1 Timothy 2:8 {TPT} ~ Therefore, I Encourage The Men To Pray On Every Occasion With Hands Lifted To God In Worship With Clean Hearts, Free From Frustration or Strife.

Proverbs 18:17 ~ He Who Pleads His Cause First Seems Right; Until Another Comes And Questions Him

Jude 1:19 ~These Are They Who Cause Divisions, And Are Sensual, Not Having The Spirit”.

Proverbs 6:16-19 ~ “Yahweh Hates Six Things; In Fact, Seven Are Detestable To Him~!  And One Who Sows Discord Among Brothers”.

Strife Is One Of Works Of The Flesh, ~ (Galatians 5:19-21) ~ 19 Now The Works Of The Flesh Are Evident: Sexual Immorality, Impurity, Sensuality, 20 Idolatry, Sorcery, Enmity, Strife, Jealousy, Fits Of Anger, Rivalries, Dissensions, Divisions, 21 Envy, Drunkenness, Orgies, And Things Like These. I Warn You, As I Warned You Before, That Those Who Do Such Things Will Not Inherit The Kingdom Of God.

Not Willing To ForGive And Holding A Grudge Is The Root Of An Offense, Which Escalates Into Strife, So UnForgiveness Is A Show-Stopper For Effective Prayers: (Mark 11:25) ~ And Whenever You Stand Praying, Forgive, If You Have Anything Against Anyone, So That Your Father Also Who Is In Heaven May Forgive You Your Trespasses.

The Power Of Forgiveness Is The Same Power To Heal ~ For Which Is Easier, To Say, “Your Sins Are Forgiven”; or To Say, “Get Up, And Walk?(Matthew 9:5-7; Luke 5:23-25).  Notice How Many Times In The Scriptures That Forgiveness Is Mentioned With Healing~!

Psalm 103:3:
Who Forgives All Our Iniquities”,
Who Heals All Our Diseases” …

Ephesians 1:7; & Colossians 1:14 Both Tell Us That, “In Him WE HAVE Redemption* Through His Blood, The Forgiveness Of Sins”, And Ephesians 1:7 Adds, “According To The Riches Of His Grace”.

*Redemption Would Include Healing~!

Even As An Example When Yahoshua Was On The Cross Having Suffered A Brutal Beating, {By His Stripes We Were Heal, Right?, (Isaiah 53:5;
Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24
… Forgiveness Was Found Given By Yahoshua… “Father, Forgive Them; For They Know Not What They Do”, (Luke 23:34).

Red Is Often Associated With Anger & Being, “Fighting Mad”, (Romans 1:20).  A Red Cardinal, Is A Very Territorial Bird, And Will Go To Great Lengths To Fight Another Red Cardinal.  In Fact, They Are So Obsessed With Defending Their Territory Against Any Would-Be Intruders That These Birds May Spend Many Relentless Hours Fighting Without Giving Up Those They Deem As Interfering Into Their Squatting Rights.  However, These Same Cardinals Will Also Fight Themselves Into A Fit If They Spy What They Perceive As A Violator In A Mirror Striking The Mirror Over And Over Again.

Sometimes, We Are Fighting Ourselves.  Perhaps, You’re On One Part Of The Body, And I’m Another Part.  Perhaps, We Just Have Different Callings.  But, We Are All Part Of The Same Body Of Christ.

Once We Get To A Point Where We Feel That We Don’t Need Someone Else As Part Of The Body Of Christ, And We’re Ready To Cut Them OFF, (We’ve Just Taken Offense), Then We’ve Taken d—Evil One Bait And Are Operating In The Flesh, And We Have Severed The Flow And Purposes Of Yahweh, Because We Both Need Each Other To ALL Go Forward Into The Things Of Christ.

1 Peter 4:12-13
12 Beloved, Do Not Be Amazed And Bewildered At The Fiery Ordeal Which Is Taking Place To Test Your Quality, As Though Something Strange (Unusual And Alien To You And Your Position) Were Befalling You.
13 But Insofar As You Are Sharing Christ’s Sufferings, Rejoice, So That When His Glory [Full Of Radiance And Splendor] Is Revealed, You May Also Rejoice With Triumph [Exultantly].

No Matter How Chárismatic We Think We Are, If We Think We Have ALL The Gifts Of The Holy Ghost, We’re Walking In Pride.  NO, WE DO NOT Have All The Gifts In One Person.  Yahweh Designed It This Way On Purpose, Because We Need Each Other’s Gifts And Callings, And Instead Just Like A Red Cardinal, We’ve Been Fighting Among Ourselves,
(Galatians 5:15; Ephesians 4:4;
Philippians 2:4; 1 Corinthians 12:18

Enter Here To Read More About How To Walk In Love.



  Divide And Conquer

There Are Times To Pick Up Our Weapons, Against An Enemy or Someone Posing A Threat To Your Family, (“For He Doesn’t Bear The Sword In Vain; For He Is A Servant Of God, An Avenger For Wrath To Him Who Does Evil” ~ Romans 13:4),

But STRIFE, Quarrels, Wrangling, Divisions, Feelings Of Being Neglected, Ignored, Passed Over or Rejected Are Some Things d—Evil One Uses Between Us Christian Sisters And Brothers To Get Us To Be “Divided”, And To ‘Separate Us From The Safety Of The Herd And The Shepherd’ By Whatever Means, (Getting Offended, or Angry), So That He Can Attack & Devour Us.

In The United States, We Have Neighborhoods Which Are Called Sub-DivisionsDivisions Is d—Evil One Number One Tactic~!  But, It’s Worse Than That.  We Have North vs. South, (Do You Eat Grits or Cream Of Wheat?”)  But, It’s Far More Contentious Than That.  In Most Every State In The United States Is More Divided By College School Rivalries.

These Divisions Are Such Inroads That Even From The Pulpit They Are Deemed As Sacred~!  Army vs. Navy~!  I Was In The Navy; But Once You Are Assigned Duty Onboard A United States Navy Vessel, Even If You’re Considered Ship’s Company, There Are Still Divisions Such As The Snipes That Work Below The Water Line On The Engines & Machinery, {Engine Room, Fire Room, Auxiliary, Electrical Crews} vs. The Boatswain’s Mate or Deck Hands That Handle All The Ropes And Tethering To The Very Needed Fuel & Food Supply Ship.  However, I Was Not Ship’s Company, Because I Was Assigned To An Aircraft SquadronShip’s Company Have Regarded Air Group Sailors As Quasi-Sailors And Call Them AirDales Because The Aircraft Squadrons Are Home Based On Land And Only Deploy Out To Sea For Cruises, Whereas Ship’s Company Has To Remain OnBoard The Ship For Their Entire Assigned Duty Tenure.  So, Now There Is Ship’s Company vs. AirDale’s~!

But, Even Though I Was Assigned As A Part Of An Airdale Squadron, Because I Worked In Personnel, I Was A Black Shoe, And Not Considered To Be A True Brown Shoe As Most Of The Others In An Aircraft Squadron.  And Of Course We Called Our Groups, Divisions Rather Than, Units.  This Really Makes For A Bad Military Because They Are Not United.

If d—Evil One Can Get You To Pull Away From The Sheepfold, Then He Can More Easily Attack You.  His Objective Is To Get You To Separate From The Others, By Causing Division.  So STRIFE , Quarrels, Quarreling, Contentions, Conflicts, Wrangling, {Constant Arguing ~ G3054}, or Divisions Are Something The Enemy Uses Between Us Christian Sisters And Brothers To Get Us Divided, And To Separate Us From The Safety Of The Herd And The Shepherd By Whatever Means, (Getting Offended, or Angry), So That He Can Attack & Devour Us.  Read The Web Site About Getting Taking Offense To Find Supporting Evidence That These Are d—Evil One’s Plans For Our Lives~!


Don’t Let Division Stunt Your Growth

And I, Sisters And Brothers, Could Not Speak Unto You As Unto Spiritual, But As Unto Carnal, Even As Unto Babes In Christ.  I Have Fed You With Milk, And Not With Meat: For Hitherto Ye Were Not Able To Bear It, Neither Yet Now Are Ye Able.  For You Are Yet Carnal: For Whereas There Is Among You Envying, And STRIFE, And Divisions, (1 Corinthians 3:1-3).

1 Corinthians 3:1-3 ~ Envying, STRIFE And Divisions Had Reduced The Early Corinthian Christians Back To The Natural, or Carnal State That They Were In Before They Were Born Again.  It Had So Stunted Their Spiritual Growth That They Couldn’t Understand The Things The Apostle Paul Wanted To Teach Them.

Satan Has Sent The Same Spirit Of Division Among Us Today.  He Knows That A House Divided Against Itself Will Fall.  He Also Knows If We ALL Come Together In The Unity Of Our Faith, We’ll Arrive At The Full Stature Of Christ Jesus (Ephesians 4:13).  So He Has Assigned A Spirit Of Division To Operate In Our Personal Lives, Our Church Lives, Our Social Lives And Our Family Lives.  His Goal Is The Same As It Was In Corinth: To Bring Envying, STRIFE, Division And To Stunt Our Spiritual Growth.

But We Don’t Have To Yield To That Spirit.  Instead Paul Says, “[By] Speaking The Truth In Love, [We] May Grow Up Into Him In ALL Things, Which Is The Head, Even Christ”, (Ephesians 4:15).

Compare, “Speaking The Truth In Love” To, “Envyings, STRIFE , And Divisions”.  They Are Diametrical Opposites, Aren’t They?  You Can’t Do Both Of Them At The Same Time.  As We Speak The Truth In Love, You Grow Up.  As We Envy, Fuss And Separate From One Another, You Go Back To Babyhood.

Don’t Let Satan Stop Your Spiritual Growth By Giving In To The Spirit Of Division But Speak The Truth In Love And, “Grow Up Into Him In ALL Things~!”

Scripture Reading: James 4:1-11.



LET NOTHING, {NO THING}, BE DONE THROUGH STRIFE, or Vainglory, (Selfish Ambition or Conceit); But In Lowliness Of Mind Let Each Esteem Other Better Than Themselves, (Philippians 2:3).

Make Every Effort To Live In Peace With ALL Men And To Be Holy; Without Holiness No One Will See Yahweh, (Hebrews 12:14).

If You’ve Been Hurt By Someone And Feel Wounded,
(Enter Here

14 Remind [The People] Of These Facts And [Solemnly] Charge Them In The Presence Of Yahweh To Avoid Petty Controversy Over Words, Which Does No Good But UpSets And Undermines The Faith Of The Hearers, (2 Timothy 2:14).

1 Corinthians 3:3 ~ 3 For You Are Still [UnSpiritual, Having The Nature] Of The Flesh [Under The Control Of Ordinary Impulses]~!  For As Long As [There Are] Envying And Jealousy And STRIFE And Factions Among You, Are You Not CARNAL, {UnSpiritual And Of The Flesh}, Behaving Yourselves After A Human Standard And Like Mere (Unchanged) Men?

Galatians 5:19-20 ~ Now The Works Of The Flesh Are Manifest, Which Are These, Adultery, Fornication, UnCleanness, Lasciviousness, Idolatry, Sorcery, Hatred, STRIFE, Jealousies, Outbursts Of Anger, Rivalries, DIVISIONS, Heresies,…

2 Timothy 2:23-26 ~ Yahweh’s Servant Must Not Quarrel, But Be Gentle Towards All, Able To Teach, Patient, In Gentleness Correcting Those Who Oppose Him: Perhaps God May Give Them Repentance Leading To A Full Knowledge Of The Truth, And Then May Recover Themselves Out Of The Devil’s Snare, Having Been Taken Captive By Him To His Will.

2 Timothy 2:14, 23-26 ~ {Based On The International Children’s Bible}
14 Continue Teaching These Things. And Warn People Before God Not To Argue About Words. Arguing About Words Does Not Help Anyone, And It Ruins Those Who Listen.
23 Stay Away From Foolish And Stupid Arguments. You Know That Such Arguments Grow Into Bigger Arguments. Yahweh’s Servant Must NOT Quarrel,

24 And A Servant Of Yahweh Must Not Quarrel~! They Must Be Kind To Everyone. They Must Be A Good Teacher. They Must Be Patient.
25 Yahweh’s Servant Must Gently Teach Those Who Do Not Agree With Them. Maybe God Will Let Them Change Their Hearts So That They Can Accept The Truth.,
26 The Devil Has Trapped Them And Causes Them To Do What He Wants. But Maybe They Can Wake Up And Free Themselves From The Devil’s Trap.

2 Timothy 2:14; 23-26 ~ {Based On The Amplified Bible Classic Edition}
14 Remind [The People] Of These Facts And [Solemnly] Charge Them In The Presence Of Yahweh To Avoid Petty Controversy Over Words, Which Does No Good But Upsets And Undermines The Faith Of The Hearers. 23 But Refuse (Shut Your Mind Against, Have Nothing To Do With) Trifling (Ill-Informed, Unedifying, Stupid) Controversies Over Ignorant Questionings, For You Know That They Foster STRIFE And Breed Quarrels. 24 And The Servant Of Yahweh Must Not Be Quarrelsome, (Fighting And Contending).  24 Instead, They Must Be Kindly To Everyone And Mild-Tempered, [Preserving The Bond Of Peace]; They Must Be Skilled And Suitable Teachers, Patient And Forbearing And Willing To Suffer Wrong.  25 They Must Correct Their Opponents With Courtesy And Gentleness, In The Hope That Yahweh May Grant That They Will Repent And Come To Know The Truth [That They Will Perceive And Recognize And Become Accurately Acquainted With And Acknowledge It], 26 And That They May Come To Their Senses [And] Escape Out Of The Snare Of The Devil, Having Been Held Captive By Him, [Henceforth] To Do His [God’s] Will

James 3:13-18 ~ 13 Who Is Wise And Understanding Among You?  Let Him Show His Deeds Done In Gentleness Of Wisdom By His Good Life~!  14 But If You Have Bitter Jealousy (Envy) And Contention (Rivalry, Selfish Ambition) In Your Hearts, Do Not Pride Yourselves On It And Thus Be In Defiance Of And False To The Truth~!   15 This Wisdom Is Not That Which Comes Down From Above, But Is Earthly, Sensual, And Demonic~!   16 For Where Jealousy And Selfish Ambition Are, There Is Confusion And Every Evil Deed~!  17 But The Wisdom That Is From Above Is First Pure, Then Peaceful, Gentle, Reasonable, Full Of Mercy And Good Fruits, Without Partiality, And Without Hypocrisy~!   18 Now The Fruit Of Righteousness Is Sown In Peace By Those Who Make Peace.


With Longsuffering, Bearing With One Another In Love~!

Ephesians 4:1-7

1 I, Therefore, The Prisoner Of Yahweh, Beseech You To Walk Worthy Of The Calling With Which You Were Called, 2 WithALL Lowliness And Gentleness, With Longsuffering, Bearing With One Another In Love, 3 Endeavoring To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit In The Bond Of Peace. 4 There Is One Body And One Spirit, Just As You Were Called In One Hope Of Your Calling *; 5 One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism; 6 One God And Father Of All, Who Is Above All, And Through All, And In You All. 7  But To Each One Of Us “Grace” Was Given According To The Measure Of Christ’s Gift.

We Have A 14’ Trailer That Has Indicator Lights, (Turn Signals, Brake Lights, Running Lights, etc.).  But In Order For The Lights To Work, The Trailer Must Stay Connected To The Vehicle.  Assuming The Lights On The Vehicle Continue To Work, So That If At Any Time The Trailer Were To Become Unhooked Electrically, Then The Turn Signal Impulses Would Still Be Emitting From The Vehicle, But There Is No Receptor As The Lights Have Become Unhooked.  When We Become Offended, We Want To Unhook From The Very Person or Persons Yahweh Wants Us To Stay Connected With and Our Lights Don’t Work.

*READ BELOW To See More About Our Calling



2 You Show And Make Obvious That You Are A Letter From Christ Delivered By Us, Not Written With Ink But With [The] Spirit Of [The] Living God, Not On Tablets Of Stone But On Tablets Of Human Hearts.  3 You Are Our Letter, Written In Our Hearts, Known And Read By ALL Men,    2 Corinthians 3:2-3; (WEB)

14 Now Thanks Be To God Who Always Leads Us In Triumph In Christ, And Through Us Diffuses The Fragrance Of His Knowledge In Every Place~!  15 For We Are To God The Fragrance Of Christ Among Those Who Are Being Saved And Among Those Who Are Perishing~!   16 To The One We Are The Aroma Of Death Leading To Death, And To The Other The Aroma Of Life Leading To Life.  And Who Is Sufficient For These Things?  2 Corinthians 2:14-16; (NKJV)

Supporting Scripture From 1 Peter 2:17-24 ~ {Read More About This Later On At This Web Page}.

1 Peter 3:9 ~ NOT Rendering Evil For Evil, or Reviling For Reviling; But Instead Blessing; Knowing That To This Were You Called, That You May Inherit A Blessing.

1 Peter 2:9, (AMPC) ~ 9 But You Are A Chosen Race, A Royal Priesthood, A Dedicated Nation, [God’s] Own Purchased, Special People, That You May Set Forth The Wonderful Deeds And Display The Virtues And Perfections Of Him Who CalledYou Out Of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light.

1 Peter 2:21, (AMPC) ~ 21 For Even To This Were You Called [It Is Inseparable From Your Vocation].  For Christ, * {Ha Mashiach}, Also Suffered For You, Leaving You [His Personal] Example, So That You Should Follow In His Footsteps.

To This Were You Called

Ephesians 4:1-4 ~ 1 I, Therefore, The Prisoner Of Yahweh, BeSeech You To Walk Worthy Of The Calling With Which You Were Called, 2 With ALL Lowliness And Gentleness, With Longsuffering, Bearing With One Another In Love, 3 Endeavoring To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit In The Bond Of Peace. 4 There Is One Body And One Spirit, Just As You Were Called In One Hope Of Your Calling.

Romans 11:29 ~ 29 For The Gifts And The Calling Of God Are Irrevocable.

Romans 12:14 ~ 14 Bless Those Who Persecute You; Bless And Do Not Curse.

Luke 6:28 ~ 38 Bless Those Who Curse You, And Pray For Those Who Spitefully Use You.

1 Thessalonians 5:15 ~ 15 See That None Of You Repays Another With Evil For Evil, But Always Aim To Show Kindness And Seek To Do Good To One Another And To Everybody.

Ephesians 4:1-7 ~
1 I, Therefore, The Prisoner Of The Lord, Beseech You To Walk Worthy Of The Calling With Which You Were Called,
2 With All Lowliness And Gentleness, With Longsuffering, Bearing With One Another In Love,
3 Endeavoring To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit In The Bond Of Peace.
4 There Is One Body And One Spirit, Just As You Were Called In One Hope Of Your Calling;
5 One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism;
6 One God And Father Of All, Who Is Above All, And Through All, And In You All.
7 But To Each One Of Us Grace Was Given According To The Measure Of Christ’s Gift.

Zechariah 13:9 ~ 9 And I Will Bring The Third Part Through The Fire, And Will Refine Them As Silver Is Refined, And Will Try Them As Gold Is Tried: They Shall Call On My Name, And I Will Hear Them: I Will Say, It Is My People: And They Shall Say, Yahweh Is My God.


That Explains Why I’m Having To Walk In Love, Die To Self.  Okay, I’m Cool, Now That I Know, That Helps Me To See The Light At The End Of The Tunnel, A Person Of Understanding Has A Cool Spirit, (Proverbs 17:27).


The Results Of STRIFE

A Few Years Ago, NASCAR Race Car Driver Jeff Gordon Went Into The Texas Motor Speedway With The Lead In The NASCAR 2014 Championship… And Started A Fight With Brad Keselowski.
While, Succumbing To STRIFE~!  Jeff Gordon Left The Race, Losing The 2014 Championship As Jimmy Johnson Burns Rubber In The Background.

Proverbs 26:20

When There Is No Wood, The Fire Is Extinguished, And Where There Is No Troublemaker, STRIFE Ceases,
{Aramaic Bible In Plain English}.

Where No Wood Is, There The Fire Goes Out: So Where There Is No Talebearer, The STRIFE Ceases,
{American King James Version / King James 2000 Bible}.

For Lack Of Wood A Fire Goes Out~!  Without Gossip, A Quarrel Dies Down, {World English Bible}.

Enter Here To See Where Jeff Gordon Discovers That STRIFE Has A Price~!


Against Such There Is NO Law
Hi-Yo Silver ~ The Lone Ranger Rides Again ~ Not

(I Glorify The Name Of Yahweh, But I Don’t Even Dignify d—Evil One By Giving Him A Name At ALL ~ (Isaiah 26:13).  However; d—Evil One’s Devices Are ONLY CARNAL, Not Spiritual, But The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are NOT Carnal~!   (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).  To Make It Plain, d—Evil One’s Tactic Is To Deceive You Into Believing Lies And Then Acting Upon Them In Fear Rather Than In Faith.

d—Evil One Is Like A Lawyer, And Wants To Have A Legal Right To You, But If You Stay In Love, {Perfect Love Cast Out Fear ~ (1 John 4:18)}, Then There’s No Law For You To Break.  The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience-Longsuffering, Gentleness-Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness-Gentleness, Self-Control ~ Against Which There Is No Law (Galatians 5:22-23).

Did You Know If Someone Runs A Stop Sign In A Department Store Parking Lot, And The Police Are Called That They Will Not Cite Them For Running A Stop Sign, And They Can’t Because This Is A Private Parking Lot.  There Is No Law At The City, County or State Level Governing Private Parking Lots, (Even If They Are Speeding).

Go Back And See That By Allowing The Fruit Of The Spirit To Dominate That Against Such There Is No Lawd—Evil One Has No Legal Defense Against Love, (Against Such There Is No Law).  Perfect Love Casts Out Fear, (1 John 4:18).  d—Evil One Has To Get You Out Of The Weapons Of Yahweh’s Warfare, (i.e…~!  The Fruit Of The Spirit), That Are Not Carnal, And Into STRIFE, For Which He Is Practicing Law In, And Laughs At Us While We Lash Out At Each Other.  d—Evil One Has Got To Entreat You To Come Out Of The Private Parking Lot And Into The Streets, Where Even If You Fail To Buckle Your Seat Belt, Then You’ve Broken The Law And He Has A Legal Right To Punish You. 

STRIFE Is One Way d—Evil One Has Of Stopping Yahweh’s Plans, (Ephesians 4:25-27), And Has The Potential For Someone To Get ‘Offended’, And To ‘Shut Down’ Outside Influences And Try To Become An Island Unto Themselves, (The Lone Wolf).  The Lone Ranger Is Not Effective, {By The Way, The Real Lone Ranger, {Bass Reeves}, Was Black~!}

Yahweh’s Word Makes It Plain That We Have This Love Of God Shed Abroad In Our Hearts, And In Fact Love IS The Number One Offensive Power Block And Is The First Fruit Of The Spirit Of God ~ (See Romans 5:5, Galatians 5:22-23).

What’s More, d—Evil One Is Totally Unarmed~!  Colossians 2:15 Says, “[ God] Disarmed The Principalities And Powers Ranged Against Us And Made A Bold Display And Public Example Of Them, In Triumphing Over Them In, “[The Cross]”, (The Amplified Bible Classic Edition).  You Have Absolutely No Reason To Cower Before d—Evil One.  Yahoshua Defeated And Disarmed Him Through Yahoshua’s Death, Burial And Resurrection.  d—Evil One Can’t Defeat You Unless You Let Him, ALL d—Evil One Can Do Is Make Empty Threats,

(Psalm 34:7; Psalm 91:5;
Isaiah 54:14; 17; Luke 10:19

or Read This Website About Safety).

5 For Those Who Live According To The Flesh Set Their Minds On The Things Of The Flesh, But Those Who Live According To The Spirit, The Things Of The Spirit.  6  For To Be Carnally Minded Is Death, But To Be Spiritually Minded Is Life And Peace.  7 Because The Carnal Mind Is Enmity Against God; For It Is Not Subject To The Law Of God, Nor Indeed Can Be.  8 So Then, Those Who Are In The Flesh Cannot Please God, (Romans 8:5-8).


How To Battle d—Evil One ~ According To Yahweh’s Word

My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge; Because You [The Priestly Nation] Have Rejected Knowledge, I Will Also Reject You That You Shall Be No Priest To Me; Seeing You Have Forgotten The Law Of Your God, I Will Also Forget Your Children, (Hosea 4:6).

  1. Put On The Whole Armor (Ephesians 6:11-18).
  2. Know d—Evil One’s Devices (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) ~ (Forgiving Is A Vital Key, {Mark 11:23-25})
  3. Give No Place To The Devil (Ephesians 4:26-27) ~ (Forgiving Is A Underlying Factor Here Also)
  4. Resist Him (James 4:7-12) ~ (Forgiving Is A Underlying Factor Here Also)
  5. Be Sober Vigilant Lest He Devour You (1 Peter 5:5-10). ~ (Overlooking The Faults Of Others Is A Key)
  6. Overcome By The Word,
    (Hosea 4:6;
    Matthew 4:1-11;
    1 John 2:14
  7. Overcome By Blood Of Christ And His Testimony (Revelation 12:11).
  8. Overcome By Christ And His Name,
    (Ephesians 1:17-22;
    Ephesians 2:6;
    2 Corinthians 2:14-16
  9. Overcome By Birth Of Spirit And Faith,
    (1 John 2:29;
    1 John 3:9;
    1 John 5:1-4, 18
  10. Overcome By The Holy Ghost,
    (Romans 8:1-13;
    Galatians 5:15-26



Casting Down Every Thought~!

I Cast Down Every


And Every Other High Thing That Exalts Itself Above The Knowledge Of God.
I Bring Every


Into Obedience Of Yahoshua, (The Messiah).


Some Things That d—Evil One Uses Against The Believer To Open A Door To Destruction

(Mark 4:14-20).
Affliction, (Pressure, Envy, STRIFE, etc.)
Persecution, (1 Peter 4:4; 13-14; 16)
The Cares Of The World, And The Deceitfulness Of Riches, And The Lusts Of Other Things Entering In That Comes In And Chokes The Word, (Mark 4:19)
Deceitfulness Of Riches, (1 Timothy 6:17)
The Lust Of The Flesh, The Lust Of The Eyes, And The Pride Of Life, (1 John 2:16) 
Anger, (Rage). Someone Has Done Something In A Fit Of Rage or Anger. Enter Here To Read More Details,
One Thing That Can Make The Word Of God Of, “NO Effect” ~ “The Traditions Of Folks”,
(Matthew 15:6, 9; Mark 7:9, 13).

FEAR & STRIFE: A Tactic That d—Evil One Employs

Remind [The People] Of These Facts And [Solemnly] Charge Them In The Presence Of Yahweh To Avoid Petty Controversy Over Words, Which Does No Good But UpSets And Undermines The Faith Of The Hearers.

And The Servant Of Yahweh Must Not Be Quarrelsome (Fighting And Contending).  Instead, They Must Be Kindly To Everyone And Mild-Tempered [Preserving The Bond Of Peace]; They Must Be Skilled And Suitable Teachers, Patient And Forbearing And Willing To Suffer Wrong.

They Must Correct Their Opponents With Courtesy And Gentleness, In The Hope That God May Grant That The Folks That They Are Praying For Will Repent And Come To Know The Truth [That They Will Perceive And Recognize And Become Accurately Acquainted With And Acknowledge It],
And They May Recover Themselves Out Of d—Evil One Snare, HAVING BEEN TAKEN CAPTIVE BY HIM TO HIS WILL.

For The Wrath Of Man DOES NOT Produce The Righteousness Of God.
(2 Timothy 2:24, 26; James 1:20)

Our Counter Tactics ~ Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness-Gentleness, Self-Control ~ Against Which There Is No Law, (Galatians 5:22-23)

{Love Is… Defined ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-8}.


The Wrong Way

James 3:14-16
14 But If You Have Bitter Jealousy (Envy) And Contention (Rivalry, Selfish Ambition) In Your Hearts, Do Not Pride Yourselves On It And Thus Be In Defiance Of And False To The Truth.
15 This [Superficial] Wisdom Is Not Such As Comes Down From Above, But Is Earthly, UnSpiritual (Animal), Even Devilish, (Demoniacal).
16   For Wherever There Is Jealousy (Envy) And Contention (Rivalry And Selfish Ambition), THERE WILL ALSO BE CONFUSION (Unrest, Disharmony, Rebellion) And ALL SORTS OF EVIL AND VILE PRACTICES.

Heads Up

So, If You Find ALL These Undesirable Things, (Confusion, Unrest, Disharmony- STRIFE, Rebellion And All Sorts Of Evil And Vile Practices), Happening ALL Around You, Then TAKE STOCK You’ve Got To Be In Selfish Ambition.  You’re Wanting To Do Something Your Way, And Maybe Yahweh Is Showing You His Way, {The Harvest (Of Righteousness Of Conformity To Yahweh’s Will In Thought And Deed) Is [The Fruit Of The Seed] Sown In Peace}.

Proverbs 17:19 ~ He Who Loves STRIFE And Is Quarrelsome Loves Transgression And Involves Himself In Guilt; He Who Raises High His Gateway And Is Boastful And Arrogant Invites Destruction.


Yahweh’s Way

James 3:17-18
17 But The Wisdom From Above Is First Of ALL Pure (Undefiled); Then It Is Peace-Loving, Courteous (Considerate, Gentle).  [It Is Willing To] Yield To Reason, Full Of Compassion And Good Fruits; It Is WholeHearted And Straightforward, Impartial And Unfeigned (Free From Doubts, Wavering, And InSincerity).
18 And The Harvest Of Righteousness (Of Conformity To Yahweh’s Will In Thought And Deed) Is [The Fruit Of The Seed] Sown In Peace By Those Who Work For And Make Peace [In Themselves And In Others, That Peace Which Means Concord, Agreement, And Harmony Between Individuals, With Undisturbedness, In A Peaceful Mind Free From Fears And Agitating Passions And Moral Conflicts].

Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 57:15; Jeremiah 9:24; Micah 6:8

Psalm 34:18
Yahweh Is Near To Those Who Have A Broken Heart, And Saves Those Who Have A Crushed Spirit.

Isaiah 57:15
For The High And Lofty One Who Inhabits Eternity, Whose Name Is Holy, Says: “I Dwell In The High And Holy Place, With Him Also Who Is Of A Contrite And Humble Spirit, To Revive The Spirit Of The Humble, And To Revive The Heart Of The Contrite”.

Jeremiah 9:24
24 But Let Him Who Glories Glory In This, That He Understands And Knows Me, That I Am Yahweh, Exercising Loving-Kindness, Judgment, And Righteousness In The Earth. “For In These I Delight, ” Says Yahweh.

*Notice That Loving-Kindness Is Listed First.  In Fact, In The Listing Of The Fruits Of The Spirit, Love Is Also Listed First, (Galatians 5:22-23).

Micah 6:8
8 “He Has Showed You, O Man, What Is Good. And What Does Yahweh Require Of You But To Do Justly, To Love Kindness And Mercy, And To Humble Yourself And Walk Humbly With Your God?”

The Big Three

1 John 2:16 ~ For ALL That Is In The World

The Lust Of The Flesh,
The Lust Of The Eyes,
The Pride Of Life

Is Not Of The Father, But Is Of The World.

Genesis 3:6

So When The Woman Saw That The Tree Was Good For Food, (The Lust Of The Flesh), That It Was Pleasant To The Eyes, (The Lust Of The Eyes) And A Tree Desirable To Make One Wise, (The Pride Of Life), She Took Of Its Fruit And Ate.  She Also Gave To Her Husband With Her, And He Ate.

Compared To Yahweh’s Way Of Thinking And Doing Right

Romans 14:17 ~ For The Kingdom Of Yahweh Is Not Eating And Drinking

But Righteousness
And Peace
And ‘Joy’ In The Holy Ghost

And The Servant Of Yahweh Must NOT Be Quarrelsome (Fighting And Contending).  Instead, They Must Be Kindly To Everyone And Mild-Tempered [Preserving The Bond Of Peace]; They Must Be Skilled And Suitable Teachers, Patient And Forbearing And Willing To Suffer Wrong, (2 Timothy 2:24, 26).


Grace ~ NOT Law, {Romans 6:14}

Spirit ~ NOT Flesh, {Galatians 3:3}

Faith ~ NOT Walking By Sight, {2 Corinthians 5:7}

Trust ~ NOT Fear, {Psalm 56:4}

Love ~ NOT Fear, {Selfish Ambition}, {1 John 4:18; James 3:14-16}

Honor ~ NOT To Be Lightly Esteemed, {1 Samuel 2:30}

Joy ~ NOT Depressed, (Psalm 30:11-12)

Humility ~ NOT Pride, (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 29:23; Psalm 138:6; Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52; James 4:10)… {See Also Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 57:15; Jeremiah 9:24; Micah 6:8}>

Kindness ~ NOT Haughtiness, (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

Hope ~ NOT Despair, (Romans 15:13)

Spirit Led ~ NOT Rebellion, (Romans 8:14)

ForGiving ~ NOT Harboring A Grudge, NOT ‘Harping On A Matter,
{Proverbs 17:9 ~ 9 Whoever Covers And Forgives An Offense Seeks Love, But Whoever Repeats or Harps On A Matter Separates Even Close Friends}. “ForGive”.

Speaking The Truth In Love” That You May Grow Up In Christ, {Ephesians 4:13-15} ~ NOT “Envyings,STRIFE, And Divisions” ~ Stunts Growth, 1 Corinthians 3:1-3}.


Fear Is A Favorite Strategy Of d—Evil One

What Is The Opposite Of Fear?  Would It Be Faith?  I Don’t Think So.  I Believe That The Opposite Of Faith Is ‘ Walking By Sight’, And That The Opposite Of Fear Is Love, For Perfect Love Casts Out Fear, (1 John 4:18).

A Close Cousin To ‘Walking By Sight’ Would Be ‘Worry’, And This Would Be The Opposite Of Trusting In Yahweh.  Faith In Yahweh Is Trusting In Love.  Trust, (or Believe), And Its Relationship To Fear, Is Very Closely Related To Love And Its Relationship To Selfish Ambition.  Selfish Ambition Would Be A Polar Opposite Of Trust; And Fear Would Be An Antithesis To Love. “There Is No Fear In Love; But Perfect Love Casts Out Fear, Because Fear Involves Torment . But They Who Fear Has NOT Been Made Perfect In Love”, (1 John 4:18).

Notice The Words Torment, (Bondage; Mental Anguish And Suffering, Turmoil ~ A State Of Great Disturbance, Confusion, or Uncertainty).

Fear Is Really A Distraction, That Counteracts Faith And An Act Of Selfish Ambition.  Fear Has To Do With The What-If’s And It Is Always Looking Out For The Interest Of Self, (Self-Preserving, Self-Centeredness, or Selfish Ambition, Selfish Motives, Self-Satisfying, Selfishness).  {Click On This Verse To See More About Attributes And Repercussions Fear Has; James 3:14-18 In The Amplified Bible Classic Edition}.


~ Don’t Be A Frayed Knot ~ Be Afraid NOT ~

Love, On The Other Hand Is For Giving, {A Play On Words Because Love Is ForGiving}.  Love Is One Of The Fruits Of The SpiritPerfect Love Casts Out Fear, (1 John 4:18).  So, I’d Say Love Is The Opposite Of Fear.  The Opposite Of Faith Is Walking By Sight.

Faith Works Through Love, Love Believes The Best, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, etc}., (Isaiah 54:17 Says, “No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prevail”).  Faith And Fear Both Operate In The Same Manner, By Taking A Thought Captive And Allowing The Image To Grow Inside Of You So That The Picture In Your Heart Is Greater Than Reality.  Whatever You Magnify, Will Become Bigger And The Thing You Are Focused On And Expected To Happen.  This Is Why The Scriptures Tell Us “Oh, Magnify Yahweh With Me, And Let Us Exalt His Name Together”, (Psalm 34:3).

Fear Being In The Opposite Spectrum Than That Of Faith, As Faith Works By Love’, (Galatians 5:6), Then ‘Fear Works By Selfish Ambition or More Precisely By Walking By Sight.  However, Faith Propels You OnWard, And ‘Fear Paralyzes You So That You Are Afraid To Launch Out~!’  If You Are Afraid, Then You Become A Frayed Knot, Doing Nothing, Frozen In Fear.  Remember The Guy With Only One Talent, (“I Was Afraid”, And So His Talent Got Hidden In The Dirt ~ Matthew 25:25).  Or When Peter Was Walking On The Water, He Saw The Wind And The Waves. He Was Afraid’ And Began Sinking Into The Water, (Matthew 14:30-34).  Faith Focuses On What Yahweh or Yahoshua Said In The Word Which Is The Anchor Of Our Soul, (Hebrews 6:18-19); and Fear Instead Concentrates On The What If’s and Panics, Having No Such Anchor.

Although, Fear Can Also Be Diametrically Opposed To Faith With Attempts To Get You To Do Something In Haste Such As You Hear A Knock In Your Car And Then Try To Get You Into Fear And Think You Might Need To Take This Vehicle To An Auto Repair Shop And You Do So.  Anything Done In Faith Will Involve Patience, (Hebrews 6:12).  Faith And Patience Are The Power Twins And When You Find One You Will Also Find The Other.  And With This Patience Also Comes A Peace, (James 3:17); Whereas, Fear Always Brings Torment~! ~ (James 3:14-16; 1 John 4:18).

Read More About Taking A Thought Captive At The Following Website, “Take No Thought”.

A Good Word Study Would Be To Look Up ALL The Places Where The Word ‘Afraid’ Was Used In The Word Of Yahweh And See In What Regard That The Word Was Used.  For Example, Mark 5:36, Where Yahoshua Said, “Do NOT Be ‘Afraid, Only Believe”.  Or Psalm 56:3,Whenever I Am ‘Afraid, I Will Trust In You”, or Isaiah 26:3 ~ “You Will Keep Him In Perfect Peace, Whose Mind Is Stayed, {Fixed} On You”.

Click On The Link Below If You Can’t Sleep or Are Afraid Of The Dark,

(Proverbs 6:20-22;
Psalm 127:2;
Ecclesiastes 5:12;
Psalm 4:8; Proverbs 3:24;
Isaiah 50:4; Psalm 91:5


The Fall Of Man

By The Way, The Fall Of Man Was NOT The Woman’s Fault, But Adam’s, and Is Even Called The Fall of Man, {NOT The Fall Of Women}.  The Scriptures Says That Adam Was There With Her The Whole Time, And Yahweh Had Told Him Beforehand That Neither He Nor Eve Were To Eat Of The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil.

When The Woman Saw That The Fruit Of The Tree Was Good For Food And Pleasing To The Eye, And Also Desirable For Gaining Wisdom, She Took Some And Ate It.  She Also Gave Some To Her Husband, Who Was With Her, And He Ate It, (ESV ~ Genesis 3:6).

And Yahweh God Commanded The Man, Saying, “Of Every Tree Of The Garden You May Freely Eat; But Of The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil You Shall Not Eat, For In The Day That You Eat Of It You Shall Surely Die”. (Genesis 2:16-17)

Suppose A Drunk Driver Hits Someone.  We Know That Yahweh Did Not Cause This; And That d—Evil One Is Behind It.  However, This Is Still A Carnal Thing, A Human That d—Evil One Got To Believe A Lie, (Like They Can Drink And Still Maintain Control, And How He Got The Person To Drink Could Be Traced Even Back To His Father Was An Alcoholic, And The Demon Passed Down From One Generation To Another, Sins Of The Father, etc.).

However, This Is Still A Fleshly Weapon, NOT A Spiritual Warfare Weapon, {Such As The Blood, or The Name Of Yahoshua, or The Authority Of The Believer, And Especially Love And ALL The Fruit Of The Spirit, “For Which There Is NO LAW”, (Galatians 5:22-23)}.


Now, A Lesser Example

Once, I Was On My Way To Attend A Marriage Seminar.  I Was Driving Along The 4-Lane By-Pass With Bridges, And I Was Going To Get Off, And So I Switched To The Right Hand Lane To Exit The Freeway.  I Thought That I Might Catch A, “Red Light”, And This Would Delay Me, So I Opted To Get Back On To The Freeway And Make The Next Exit Instead.  I Checked My Left Mirror And A Van Was About 70 Feet Back.

I Put On My Left Turn Signal And Changed Back Into His Path And Got In, But I Did Not Cut Him Off, I Was Polite, And Changed Lanes Slowly, {Can You See I Was In A Selfish Ambition Mode Not Wanting To Get Stuck At The “Red Light” ~ So For My Part, For Wherever There Is Jealousy (Envy) And Contention (Rivalry And Selfish Ambition), There Will Also Be Confusion (Unrest, Disharmony, Rebellion) And ALL Sorts Of Evil And Vile Practices”, (James 3:16).

Well, My Actions Ticked The Guy Off, And He Flipped Me A Bird.  At First, I Wasn’t Sure What He Was Doing So I Stared Into My Mirror And He Held His Middle Finger For A Long While On Top Of His Steering Wheel Until He Was Sure That I Saw It, It Wasn’t Good Enough To Murmur Under His Breath or Shoot A Bird UnSeen, d-Evil One Had Intent Of Inciting An Offense.

I Really Didn’t Like It.  I Should Have Said Right Then, “I Forgive Him, Perhaps Even If It Was My Fault”. But, I Didn’t Feel Like It Was My Fault.  I Even Heard Yahweh Say This Was Done By d—Evil One To Get Me In A Bad Mood To Rob My Joy For The Upcoming Marriage Seminar.

And The Harvest Of Righteousness Of Conformity To Yahweh’s Will In Thought And Deed Is [The Fruit Of The Seed] Sown In Peace By Those Who Work For And Make Peace [In Themselves And In Others, That Peace Means Concord, Agreement, And Harmony Between Individuals, With Undisturbedness, In A Peaceful Mind Free From Fears And Agitating Passions And Moral Conflicts] ~ (James 3:18).


For The Anger Of A Person Doesn’t Produce The Righteousness Of God

However, I Didn’t Immediately Release This Offense, And Was Vexed By It.  I Wanted To Chase Him Down With My Van, Not Sure What I’d Do With Him When I Caught Him, But I’m Sure That It Would Have Escalated From Some Minor Tension To Full Blown Violence, “For The Anger Of A Person Doesn’t Produce The Righteousness Of God”, (James 1:19).  I Was So Preoccupied That He Offended Me That When I Opened The Door I Wasn’t Paying Attention To The Sound Of The Wind Howling, And My Van Door Was Struck By A Gust Of Wind And Slammed Into The Car Beside Me, {Fortunately, Only Striking The Rubber Bumper Guard Of The Other Vehicle}.  Now, I Was Getting More Upset.  Could I Say That The Devil Had The Power Of The Wind And Caused My Door To Open Fast.  No, For Yahweh’s Word Says…

The Wind Blows Breathes (Breathes) Where It Wills; And Though You Hear Its Sound, Yet You Neither Know Where It Comes From Nor Where It Is Going. So It Is With Everyone Who Is Born Of The Spirit, (John 3:8).

The Wind Was Already Blowing And If I Had Been Walking In The Spirit, I Would Have Picked Up On The Sound Of The Wind Blowing.  I Repented Right Then And There And Forgave That Man Before Other Seemingly Calamities Occurred.  Numbers 33:55, Says If You Don’t Drive Out All The Enemies, Then They Will Vex You, And I Had Been Vexed.

But I Say, Walk And Live [Habitually] In The [Holy] Spirit [Responsive To And Controlled And Guided By The Spirit]; Then You Will Certainly Not Gratify The Cravings And Desires Of The Flesh Of Human Nature Without Yahweh ~ (Galatians 5:16).

The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, {Longsuffering}, Gentleness, {Kindness}, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, {Gentleness}, Self-Control ~ Against Which There Is No Law, (Galatians 5:22-23).

Ephesians 4:2-3
2 With All Lowliness And Gentleness, With Longsuffering, Bearing With One Another In Love,
3 Endeavoring To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit In The Bond Of Peace.

‘Endeavoring To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit In The Bond Of Peace’ Means In Plain English, That
Somebody Is Going To Have ForGive the Other.

Proverbs 17:9 ~ 9 Whoever Covers And ForGives An Offense Seeks Love, But Whoever Repeats or Harps On A Matter Separates Even Close Friends}… And We Don’t “Yell Back At Them And Point Out Where They Were Wrong”, Then Yahweh Takes Notice Of This~!


The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are Mighty Through Yahweh To The Pulling Down Of Strongholds

Now, Back To The Drunk Driver, or A Man With A Gun or A Knife or Any Other Weapon That d—Evil One Has Gotten A Human To Try To Use Against You.

Isaiah 54:17
But No Weapon That Is Formed Against You Shall Prevail, And Every Tongue That Shall Rise Against You In Judgment You Shall Show To Be In The Wrong. This [Peace, Righteousness, Security, Triumph Over Opposition] Is The Heritage Of The Servants Of Yahweh; [Those In Whom The Ideal Servant Of Yahweh Is Reproduced]; This Is The Righteousness or The Vindication Which They Obtain From Me [This Is That Which I Impart To Them As Their Justification], Says Yahweh~!”

The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through Yahweh To The Pulling Down Of Strongholds, (2 Corinthians 10:4),
But They Have To Be Acted On By Faith, (Hebrews 4:1-2).

“Therefore I Say To You, Whatever Things You Pray, {“Ask” Is Strong’s Concordance #: G0154 And It Also Means To Ask, Beg, Call For, Crave, Desire, Require, or ‘Demand}, When You Pray, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Will Have Them”, (Mark 11:24). This Is Like When You Are At The Supper/Dinner Table And You Say, “Please Pass The Salt”.  It Could Be Interpreted That You Are Begging Because You Said ‘Please’, But It Would Be Understood That You Are Really ‘Calling For, Desiring, Requiring’, Making A Request With The Understanding That They Will Do What You Are Asking For, {This Is The Same Word Used In Luke 1:63 When Zechariah Asked For A Tablet To Write On}.

Please Read With An Open Mind Asking The Holy Ghost, “Have I Been Offended”, (Even If You Weren’t The One Being Accused)?

Okay, Let Me Put It In Plain English Why Working From A Carnal Point Of View Is So Bad For Us With This Story Below.


DO NOT REVILE or Offer Insult In Return

If The Police Come To Arrest Us, And Even If We Know For A Fact That We Are Innocent or They’ve Got A Mistaken Identity, If We Rail or Try To Stay And They Have To Drag Us With Our Feet Remaining Still, This Could Be Interpreted As Resisting Arrest, And One Could Even Get Shot.  The Very Best Thing That You Can Do Is To Go With The Police, And Make That One Phone Call To An Attorney And Get That Advocate To Fight The Fight For You.  If You Even Just Talk Back, Even Though You Allow Your Body To Go Along, This Also Could Be Considered Resisting Arrest, And You’ll Get Another Charge Added To You, And Even If You Are Proven Not Guilty Of The Original Charges, The Judge Is Going To Say, But I’m Going To Let This Resisting Arrest Charge Stand, And You’ll Pay The Fine For Resisting Arrest.  Yikes~!  Because You Were Guilty Of Resisting Arrest, (Even Though You Knew You Were Innocent Of The Other Charges).

Yahoshua Not Only Did Not Resist, But Was Setting His Example or A Pattern Of How We Are To Respond In A Similar Situation.

When He Was Reviled And Insulted, He, {Yahoshua} DID NOT REVILE or Offer Insult In Return; [When] He, {Yahoshua} Was Abused And Suffered, He MADE NO THREATS [Of Vengeance]; But He Trusted [Himself And Everything] To Him, {Yahweh} Who Judges Fairly This Is What We Are, “Called ”To Do Also,

(Luke 6:28; Romans 12:14;
1 Thessalonians 5:15;
1 Peter 3:9; 1 Peter 2:17-24

1 Peter 5:10, (AMPC) ~ And After You Have Suffered A Little While, The God Of ALL “Grace”, {Yahweh}, [Who Imparts ALL Blessing And Favor], Who Has Called You To His [Own] Eternal Glory In Christ, *{Ha Mashiach} Jesus, *{Yahoshua}, Will Himself Complete And Make You What You Ought To Be, Establish And Ground You Securely, And Strengthen, And Settle You.


For We Are Not Ignorant Of d—Evil One’s Wiles, (Schemes), And Devices

So, For You Not To Resist Arrest, And Not To Rail Against The Officers, We Have To Also Walk In Faith Believing And Trusting In Him Who Judges Fairly.  It’s Easier Than It Sounds.  It Just Takes Faith, And That Can Be Easy.  It’s Like If I Were Accused Of Breaking Into My Father’s House, (And Even If I Did Really Break A Window To Gain Access, I Know That Just As Soon As My Father Arrives, He’ll Straighten Everything Out, And Tell Them I’m His Son And I Can Come Into Their Home Anytime I Want).  He Might Later Question Why I Didn’t Use The Key Where He Told Me It Was, (But Not Harshly).

So, Faith Works By Love.  Love Never Fails, (1 Corinthians 13:8).  Love Is One Of The Fruits Of The Spirit, In Fact It’s The First On The List, And Against Such There Is No Law, The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, {Longsuffering}, Gentleness, {Kindness}, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, {Gentleness}, Self-Control ~ Against Which There Is No Law (Galatians 5:22-23).  Now, Go Back And See That By Allowing The Fruit Of The Spirit, d—Evil One Has No Defense Against Love, So He’s Got To Get You Out Of The Weapons Of Yahweh’s Warfare That Are Not Carnal, (2 Corinthians 10:4), And Into d—Evil One’s Weaponry, {Including Strife and Fear}, That Are ONLY CARNAL~! (1 Corinthians 3:3).

Why Do I Mention The Distinction Between Faith And Fear?  Because When You’re In The Thick Of The Battle Of Your Thoughts; Then It Will Be These Two Factors, (Either Faith or Fear), Vying For Your Agreement In One Direction or Another.  If You Can Recognize When d—Evil One Is Giving You Fear Thoughts That Don’t Match The Word Of Yahweh; You Can Repel These Thoughts That Oppose Yahweh’s Word By Taking These Thoughts Captive, (2 Corinthians 10:5), And Ensure That You Are Not Operating In Fear, But Rather In Faith~!

For We Are Not Ignorant Of d—Evil One’s Wiles, (Schemes), And Devices; (2 Corinthians 2:11).


Turmoil ~ UnGracious / UnThankful

A Few Years Ago, I Ordered A Battery For A Makita Drill On eBay.  It Arrived Soon Afterwards, But It Did Not Match The Photo.  I Was So Angry~!  I Had Been Lied To With A Misrepresentation.  I Sent Them A Message Saying How Disappointed I Was And I Wanted To Spew Vehemently.  I Wanted To Express Myself~!  The People Of Israel Were Also Expressive Folks That Would Even Rent Their Clothes~!  Yahweh Chose An Expressive Folk~!

However, I Saw Because I Was Involved In Turmoil, That My Sister Just Happened To Post On Her FaceBook Ephesians 4:29-30, And Because I Already Knew Ephesians 5:1-2, That I See Ephesians 4:29 Through Ephesians 5:2 All Going Together~!  In The Original Languages There Were No Chapters And Verse Numbers~! 

*Just For You To Know, After I Repented With My, “Mad Tirade” About The Makita Battery, And I Sent The Person A Message About The Battery And Told Them, That, “It Was Okay”.  I’ll Just Keep The Battery, And Not Return It But Instead Sell It.  Later On, I Sold It And Made A Profit To Boot On The Battery ~ For I Am Blessed~!  It Could Have Gone The Other Way, If I Had Accepted That Anger And Stayed UnGracious~!

Read My Notes On How To Apologize, (Enter Here).


Moses Was UnGracious~!

I Wasn’t Wanting To Be “Gracious” About The Makita Battery, As Yahweh Had Been “Gracious” With Me And “Gracious” With Moses, (Exodus 33:19).

Numbers 20:8-11 ~ 8 “Take The Rod; And You And Your Brother Aaron Assemble The Congregation And Speak TO THE ROCK Before Their Eyes, That It May Yield Its Water.  You Shall Thus Bring Forth Water For Them Out Of The Rock And Let The Congregation And Their Beasts Drink”.  9 So Moses Took The Rod From Before Yahweh, Just As He Had Commanded Him; 10 And Moses And Aaron Gathered The Assembly Before The Rock.  And He Said To Them, “Listen Now, You Rebels¤; Shall We Bring Forth Water For You Out Of This Rock?” 11 Then Moses Lifted His Hand And Struck The Rock Twice With His Rod; And Water Came Out Abundantly, And The Congregation And Their Animals Drank.

¤ Psalm 106:33 “For When They Embittered His Spirit, [Moshe] Spoke Up Without Thinking.”, {Complete Jewish Bible}.
“For They Provoked [Moses’] Spirit, So That He Spoke Unadvisedly With His Lips”, {Amplified Bible, Classic Edition}.

In The English Language, “Gracious” Is Defined As “Courteous, And Kind, And Pleasant”.  Here Is An Example Of What I Am Talking About When I Say “Gracious” or “Graciousness”.  Suppose That You Are Cooking And Your Child Wants To Help, But They Are Really Not Old Enough To Help.  Despite This, You Have Them Don An Apron And Give Them Some Small Task That You Know That They Can Do.  You Are Extending “Grace” To Them.  My Wife Told Me To Go By The Store And Get Some Frozen Mesquite Chicken For Supper, But I Wasn’t Listening As Well As I Should Have, And I Bought Instead A Rotisserie Chicken.  However, My Wife Spoke “Graciously” To Me And Said “That Will Work”.

Or You Warn Somebody Of A ForeSeeable Outcome, And They Ignore Your Advice And Do What They Want To Do Anyhow And Their Plans Goes Bad.  Are The Words, “I Told You So”, Resonating In The Atmosphere? ~ {Galatians 6:1-2 ~ “You Who Are Spiritual [Who Are Responsive To And Controlled By The Spirit] Should Set Them Right And Restore And Reinstate Him, Without Any Sense Of Superiority And With ALL Gentleness”}. Or Someone Cuts You Off In Traffic And Are You Quick To Vocalize Your Feelings? ~ {Even If You Think No One Is Watching You or Can Hear You ~ (Matthew 12:36-37)}.  Getting The Picture?  “He Who Loves Purity Of Heart And Whose Speech Is Gracious, The King Is His Friend”, (Proverbs 22:11).Grace”, Can Be A Word or An Action, or It Can Be The Lack Of An Action, (No Ranting And Raving, Nor Pointing Of Fingers, Nor Blame Shifting, Nor Name-Calling). ~ “Discretion Is The Better Part Of Valor”… William Shakespeare.

The Thing That Got Moses In Trouble Was Not That He Struck The Rock Twice, Even Though He Was Told To Speak To The Rock, But That He Did Not Show “Grace” To The Children Of Israel.  He Was Not “Gracious”.  Ever Noticed How Closely “Gracious”, (H2587) Is Spelled To “Grace”, (H2580).  Often In The New Testament The Same Greek Word Is Used For Both “Gracious” And For “Grace”, (G5485 ~ Cháris).  As Ephesians 4:29, Says, “Let No Foul or Polluting Language, Nor Evil Word Nor Unwholesome or Worthless Talk [Ever] Come Out Of Your Mouth, But Only Such [Speech] As Is Good And Beneficial To The Spiritual Progress Of Others, As Is Fitting To The Need And The Occasion, That It May Be A Blessing And Minister or Give “Grace”, (G5485) (Yahweh’s Favor) To Those Who Hear It”, (Amplified Bible Classic Edition)}.

Hear Now, You Rebels”.  This Was Not Being “Gracious”, And It Was Not What Yahweh Instructed Moses To Do~!  Shall We Bring You Forth Water Out Of This Rock?”  We?  And What Is Up With This “We” Thing?  Moses’ Words Carried The Weight Of The Father, And He Said, “We”, Implying And Making The People Think That Yahweh Was Mad At Them.


To Cause Me To Be Regarded As Holy

Here Are The Actual Instructions That Yahweh Told Moses.  Read Them For Yourself, “Take The Rod, And Assemble The Congregation, You, And Aaron Your Brother, And Speak You To The Rock Before Their Eyes, That It Give Forth Its Water; And You Shall Bring Forth To Them Water Out Of The Rock; So You Shall Give The Congregation And Their Cattle Drink”, (Numbers 20:8).  The “English Standard Version”, The “Amplified Bible Classic Edition” And The “God’s Word Translation” Says, “Tell The Rock”.

There Was No Mention Of Where Yahweh Said, “To Correct” or The “Charge Them Sternly”.

Yahweh Was Going To Be “Gracious, And Meet The People On Their Infant Level Even Though They Were Complaining, (It’s Hot In The Desert, It Was Understandable That They’d Want Water For Their Families And Cattle).  Yahweh Was Going To Show The Israelite People That He Can Take Care Of Them By Even Making Water Come Out Of A Rock Just By “Speaking To It, (Showing That We Don’t Have To Toil or Work For It To Get Yahweh’s Blessings).  Yahweh Was Wanting To Say, Fear Not, For, I Am With You”, (Entry Here To See How Many Times Yahweh Has Said, “I Am With You” or, “Yahweh Is With You”, or, “Yahweh Was With A Certain Person”.

Yahweh Wasn’t Going To Scold Them.  He Felt Compassion On Them, And Was Going To Have Moses Give Them Water And Even Enough For Their Cattle.  Yahweh Dealt With Moses Severely For Misrepresenting Him To The Folks, (They ALL Thought That Yahweh Was Mad At Them, When That Was The Furthest Thing From The Truth).  “Yahweh Said To Moses And Aaron, Because You Didn’t Believe In Me, {To Sanctify Me, To Hallow Me ~ To Cause Me To Be Regarded As Holy, Because You Didn’t Trust Me To Show My Holiness Before The Israelites, In The Eyes Of The Children Of Israel}, Therefore You Shall Not Bring This Assembly Into The Land Which I Have Given Them”, (Numbers 20:12).

Numbers 20:12.  “Yahweh Said To Moses And Aaron, Because You Didn’t Believe In Me, To Sanctify Me In The Eyes Of The Children Of Israel, Therefore You Shall Not Bring This Assembly Into The Land Which I Have Given Them”.

The Rock Where Yahweh Made Water Come Out Of The Rock May Have Been Found~!   Click On This Link To Learn More About It~!


Quick To Hear, Slow To Speak~!

This Is Probably A Good Place To Add On To What I Said Above.  I Got So Much Into Trying To Show That The Reason Yahweh Was Not Happy With Moses, Was Because He Misrepresented Yahweh As Mean, When Yahweh Was Wanting To Show How Loving He Was.  Folks Have In The Past Preached That God Was Mad At Moses Because He Struck The Rock Twice, {Instead Of Once}.  But, That’s Not Correct~!  Yahweh Never Told Moses For This Instance To Strike The Rock At ALL~!   Here Are The Actual Instructions That Yahweh Told Moses.  Read Them For Yourself, “Take The Rod, And Assemble The Congregation, You, And Aaron Your Brother, And Speak You To The Rock Before Their Eyes, That It Give Forth Its Water; And You Shall Bring Forth To Them Water Out Of The Rock; So You Shall Give The Congregation And Their Cattle Drink”, (Numbers 20:8).

Notice The Phrases, You, And Aaron Your Brother, And Speak You To The Rock Before Their Eyes
You Shall Bring Forth To Them Water Out Of The Rock…
 …So You Shall Give The Congregation And Their Cattle Drink

And That Was Okay.

But, Moses Not Only Struck The Rock, And That Was NOT Okay Because He Was Instructed To SPEAK TO THE ROCK BEFORE THEIR EYES But Also Struck Out At The People And That Was Very Much NOT OKAY~! (His Striking The Rock Was Just Showing What Was In His Heart)… Oftentimes, We Too Want To Strike Out At Someone That Has Hurt Us, When Yahweh Is Telling Us To Speak To The Situation~!

To Call Those Things That Are Not As Though They Were, (Romans 4:17).

Numbers 20:10 ~ “Moses And Aaron Gathered The Assembly Together Before The Rock, And He Said To Them, Hear Now; “You Rebels~!”, “Shall We Bring You Forth Water Out Of This Rock?” “We?We?  “You Rebels~!  Yahweh Didn’t Say To Call These Folks Rebels.  All Over The World We Have Hard-Headed Folks, And Sometimes Calling Someone Hard-Headed or Stiff-Necked, Isn’t Necessarily An Insult.  It Just Means, Okay Have It Your Way.  I Think It’s Best If You Do It My Way, But Have It Your Way, (Perhaps, It’ll Work Out)… But Calling Folks, ”You Rebels”, Definitely Is A Derogatory Term And Didn’t Reflect Yahweh’s Heart Towards His Folks.

But, Moses Made It Seem Like That Was The Father’s Thoughts Towards Them, Like Moses And Yahweh Were On A High Horse And The Rest Of Them Were Scum… Upmh~!  Moses Struck Out At The People~!  “Shall We Bring You Forth Water Out Of This Rock?”  Speaking Of Bring… “Yahweh Said Two Verses Later To Moses And Aaron, Because You Didn’t Believe In Me, To Sanctify’ Me In The Eyes Of The Children Of Israel, Therefore You Shall Not Bring This Assembly Into The Land Which I Have Given Them”, (Numbers 20:12).  Yahweh Takes Misrepresenting Him As The Loving God Very Seriously.

This Was Akin To When David Brought The Ark Back, He Didn’t Do It According To Yahweh’s Design And He Had It Brought On A Cart With Cattle Pulling It… When It Was Supposed To Be Borne On The Shoulders Of The Priest~!,

(Numbers 4:15; Deuteronomy 31:9;
Joshua 3:3; Joshua 3:6;
1 Chronicles 15:14–15

… Even As Today The Priest, (Or Pastor/Preacher), Is Supposed To Bear The Weight Of His Flock In “Graciousness”, Just As Moses Was Supposed To Have Borne The Impatience Of His People With “Graciousness”.

Proverbs 3:27 ~ Don’t Withhold Good {Like A Good WORD} From Those To Whom It Is Due, When It Is In The Power Of Your Hand To Do It.  Ironically, A 327 Is A Powerful Chevrolet Engine Back In The Day Of The Muscle Cars, (A Chevy II With A 327 Being Lighter Weight Often Beat The Heavier Oldsmobile 442’s or The Chevelle 396’s).  Another Powerful Engine Was The Police Interceptor 429.  And Ephesians 4:29 Would Be The One Of The Verses That I Have As My Favorite Scripture Passages.  A 429 Police Interceptor Was A Powerfully Fast Car With A 429 Cubic Inch Engine~!  So, Let’s Be Fast, or Quick.  Let’s Be Quick To Hear, Quick To Listen, Quick To Hear Their Cause, Quick To Hear Their Side Of The Story; And Slow To Speak Before We Just, “Have To Have Our Say”, (James 1:19-20).

After ALL, I Need To Be “Gracious”.  Romans 8:28 Says, “We Know That ALL Things Work Together For Good For Those Who Love God, To Those Who Are, “Called” According To His Purpose”.  There’s That Word Again, “Called”.  It Shows Up Again At:

(1 Peter 3:9,
And At 1 Peter 2:9
And Again At 1 Peter 2:21

Saying That For This Reason Are We Called”.  It Has To Do With Being “Gracious” Like Our Heavenly Father Whom We Represent To The World, We Are Ambassadors Of Christ, (2 Corinthians 5:20).  We Are To Be Imitators Of God~! ~ “If Anyone Among You Thinks Themselves To Be Religious, While They Don’t Bridle Their Tongue, But Deceives Their Heart, This Person’s Religion Is Worthless”, (James 1:26).


No Bitterness

Ephesians 4:29-Ephesians 5:2, (AMPC) ~ All Goes Together As One Thought, (There Were No Chapters In The Original Letter That Paul Wrote To The Church At Ephesus).

Plus, “And” Is A Conjunction And Means That It Goes With The Previous Sentence“
We ALL Know That You Shouldn’t Start A Sentence With The Word, “And”,
(Yahweh Didn’t, There Were Not Chapters Nor Scripture Verse Numbers In The Original Languages).

Ephesians 4:29-31

29 Let No Foul or Polluting Language, Nor Evil Word Nor Unwholesome or Worthless Talk [Ever] Come Out Of Your Mouth, But Only Such [Speech] As Is Good And Beneficial To The Spiritual Progress Of Others, As Is Fitting To The Need And The Occasion, That It May Be A Blessing And Give “Grace” (God’s Favor) To Those Who Hear It.
30 And Do Not Grieve The Holy Ghost Of God [Do Not Offend or Vex or Sadden Him], By Whom You Were Sealed (Marked, Branded As God’s Own, Secured) For The Day Of Redemption, (Of Final Deliverance Through Christ, * {Ha Mashiach}, From Evil And The Consequences Of Sin).
31 Let All Bitterness And Indignation And Wrath (Passion, Rage, Bad Temper) And Resentment (Anger, Animosity) And Quarreling (Brawling, Clamor, Contention) And Slander (Evil-Speaking, Abusive or Blasphemous Language) Be Banished From You, With All Malice (Spite, Ill Will, or Baseness Of Any Kind).

Ephesians 5:1-2
1 THEREFORE BE IMITATORS OF GOD [Copy Him And Follow His Exampl e], As Well-Beloved Children [Imitate Their Father].
2 And Walk In Love, [Esteeming And Delighting In One Another] As Christ, * {Ha Mashiach}, Loved Us And Gave Himself Up For Us, A Slain Offering And Sacrifice To God, [For You, So That It Became] A Sweet Fragrance.


On The Contrary Blessing
1 Peter 3:9, (AMPC)

9 Return Not Evil For Evil or Insult For Insult (Scolding, Tongue-Lashing, Berating), But On The Contrary Blessing [Praying For Their Welfare, Happiness, And Protection, And Truly Pitying And Loving Them].  For Knowing That To This You Have Been Called, That You May Yourselves Inherit A Blessing [From Yahweh—That You May Obtain A Blessing As Heirs, Bringing Welfare And Happiness And Protection].

1 Peter 2:9, (AMPC)

9 But You Are A Chosen Race, A Royal Priesthood, A Dedicated Nation, [God’s] Own Purchased, Special People, That You May Set Forth The Wonderful Deeds And Display The Virtues And Perfections Of Him Who Called You Out Of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light.

Ephesians 4:1-4

1 I Therefore, The Prisoner In The Lord, Beg You To Walk Worthily Of The Calling With Which You Were Called,
2 With All Lowliness And Humility, With Patience, Bearing With One Another In Love;
3 Being Eager To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit In The Bond Of Peace.
4 There Is One Body, And One Spirit, Even As You Also Were Called In One Hope Of Your Calling;

(Matthew 24:22, 29 Mark 13:20, 26) ~ “If Those Days Had Not Been Cut Short” Is Preceding The Coming Of The Son Of Man.  So That Shows That Coming Of The Sun Of Man Is Not Set In Stone And I Believe Our Praying Presence On The Earth Causes Such A Blessing To The Earth That It Actually Slows Down The Tribulation.


Acceptable And Pleasing To God

1 Peter 2:17-25, (AMPC)

17 Show Respect For All People [Treat Them Honorably].  Love The Sisters And Brothers, (The Christian Sorority / Fraternity Of Which Christ, * {Ha Mashiach}, Is The Head).  Reverence God.  Honor The Emperor.
18 [You Who Are] Household Servants, Be Submissive To Your Masters With ALL [Proper] Respect, Not Only To Those Who Are Kind And Considerate And Reasonable, But Also To Those Who Are Surly (Overbearing, Unjust, And Crooked).
19 For One Is Regarded Favorably (Is Approved, Acceptable, And ThankWorthy) If, As In The Sight Of God, He Endures The Pain Of Unjust Suffering.
20 [After ALL] What Kind Of Glory [Is There In It] If, When You Do Wrong And Are Punished For It, You Take It Patiently?  But If You Bear Patiently With Suffering [Which Results] When You Do Right And That Is Undeserved, It Is Acceptable And Pleasing To God.
21 For Even To This Were You Called [It Is Inseparable From Your Vocation].  For Christ, *† {Ha Mashiach}, Also Suffered For You, Leaving You [His Personal] Example, So That You Should Follow In His Footsteps.
22 He Was Guilty Of No Sin, Neither Was Deceit (Guile) Ever Found On His Lips.
23 When He Was Reviled And Insulted, He Did Not Revile or Offer Insult In Return; [When] He Was Abused And Suffered, He Made No Threats [Of Vengeance]; But He Trusted [Himself And Everything] To Him Who Judges Fairly.
24 He Personally Bore Our Sins In His [Own] Body On The Tree [As On An Altar And Offered Himself On It], That We Might Die (Cease To Exist) To Sin, [Yahweh Just Called STRIFE A Sin], And Live To Righteousness.  By His Wounds You Have Been Healed.
25 For You Were Going Astray Like [So Many] Sheep, But Now You Have Come Back To The Shepherd And Guardian (The Bishop) Of Your Souls.



Reverence Yahweh, And You Do So By Honoring The Leader Of The People

I’ll Put It In Our Words For This Day And Time.  This Is From 1 Peter 2:17-25.

Show Respect For ALL People, (Not Just Your Sisters And Brothers In Christ)
However, Go One Step Beyond That For Your Sisters And Brothers In Christ, (Not The World Whose Father Is d—Evil One).
Go Even Further With Yahweh, Reverence Yahweh, And You Do So By Honoring The Leader Of The People, The King, etc.

Yahoshua Is Our King.  Okay, We Are A Servant Of The King Of Kings, So We Need To Be Submissive To Those Over Us, Not Only To The Kindly Folks, But Also To Those Who Are Overbearing, Unjust And Downright Scoundrels, (Often Referred To As Scallywags).

We Get Yahweh’s Full Attention When We Suffer Unjustly, And Don’t Rail Back When Folks Are Shouting Accusations At Us.  We Don’t Take Them Out On A Rail, Like In The Movie, “O Brother Where Art Thou”, But Rather We Don’t Rant And Rail At Them Accusations, (And d—Evil One Is The Accuser Of The Sisters And Brothers, {Those Belonging To The Body Of Christ}).


Bear Patiently With Suffering

Rail ~ To Revile or Scold In Harsh, Insolent, or Abusive Language, {Merriam-Webster’s OnLine Definition}

In Other Words, If We Get, “Dogged Out” For Doing Something Wrong And We, “Take It Like A Man or Woman”, Don’t Expect An, “Atta Boy” Or An “Atta Girl”, Nor A Pat On The Back; After ALL, “We Were At Fault”, And Just Got Caught Doing The Wrong.

But, If We Are Rebuked, And Reprimanded, And Have Gotten Royally Chewed Out, For Something WE DID NOT DO, And Were Falsely Accused Of, And We Don’t Swap Insults By Returning Evil For Evil, or Reviling For Reviling, or Railing For Railing, or Betraying Their Faults, {Not Saying That They Don’t Have Faults That We Know About, But Not Revealing Their Faults, Especially When They’ve Attacked Us~!  Proverbs 17:9 ~ 9 Whoever Covers And ForGives An Offense Seeks Love, But Whoever Repeats or Harps On A Matter Separates Even Close Friends}… And We Don’t “Yell Back At Them And Point Out Where They Were Wrong”, Then Yahweh Takes Notice Of This~!

1 I Therefore, The Prisoner In The Lord, Beg You To Walk Worthily Of The Calling With Which You Were Called,
2 With All Lowliness And Humility, With Patience, Bearing With One Another In Love;
3 Being Eager To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit In The Bond Of Peace.
4 There Is One Body, And One Spirit, Even As You Also Were Called In One Hope Of Your Calling, (Ephesians 4:1-4).

But If You Bear Patiently With Suffering [Which Results] When You Do Right And That Is Undeserved, It Is Acceptable And Pleasing To God.  The World English Bible Reads, “This Is Commendable With God”, (1 Peter 2:20).  This Is The Key, Because You Have Faith In Yahweh And Became Humble, (Humility Comes Before Honor, (Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:22), Now Yahweh Can Give “Grace” To The Humble, (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:5-7), And “Grace” Is What Gets Us Over, (For By “Grace” Are You Saved, Through Faith, {Ephesians 2:8).

Wisdom Is The Principal Thing, (Proverbs 4:7).
However, You’re Not Going To Get Wisdom Unless You Humble Yourselves And Realize That Your Thoughts Are Wrong And Only Yahweh’s Thoughts Will Work.

And It Is By “Grace” That We Are Saved By Faith, (Ephesians 2:8).

Mercy Is Not Getting The Bad You Deserve,
and Grace Is Getting The Good That You Don’t Deserve~!

Mercy Is Like Forgiving Your Past,
And Letting You Get In The Movie Theater When You Don’t Have A Ticket.
But, “Grace” Advances Your Future and Is Like You Get To Star In The Movie~!

But Faith Works By Love, (Galatians 5:6).
Even Preaching To Be Effective Has To Be Done In Love, (Ephesians 4:15).

All Above Scriptures,
(Proverbs 4:7; Proverbs 15:33;
Proverbs 18:22; James 4:6,
1 Peter 5:5; Ephesians 2:8;
Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 4:15

After ALL Walking In Love Imitates The Father, (Ephesians 5:1-2).


Helping Yahweh’s Children Come Out Of d—Evil One’s Stronghold

For Even To This Were You Called”, (To This Purpose Were You Called, (1 Peter 2:21).  This Is In Part How We Fight The Good Fight Of Faith, {By Not Railing, But By Trusting Yahweh}.  Remember d—Evil One Weapons Are ONLY CARNAL, We Used The Advanced Weaponry Of The Fruits Of The Spirit Against Such There Is No Law, “But On The Contrary Blessing [Praying For Their Welfare, Happiness, And Protection, And Truly Pitying And Loving Them], For Knowing That To This You Have Been, “Called”, That You May Yourselves Inherit A Blessing, (1 Peter 3:9).

This Makes Sense In That People Are Not Our Enemy, They Are Flesh And Blood, And We Wrestle Not Against Flesh And Blood, (They Might Have Allowed d—Evil One To Use Them, But They Are Still Yahweh’s Children).  In Fact, I Waited Until Now To Show You This… Enter Here To Look At The Very Verses Surrounding At 1 Peter 3:8-12.

8 Finally, All [Of You] Should Be Of One And The Same Mind (United In Spirit), Sympathizing [With One Another], Loving [Each Other] As Sisters And Brothers [Of One Household], Compassionate And Courteous (Tenderhearted And Humble). 9 Never Return Evil For Evil or Insult For Insult (Scolding, Tongue-Lashing, Berating), But On The Contrary Blessing [Praying For Their Welfare, Happiness, And Protection, And Truly Pitying And Loving Them]. For Know That To This You Have Been Called, That You May Yourselves Inherit A Blessing [From God— That You May Obtain A Blessing As Heirs, Bringing Welfare And Happiness And Protection]. 10 For Let Them Who Wants To Enjoy Life And See Good Days [Good—Whether Apparent or Not] Keep Their Tongue Free From Evil And Their Lips From Guile (Treachery, Deceit). 11 Let Him Turn Away From Wickedness And Shun It, And Let Him Do Right. Let Him Search For Peace (Harmony; Undisturbedness From Fears, Agitating Passions, And Moral Conflicts) And Seek It Eagerly. [Do Not Merely Desire Peaceful Relations With God, With Your Fellow Humans, And With Yourself, But Pursue, Go After Them~!] 12 For The Eyes Of The Lord Are Upon The Righteous (Those Who Are Upright And In Right Standing With God), And His Ears Are Attentive To Their Prayer. But The Face Of The Lord Is Against Those Who Practice Evil [To Oppose Them, To Frustrate, And Defeat Them].

In A Nutshell, When We Speak Negatively About Someone We Are Practicing Evil~! 

How Do We, “Fight The Good Fight Of Faith?”  Did You Know That When This Scripture Mentioned This, That The Very Next Sentence Talks About Your Mouth And What You Are Confessing or Saying?

Look At 1 Timothy 6:12 ~Fight The Good Fight Of Faith?”  Take Hold Of The Eternal Life To Which You Were Called, And You Confessed The Good Confession In The Sight Of Many Witnesses, (1 Timothy 6:12).  So, We Fulfill Our Calling When We Confess Over Others The Qualities Of Yahweh~!

So, When We Start Blessing Those That Curse Us And Despitefully Use Us, We Are Helping Yahweh’s Children Come Out Of d—Evil One’s Stronghold.  Have You Blessed?, (We Bless By Our ‘Mouth’ ~ By Speaking Good OutComes With Our ‘Mouth’), About Those That Opposed Us And That Have Said Bad Things About Us That We Knew Weren’t True?  I Have.  It Seemed Hard At First, But The Longer I Did It, I Really Began To Love Them.  Seek Understanding, You Might Be Mad Because Someone Cut You Off While Driving Until You Realize That They Were Transporting Someone Hurt In An Accident That Was Bleeding To Death, And They Had To Be In A Hurry; (And You Gained Understanding). So, Get Understanding. (They Who Have Knowledge Spares His Words, And A Person Of Understanding Has A Cool Spirit ~ (Proverbs 17:27).



Speaking Blessings Over Your Enemies

As We Begin To Pray For The Others Involved, Speaking Blessings Over Them And Their Families, You Will Get Understanding.  So Bless, (With Your Mouth), Those That Have Hurt You.  Start Off With, “They Shall Never Have A Deer Run Out In Front Of Their Vehicle, Nor Will They Have A Child With An Unwed Pregnancy, Nor Children Be Raped or Rejected, Nor Will Any In Their HouseHold” Be Involved In A Car Accident, Nor OverDose With Drugs, Nor With Misfortune or Calamity, (Acts 16:31)”; But Get Specific.  If They A

Yahweh That They Are Made In The Image Of Christ And Are Walking In Love, Forbearing One Another, And Very Generous”… ‘ Calling Those Things That Be Not As Though They Were, (Romans 4:17).  You Have That Authority In What You Say, Pour Out The Blessing For Them, (Proverbs 3:8; Proverbs 4:22).

For Even To This Were You Called”, [It Is Inseparable From Your Vocation], (Amplified Bible Classic Edition).  For Christ Also Suffered For You, Leaving You [His Personal] Example, So That You Should Follow In His Footsteps, (1 Peter 2:21).

If You Think You Are Being Mistreated, And Falsely Accused.  Christ Also Suffered, {They Even Called Him The Devil,

(Matthew 9:34; Matthew 12:24;
Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15

And This Time He Was The One Being Accused Of Sins That We Have Committed.  Oops~!  However, Don’t Get In A Panic.  We’re Forgiven.  We’re Dead In Christ.  Our Sins Were Nailed To That Cross When We In Christ Died To Those Sins, (Colossians 3:1-3).

When He Was Reviled And Insulted, He Did Not Revile or Offer Insult In Return; [When] He Was Abused And Suffered, He Made No Threats [Of Vengeance], (1 Peter 2:17-25).


Strife Is One Of The Works Of The Flesh

So, With That Said, Here Is The List Of d—Evil One’s Plans, or The Works Of The Flesh.

Galatians 5:19-21, (WEB)

19 Now The Works Of The Flesh Are Obvious, Which Are: Adultery, Sexual Immorality, UnCleanness, Lustfulness,
20 Idolatry, Sorcery, Hatred, STRIFE, Jealousies, Outbursts Of Anger, Rivalries, Divisions, Heresies,
21 Envyings, Murders, Drunkenness, Orgies, And Things Like These ; Of Which I Forewarn You, Even As I Also Forewarned You, That Those Who Practice Such Things Will Not Inherit The Kingdom Of God.

The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Adds More Depth.

Galatians 5:19-21, (AMPC)

19 Now The Doings (Practices) Of The Flesh Are Clear (Obvious): They Are Immorality, Impurity, Indecency,
20 Idolatry, Sorcery, Enmity, STRIFE, Jealousy, Anger (Ill Temper), Selfishness, Divisions (Dissensions), Party Spirit (Factions, Sects With Peculiar Opinions, Heresies),
21 Envy, Drunkenness, Carousing, And The Like.  I Warn You Beforehand, Just As I Did Previously, That Those Who Do Such Things Shall Not Inherit The Kingdom Of God.

Did You Notice The Words, “STRIFE, Jealousy, Anger (Ill Temper), Selfishness, Divisions (Dissensions), Party Spirit (Factions, Sects With Peculiar Opinions, Heresies)?”  And, STRIFE… and ANGER, {Which Usually Happens When There Is STRIFE}, Are Listed Right In There With Sorcery, Idolatry, Adultery, Sexual Immorality & Murder~!  Zowie~!  Yahweh Takes STRIFE Pretty Seriously~!


d—Evil One’s Plan Is To Get Us Operating In The Flesh

d—Evil One’s Plan Is To Get Us Into The Works Of The Flesh.  And STRIFE Is His Chief Operating Weapon Ensuring That We Not Walk In Love For Love Never Fails,

(Galatians 5:15); {Note This Is In The Same Chapter, And Just A Few Verses Before The Works Of The Flesh Are Made Known}.

Now, That You Know That STRIFE Is d—Evil One’s Ways And Means, And You’ve Already Lashed Out, What Do You Do.  Well, Just Stop And Repent, (1 John 1:9 ~ Tells Us That, “If We Confess Our Sins, He Is Faithful And Righteous To Forgive Us Our Sins, And To Cleanse Us From ALL Unrighteousness”).  Then Ask The Holy Ghost.  Maybe, You’ve Got To Go See Them And Apologize.  Always, And Under ALL Circumstances, When You Apologize, Just Let Them Talk Their Talk, (Give Them Their Two Minutes, If You Interrupt Them, Then They Are Going To Start Their Two Minute Speech All Over Again).

Expect Them Not To Be Forgiving, But Hurt And Hurt People Hurt People, And They’re Going To Tell You What You Did Wrong.  Just Be Quiet.  Don’t Say A Word.  Have A Way Out For Them, (Provide “Grace” To The Hearer).  When They Complete Their Railing, Just Politely Tell Them, “I Just Wanted To Call, And Say I Apologize For Hurting You And Hope That Out Of The Kindness Of Your Heart That You Can Forgive Me”.

Enter Here To Learn More About How To Make An Apology.


First Be Reconciled To Your Sister or Brother

Where Can They Go?  They’ve Already Railed, And They Might Repeat Their Railing.  Wait For Them To Stop And Repeat, “I Apologize For Hurting You And Hope That Out Of The Kindness Of Your Heart That You Can Forgive Me”.  This Works.  Read And Believe Matthew 18:15, (“If Your Brother or Sister Wrongs You, Go And Show Them Their Fault, Between You And Them Privately.  If They Listen To You, You Have Won Back Your Sister or Brother”).  Go Alone As Matthew 18:15 Says To Go Between You And Him or Her Privately.  I Would Recommend Following This Verse Down To The Dot and The Tilde, And That Would Mean More Than A Phone Call, You’ve Got To Go See Them In Person Where They Can See Your Facial Expressions~!  And Most Definitely Do Not Apologize By Way Of Text or Email~!  They Can’t Hear The Softness Of Your Voice or See The Kindness In Your Eyes, And All They Have Is Themselves And If They Read Into Things or Have A Bad Self Image, Texting Will Backfire, (Ask Me How I Know).

Matthew 5:23-24
23 “Therefore If You Bring Your Gift To The Altar, And There Remember That Your Sister or Brother Has Something Against You,
24 Leave Your Gift There Before The Altar, And Go Your Way.  First Be Reconciled To Your Sister or Brother, And Then Come And Offer Your Gift.”

(Give Them A Way Out.  Give Them “Grace” So That They Can “Save Face”: See Ephesians 4:29 In The Amplified Bible Classic Edition).  Be Ready For Them To Rehearse What You Did Wrong And How It Hurt Them So ~ By Having Something To Say Such As, (“Well, I Can See How That Hurt You, And I Genuinely Apologize, And If You Can See It Out Of The Kindness Of Your Heart To Forgive, I Would Be Indebted To Your ‘ Graciousness’”, Proverbs 17:1, 9, 14, 19, 27-28).  (See Also Proverbs 26:20-24).  Re-Evaluate Your Actions.  Examine Yourselves And Ask Yourself, Could I Have Said, or Probably, “Not Said”, Something That Would Have Made The Situation or Outcome More Pleasant?  Perhaps, The Situation Wasn’t All Your Fault, And You Tainted The Apology By Tossing In A “Barb” About Something That They Did That Also Contributed To Your Actions.  Was It Absolutely Necessary For Me To Have To Have My Say?  Well, Just Repent, (Repent Means To “Change Your Mind”).

Don’t Omit, “If You Can See It Out Of The Kindness Of Your Heart To Forgive, I Would Be Indebted To Your ‘Graciousness’”.   There Are Words That Sell On eBay Like, “Awesome” or “Amazing”; And There Are Words That Increase The Probability That They Will Forgive, {Speak Only Such Speech That Will Give “Grace”To Those Who Hear It, (Ephesians 4:29)}.


Saving Face

Grace” Is Giving Them A Way Out, So That They Can “Save Face”.  We Could Also Add, “I Know That You Didn’t Mean To Hurt Me”, (Not, “Hurt Me So Severely”, Let Your, “Yes” Be, “Yes” And Your, “No” Be, “No”).  Give Them A Way Out.  Give Them “Grace”.

Galatians 6:1-2
1 Sisters And Brothers, IF Any Person Is Overtaken In Misconduct or Sin Of Any Sort, You Who Are Spiritual [Who Are Responsive To And Controlled By The Spirit] Should Set Them Right And Restore And Reinstate Them, Without Any Sense Of Superiority And With ALL Gentleness, Keeping An Attentive Eye On Yourself, Lest You Should Be Tempted Also.
2 Bear (Endure, Carry) One Another’s Burdens And Troublesome Moral Faults, And In This Way Fulfill And Observe Perfectly “The Law Of Christ” (The Messiah) And Complete What Is Lacking [In Your Obedience To It].

Ephesians 4:29
29 Let No Foul or Polluting Language, Nor Evil Word Nor Unwholesome or Worthless Talk [Ever] Come Out Of Your Mouth, But Only Such [Speech] As Is Good And Beneficial To The Spiritual Progress Of Others, As Is Fitting To The Need And The Occasion, That It May Be A Blessing And Give “Grace” (God’s Favor) To Those Who Hear It.


A Talebearer Reveals Secrets, But They Who Are TrustWorthy And Faithful In Spirit Keeps The Matter Hidden, (Proverbs 11:13).  A Talebearer Is Someone That Tells A Tale~!

  • Leviticus 19:16 ~ You Shall Not Go Up And Down As A Dispenser Of Gossip And Scandal Among Your People, Nor Shall You [Secure Yourself By False Testimony or By Silence And] Endanger The Life Of Your Neighbor.  I Am Yahweh.

  • Proverbs 11:13 ~ They Who Go About As A Talebearer Reveals Secrets, But They Who Are TrustWorthy And Faithful In Spirit Keeps The Matter Hidden.

  • Proverbs 20:19 ~ He Who Goes About As A Talebearer Reveals Secrets; Therefore Associate Not With Those Who ‘Talk Too Freely’.

  • Proverbs 18:8 ~ The Words Of A Whisperer or Talebearer Are As Dainty Morsels; They Go Down Into The Innermost Parts Of The Body.

  • Proverbs 26:20 ~ For Lack Of Wood The Fire Goes Out, And Where There Is No Whisperer, Contention Ceases.

  • Proverbs 26:21 ~ As Coals Are To Hot Embers And As Wood To Fire, So Is A Quarrelsome Person To Inflame STRIFE.

  • Proverbs 26:22 ~ The Words Of A Whisperer or Slanderer Are Like Dainty Morsels Or Words Of Sport [To Some, But To Others Are Like Deadly Wounds]; And They Go Down Into The Innermost Parts Of The Body [Or Of The Victim’s Nature].

  • Proverbs 17:9 ~ Whoever Covers And Forgives An Offense Seeks Love, But Whoever Repeats or Harps On A Matter Separates Even Close Friends.

Leviticus 19:16; Proverbs 11:13;
Proverbs 17:19; Proverbs 18:8;
Proverbs 20:19; Proverbs 26:20;
Proverbs 26:22


STRIFE Is A Trap~!

When The Scoffer Is Punished, The Fool Gets A Lesson In Being Wise; But Men Of [Godly] Wisdom And Good Sense Learn By Being Instructed, (Proverbs 21:11).

I’ve Found That Preachers Tend To Preach On That Which They Themselves Need To Hear The Most Themselves, And I’m Not An Exception To This..  But, I Will Also Say That Those That Have Overcome A Problem Area In Their Lives Are The Most Effective At Testifying And Bringing And Imparting This Same Deliverance To Others.  I Remember The Time, A Guy Put On Brakes In Front Of Me, And I Almost Hit His Car, So I Followed Him Into His Yard, And Hollered At Him Asking Him Just How Stupid Was He, And He Responded By Running At Me And Pinning Me With My Arms Down Between My Car Door And Hit My Jaw With A Right-Cross.

I Had To Go To The Hospital Because Of A Possible Fractured Jaw.  Turns Out He Had A Nervous Breakdown And Had Just Gotten Out Of A Mental Institution Within The Hour On That Same Day, And His Family Riding With Him, Thought That It Would Build His Self-Esteem To Let Him Drive Back Home.  Yikes~!  Did d—Evil One Set That One Up or What?  And I Fell HeadLong Into This Trap, All Because I Took The Bait Of Offense.

BETTER IS A Dry Morsel With Quietness Than A House Full Of Feasting [On Offered Sacrifices] With STRIFE, (Proverbs 17:1).

The Beginning Of STRIFE Is As When Water First Trickles [From A Crack In A Dam]; Therefore Stop Contention Before It Becomes Worse And Quarreling Breaks Out, (Proverbs 17:14).

BEHOLD, {Look, Now}, HOW Good And How Pleasant It Is For Sisters And Brothers To Dwell Together In Unity~!    (Psalm 133:1).

And The Fruit Of Righteousness Is Sown In Peace Of Them That Make Peace, (James 3:18).


Gotta Go Now, It’s Time To Submit To This Calling, And To Walk The Walk As Well As Talking The Talk.  Love Never Fails; “Grace” To The Humble; Humility Before Honor~!

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Scriptural Support~!

Have To Stop STRIFE Whether, It’s Race Relationships or Otherwise.

Ephesians 3:14-20
Paul’s Prayer For The Ephesians
14 For This Cause, I Bow My Knees To The Father Of Our Lord Jesus Christ 15 From Whom Every Family In Heaven And On Earth Is Named, 16 That He Would Grant You, According To The Riches Of His Glory, That You May Be Strengthened With Power Through His Spirit In The Inward Person; 17 That Christ May Dwell In Your Hearts Through Faith; To The End That You, Being Rooted And Grounded In Love, 18 May Be Strengthened To Comprehend With All The Saints What Is The Width And Length And Height And Depth, 19 And To Know Christ’s Love Which Surpasses Knowledge, That You May Be Filled With All The Fullness Of God~!  20 Now To Him Who Is Able To Do Exceedingly Abundantly Above All That We Ask or Think, According To The Power That Works In Us.

Mark 4:13-24
13 He Said To Them, “Don’t You Understand This Parable?  How Will You Understand All Of The Parables14 The Farmer Sows The Word~!  15 The Ones By The Road Are The Ones Where The Word Is Sown; And When They Have Heard, Immediately Satan Comes, And Takes Away The Word Which Has Been Sown In Them16 These In The Same Way Are Those Who Are Sown On The Rocky Places, Who, When They Have Heard The Word, Immediately Receive It With Joy 17 They Have No Root In Themselves, But Are Short-Lived.  When Oppression or Persecution Arises Because Of The Word, Immediately They Stumble.  18 Others Are Those Who Are Sown Among The Thorns.  These Are Those Who Have Heard The Word, 19 And The Cares Of This Age, And The Deceitfulness Of Riches, And The Lusts Of Other Things Entering In Choke The Word, And It Becomes Unfruitful.  20 Those Which Were Sown On The Good Ground Are Those Who Hear The Word, And Accept It, And Bear Fruit, Some Thirty Times, Some Sixty Times, And Some One Hundred Times. 21 He Said To Them, “Is The Lamp Brought To Be Put Under A Basket or Under A Bed?  Isn’t It Put On A Stand?  22 For There Is Nothing Hidden, Except That It Should Be Made Known; Neither Was Anything Made Secret, But That It Should Come To Light23 If Any Man Has Ears To Hear, Let Him Hear”. 24 He Said To Them, “Take Heed What You Hear.  With Whatever Measure You Measure, It Will Be Measured To You, And More Will Be Given To You Who Hear”.

All Offenses Are “Fear Based.

Ephesians 4:27
Neither Give Place To The Devil.

The Word, “Place” Is The Word That We Get Our Word, “TopoGraphical” From.

Proverbs 6:16-19
16 There Are Six Things Which Yahweh Hates; Yes, Seven Which Are An Abomination To Him:
17 Haughty Eyes, A Lying Tongue, Hands That Shed Innocent Blood;
18 A Heart That Devises Wicked Schemes, Feet That Are Swift In Running To Mischief,
19 A False Witness Who Utters Lies, And Those Who Sows Discord Among Brothers.

Proverbs 7:14
The Beginning Of STRIFE Is As When One Lets Out Water: Therefore Leave Off Contention, Before It Be Meddled With.

Proverbs 10:12
Hatred Stirs Up STRIFE: But Covers All Sins.

Proverbs 15:18
A Wrathful Person Stirs Up STRIFE: But He That Is Slow To Anger Appeases STRIFE.

Proverbs 16:27-28
An Ungodly Person Digs Up Evil: And In His or Her Lips There Is As A Burning Fire~!  A Froward Person Sows STRIFE: And A Whisperer Separates Chief Friends.

Proverbs 17:9
Whoever Covers And Forgives An Offense Seeks Love, But Whoever Repeats or Harps On A Matter Separates Even Close Friends.

Proverbs 22:10
Cast Out The Scorner, And Contention Shall Go Out; Yeah, STRIFE And Reproach Shall Cease.

Proverbs 26:20-28
20 Where There Is No Wood, The Fire Goes Out; And Where There Is No Talebearer, STRIFE Ceases.
21 As Charcoal Is To Burning Coals, And Wood To Fire, So Is A Contentious Man To Kindle STRIFE.
22 The Words Of A Talebearer Are Like Tasty Trifles, And They Go Down Into The Inmost Body.
23 Fervent Lips With A Wicked Heart Are Like EarThenware Covered With Silver Dross.
24 They Who Hate, Disguises It With Their Lips, And Lays Up Deceit Within Himself;
25 When They Speak Kindly, Do Not Believe Them, For There Are Seven Abominations In Their Heart;
26 Though His Hatred Is Covered By Deceit, His Wickedness Will Be Revealed Before The Assembly.
27 Whoever Digs A Pit Will Fall Into It, And He Who Rolls A Stone Will Have It Roll Back On Him.
28 A Lying Tongue Hates Those Who Are Crushed By It, And A Flattering Mouth Works Ruin.

Proverbs 29:22
An Angry Man Stirs Up STRIFE, And A Furious Man Abounds In Transgression.

Romans 13:13-14
Let Us Walk Honestly, As In The Day; Not In Rioting And Drunkenness, Not In Chambering And Wantonness, Not In STRIFE And Envying~!  But Put You On The Lord Jesus Christ, And Make No Provision For The Flesh, To Fulfill The Lusts Thereof.

1 Corinthians 3:1-3
1 Brothers, I Couldn’t Speak To You As To Spiritual, But As To Fleshly, As To Babies In Christ~!  2 I Fed You With Milk, Not With Meat; For You Weren’t Yet Ready.  Indeed , Not Even Now Are You Ready, 3 For You Are Still Fleshly.  For Insofar As There Is Jealousy, Strife, And Factions Among You, Aren’t You Fleshly, And Don’t You Walk In The Ways Of Men?

The Spirit Of Fear Is The Spirit Of Division.
The Spirit Of Racism Is The Spirit Of Division

2 Corinthians 12:20
For I Fear, Lest When I Come, I Shall Not Find You Such As I Would, And That I Shall Be Found Unto You Such As You Would Not: Lest There Be Debates, Envyings, Wraths, STRIFES, Backbitings, Whisperings, Swellings, Tumults:

Galatians 5:19-21
19 Now The Deeds Of The Flesh Are Obvious, Which Are: Adultery, Sexual Immorality, Uncleanness, Lustfulness, 20 Idolatry, Sorcery, Hatred, Strife, Jealousies, Outbursts Of Anger, Rivalries, Divisions, Heresies, 21 Envy, Murders, Drunkenness, Orgies, And Things Like These; Of Which I Forewarn You, Even As I Also Forewarned You, That Those Who Practice Such Things Will Not Inherit God’s Kingdom.

Philippians 2:3
Let Nothing Be Done Through STRIFE or Vainglory; But In Lowliness Of Mind Let Each Esteem Other Better Than Themselves.

1 Timothy 6:4-5
4 He Is Conceited, Knowing Nothing, But Obsessed With Arguments, Disputes, And Word Battles, From Which Come Envy, Strife, Insulting, Evil Suspicions, 5 Constant Friction Of People Of Corrupt Minds And Destitute Of The Truth, Who Suppose That Godliness Is A Means Of Gain.  Withdraw Yourself From Such.

2 Timothy 2:14, 20-26
14 Remind [The People] Of These Facts And [Solemnly] Charge Them In The Presence Of The Lord To Avoid Petty Controversy Over Words, Which Does No Good But Upsets And Undermines The Faith Of The Hearers~!  … 20 Now In A Large House There Are Not Only Vessels Of Gold And Of Silver, But Also Of Wood And Of Clay.  Some Are For Honor, And Some For DisHonor~!  21 If Anyone Therefore Purges Himself From These, He Will Be A Vessel For Honor, Sanctified, And Suitable For The Master’s Use, Prepared For Every Good Work. 22 Flee From Youthful Lusts; But Pursue Righteousness, Faith, Love, And Peace With Those Who Call On The Lord Out Of A Pure Heart~!  23 But Refuse Foolish And Ignorant Questionings, Knowing That They Generate Strife~!  24 The Lord’s Servant Must Not Quarrel, But Be Gentle Towards All, Able To Teach, Patient, 25 In Gentleness Correcting Those Who Oppose Him: Perhaps God May Give Them Repentance Leading To A Full Knowledge Of The Truth, 26 And They May Recover Themselves Out Of The Devil’s Snare, Having Been Taken Captive By Him To His Will.

*Youthful Lusts ~ Young Folks Have More Hormones Urging Them To Have Sex And Folks Look Better When They Are Younger, (Example “Honor Blackman”, Who Portrayed “Cathy Gale” In “The Avengers”, Only To Be Replaced By “Diana Rigg”, Who Portrayed “Emma Peel”, Who Was Replaced By “Linda Thorson” Portrayed “Tara King”.  Later On In Life Diana Rigg Portrayed A Quite Older Looking “Olenna Tyrell” In “Game Of Thrones”.  I Mention “The Avengers” Because This Was Before The “James Bond” Movie Series Began And “James Bond” Was Based On “The Avengers”.  In Fact, Honor Blackman Went On To Help Write The First “James Bond Movie”, (“Dr. No”.), And Also To Play In The 3rd Bond Movie, (“Goldfinger”), And Diana Rigg Played In Another Bond Movie, (“Her Majesty’s Secret Service””); And Diana Rigg Was The Only Bond Female To Marry James Bond.  Diana Rigg, Honor Blackman And Linda Thorson Look Strikingly Different In Their Old Age Than Their Younger Versions Of Themselves.  This Is Said, Just To Point Out That There Are No Misconceived Words In Yahweh’s Words.  If Yahweh Instructed Them To Write Down, “Youthful Lusts”, Then It’s A Real Thing And Not Just A Meaningless Expression, (2 Timothy 3:16).

James 3:2-18
The Greek Text Says, “The Tongue Starts The Wheels In Motion”.

2 For In Many Things We All Stumble~!  If Anyone Doesn’t Stumble In Word, The Same Is A Perfect Man, Able To Bridle The Whole Body Also~!  2 Indeed , We Put Bits Into The Horses’ Mouth So That They May Obey Us, And We Guide Their Whole Body~!  3 Behold, The Ships Also, Though They Are So Big And Are Driven By Fierce Winds, Are Yet Guided By A Very Small Rudder, Wherever The Skipper Desires~!  5 So The Tongue Is Also A Little Member, And Boasts Great Things.  See How A Small Fire Can Spread To A Large Forest~!  6 And The Tongue Is A Fire.  The World Of Iniquity Among Our Members Is The Tongue, Which Defiles The Whole Body, And Sets On Fire The Course Of Nature, And Is Set On Fire By Gehenna. 7 For Every Kind Of Animal, Bird, Creeping Thing, And Sea Creature, Is Tamed, And Has Been Tamed By Human-Kind~!  8 But Nobody Can Tame The Tongue~!  It Is A Restless Evil, Full Of Deadly Poison~!  9 With It We Bless Our God And Father, And With It We Curse Men, Who Are Made In The Image Of God~!  10 Out Of The Same Mouth Comes Blessing And Cursing.  My Brothers, These Things Ought Not To Be So~!  11 Does A Spring Send Out From The Same Opening Fresh And Bitter Water?  12 Can A Fig Tree, My Brothers, Yield Olives, or A Vine Figs?  Thus No Spring Yields Both Salt Water And Fresh Water~!  13 Who Is Wise And Understanding Among You?  Let Him Show By His Good Conduct That His Deeds Are Done In Gentleness Of Wisdom~!  14 But If You Have Bitter Jealousy And Selfish Ambition In Your Heart, Don’t Boast And Don’t Lie Against The Truth~!  15 This Wisdom Is Not That Which Comes Down From Above, But Is Earthly, Sensual, And Demonic~!  16 For Where Jealousy And Selfish Ambition Are, There Is Confusion And Every Evil Deed~!  17 But The Wisdom That Is From Above Is First Pure, Then Peaceful, Gentle, Reasonable, Full Of Mercy And Good Fruits, Without Partiality, And Without Hypocrisy~!  18 Now The Fruit Of Righteousness Is Sown In Peace By Those Who Make Peace.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13
1 If I [Can] Speak In The Tongues Of Men And [Even] Of Angels, But Have Not Love (That Reasoning, Intentional, Spiritual Devotion Such As Is Inspired By God’s Love For And In Us), I Am Only A Noisy Gong or A Clanging Cymbal. 2 And If I Have Prophetic Powers (The Gift Of Interpreting The Divine Will And Purpose), And Understand All The Secret Truths And Mysteries And Possess All Knowledge, And If I Have [Sufficient] Faith So That I Can Remove Mountains, But Have Not Love (God’s Love In Me) I Am Nothing (A Useless Nobody). 3 Even If I Dole Out All That I Have [To The Poor In Providing] Food, And If I Surrender My Body To Be Burned or In Order That I May Glory, But Have Not Love (God’s Love In Me), I Gain Nothing. 4 Love Endures Long And Is Patient And Kind; Love Never Is Envious Nor Boils Over With Jealousy, Is Not Boastful or Vainglorious, Does Not Display Itself Haughtily. 5 It Is Not Conceited (Arrogant And Inflated With Pride); It Is Not Rude (Unmannerly) And Does Not Act Unbecomingly~!  Love (God’s Love In Us) Does Not Insist On Its Own Rights or Its Own Way, For It Is Not Self-Seeking; It Is Not Touchy or Fretful or Resentful; It Takes No Account Of The Evil Done To It [It Pays No Attention To A Suffered Wrong]. 6 It Does Not Rejoice At Injustice And Unrighteousness, But Rejoices When Right And Truth Prevail7 Love Bears Up Under Anything And Everything That Comes, Is Ever Ready To Believe The Best Of Every Person, Its Hopes Are Fadeless Under All Circumstances, And It Endures Everything [Without Weakening]. 8 Love Never Fails [Never Fades Out or Becomes Obsolete or Comes To An End]~!  As For Prophecy (The Gift Of Interpreting The Divine Will And Purpose), It Will Be Fulfilled And Pass Away; As For Tongues, They Will Be Destroyed And Cease; As For Knowledge, It Will Pass Away [It Will Lose Its Value And Be Superseded By Truth]. 9 For Our Knowledge Is Fragmentary (Incomplete And Imperfect), And Our Prophecy (Our Teaching) Is Fragmentary (Incomplete And Imperfect). 10 But When The Complete And Perfect (Total) Comes, The Incomplete And Imperfect Will Vanish Away (Become Antiquated, Void, And Superseded). 11 When I Was A Child, I Talked Like A Child, I Thought Like A Child, I Reasoned Like A Child; Now That I Have Become An Adult, I Am Done With Childish Ways And Have Put Them Aside. 12 For Now We Are Looking In A Mirror That Gives Only A Dim (Blurred) Reflection [Of Reality As In A Riddle or Enigma], But Then [When Perfection Comes] We Shall See In Reality And Face To Face~!  Now I Know In Part (Imperfectly), But Then I Shall Know And Understand Fully And Clearly, Even In The Same Manner As I Have Been Fully And Clearly Known And Understood [By God]. 13 And So Faith, Hope, Love Abide [Faith—Conviction And Belief Respecting A Person’s Relation To Yahweh And Divine Things; Hope—Joyful And Confident Expectation Of Eternal Salvation; Love—True Affection For God And Man, Growing Out Of God’s Love For And In Us], These Three; But The Greatest Of These Is Love~! 

2 Corinthians 10:6 And Being In Readiness To Avenge All Disobedience, WHEN YOUR OBEDIENCE WILL BE MADE FULL~!

{When You Have Obeyed Fully, When You Have Done All That I Have Told You To Do~!}


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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14


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