (MAINTAINING THERIGHT FELLOWSHIP, p. 102)

In early 1728, a bloody dispute between the Conestogas and Shawneesthreatened to erupt into war between the two native American tribes.Residents of rural Philadelphia County responded by petitioning GovernorPatrick Gordon in May. The petition states: "We think it fit to addressyour Excellency for Relief, for your Excellency must knowe That we havesuffered and is like to sufer By the Injians, they have fell upon ye BackInhabitors about falkners Swamp, & near Coshapopin. Therefore, we thehumbel Petitioners, With our poor Wives and Children Do humbly Beg ofyour Excellency To Take It into Consideration and Relieve us thePetitioners hereof, Whose Lives Lies At Stake With us and our poor Wives& Children that is more to us than Life. Therefore, We the humblePetitioners hereof, Do Desire An Answer from your Excellency by ye BearerWith Speed, so no at present from your poor afflicted People Whose namesare here subscribed."
(- THE INDIAN WARS OF PENNSYLVANIA, C. Hale Sipe, pp. 92-95 - spellingand capitalization copied verbatum.)

The name Michael Ziegler does not appear on the petition, which includeda long list of names ending with "And numerous others." However, othershave linked him to the document and its reasonable to believe that athreat so close to his home would have prompted him to sign.

Ruth also describes how, for a number of years after immigration, thesettlers failed to pay quitrants due on land obtained from the Pennfamily, the proprietors of Pennsylvania. James Steele was asked to gatherthe due payments in 1735. "But in Bebber's Towns, where over half of thelandowners were Mennonites, only Minister Michael Ziegler, it seems hadpaid. Taking a new initiative, agent Steele then wrote to Ziegler, askinghim ' speak with the inhabitants of Bebbers Township and let themknow that the Quitrants...must be forthwith that the [Penns]may be paid wt has been so long due them.' Ziegler, now prospering in hismid-forties and still signing papers with his mark, seems to have held areputation of trustworthiness. Steele wrote that the 'best way' toproceed would be for Bebber's Town people 'to meet and pay to thyself[or] any other that they might think fit.' This seems to indicate thatMichael had by now achieved a position of both spiritual and economicleadership in his neighborhood. But his neighbor, deacon Jacob Kolb,apparently also functioned as a collector of the quit rent."

A few years later, Michael Ziegler's mark - MZ - appears in the 1738audit of the alms in the record book of the Skippack Mennonite Church.

HISTORY OF THE MENONITE OF THE FRANCONIA CONFERENCE gives a brief rundownof the church-related
records signed by Michael over the next few decades. He signed (made hismark; he couldn't write; while his wife could write - a most unusual casein the eighteenth century) the first audit (1738) in the Skippack almsbook. Served as Treasurer, 1739-1741; 1753-1760. ...a note in the bookunder date of August 27, 1761, speaks of the treasurer as, "MichaelZiegler den Alten." ("Michael Ziegler the ancient or the elder - asopposed to his son, Michael")

October 14, 1745, leaders of the Mennonite churches of southeasternPennsylvania sent a letter to their brethren in Amsterdam, asking for aidin translating the book MARTYR'S MIRROR from Dutch into German. This wasa key book for the Mennonites because it outlined the history of thepersecution of anabaptists and was seen as a way or fortifying the faith.Michael Ziegler was one of the six signers of the letter.

In addition to Michael's church-related activities Ralph B. Strassburgerin THE STRASSBURGER FAMILY AND ALLIED FAMILIES IN PENNSYLVANIA, notesthat in 1734 Michael owned as much as six hundred and fifty acres, whichwas located in Skippack, Salford and other townships adjacent or nearby.

February 14, 1718, Michael purchased his first tract of land, 100 acreson "Parkeawming Creek," in what was then called Bebber's Township. In1734 he had the land resurveyed and received a patent from theproprieteor's land office for the tract on August 6. In 1722, Michaelpurchased fifty acres next to the original tract. In 1727, he purchasedanother 100 acres in Skippack Township from Andrew Shrager on which tobuild a tannery. Michael an Catherine lived on this land. In March 1727,the proprietory government granted Michael 450 acres in "Goshehoppen," innew Hanover Township. In 1734, Michael Ziegler is listed among 42householders in "Paerkiomen and Skippake," where he was paying theproprietary tax on 100 acres.

In addition to these transactions, Michael is listed as receiving awarrantee for 400 acres in Philadelphia County on March 10, 1732. It'spossible this is related to the 1727 grant noted above.

Starting in 1745, Michael began conveying his property to his sons.Finally, Strassburger mentions some of the provisions of Michael's will,which was written February 7, 1763, and probated October 29, 1765. Afterproviding for his family, Michael "left 9 pounds to be paid to the Eldersof the "Congregation of my Township wherein I now reside for the use ofthe poor." It appears that Michael actually died in 1764, because asStrassburger states, "In 1764, before his will was probated, ValentineHunsicker acknowledges on behalf of the congregation, 'the receipt ofnine pounds Pennsylvania money from Michael Ziegler in accordance withthe last will and testament of his (Michael's) father for the poor of theSchippacker Mennonite Congregation."

He was also a weaver in addition to being the Mennonite pastor inSkipjack and Germantown about 1731.

He was granted a patent for 100 acres 6 June 1734 at Lower SalfordTownship, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He sold 78.5 acres of land tohis son, Michael Ziegler, Jr. on 6 January 1749/50 at Perkionen andSkipjack, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. He also sold the son 36acres land 6 May 1762 at Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County,Pennsylvania.

He sold two tracts of land (69 acres and 66 acres) to his son, WilliamZiegler on 18 November 1762 at Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County,Pennsylvania.

In his will he named his wife Catherine and his children: Andrew,Christopher, Michael, William, Gertrude, Susana, Margareth, andCatherine. He also named a grandchild, Michael Reeth and his son-in-law,David

Spouse: Catherine (Shrager) SCHRAUGER. Michael (Pastor) ZIEGLER and Catherine (Shrager) SCHRAUGER were married in 1710. Children were: Barbara ZIEGLER, Margareth ZIEGLER, Andrew ZIEGLER, Gertrude ZIEGLER, Christopher ZIEGLER, Susana ZIEGLER, Catherine ZIEGLER, Michael ZIEGLER, William ZIEGLER.


Spouse: Catherine MOYER.


Susana ZIEGLER was born in 1719. Parents: Michael (Pastor) ZIEGLER and Catherine (Shrager) SCHRAUGER.

Spouse: Jacob SCHUMACHER.

Susannah ZIEGLER was born about 1756 in Pennsburg, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Parents: Christopher ZIEGLER and Deborah DeWitt PAWLING.

William ZIEGLER was born in 1728. Parents: Michael (Pastor) ZIEGLER and Catherine (Shrager) SCHRAUGER.


Spouse: Julie Ann NANCE. Gregory ZIELINSKI and Julie Ann NANCE were married on Dec 29, 1980. Children were: Peter John ZIELINSKI, Michael David ZIELINSKI.

Michael David ZIELINSKI was born in 1983. Parents: Gregory ZIELINSKI and Julie Ann NANCE.

Peter John ZIELINSKI was born in 1981. Parents: Gregory ZIELINSKI and Julie Ann NANCE.

Kaila Nichole ZIES was born in 1984. Parents: Rick ZIES and Sherri FAUGHN.

Rick ZIES was born in 1964.

Spouse: Sherri FAUGHN. Rick ZIES and Sherri FAUGHN were married in 1983. They were divorced. Children were: Kaila Nichole ZIES.

Mark ZIGNOW was born in 1958.

Spouse: Karen Ann KOVAL.


Spouse: Barbara JOHNSON.

Anna Catharina ZINN. Parents: Johann Adam ZINN and Elisabeth ALLES.

Anna Elisabeth ZINN was born on Jul 14, 1890. She died on Dec 12, 1973 in Nipawin, Sask. Canada. Parents: Johann Georg ZINN and Maria Barbara KIRSCH.

Spouse: Johann Georg ROMMEL. Johann Georg ROMMEL and Anna Elisabeth ZINN were married on Jul 14, 1908. Children were: Molly ROMMEL, Ronald ROMMEL, Sigismund Francis ROMMEL, Sarah Clara ROMMEL.

Anna Maria ZINN. Parents: Johann Adam ZINN and Elisabeth ALLES.

Anna Maria ZINN was born in 1831. Parents: Jacob ZINN and Elisabeth.

Christiana Elisabeth ZINN died on Mar 29, 1905. She was born BET. 2 SEP 1825 - 1826. Parents: Jacob ZINN and Elisabeth.

Spouse: Georg PROPP.

Christina Elisabeth ZINN was born on Feb 22, 1861. Parents: Conrad ZINN and Anna Elizabeth PROPP.

Conrad ZINN was born on Sep 3, 1827. He died on Dec 6, 1907. Parents: Jacob ZINN and Elisabeth.

Spouse: Anna Elizabeth PROPP. Children were: still-born ZINN, Georg Jacob ZINN, Heinrich ZINN, Christina Elisabeth ZINN, Johann Georg ZINN, Johann Jacob ZINN, Maria Elisabeth ZINN.

Dorothea Elisabeth ZINN. Parents: Johann Adam ZINN and Elisabeth ALLES.

Elisabeth ZINN was born in 1823. Parents: Jacob ZINN and Elisabeth.

Elisabeth ZINN was born in 1898. Parents: Johann Georg ZINN and Maria Barbara KIRSCH.

Georg Jacob ZINN was born on Feb 4, 1830. He died on Dec 5, 1898. Parents: Jacob ZINN and Elisabeth.

Spouse: Anna Maria SAUERBREI.

Georg Jacob ZINN was born on Sep 4, 1857. He died on Nov 25, 1858. Parents: Conrad ZINN and Anna Elizabeth PROPP.

Heinrich ZINN was born on Oct 9, 1859. Parents: Conrad ZINN and Anna Elizabeth PROPP.

Spouse: Maria FINK.

Jacob ZINN was born in 1801. He died in 1833. Parents: Johann Adam ZINN and Elisabeth ALLES.

Spouse: Elisabeth. Children were: Elisabeth ZINN, Christiana Elisabeth ZINN, Conrad ZINN, Georg Jacob ZINN, Anna Maria ZINN.

Johann Adam ZINN was born in 1753. He died in 1825.

Spouse: Elisabeth ALLES. Children were: Maria Elisabeth ZINN, Anna Catharina ZINN, Anna Maria ZINN, Dorothea Elisabeth ZINN, Johann Albertus ZINN, Johann Heinrich ZINN, Jacob ZINN.

Johann Albertus ZINN was born in 1777. Parents: Johann Adam ZINN and Elisabeth ALLES.

Spouse: Dorothea Elisabeth.

Johann Georg ZINN was born on Jan 22, 1856. He died on Sep 28, 1856. Parents: Conrad ZINN and Anna Elizabeth PROPP.

Spouse: Maria Barbara KIRSCH. Children were: Johann Georg ZINN, Anna Elisabeth ZINN, Maria Barbara ZINN, Elisabeth ZINN.

Johann Georg ZINN was born on Nov 30, 1887. He died on Jan 20, 1891. Parents: Johann Georg ZINN and Maria Barbara KIRSCH.

Johann Heinrich ZINN was born in 1779. He died in 1833. Parents: Johann Adam ZINN and Elisabeth ALLES.

Spouse: Anna Maria.

Johann Jacob ZINN was born in 1871. Parents: Conrad ZINN and Anna Elizabeth PROPP.

Maria Barbara ZINN was born about 1857.

Spouse: Johann Friedrich ROTHENBERGER. Children were: Anna Elisabeth ROTHENBERGER, Maria Barbara ROTHENBERGER, Anna Margaretha ROTHENBERGER, Maria Catharina ROTHENBERGER, still-born ROTHENBERGER, Johann Friedrich ROTHENBERGER.

Maria Barbara ZINN was born in 1895. Parents: Johann Georg ZINN and Maria Barbara KIRSCH.

Maria Elisabeth ZINN. Parents: Johann Adam ZINN and Elisabeth ALLES.

Maria Elisabeth ZINN was born in 1876. Parents: Conrad ZINN and Anna Elizabeth PROPP.

Still-born ZINN was born on Sep 12, 1854. Parents: Conrad ZINN and Anna Elizabeth PROPP.

Rosemary ZITES.

Spouse: David Gregory LINKER. David Gregory LINKER and Rosemary ZITES were married in 2001.

Catharine Margaretha ZIZMANN was born.

Spouse: Georg Jacob ROTHENBERGER. Georg Jacob ROTHENBERGER and Catharine Margaretha ZIZMANN were married in 1903.

Elisabeth ZOHL was born in 1749. Parents: Katharina ESTRAIN.

Spouse: Valentin ROMMEL. Children were: Susanna ROMMEL, Johann Georg ROMMEL, Anna Maria ROMMEL.
