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The Buzzards' Roost Remote Control Aeronautics Club

Radio Control Aeronautics Club

R/C planes lined up ready to fly.Welcome to the home of The Buzzards' Roost. We are a radio controlled model aeronautics club whose goal is to promote and enjoy safe flying of R/C model airplanes. The club was started in October 2000 by several members in the community of Friendship just outside of Tallassee, Alabama as a backyard hobby. The Buzzard's Roost has 17 members ranging from new fliers to the old guys who know all the tricks. The club is chartered by the Academy of Model Aeronautics.

Inside you will find pictures of our members and their model airplanes, club rules, directions to our field, favorite links, and local weather. If you have any questions you may contact us by e mail. Fly Safely!!!


When once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth
with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there
you will always long to return.

~~Leonardo da Vinci

AMA Charter #123345
Charter # 123345


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Copyright© 2000-2002 The Buzzards' Roost R/C Club
Updated on May. 10, 2002.

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