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La Teca dei Ricordi

In this page I gathered a few awards this site has won and some gift I received from friends...         
In questa pagina ho raccolto alcuni premi vinti da questo sito e alcuni omaggi ricevuti...

From Carol's HP

FIrst Kinght
From The Philosophic Warrior


From JPS-Web

From AdSoft               From Mondomania
ADSoft Web development Award        

Thanks for your entry and continue to visit The Zone

from Otakou New Zealand Online

From Johnny P.
HPA Special Award of Exellence

these came from the Web Brawls

questi vengono dai Web Brawls

This is from '80 cartoons

I received the following from fighters I supported...
Ho ricevuto i seguenti da combattenti che ho supportato...


...and from some other friends...
...e da altri amici...


...what will you see next?
Back to the cover - Alla copertinaThe Library of LegendsThe Fireplace of TalesThe Vault of FrescoThe Gallery of VisionsTo the Gate
The Trace of the GuestsThe Rings of MightThe Lord of the TowerSend me a message - Mandami un messaggioThe Landruler's CornerThe Order of the Black SnakeThe Blue Prism of Quests
The Memory of The WallsThe Shrine of RecallsThe Courtyard of PhilosophersThe Tapestry of NewsThe Advise for the TravellersThe Crypt of Light

...cosa vedrai ora?