Armor Of Yahweh

Put On The Whole Armor Of Yahweh~!

Put On The Whole Armor Of God, That You May Be Able To Stand Against The Wiles Of The Devil, (Ephesians 6:11-18).

Have Ever You Noticed That Immediately After Putting On The Whole Armor Of Yahweh At Ephesians 6:18, We Are Instructed To Pray For ALL The Saints, (This Is Because “When The Body Of Christ Tears Down The Offenses That Are Separating Them From One Another, Then Yahweh Can Bring A Revival Upon The Land—The Likes Of Which The World Has Never Seen~!”, And It Also Gets The Focus Off Of ‘Self’).


Through Yahweh We Shall Do Valiantly, For It Is He Who Shall Tread Down Our Adversaries.
(Psalm 60:12; Psalm 108:13)

Pray Without Ceasing ~ (Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17)




Armor Of Yahweh


Declarations ~ The Word Confess Means To, “Say The Same Thing As”, or To, “Come Into Agreement With”. References,
(With Strong’s Concordance Numbers)


  For We Are Not Ignorant Of d—Evil One’s Wiles, (Schemes), And Devices; (1 Corinthians 13:8).  Notice The Previous Verse Just Before We Are Told That We Are NOT Ignorant Of d—Evil One Schemes & Plans.

2 Corinthians 2:10-11 ~ 10 If You Forgive Anyone Anything, I Too Forgive That One; And What I Have Forgiven, If I Have Forgiven Anything, Has Been For Your Sakes In The Presence [And With The Approval] Of Christ (The Messiah), 11 To Keep Satan From Getting The Advantage Over Us; For We Are NOT Ignorant Of His Wiles And Intentions.

Many People Lose Battles To d—Evil One Because They Don’t Understand How His Evil Powers Can Enter Into Their Lives And Set Up Strongholds.  A Stronghold Is An Incorrect Thinking Pattern That Has Molded Itself Into Our Way Of Thinking.

1 Corinthians 3:3 ~ 3 For You Are Still [UnSpiritual, Having The Nature] Of The Flesh [Under The Control Of Ordinary Impulses]. For As Long As [There Are] Envying And Jealousy And STRIFE And Factions Among You, Are You Not CARNAL, {UnSpiritual And Of The Flesh}, Behaving Yourselves After A Human Standard And Like Mere (Unchanged) Men?

2 Timothy 2:14, 23-26 ~ {Based On The International Children’s Bible}
14 Continue Teaching These Things. And Warn People Before God Not To Argue About Words. Arguing About Words Does Not Help Anyone, And It Ruins Those Who Listen.
23 Stay Away From Foolish And Stupid Arguments. You Know That Such Arguments Grow Into Bigger Arguments. Yahweh’s Servant Must NOT Quarrel,

24 And A Servant Of Yahweh Must Not Quarrel~! They Must Be Kind To Everyone. They Must Be A Good Teacher. They Must Be Patient.
25 Yahweh’s Servant Must Gently Teach Those Who Do Not Agree With Them. Maybe God Will Let Them Change Their Hearts So That They Can Accept The Truth.,
26 The Devil Has Trapped Them And Causes Them To Do What He Wants. But Maybe They Can Wake Up And Free Themselves From The Devil’s Trap.

2 Timothy 2:14; 23-26 ~ {Based On The Amplified Bible Classic Edition}
14 Remind [The People] Of These Facts And [Solemnly] Charge Them In The Presence Of Yahweh To Avoid Petty Controversy Over Words, Which Does No Good But Upsets And Undermines The Faith Of The Hearers. 23 But Refuse (Shut Your Mind Against, Have Nothing To Do With) Trifling (Ill-Informed, Unedifying, Stupid) Controversies Over Ignorant Questionings, For You Know That They Foster STRIFE And Breed Quarrels. 24 And The Servant Of Yahweh Must Not Be Quarrelsome, (Fighting And Contending).  24 Instead, They Must Be Kindly To Everyone And Mild-Tempered, [Preserving The Bond Of Peace]; They Must Be Skilled And Suitable Teachers, Patient And Forbearing And Willing To Suffer Wrong.  25 They Must Correct Their Opponents With Courtesy And Gentleness, In The Hope That Yahweh May Grant That They Will Repent And Come To Know The Truth [That They Will Perceive And Recognize And Become Accurately Acquainted With And Acknowledge It], 26 And That They May Come To Their Senses [And] Escape Out Of The Snare Of The Devil, Having Been Held Captive By Him, [Henceforth] To Do His [God’s] Will

James 3:13-18 ~ 13 Who Is Wise And Understanding Among You?  Let Him Show His Deeds Done In Gentleness Of Wisdom By His Good Life. 14 But If You Have Bitter Jealousy And Selfish Ambition In Your Heart, Don’t Boast And Don’t Lie Against The Truth.  15 This Wisdom Is Not That Which Comes Down From Above, But Is Earthly, Sensual, And Demonic.  16 For Where Jealousy And Selfish Ambition Are, There Is Confusion And Every Evil Deed.  17 But The Wisdom That Is From Above Is First Pure, Then Peaceful, Gentle, Reasonable, Full Of Mercy And Good Fruits, Without Partiality, And Without Hypocrisy.  18 Now The Fruit Of Righteousness Is Sown In Peace By Those Who Make Peace.

2 Corinthians 2:10-11;
1 Corinthians 13:8;
1 Corinthians 3:3;
2 Timothy 2:24-26;
James 3:13-18


Therefore, As God’s Chosen People, Holy And Dearly Loved, We Clothe Ourselves With Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness And Patience.  Bear With Each Other And Forgive One Another If Any Of You Has A Grievance Against Someone.  Forgive As Yahweh Forgave You.  And Over ALL These Virtues Put On Love, Which Binds Us All Together In Perfect Unity.  For Faith Works By Love.  We Speak The Truth In Love, That We May Grow Up In ALL Things Into Him, Who Is The Head, [Even] Christ.  The Letter Of The Law Kills But The Spirit Gives Life.

Colossians 3:12-16;
Galatians 5:6, 13;
Galatians 6:2;
Philippians 2:2-5;
Ephesians 4:2, 15, 29-32
Ephesians 5:1-4;
1 John 3:16, 23
2 Corinthians 3:6

We Put On The Whole Armor Of Yahweh, And We Are Able To Resist And To Stand Our Ground Against The Strategies And The Deceits Of d—Evil One.  For The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are NOT Carnal *, But Mighty Through Yahweh To The Throwing Down Of Strongholds.  By Allowing The Fruit Of The Spirit To Be Dominate In Us d—Evil One Has No Legal Defense Against Love, (Against Such There Is NO LAW), But d—Evil One Wants To Get You Out Of The Weapons Of Yahweh’s Warfare, (ie… The Fruit Of The Spirit), That Are Not Carnal, And Into STRIFE, For Which He Is Practicing Law In.  d—Evil One Weapons Are ONLY CARNAL~!

Ephesians 6:10-20
2 Corinthians 10:4
Galatians 5:22-23
Romans 5:5
1 Corinthians 3:3

We Put On The Girdle Of Truth.  Abba, Our Father, Sanctify Us In Truth For Your Word Is Truth.  We Stand Firm On Yahweh’s Word, Which Is True.  We Are Not Moved By Our Natural Senses In What We Feel, Think, Hear, Taste or Smell or See; For We Walk By Faith, NOT By Sight; And We Trust In Yahweh, And Not In The Evil Reports We Hear.  We Know The Truth And The Truth MAKES Us Free.  Your Word Have We Hid In Our Hearts That We Might Not Sin Against You~! Ephesians 6:14;
John 17:17
2 Corinthians 5:7
Psalm 112:7-8
John 8:32
Psalm 119:11

We Put On The BreastPlate Of Righteousness, For He Who Knew No Sin Became Sin For Us In Order That We Might Become, {Be Made}, The Righteousness Of Yahweh In Him.  We Have Been Made or Have Become The Righteousness Of Yahweh In Yahoshua, (Christ).  We Awake To Righteousness And Sin Not, Receiving Yahweh’s Overflowing Grace And Of The Gift Of Righteousness So We Reign As Kings In Life.

Ephesians 6:14;
2 Corinthians 8:9
2 Corinthians 5:21
1 Corinthians 15:34
Romans 5:17

We Shod Our Feet With The Preparation Of The Gospel Of Peace. Yahweh Will Keep Us In Perfect Peace As We Keep Our Mind Focused On Him And Trust Him.  For ALL Authority Has Been Given To Us To Trample Upon Serpents And Scorpions And Over ALL The Power Of d—Evil One, And NOTHING Shall Harm Us By Any Means~!

Ephesians 6:15;
Isaiah 26:3
Luke 10:19
James 3:18

We Put On The Shield Of Faith, Which Will Extinguish ALL The Flaming Fiery Darts (Accusations, Defamatory Words) Of The Evil One.  For Without Faith, It Is Impossible To Please Yahweh, And He Who Draws Near To Yahweh Must Believe That He Is And That He Is A Rewarder Of Those That Diligently Seek Him.  So Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh , (Not By Just Having Heard It Once), But By Hearing And Hearing The Word Of Yahweh Over And Over Again Until The Word Of Yahweh Gets Deep Down On The Inside Of You.  Our Faith Is The Victory That Has Overcome The World.  We Are Born Of Yahweh~!  We Believe That Yahoshua Is The Son Of Yahweh And We Overcome The World~! Ephesians 6:16;
Hebrews 2:4
Hebrews 11:6
Romans 10:17
1 John 5:4-5

We Put On The Helmet Of Salvation.  We Are Not Conformed To This World, But We Are Transformed By The Renewing Of Our Mind So That We Prove What Is The Good And Acceptable And Perfect Will Of Yahweh, As We Present Our Bodies As A Living Sacrifice, Holy And Acceptable To Yahweh, Which Is Our Reasonable Worship.  We Throw Down ALL Imaginations And Every High Thing That Is Exalted Against The Knowledge Of Yahweh, And Bring Every Thought Into Captivity To The Obedience Of Christ; And Being In Readiness To Avenge All Disobedience, When Our Obedience Is Complete.  We Have The Mind Of Christ. Ephesians 6:17;
Romans 12:1-2
2 Corinthians 10:5-6

We Put On The Sword Of The Spirit, (Which Is The Word Of Yahweh).  For The Word Of Yahweh Is Living And Powerful And Active And Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword, Piercing Even To The Division Of Soul And Of Spirit, And Of Joint And Of Marrow And Is A Discerner Of The Thoughts And Intents Of The Heart. Ephesians 6:17;
Hebrews 4:12

We Put On The The Glory Of Yahweh, (Which Is Our Rear Guard, And Yahweh Goes Before Us~!).  For You Will Not Leave In A Hurry Nor Flee In Haste, For Yahweh Goes Before You, And The God Of Israel Is Your Rear GuardThen Your Light Will Break Forth Like The Dawn, And Your Healing Will Come Quickly.  Your Righteousness Will Go Before You, And The Glory Of Yahweh Will Be Your Rear Guard. Isaiah 52:12;
Isaiah 58:8

We Humble Ourselves And Submit Ourselves To Yahweh Receiving Grace Not To Sin And We Commit Ourselves To Yahweh, For He Is Able To KEEP That Which I Have COMMITTED Unto Him Against That Day.  We Resist The Devil And He Flees From Us.  We Give NO PLACE To The Devil, Neither In Our Life Nor In Our Thoughts, Nor In The Earth Below or In Heaven Above~!  Nor Was Their Any Foreign God Among Us.  We Put On The Glory Of Yahweh, Who Is Our Rear Guard.  For We Are Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of The Anointed One, For It Is The Power Of Yahweh Unto Salvation, To The Jews First, And Then To The Gentiles~! 2 Timothy 1:12;
Romans 6:1-12
James 4:7
Ephesians 4:27
Isaiah 58:8
1 Timothy 1:14
Romans 1:16
Deuteronomy 32:12;
Psalm 81:9;
Isaiah 43:12

We Believe In Yahoshua Just As The Scripture Says; Therefore Out Of Our Inmost Being Flows Rivers Of Living Waters.  Holy Spirit We Invite You To Live Through Us Today And We Make Ourselves Open For Your Love To Pour Forth Out Of Us. John 7:38
Romans 5:5


*To See More On The Love Walk, Click Below To See Most Of The Verses That I Found or Click On This HyperLink About Love:

(John 13:34-35; John 14:21;
John 15:12, 17; Romans 12:10, 16;
Philippians 2:3-5; Romans 13:8-10;
Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:1-4, 32;
Colossians 3:12-17; 1 Thessalonians 3:12;
1 Thessalonians 4:9; 2 Thessalonians 1:3;
Hebrews 10:24; 1 John 3:11; 1 John 3:23;
1 John 4:7,11-12;21; 2 John 1:5;
1 Peter 1:22; 1 Peter 4:8-9;
1 Peter 5:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:11


Redeeming The Time

Why Not Instead Pray For Their Salvation, (Enter Here To Get A Prayer Outline For Their Salvation), And Commit These Nice Folks To Yahweh, {I Am Not Ashamed: For I Know Whom I Have Believed, And Am Persuaded That He Is Able To KEEP That Which I Have COMMITTED Unto Him Against That Day, (2 Timothy 1:12)}.

“I Will Give To You The Keys Of The Kingdom Of Heaven, And Whatever You Bind On Earth Will Have Been Bound In Heaven; And Whatever You Release On Earth Will Have Been Released In Heaven”, (Matthew 18:18-19; Matthew 16:19).

Redeeming The Time, Because The Days Are Evil, (Redeeming Is More Than Just Making The Most Out Of The Time Available).  It Is That, Plus Some.  Redeeming The Time Lost, or Stolen From Us [Like With The Shelter-In-Place That Has Just About Wiped Out Our Economy And Folks Have Lost Jobs, Businesses, Money In The Stock Market And Even Their Possessions Because Of Having To Be Idle], {To Redeem Something Means To Buy It Back}.  To Get More Accomplished In One Day Than We Formerly Have Gotten Accomplished In Many Years ~ To Get More Done In Less Time~!  This Would Be The Poster Child Model For Efficiency.  It’s Going Into The Throne Room And Resting, And It’s A Lot Buying A Certain Stock And While You’re Lounging On The Beach That Stock Is Making Money For You.  But, It’s Still More Than That.  To Make The Most Of Every Opportunity, (Broadcasting On TV If That Is Available To You, But If Not, Broadcasting On Social Media OutLets, And Email, And Talking To Those You Meet In Wal*Mart or Elsewhere, {I Bind Social Distancing And It Is Over Now, Declares The Lord Of Host}, (Ephesians 5:16).

Heal The Sick, Cleanse The Lepers, And Cast Out Demons. Freely You Received, So Freely Give, (Matthew 10:8; Mark 16:18; Luke 4:18-19).

Yahweh, The God That I Serve Sends Forth His Angels To Go Ahead Of Me And Prosper My Way~!

(Genesis 24:7, 40; Exodus 23:20;
Hebrews 1:14; Hebrews 2:3, Acts 27:23



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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14


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