It Takes Time to Heal

Written by: Albrecht

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or "Angel". They belong to Joss Whedon & Warner Bros. Ô & &COPY 1999. The song "Only When I Lose Myself" is written by Martin L. Gore ã 1998 Grabbing Hands Music Overseas/EMI Music Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. The lyrics are shown in parenthesis. This is a work of fan fiction and is not intended for publication or sale.

Author’s notes: This short story takes place right after the "Pangs" & "I Will Remember You" crossover episodes (which I suggest you watch before you read this). This short story is mainly meant to explore the range of emotions that Angel experiences having had his heart’s desire for a fleeting moment and how he immediately dealt with the repercussions that it caused within him. Internal dialog is represented in Italics.

Teaser: An Angel story that takes place right after the episode "I Will Remember You" and before "Hero".


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Albrecht's Diary