During the BRANDY video;Q. Brandy played the title role in what 1997 fairy tale tv movie?
Ahmet then pops up on the screen and says: "I was actually up for the role of the pumpkin"!
If you remember my "STUFF I LIKE" page there is a graphic of a rotating pumpkin.
SPECIAL AGENT DONNIE WAHLBERG'S CONCLUSION: "I think that Ahmet is obviously saying that because Guru Catherine enjoys Halloween so much that he would like to be her pumpkin."
1] Ahmet announces the next set of questions and video by saying; "Jewel, You were meant for me" He then looks at the camera and says; "You were".As you all should know, in the FAQ section of this website there is a question concerning Jewel.
2] Q. Jewel performed at the 6th annual Christmas concert for which religious leader?
A. The Pope
Ahmet then pops up and mouths "I love you".
Q. Well ahead of her time, MARILYN MONROE seductively sang "Happy Birthday" to what US President?"
A. John F. Kennedy
Ahmet once again comes in and whispers seductively, "I love you"
I think it is obvious that Ahmet is trying to tell the Guru that he loves her. First during this segment of the show he says that he was meant for her. Then twice before it is over he tells her that he loves her.
"In the I survived the New Kids On The Block category we have Joey McIntyre's STAY THE SAME".Then they play the video.
SPECIAL AGENT JOEY MCINTYRE'S CONCLUSION: As you all know Guru was a major fan of the New Kids and I'm sure that this is one of those cute ways of Ahmet telling her that he noticed. Kinda like when a boy hits you in the arm and runs away.
At the opening "Im Ahmet Zappa, your host and creature of the night".
I like scary movies.
after a commercial break; "Welcome back to webriot, the only game show where you can gamble with your life every time you play".
I lived in Las Vegas.
I've taken a few psychology classes and I thnk it is very obvious what is going on here. He is scared to tell Catherine just how he really feels so he tells her by making statements she would be familiar with.
1]Ahmet is wearing a KISS shirt.
If you refer back to the "STUFF I LIKE" pages you will see I like KISS.
He announces "NIRVANA" Come As You Are.
He knows I love NIRVANA.
Q. At Woodstock 99 Creed jammed on stage with Robbie Krieger, guitarist for what 60's band?
A. The Doors
Once again in refering back to the "STUFF I LIKE pages I mention how much I love The Doors.
Wow, this episode was jam packed with subliminal message proclaiming his love for the Guru. He mentions KISS, NIRVANA and THE DOORS all in one show. I think this is the episode where he really let loose. He couldn't hold back. It wouldn't be more obvious that he was in love with her if he looked into the camera and said "Guru Catherine, I Love You!"
At the end of the show when he is talking about how the contestants can win the Ford Focus he says "Check out our website, while you're at it send me a love email."SPECIAL AGENT DANNY WOOD'S CONCLUSION:
During my research I noticed that right after episode 18, the Guru had written Ahmet an email that told him he looked better in glasses because the day before he had worn the KISS shirt and no glasses. Well in this episode the glasses are back on and he just cannot wait to see if he will get anymore email from her. He is urging her to tell him how she feels. He wants her to write him a love email.
1]Q. Teddy Riley is creditied with creating what musical style?
A. "New Jack Swing (ahmet says) and I am the Walrus coo coo cachoo".
On the Welcome page of this website Guru Catherine has place a graphic of John Lennon sticking his tongue out. The connection between this graphic and what Ahmet said is completely obvious!
On my Me file there is a picture of me and it says "I have pretty nice teeth" and everyone knows I'm a wannabe rockstar.
During Filter's TAKE MY PICTURE he says, "I want an Oompa Loompa now Daddy!"
I was once an Oompa loompa.
What Ahmet is saying here is that if Guru needed her teeth worked on he would do it. And basically he wants her because once and oompa loompa always an Oompa Loompa even if only at heart.
1]Q. Moby considers himself a devout?
A. "He is a christian where as I am a Jedi"!
Ahmet knows that Guru Catherine is a Star Wars fan and even more than that he knows she loves EWAN MCGREGOR who plays Obi Wan a... You guessed it a Jedi!
In closing he is telling about the Ford Focus and tells us to "check it our at our website and while you at it when you see my picture give me a little peck on the cheek.SPECIAL AGENT DONNIE WAHLBERG'S CONCLUSION:
Pretty self explainatory dont you think.
1]Q. Space Lord Darth Vader was also known as?
A. "Anakin Skywalker. We only mention it because we thought the movie needed a little bit more publicity.
Excuses! Ahmet knows I love Star Wars but what I don't understand is how he knew that I did all my Z-Files investigative work in this.
Ahmet announces; "Jordan Knight with the truest words ever spoken I Can Never Take The Place of your man".
DUH! I think that Ahmet believes that Catherine and I have a thing going on or something. Which isn't true because as ashamed as I am to say it, she turned me down. He thinks that if he tells her that she will go on with her life. Ahmet is self conscience and doesn't think he is good enough for her.
This is a specil episode because my name appeared on the top online players list!!
1]During the 3rd round where you guess the jumbled up video "One of my favorite bands KISS! Look at Gene he's so powerful".
If you remeber back in my "STUFF I LIKE" page I mention KISS and I say how much I admire GENE. He's my fave.
Ahmet is a very confused guy. He tries to get Guru Catherine to notice him by comparing what they have in common then he gets cold feet and tells her that he couldn't take the place of her man. In this particular incident he even pics Gene Simmons as his favorite. He wants her to see the show and think to herself, "wow, Ahmet and I sure do have lots in common. We must be made for eachother."
1]At the end of the show; "Check em (Ford Focus)out at our website, Which I know you visit everyday right?
Ahmet is telling Guru that he KNOWS she visits everyday and he appreciates it.
At the top of the show; "A band that rocks harder than any band this side of Black Sabbath, Metallica, No Leaf Clover.Once again back to my "STUFF I LIKE" page. He knows I love Metallica.
If you look back you will see that Catherine even makes the statement that she hates people who think Metallica doesn't rock anymore. It's back to what Danny said a few episodes back about how he wants her to see how much they have in common.
At the end of the show; "Send me some email, I get so lonely"!SPECIAL AGENT JONATHAN KNIGHT'S CONCLUSION: He is urging Guru Catherine to contact him.
1] "And now a lesson for The Backstreet Boys, 98 degrees and N'Sync it's called New Kids On the Block HANGIN TOUGH"!I believe that Ahmet thinks he must continue to let me know he is thinking about me. I know Ahmet Sweetie you don't have to keep this up. I love you too!
1] During Veruca Salt's VOLCANO GIRLS....
Q. In WILLY WONKA Veruca Salt meets her demise persuing what object?A. "An egg laying goose. Now dont you just wanna cuddle up to one of those Oompa Loompas? Come here Come here...."
Wolverine-the-armless would like to take this one: " In my Super hero opinion, Ahmet has it bad for Guru! He has already mentioned in a previous episode that he wanted an Oompa Loompa and now he is mentioning it again! Basically he is saying he wants Guru Cat BAD. He knows and it is widely known that Catherine used to be an Oompa Loompa!
1] First video up is Metalica FUEL........ Only my favoritest band in all the land!
2] "Let's get lovey dovey. The next video is Lenny Kravitz THINKING OF YOU". Ahmet then looks into the camera and shakes his head yes(to me).
Ahmet is so sweet, he is thinking of me always!
3] During N'Sync ALL I EVER WANTED Ahmet does the Cabbage Patch.
He is telling me that he agrees with my USHER/CABBAGE PATCH THEORY.
4] During Liz Phair SUPERNOVA "My only true love is Webriot and you (pointing to the camera) guys".
Ahhh how nice I am his true love!
1] "I am an ordained minister and founde of the church of Who Loves Ya Baby".Wolverine-the-armless:Guru Cat is ordained and Ahmet knew that that word would probably get her attention then he just added the "who love ya baby" to say "I love you Catherine".
1] Usher WHEN I THINK OF YOUThis has got to be Ushers most Cabbage Patch lookig video ever! He is growing out of it a little but that is the whole idea he is morphing into a real guy.
2] Q. The lyrics from Sarah Mclachlan's POSSESION were taken from letters written by a scary what? A. "Stalker" Ahmet then looks very seriously into the camera.
Wolverine-the-armless: Guru, I think that Ahmet is saying that even though you aren't scary and not a stalker you do write him very lovely letter that are quite poetic and that you cant blame him if he takes those letters and turns them into a hit song. After all Sarah did it right?