Laughing Yahoshua

Herein Is Our Love Made Perfect, That We May Have Boldness In The Day Of Judgment: Because As He Is, So Are We In This World. {1 John 4:17}

  And We Have Known And Believed The Love That Yahweh Has Toward Us”.

In This [Union And Communion With Him] Love Is Brought To Completion And Attains Perfection With Us, That We May Have Confidence For The Day Of Judgment [With Assurance And Boldness To Face Him], Because As He Is, So Are We In This World.

Then He Said To Them, “There Is No Fear In Love; But Perfected Love Casts Out Fear: Because Fear Has Torment.  He That Fears Is Not Made Perfect In Love~ {1 John 4:16-18}.

There Are So Many Scriptures About Yahweh’s Great And Wonderful And Intense Love With Which He Loved Us,
Enter Here To See Some~!

Yahweh Appeared Of Old To Me, Saying, ‘Yes, I Have Loved You With An Everlasting Love. Therefore I Have Drawn You With Loving Kindness’…”, (Jeremiah 31:3).

Folks Sometimes Think That God Is Out To Get Us But It’s Because Of His Great Love That He Sent His Only Begotten Son For Us… For God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Begotten Son, That Whoever Believes In Him Should Not Perish But Have Everlasting Life, (John 3:16).

Romans 2:4 ~ Or Do You Presume On The Riches Of His Kindness And Forbearance And Patience, Not Knowing That God’s Kindness Is Meant To Lead You To Repentance?

“Come Now, Let Us Reason Together, Says Yahweh: Though Your Sins Are Like Scarlet, They Shall Be As White As Snow; Though They Are Red Like Crimson, They Shall Become Like Wool”, (Isaiah 1:18).


Love Is… More Than A Cartoon Strip

A Cartoon Strip That Starts Off, “Love Is…”, And Then Gives A Drawing Depicting An Example Of Love.  This Seems Like An Appropriate Place To Talk About Yahweh For, “Yahweh Is Love”, (1 John 4:8).

Love Is … Not Having Your Own Way, But Rather Dying To Self, {or Dying To Selfish Ambition} ~

Take Up Your Cross, Die To Self And Lay Down Your Life, (To See All The Verses About Taking Up Your Cross, Enter Here)

Emptying Oneself.  Every Time You See The Phrase “Poured Out”, This Is Not The Same As, “I Poured Myself A Glass Of Tea”.  “Poured Out”, Means Pour Out Until The Container Is Empty, or Emptied.  “But Emptied Himself, Taking The Form Of A Servant, Being Made In The Likeness Of Men” … “Whom He Poured Out On Us Richly, Through Jesus Christ Our Savior”, (Philippians 2:7; Titus 3:6).

Love Is…

The New Zealand Cartoonist, (Kim Casali), Who Originally Wrote Love Is… As Love Notes For Her Soon To Be Husband “Roberto Casali”.  She Only Lived To Be 55, (Five Is The Number For Grace).  However, She And Her Husband Did Something Remarkable.

In 1975 Roberto Was Diagnosed With Testicular Cancer And Doctors Described His Condition As “Extremely Grave”.  Roberto Casali Also Passed On Early In Life.  However, In One Of The First Cases Of Its Kind, Kim Casali Gave Birth To A Child Sixteen Months After The Death Of Her Husband, Having Been Artificially Inseminated Using His Stored Frozen Sperm.

It Was Like Her Cartoon, (Which Generated a 4.5 Million Income A Year), Love Is… (Her Husband’s Love Produced A Child Even After He Was In The Grave).  Can You Imagine Showing Pictures To Your Child And Saying There You Were, (Or Half Of You), In This Photo Of A Test Tube… That’s Wild~!

This Just Like The Living Word Of Yahweh That Was Written Long Ago, But Comes Alive And Quickens Your Mortal Body When Activated On Today.

Romans 8:11 ~But If The Spirit Of Him That Raised Up Jesus From The Dead Dwell In You, He That Raised Up Christ From The Dead Shall Also “Quicken”, (G2227) ¤,  Your Mortal Bodies By His Spirit That Dwells In You

Romans 4:17 ~ As It Is Written, I Have Made Thee A Father Of Many Nations, Before Him Whom He Believed, Even God, Who “Quickens””, (G2227) ¤, The Dead, And Calls Those Things Which Be Not As Though They Were.

¤Quickens””, {(G2227), Means To Bring Forth Life; To “Make Alive”}.

For The Word Of Yahweh Is Living And Powerful, And Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword, Piercing Even To The Division Of Soul And Spirit, And Of Joints And Marrow, And Is A Discerner Of The Thoughts And Intents Of The Heart, (Hebrews 4:12).

The Law Of Christ”, {Yahoshua Ha Mashiach}

In Galatians 6:2, We Are Instructed To, “Bear One Another’s Burdens, And So Fulfill, “The Law Of Christ”.

What Exactly Is, “The Law Of Christ”, And How Is It Fulfilled By Carrying Each Other’s Burdens?  While, “The Law Of Christ Is Also Mentioned In 1 Corinthians 9:21, The Scriptures Nowhere Specifically Defines What Precisely Is “The Law Of Christ”.   However, Most Bible Teachers Understand, “The Law Of Christ”, To Be What Christ Stated Were The Greatest Commandments, {Found In Matthew 22:36-39; Mark 12:28–31; Luke 10:25-37; Deuteronomy 6:4-5}, “‘Which Commandment Is The Most Important Of All?’  Yahoshua Answered, ‘The Most Important Is, “Hear, O Israel: The Yahweh Our God, There Is The One And Only Lord.  And You Shall Love The Lord Your God With All Your Heart And With All Your Soul And With All Your Mind And With All Your Strength’”.  The Second Is This:, “You Shall Love Your Neighbor As Yourself”.  There Is No Other Commandment Greater Than These Two.’”

The Law Of Christ”, Then, Is To Love God With All Of Our Being And To Love Our Neighbors As We Love Ourselves.  In Mark 12:32–33, The Scribe Who Asked Yahoshua The Question And Yahoshua Responded With, “To Love Him With All The Heart And With All The Understanding And With All The Strength, And To Love One’s Neighbor As Oneself”, Is Much More Than All Whole Burnt Offerings And Sacrifices.  In This, Yahoshua And The Scribe Agreed That Those Two Commands Are The Core Of The Entire Old Testament Law.  All Of The Old Testament Law Can Be Placed In The Categories Of, “Loving God”, (Exodus 20:1-8), or, “Loving Your Neighbor”, (Exodus 20:9-17).

Various New Testament Scriptures State That Yahoshua Fulfilled The Old Testament Law, Bringing It To Completion, {A Conclusion}; Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23–25; Ephesians 2:15.  In Place Of The Old Testament Law, Christians Are To Obey “The Law Of Christ.  Rather Than Trying To Remember The 613 Individual Commandments In The Old Testament Law, Christians Are Simply To Focus On Loving God And Loving Others.  If Christians Would Truly And Wholeheartedly Obey Those Two Commands, We Would Be Fulfilling Everything That God Requires Of Us.

Christ Freed Us From The Bondage Of The Hundreds Of Commands In The Old Testament Law And Instead Calls On Us To Love1 John 4:7–8 Declares, “Beloved, Let Us Love One Another, For Love Is From God, And Whoever Loves Has Been Born Of God And Knows God.  Anyone Who Does Not Love Does Not Know God, Because God Is Love”.  1 John 5:3 Continues, “This Is Love For God: To Obey His Commands. And His Commands Are Not Burdensome”.

Some Use The Fact That We Are Not Under The Old Testament Law As An Excuse To Sin.  The Apostle Paul Addresses This Very Issue In Romans, “What Then?  Are We To Sin Because We Are Not Under Law But Under Grace?  By No Means~!(Romans 6:15).  For The Follower Of Christ, The Avoidance Of Sin Is To Be Accomplished Out Of Love For God And Love For Others.  Love Is To Be Our Motivation.  When We Recognize The Value Of Yahoshua’s Sacrifice On Our Behalf, Our Response Is To Walk In Love, Gratitude, And Obedience.  When We Understand The Sacrifice Yahoshua Made For Us And Others, Our Response Is To Follow His Example In Expressing Love To Others.  Our Motivation For Overcoming Sin Should Be Love, Not A Desire To Legalistically Obey A Series Of Commandments.  We Are To Obey, “The Law Of Christ Because We Love Him, Not So That We Can Check Off A List Of Commands That We Successfully Obeyed.

Read More By Entering Here: “Law Of Christ”.


Love Is…

Ephesians 3:19; Philippians 4:7. Tells Us That,  “The Love Of Christ Surpasses Knowledge” And “The Peace Of Yahweh Surpasses Understanding  This Is Important.  I’ve Surpassed Folks That Have Walked In The Understanding Of Their Minds, Even Though They Were Smart; Because I’ve Walked In Love.  And I Walked In Faith Citing The Verses Below, {That Yahweh Has To Honor As He’s Watching Over His Word To Perform It ~ (Jeremiah 1:12)}.

Luke 1:52 ~ He Has Put Down The Mighty From Their Thrones And Exalted Those Of Low Degree.
James 1:9 ~ Let Those Of Low Degree Rejoice In That They Are Exalted.
Acts 4:13 ~ Now When They Saw The Boldness Of Peter And John, And Perceived That They Were Uneducated And Untrained Men, They Marveled. And They Realized That They Had Been With Jesus.
1 John 2:27 ~ But The Anointing Which You Have Received From Him Abides In You, And You Do Not Need That Anyone Teach You; But As The Same Anointing Teaches You Concerning All Things, And Is True, And Is Not A Lie, And Just As It Has Taught You, You Will Abide In Him.

To Say That Yahweh Is Love Sounds So Common, That We Probably Just Don’t Get It.  Sure, We Say We Love Ice Cream or Pizza, But To Really Get Yahweh’s Love, You’ve Got To Look At His Mercy And Grace, “Mercy” Is About Us NOT Getting What We Deserve.  Whereas, “Grace” Is About Us Getting Ahead With What We DON’T Deserve.  I’ll Show You What I Mean From The Scriptures.


Rich In Mercy 

2 Corinthians 1:3 Tells Us That Yahweh Is The Father Of Mercies.  We Deserved Hell But, Ephesians 2:4-9 Tells Us 4 But God, Being Rich In Mercy, For His Great Love With Which He Loved Us, 5 Even When We Were Dead Through Our Trespasses, Made Us Alive Together With Christ (By Grace Have You Been Saved), 6 And Raised Us Up With Him, And Made Us To Sit With Him In The Heavenly Places In Christ Jesus, 7 That In The Ages To Come He Might Show The Exceeding Riches Of His Grace In Kindness Toward Us In Christ Jesus; 8 For By Grace You Have Been Saved Through Faith, And That Not Of Yourselves; It Is The Gift Of God, 9 Not Of Works, That No One Would Boast, (Deuteronomy 4:31; 1 Peter 1:3; 1 John 3:1; Ephesians 2:4-8, 12)}.

1 Peter 1:3-5 ~ Blessed Be The God And Father Of Our Lord Jesus Christ~!  By His Great Mercy He Has Given Us New Birth Into A Living Hope Through The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ From The Dead, And Into An Inheritance That Is Imperishable, Undefiled, And Unfading, Reserved In Heaven For You, Who Through Faith Are Shielded By God’s Power For The Salvation That Is Ready To Be Revealed In The Last Time,

The Next Verse Is So Awesome, I Just Didn’t Want To Omit It.  Ephesians 2:10 ~ 10 For We Are God’s [Own] Handiwork (His Workmanship), Recreated In Christ Jesus, [Born Anew] That We May Do Those Good Works Which God Predestined (Planned Beforehand) For Us [Taking Paths Which He Prepared Ahead Of Time], That We Should Walk In Them [Living The Good Life Which He Prearranged And Made Ready For Us To Live].

Romans 5:10 ~ For If While We Were Enemies We Were Reconciled To God Through The Death Of His Son, It Is Much More [Certain], Now That We Are Reconciled, That We Shall Be Saved (Daily Delivered From Sin’s Dominion) Through His [Resurrection] Life.

Colossians 1:21 ~ Once You Were Alienated From God And Were Hostile In Your Minds Because Of Your Evil Deeds.

Wow~!  We Don’t Get What We Deserve, But Then We Get Lifted Up With Christ And Do Get What We Don’t Deserve~!   If This Doesn’t Cause You To Just Want To Worship Yahweh, Then Read It Over A Few Dozen Times.

1 Peter 1:3 ~ Blessed Be The God And Father Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who According To His Great Mercy Became Our Father Again To A Living Hope Through The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ From The Dead.


The Goodness Of Yahweh

(For God Did Not Send The Son Into The World In Order To Judge (To Reject, To Condemn, To Pass Sentence On) The World, But That The World Might Find Salvation And Be Made Safe And Sound Through Him ~ (John 3:17).

Look At Romans 2:4, 4Or Do You Despise The Riches Of His Goodness, Forbearance, And Patience, Not Knowing That The Goodness, {*Kindness), (Strong’s Concordance G5544),  Of Yahweh Leads You To Repentance?

Recall From My Previous Entries, At Ephesians 2:4-9, That In The Ages To Come He Might Show The Exceeding Riches Of His Grace In “Kindness” Toward Us In Christ Jesus;

* In Ephesians 2:7, Lots Of Translations Read, “Kindness”. (Enter Here To See For Yourself).  The Greek Word Used Here, (Strong’s Concordance G5544), Is Often Interchanged And Translated As Either Kindness or Goodness.  Or Do You Disregard The Riches Of His Kindness, Tolerance, And Patience, Not Realizing That God’s Kindness Leads You To Repentance?   Remember God, {Yahweh} Is Good, The dEViL Is EViL.  To See Even More Scriptures Proving That Yahweh Is Good, (Enter Here).

Wow~!  Now Compare That To Where We Are Instructed In Ephesians 5:1 ~ Therefore “Be Imitators Of God, As Beloved Children” …Walking In Love Is Something Yahweh Does Himself.

Now Compare These Two Passages … Yahweh’s Kindness Leads You To Repentance (Romans 2:4); Be Kind To Everyone(2 Timothy 2:24), That Yahweh May Perhaps Grant Them Repentance, (Because Of His Kindness… Sort Of Like When A Person Of Old Comes Before The King, And The King Waves His Scepter, Meaning That The King Has Extends Graciousness Towards Them, And They Are Permitted An Audience With The King~!

2 Timothy 2:24-26 ~ English Standard Version (ESV) ~ 24 And The Lord’s Servant Must Not Be Quarrelsome But KIND To Everyone, Able To Teach, Patiently Enduring Evil, 25 Correcting His Opponents With Gentleness.  Lest At Any Time ¤, God Will Grant Them Repentance Leading To A Knowledge Of The Truth, 26 And They May Come To Their Senses And Escape From The Snare Of The Devil, After Being Captured By Him To Do His Will.

¤ (John 5:34; Jeremiah 31:18,19,33;
Ezekiel 11:19; Ezekiel 36:26,31;
Acts 8:22; 1 Timothy 2:4

If Someone Has An “Abundance” Of Something, Like When It Comes To Tent Camping, I Have A Large Amount Of Tent Camping Supplies, So, It Could Be Said Of Me That I Am “Tent Rich”… (To Use The Word “Rich” To Mean An “Abundance”).  But, I Didn’t Just Become “Tent Rich” By Happenstance.  I Was In The Church Choir And I Found A Real Diamond Pin.  I Asked The Choir Director And We Made Mention Of It For About A Month, And No One Claimed It, So I Made A Tie-Tack Out Of It And Wore It For About A Year And A Half.  But, Then One Day I Took It To A Pawn Shop And Sold It And Bought My First Coleman 2-Burner Camping Stove With The Money That I Made From That Sale.

But, I Had To Make A Decision, Would I Rather Enjoy Looking Sparkly, or Have A Camping Stove, (And Then I Sold That Stove On eBay And Bought A 3-Burner Camping Stove And Added On Another 3-Burner Camping Stove And Folding Aluminum Tables And 17 Bag Chairs And Eventually Two Tents, (I Was Too Tense), And Seven Coleman Lanterns… I’m Tent-Rich. And Yahweh Is Mercy-Rich, But That Also Was A Choice, Just As It Is For Us When We Have To Walk In Love.  My Favorite, “Love Is… Saying”, Has Been “Love Is A Choice”.  We Have To Decide To Forgive, or To OverLook Transgression, (Proverbs 17:9 ~ Whoever Covers And Forgives An Offense” Seeks Love But Whoever Harps On A Matter” Separates Even Close Friends).

So, Don’t Just Not Notice The Fact That Yahweh Is Rich In Mercy. This Is A Vital Part Of Walking In Love.  And This Same Love Resides On The Inside Of Us~!  Romans 5:5 ~ And Hope Does Not Put Us To Shame, “Because God’s Love Has Been Poured Out Into Our Hearts Through The Holy Spirit, Who Has Been Given To Us”.

Let’s Take A Moment And Study The Particulars.  We Are Saved By Grace, (Through Faith), Ephesians 2:8; So We Needed Grace~!  Well, Yahweh Is Rich In Mercy, (Ephesians 2:4), And Rich In Grace, (Ephesians 1:7).  In John 1:16-17, We Find That, “Grace And Truth Came Through Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, (Jesus Christ)”.   But, This Grace Wasn’t Without Cost, And A Great Amount Of Love Of Yahweh’s Part, (John 3:16; 1 John 3:16; 1 John 4:9-10; Romans 5:8).


There I Will Meet With You

Look At The Old Testament At The Original Place Where Yahweh Would Meet With Us Humans, or A Representative, (An Ambassador Representing The Rest Of Us), At Exodus 25:21-22.  Wouldn’t You Like To Meet Yahweh, …If Only You Knew Where He’d Be… Well, He Tells Us Where He Will Be.

You Shall Put The Mercy Seat On Top Of The Ark, And In The Ark You Shall Put The Testimony That I Will Give You. There I Will Meet With You, And I Will Tell You From Above The “Mercy Seat”.

Today, I Just Want To Leave You With A Short But Profound Thought About Mercy.  My Desire Is To Have You Repent And Do Something Different Than You Were Doing. Matthew 7:1 Says “Judge Not That You Be Not Judged”… If I Asked As Many Christians As I Could, Is It Wrong To Judge?  They Would All Agree That It Is Wrong.  If I Asked The Same Bunch Of Folks “Do You Judge?”  They Would All Say, “No, I’m Not Judging, I’m Just… _______________ {Fill In The Blank}”.  Then It Seems That This Scripture Above Was Said In Vain.  Nobody Judges, So We’re All Good Down Here, Thank-You~!

James 5:9 ~ Brothers, Do Not Complain About One Another, So That You Will Not Be Judged.  Look, The Judge Stands At The Door~!

Matthew 5:7 ~ “Blessed Are The Merciful, For They Will Be Shown Mercy”.  What If I Showed You That By The Same Exact Manner That You Judge Others Is The Manner In Which You Are Being Judged Right Now.

Matthew 7:2-5 ~ 2 For With Whatever Judgment You Judge, You Will Be Judged; And With Whatever Measure You Measure, It Will Be Measured To You. 3 Why Do You See The Speck That Is In Your Brother’s Eye, But Don’t Consider The Beam That Is In Your Own Eye? 4 Or How Will You Tell Your Brother, ‘Let Me Remove The Speck From Your Eye;’ And Behold, The Beam Is In Your Own Eye? 5 You Hypocrite~!  First Remove The Beam Out Of Your Own Eye, And Then You Can See Clearly To Remove The Speck Out Of Your Brother’s Eye.

You May Go Through The Same Trial, And Find Out How You’ll Fare, {Romans 2:1 ~ Therefore You Are Inexcusable, O Man, Whoever You Are Who Judge, For In Whatever You Judge Another You Condemn Yourself; For You Who Judge Practice The Same Things. (NKJV)}.

James 4:2 ~ Do Not Speak Evil Against One Another, Sisters And Brothers.  The One Who Speaks Against A Brother or Judges Their Sister or Brother, Speaks Evil Against The Law And Judges The Law. But If You Judge The Law, You Are Not A Doer Of The Law But A Judge.

You Reap What You Sow.  Sow Mercy And You’ll Reap Mercy.  However, You Judge Others Will Be How You Are Dealt With.  Can You See Where Love Is A Choice… You Must Decide.  Can Folks Come To You And Find A Mercy Seat In Your Eyes?  Even That One That Just Rubs You The Wrong Way?  Will There Be Extended Grace And Open Arms?  If You Really, Honestly Believed You Can How You Have Been Judging Others Is How You Are Going To Be Judged, You’d Repent Immediately At This Moment~!

But My Point Is We Are Not Instructed To Judge, (Matthew 7:1; Galatians 6:1-2).  I Was Falling Into This Trap Myself, And I Could Sense That Something Was Off, And As I Went To My Father, Yahweh Told Me That I Was Judging, (Oops, That’s Not Walking In Love).  We Really Don’t Wrestle Against Flesh And Blood, (Ephesians 6:12).  I Am Not The Healer, Yet I Lay Hands On The Sick And They Get Healed.  How Is That Possible?  Because My Part And Your Part Is To Be The Believers, (James 5:15-16; Mark 11:24).

Therefore Judge Nothing Before The Time, Until The Lord Comes, Who Will Both Bring To Light The Hidden Things Of Darkness, And Reveal The Counsels Of The Hearts.  Then Each Man Will Get His Praise From God, (1 Corinthians 4:5).


Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins”,
(Proverbs 10:12; Proverbs 17:9;
1 Peter 4:8; James 5:19-20

* NET Study Notes Commentary On Proverbs 10:12 ~ Love Acts Like Forgiveness.  Hatred Looks For And Exaggerates Faults; But Love Seeks Ways To Make Sins Disappear.

This Word For, “Mercy Seat” In The Old Testament Is The Same Word In The New Testament For Propitiation, {In The Hebrew, {Old Testament}, It’s “Kappôreth”, (Strong’s Concordance #H3727).  In The Greek, {New Testament}, It’s “Hilasterion”, (Strong’s Concordance #G2435. Used In 1 John 4:10 & Again In Romans 3:25 Where Yahoshua Became Our Propitiation, (Strong’s Concordance # 2435)}, For Us. *(Whom God Set Forth To Be An Atoning Sacrifice ~ 1 John 4:10 & Romans 3:25 ~ Used Of The Cover Of The Ark Of The Covenant In The Holy Of Holies, Which Was Sprinkled With The Blood).

Ephesians 2:4 Says, 4 “But God, Being Rich In Mercy, For His Great Love With Which He Loved Us.  The Phrase, “Great Love” Just Keeps Being Illuminated In My Spirit.  Not Just Love, But, “Great Love”, (1 John 3:1).  Of Course We Love Our Children, And We Love Our Pets, But When You Hold Your Child or GrandChild And You Say, I Love You Sooooo Much, Not Just Love You, But Love You SO MUCHI Love You Sooooo Much.  I Have Heard Many Mothers On The Birth Of Their Child Say, “I Never Knew That I Could Love So Much” …  In Fact, I’ll Go One Further.  I Have Heard Many Mothers Say Of Their Children, “They Are My World~!

Matthew 7:11 ~ If You Then, Being Evil, Know How To Give Good Gifts To Your Children, How Much More Shall Your Father Who Is In Heaven Give What Is Good To Those Who Ask Him~!
Luke 11:13 ~ If You, Then, Being Evil [That Is, Sinful By Nature], Know How To Give Good Gifts To Your Children, How Much More Will Your Heavenly Father Give The Holy Spirit To Those Who Ask Him~!

Every Good Gift And Every Perfect Gift Is From Above, And Comes Down From The Father Of Lights, With Whom There Is No Variation or Shadow Of Turning, (James 1:17).

It’s Like We Are In This Boat Going Down The River And There Is This Waterfall That Will Certainly Annihilate Us, (This Defines Justice).

However, Yahweh Is Doing Everything So He Can To Prevent That From Happening To Us; And Making Us To Sit With Him In The Heavenly Places In Yahoshua Ha Mashiach.  The Scriptures Are Resplendent With Verses Telling Us How Yahweh Wants To Do Things For Us And In Fact Yahweh Is The Ultimate Definition Of Good,

(Here’s Just A Few ~ Psalm 84:11; Psalm 35:27;
Isaiah 43:25-26; Jeremiah 29:11;
Luke 12:32; Romans 2:4;
Romans 8:28; Romans 14:17


Cover Me

This Reminds Me Of The Word, “Pitch” Used In The Ark That Noah Built.  Remember That Genesis 6:14 Verse That Was Used So Much In The Movie, “Evan Almighty”, (Make An Ark Of Gopher Wood, {Cyprus Timbers}.  You Shall Make Rooms In The Ark.  And You Shall Pitch It Inside And Outside With Pitch, (The First Word Used As Pitch Is Strong’s Concordance #H3722 and It Means To Seal The Ark, To Make It WaterTight, To Maintain WaterTight Integrity.  Other Words That Are Translated, “Pitch”, Such As, “Pitch Their Tents”).

However, This Particular Word That Was Also Used As  Pitch Is Only Translated One Time As, “Pitch” In The King James, (As, “Sealed” In The World English Bible, And As, “Cover” In A Lot Of Translations), And 71 Times As, “Atonement” And 2 Times As, “Atonement Made” Elsewhere In The King James Scriptures; And It Means, “To Cover, Purge, Make An Atonement, Make Reconciliation” and Also To Propitiate, (And I’ll Come Back To That And Explain It In More Detail Later On, When I Refer To (Romans 3:25 & 1 John 4:10).).  The 2nd Word Also Translated As Pitch Is From Another Hebrew Word, and Describes The Material Used To Seal, Such As Asphalt, But It Also Means To Seal, To Cover.

In Other Words To Put In Our Modern Vernacular, “To Put A Lid On Something That Otherwise Stinks … Trash Container, Commode Lid, etc”. Or “To Keep Critters From Strewing Your Garbage All Over The Place While Camping, {or While We Live In This Tent}”.  To Cover It, To Seal It, So That The Sins Of The Neighbor Are Not Visible.  But


Medicated Bandages Covers A Wound So That It Will Heal

Proverbs 17:9 ~ 9 Immediately Came Up In My Spirit.  Whoever Covers” And Forgives An Offense” Seeks Love, But Whoever Harps On A Matter” Separates  Even Close Friends.  Enter Here For Other Scripture Verses About Covering Someone's Sin.

James 5:19-20 ~ 19 My Sisters And Brothers, If Anyone Among You Wanders From The Truth And Someone Turns Him Back, 20 He Should Know That The One Who Turns A Sinner Back From His Wandering Path Will Save That Person’s Soul From Death And Will Cover A Multitude Of Sins.

Proverbs 10:12; Proverbs 17:9;
1 Peter 4:8; James 5:19-20
~ Proverbs 10:12 Hatred Stirs Up Dissension, Heated Disagreement That Leads To Strife, Contentions, Discord, {Same Word Mentioned In Proverbs 6:14-19 As One Of Seven Things Yahweh Hates [Even An Abomination] ~ He That Sows Discord <OT:H4090>}, But Love Covers All Transgressions.  * NET Study Notes Commentary On Proverbs 10:12 ~ Love Acts Like ForgivenessHatred Looks For And Exaggerates Faults; But Love Seeks Ways To Make Sins Disappear.

1 Corinthians 13:6  ~ 6 [Love] Does Not Rejoice In Iniquity, But Rejoices In The Truth; {NKJV}
([Love] Does Not Rejoice At Iniquity But Rejoices With The Truth. {Darby Translation}

The Self-Restraint Which Refuses To Take Advantage Of The Faults Of Others.  The Love Which Delights Not In Exposing The Weakness Of Others, But Covers Them Like A Medicated Bandage Over A Wound, {To Allow The Wound To Heal}.  The Sincerity Of Purpose Which Endeavors To See Things As They Are, And Rejoices To Find Them Better Than Suspicion Feared or Slander Denounced.  It Gets Not Pleasure Out Of The Shortcomings or Failures Of Others.  Love Embraces Those That Fail And It Builds Up Those Who Have Been Hurt.  It Finds No Room For Racism or Sexism.  It Is Not Full Of Hypocrisy or Dishonesty.  Love Is Sincere~!


Timely Help

Like When The Flood Came That Would Have Destroyed Man, Yahweh Had Noah Build An Ark Because Noah Found Grace In The Eyes Of Yahweh, (Genesis 6:8).  So, When We Say Yahweh Is Love, Are You Beginning To Get A Better Picture Of Who Yahweh Is.

Let Us Therefore Come Boldly To The Throne Of Grace, That We May Obtain Mercy And Find Grace To Help In Time Of Need, (Hebrews 4:16).  The World English Bible Says, (“Timely Help”).

I Wasn’t Going To Say This, As I Thought It Was Just Me, But I Just Kept Feeling The Holy Ghost Urging Me To Write This..  However, I Think It’s Important For Me To Tell More Of What It’s Like To Be Parentless, So That Others Don’t Come Off Callous By Getting Upset With Us Because We Don’t Get Into Joy Over Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.  This Past Sunday Was Father’s Day.  I Sort Of Dread This Day, As My Children Are In Heaven, And I Said As Much.  However, I Commented To A Person About His Good Looking Shirt And He Said, That He Never Has To Be Concerned About Shirts As His Children Buy Them For Him.  That’s When I Said, “I Don’t Have Children”.  Or I’ve Said, “My Children Are Dead”.

He Stopped And Scolded Me Saying That I Should Never Say That, “I Don’t Have Children”, As My Children Are In Heaven.  As Good As That Sounds, And It Is True, The Point Is I Don’t Have Children On Earth That Buys Shirts For Me, or That Send A Card, or That Take Me Out To Lunch, or That Call Me Up To Wish Me A Happy Father’s Day, or To Buy Me A Birthday Gift or A Christmas Present, or Just To Stop By To Spend Time With Us, or To Show Me Something That They’ve Bought.  They Are Alive With Yahoshua, But Absent From The Body, But The Bodies My Children Are Buried So I Don’t Have Them Around Here On Earth To Enjoy And To Communicate With.

Here Is What It Was Like For Us To Not Have Children.  Other Parents As Their Children Grew, Would Say, “My Son or Daughter Hit A Homerun The Other Day”, And Then They Would See Us And Perceive That It Might Offend Us As We Don’t Have Children On Earth Anymore, And So, They Began To Exclude Us From Their Conversations, And Eventually Withdraw From Us Altogether.  Looking Back In Retrospect, I Wish I Had Said, When Is Your Children’s Next Soccer Game, And I Would Have Gone There And Been The Greatest CheerLeader They’ve Ever Known.  However, The Few Times That I Did Get Involved, Their Children Tended To Like Me Better Than Their Parents, (Like I Was Their Favorite Uncle, And Even Their Animals Liked Me Better Than The Parents).  This Only Made The Parents Jealous, (So, Basically We Were UnInvited).  But Generally I Didn’t Even Know That They Were Having A Soccer Game or T-Ball Practice, Until I Overheard The Parents Talking After The Fact.

Most Folks Didn’t Want Us Intruding Into Their Family, (What Would I Be To Them?  I’m Not A Relative, And Others Would See Me As Something Peculiar, or Just Give Sympathy, or Wonder If I Were Some Sort Of Pervert).  In Fact, On That Matter, If Another Father Drove His Daughter To Some Place, No One Thinks Anything About It, But If I Am Alone With A Girl or Even A Boy, Again I Am Chided or I Have To Endure The Stares And A Certain Stigma Imposed.  When Other Children Ran And Hugged Their Parents, It Was The Norm, But If A Child Hugged Me, Eyebrows Were Raised.  So, We Felt Like We Were Lepers.  Meanwhile, My Deep Desire To Have Hugs, (*My Language Of Love Is ‘Physical Touch’), Goes Unresolved.  It Didn’t Stop There, As Their Children Grew, The Conversations Would Evolve As To Dating, or What Car To Buy, or What College Should They Choose.  So That No Matter What The Topic, We Just Didn’t Fit In And We Were Alienated From Our Friends With Children.

We Were Isolated From The Parenting World, Because We Didn’t Have Children Present, And Our Walls And Refrigerators Were Empty Of Photos or Things Made In School For Us.  I’d See or A 3-Year Old Boy or A 7-Year Old Girl At A Fast Food Restaurant And Wonder If My Children Would Have Been That Smart.  Or I Would Hear Folks Say That Their 17-Year Old Son Is Amazing With All Things Technical, And He Set Up Their TV Or Took Creative Photos Of Them. These Are Things I Have To Do All Alone.  I Wonder If My Boy Would Have Been Like Me.  Or My Daughter.  All It Does For Someone To Chide Me Because I Said I Don’t Have Children When I Do Have Children In Heaven; Is To Make Me Realize, They Really Just Don’t Get It… And That’s Why I Am Writing About This Now.

So, That We All Can Grow.  Perhaps, It Takes The Burden Off Of Folks To Set The Record Straight, But They Only Gave Me Words.  I Say This Because, There Are Others In The Same Category As Us.  Some Are Widows, And Widowers.  Others Like My Wife, Also Don’t Get Cards or Letters or Phone Calls or A Daughter Taking Her Out To Lunch or To Buy A Dress Together, or To Chat With On Mother’s Day or Any Other Day Of The Year From The “Not Present On Earth Children”.  How Much More Meaningful It Would Have Been Had This Same Person Brought Me A Card, or Said, “Hey, How About My Wife And I Take Y’all Out To Lunch Today”.  Love Is An Action~!

1 John 3:18 ~ “Dear Children, Let Us Not Love With Words or Speech Only But With Deeds, Actions And In Truth”.

James 1:22 ~But Be Doers Of The Word, And Not Hearers Only, Deceiving Yourselves”.

James 2:14-18, 26 ~
14 “What Does It Profit, My Sisters And Brothers, If Someone Says He Has Faith But Does Not Have Works?   Can Faith Save Him?”
15 “If A Sister or Brother Is Naked And Destitute Of Daily Food”,
16 “And One Of You Says To Them, “Depart In Peace, Be Warmed And Filled”, But You Do Not Give Them The Things Which Are Needed For The Body, What Does It Profit?
17 “Thus Also Faith By Itself, If It Does Not Have Works, Is Dead”.
18 “But Someone Will Say, “You Have Faith, And I Have Works”. Show Me Your Faith Without Your Works, And I Will Show You My Faith By My Works”.
26 “Just As The Body Is Dead Without Breath, So Also Faith Is Dead Without Good Works”.

So, The Next Time You Comfort Someone That Doesn’t Have Children or A Spouse On Earth, It Probably Won’t Help Them For You To Say With WORDS ONLY, “They Are In Heaven And You’ll See Them Again”.  Why Not Perform Some Action?   And Put Some Thought Into It, (That Is What Thoughtfulness Is).  Don’t Just Wait Until The Last Minute, But Call Them Up A Month In Advance And Say, “Hey, How About We Take Y’all Out To Eat”, or Bring Them A Present, (Some Flower Arrangement), or A Dessert, etc.

It’s Like The Amazing Spider-Man 3, (2007), Movie After Spiderman, (The One Played By Tobey Maguire), Where He Gets Beat Up And His Face Mask Ripped Half Off, (Covering Only One Eye*), By, “The Sandman”.  Then Spider-Man’s Friend Harry Osborn, (As ‘New Goblin’), Comes To Help Him, And Says To Spider-Man, “Looks Like I Arrived In Just The Nick Of Time”.  Spider-Man Replies:, “A Couple Of Minutes Ago Wouldn’t Have Been So Bad Either”.  Love Is An Action.  You Cannot Keep An InAction, (Doing Nothing), And Also Maintain That You Love Someone~!

This May Sound Like Sour Grapes, But This Has Been What It Like For Us.  There Was A Trade-Off For Me Personally As I Know The Scriptures, Because My Children Passed Over And I Felt Like It Was A Lack Of Knowledge Of My Part Why My Children Passed Over So Young, (Hosea 4:6), {This May Only Be Partially True, But It Inspired Me To Dig Deep Into Yahweh’s Word}.  Otherwise, I Would Just Be A Parent, And Maybe Learn As I Went, But I Doubt Seriously That I’d Have Knowledge Of The Word Of Yahweh That I Have Obtained Because Of This Occurrence.  Perhaps, Knowing The Hurts, I Could Start An E-Harmony Of Sorts For Parentless Children And Orphans, And Match Them Together.  Because The Orphans Are Also Missing Out On Love And Material Things… That The Substitutive Parents Could Bring.  Pray With Me For Direction On This.  I May Contact Neil Clark Warren Of EHarmony… And Ask Him About This.

*The Single Eye Can Be Symbolic Of The Illuminati And The Third or All Seeing Eye.


Come Boldly

We Can Come Boldly To The Throne At Our Time Of Need, (Just In The Nick Of Time And Get Timely Help When We Need It, Not After The Fact)~!  We Can Come Boldly To The Throne, (Notice The Reference To Being Seated And That’s A Place Of Rest, Where Yahweh Would Be Seated, And Also Note That Yahweh Has Made Us To Sit With Him In The Heavenly Places In Christ Jesus.

Again Note The Reference To Being, “Seated”, (And A Place Of Rest), And This Is A Reference To The Mercy Seat, (I’ll Expound On This Below).  The Mercy Seat’s Thickness Is The Only Measurement Not Given, {This Has Got To Be NoteWorthy As Yahweh Didn’t Fail To Be Very Exacting Of The Other Dimensions In The Temple, But To Be Extremely Specific, And I Believe This Is Because Yahweh’s Mercy Has No Limitations, (*See Also Hebrews 4:1-12)}.

I’ll Ask Again, If You Knew Where Yahweh Would Be And Where He Would Meet You, Would You Show Up To Meet Him?  If Only You Knew.  Yahweh Said, I Will Meet You At The Mercy Seat, And I Will Tell You From Above The ‘Mercy Seat’”, (Exodus 25:22).  At That Place Where You’ve Failed So Many Times Before.  At That Place Where The Sin That So Easily, “Traps”, “Ensnares” or, “Entangles” You, That Has, “Foiled” You So Often …

So, Instead Say, “I Love Righteousness, And I Hate Iniquity”, (Psalm 45:7; Hebrews 1:9).

… Therefore Then, Since We Are Surrounded By So Great A Cloud Of Witnesses [Who Have Borne Testimony To The Truth], Let Us Strip Off And Throw Aside, “Every Encumbrance¤ {Unnecessary Weight}, “And That Sin” Which So Readily (“Deftly And Cleverly”) Clings To And, Entangles¤ Us, And Let Us Run With Patient Endurance And Steady And Active Persistence The Appointed Course Of The Race That Is Set Before Us. (Hebrews 12:1). ¤ {Surrounds, Distracts, Ensnares, Entangles, Encompasses, Ambushes, Torpedoes, Impediments ~ [A Hindrance or Obstruction], That Slows Us Down Or That Keeps Us From Doing What We Should}.


Where Yahweh Will Meet With Us~!

That’s The Place Where Yahweh Says He’ll Meet Us.  In Fact That’s The Place Where We Need Him The Most.  The Word In The King James For, “Ensnares”, Is “Besets”, And It’s Greek Definition, (G2139), Has To Do With, “Skillfully Surrounding”.  This Is The Place Where d—Evil One Has Skillfully Surrounded You With Every Intention Of Trapping You So That You Go Around The Mountain Over And Over AgainYou Think Yahweh Might Be Interested In Meeting There With One Of His Children To Stop This From Happening?  (See Psalm 27:3-13 For The Answer).

In Other Words, He Will Meet Us Where We Need Mercy The Most Where We Are Tempted To Sin The Most, (To Cover, To Put A Lid On Our Junk).  Oftentimes, That Turns Out To Be The Bathroom, Especially While We Are In Public.  Yahweh Meets More Folks At The Bathroom Than Any Other Place, (He Told Me So).  This Is Appropriate.  Let’s Put A Lid On It, (Sin, Temptation, etc.).  Go Back And Look At Ephesians 2:4-10, Once More And See That 4 But God, Being Rich In Mercy, For His Great Love With Which He Loved Us.   Even The 1st Two Words.  You Can Have All Sorts Of Bad Things Happening, But God.

Psalms 103:17 ~ But Yahweh’s Mercy; (Strong’s Concordance # 2617 ~ Sometimes Interpreted As, “Loving-Kindness”); Is From Everlasting To Everlasting With Those Who Fear Him, His Righteousness To Children’s Children; (The Hebrew Word For Loving-Kindness Is, “Chesed”, And Is The Same Word In The Greek New Testament As Agapao, (Strong’s Concordance # 25) ~ Agape, (Strong’s Concordance # 26), “Love”.


Good News~!
Yahweh Is Good. All The Time, And All The Time Yahweh Is Good~!

Have You Ever Thought Something Was True, or Not True.  Like When You’ve Got Company Coming Over And You Think That You Have Time To Take Out The Garbage; But Someone Points Out, “They’re Here”, And You Don’t Believe Them And They Pull Back The Window Shades And Say, “Take A Look”.  Then, You Have An ‘A-Ha Moment’.

Well, In The Same Way, You Might Feel That Yahweh Is Mad At You; But As I Pull Back The Curtains On Some Scriptures, Behold, Take A Look-n-See At Just Some Of The Verses That Proof That Yahweh Is Good, (Exodus 33:19; Psalm 25:8; Psalm 31:19; Psalm 34:8; Psalm 73:1; Psalm 100:5; Psalm 107:1;
Psalm 135:3; Psalm 136:1-26; Psalm 145:9; Jeremiah 33:11; Lamentations 3:25; Nahum 1:7

For Yahweh God Is A Sun And A Shield.  Yahweh Will Give Grace And Glory.  He Withholds NO Good Thing From Those Who Walk Righteously, (“Blamelessly”, “Innocence”, “UpRight”, “Integrity” ~ H8549 ~ Psalm 84:11).

Yahweh Says, I Am Not Mad At You, Nor Am I Ashamed Of You.  I Will Not Put Out A Smoking Candle Wick, Even If The Smoke Is Offensive To My Eyes.  I Will Not Break And Disregard A Bent Reed.  You Are Of Great Value To Me~!  You Are Precious In My Eyes~! You Are The Apple Of My Eye~! (Isaiah 54:9; Romans 10:11; Hebrews 2:11 & Hebrews 11:16).  {Enter Here To Read About The Awesome Goodness Of Yahweh Towards Us, It’s Like Getting One Of Those Books That Shows Where The Government Has Money Just Waiting For You To Claim The Benefits}.

Other Scripture References:

Exodus 25:22; Psalm 103:17; Proverbs 17:9; Leviticus 16:2, 15; 1 John 2:2;
Hebrews 9:5; Isaiah 53:11; Romans 3:25; Hebrews 12:24; Hebrews 4:16

Pop Over To The Home Page For This Website By Right-Clicking On This Link And Selecting, “Open In A New Tab”; And Read Some Real Good News, (By Clicking Here);
(Then Come Back Here And Read The Rest)~!


Faith Works By Love~!

It Takes Faith To Do The Things That Yahweh Calls Us To Undertake.  And What Yahweh Calls Us To Do Will Require Love.

Galatians 5:6 ~
For In Christ Jesus Neither Circumcision Nor Uncircumcision Avails Anything, But Faith Working Through Love.  But Don’t Get Discouraged, For Yahweh Is Our Helper”. 

[Acts 10:38 ~ How God Anointed Yahoshua Of Nazareth With The Holy Ghost And With Power: Who Went About Doing Good, And Healing All That Were Oppressed Of The Devil; For God Was WITH HIM; {And Not The Other Way Around, Yahoshua Wasn’t Tracking Where Yahweh Was.  But, Yahweh Was Following Where Yahoshua Was~!}].  2 Samuel 5:10; John 14:16; Acts 10:38; Hebrews 13:6 Says, “Yahweh Is Our Helper; I Will Not Fear. What Can Humans Do To Me?”  Not “I Am The Yahweh’s Helper”.

And Usually We Don’t Want To Do It.  For Us If Yahweh Told Us To Pray For An Hour Every Day, We’d Probably Go For It.  If Yahweh Commanded Us To Read Yahweh’s Word Every Day For An Hour, We’d Gladly Do That Also, But What Has The Leader Of The New Testament Church Commanded Us To Do, To Love One Another, And To Love Means To Lay Down Our Lives, Our Plans, Our Agenda’s, Our Aspirations, Our Goals, Our Tasks, Ourselves And Even Our Lives.

We Are Commanded To Take Up Our Cross And To Follow Him And To Forgive Others.  The Disciples Who Saw The Blind Eyes Opened, And The Deaf Hear, And The Lame Walk And Even Saw The Dead Raised And Never Asked For More Faith.  However, The Only Time That The Disciples Asked To Have Their Faith Increased Was When Yahoshua Told Them To Forgive, (Luke 17:4-5).


The Opposite Of Love Is Selfish Ambition, or Self-Focus, or Self-Seeking~!

And Then We Are Like Yahoshua In The Garden Of Gethsemane, And We Ask, “Is There Another Plan?”  The First Recorded Time That Yahoshua Talked To The Father About The Father’s Plan, Was The Offer, When Yahoshua Fully Understood What Was Being Asked Of Him To Do.  The Second Time Was The Acceptance.  (You Have To Have An Offer And Acceptance To Have A Contract, or A Covenant).  That’s The Way It Is When We Choose The Love Walk.

Matthew 26:39, 42 ~ He Went Forward A Little, Fell On His Face, And Prayed, Saying, “My Father, Again, A Second Time He Went Away, And Prayed, Saying, “My Father, If This Cup Can’t Pass Away From Me, Unless I Drink It, Your Will Be Done”.

We ALL Want To Know, Do We Have To Walk In Love?  Isn’t There A Better Way Than Me Laying Down What I Want To Do?  This Kind Of Love That Requires Laying Down Our Lives Is Known At Agapao or Agape, (Love).  Now Is Good Time To Point Out That There Is A Selfish Love; And We Know It As Eros, But, Eros Is Not In The Scriptures And It’s Really Not Love At ALL~!   The Only Other Love Spoken Of In Yahweh’s Word Is Kindred Love Known As Phileo But Transliterated ‘Philadelphia’ In English (Spelled Exactly Like Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ~ The City Of Brotherly Love ~ 2 Peter 1:4-7).  To See More On These Other Forms Of Love, Click On These Links Below:



Fear Works By Selfish Ambition, or Self-Focus, or Self-Seeking~!

Luke 9:23-24, (Amplified Bible Classic Edition)
23 And He Said To ALL, “If Any Person Wills To Come After Me, Let Them Deny Themselves [Disown Themselves, Forget, Lose Sight Of Themselves And Their Own Interests, Refuse And Give Up Themselves] And Take Up Their Cross Daily And Follow Me, [Cleave Steadfastly To Me, Conform Wholly To My Example In Living And, If Need Be, In Dying Also]. 24 For Whoever Would Preserve Their Life And Save It Will Lose And Destroy It, But Whoever Loses Their Life For My Sake, They Will Preserve And Save It”.

Matthew 16:24 ~
Then Yahoshua, {Jesus}, Said To His Disciples, “If Any Person Desires To Come After Me, Let Them Deny Themselves, And Take Up Their Cross, And Follow Me”.

John 13:34-35 ~
“A New Commandment I Give To You, That You Love One Another; Even As I Have Loved You, That You Also Love One Another. 35
By This ALL Will Know That You ARE My Disciples, If You Have Love For One Another”.

Perhaps, We’d Rather Do Anything Else Except Love, Really Love.  Love Requires A Sacrifice On Our Part.  However Love Never Fails~!  If You Say, I’ve Tried Love And Love Didn’t Work, You’re Wrong, You Never Walked In Love For Yahweh Promises Us That Love Never Fails.

And If We Want The Power Of His Resurrection, Then We Have To Walk In Love.  If We Want To See Miracles, Like Yahoshua Performed, We’re Going To Have To Walk In Love And Die To Self.  Love Is The Key That UnLocks The Door, {For Faith Works By Love, (Galatians 5:6)}.

Philippians 3:10 ~ That I May Know Him, And The Power Of His Resurrection, And The Fellowship Of His Sufferings, Becoming Conformed To His Death.


Even As…

Notice The Number Of Times That Yahweh Directed Us To Love, “As”, or Sometimes Written As, “Even As “.

ForGive Us Our Trespasses As We ForGive Those Who Trespass Against Us, (Matthew 6:12).

And Whenever You Stand Praying, If You Have Anything Against Anyone, ForGive Them, So That Your Father Who Is In Heaven Will Also Forgive You Your Sins, (Mark 11:25).

For We Are Not Ignorant Of d—Evil One’s Wiles, (Schemes), And Devices; (2 Corinthians 2:11).
d—Evil One’s Plan Is To Get Us Into Strife Ensuring That We Are Not Walking In Love For Love NEVER FAILS, (1 Corinthians 13:8).  The First Fruit Of The Spirit Is Love Against Such There Is NO LAW,(Galatians 5:22-23).  `Notice The Previous Verse Just Before We Are Told That We Are NOT Ignorant Of d—Evil One Schemes & Plans.

2 Corinthians 2:10-11 ~ 10 If You Forgive Anyone Anything, I Too Forgive That One; And What I Have Forgiven, If I Have Forgiven Anything, Has Been For Your Sakes In The Presence [And With The Approval] Of Christ (The Messiah), 11 To Keep Satan From Getting The Advantage Over Us; For We Are NOT Ignorant Of His Wiles And Intentions.

34 “A New Commandment I Give To You, That You Love One Another; Even As I Have Loved You, That You Also Love One Another. 35 By This ALL Will Know That You Are My Disciples, If You Have Love For One Another”, (John 13:34-35).

Even As The Father Has Loved Me, I Also Have Loved You.  Remain In My Love, (John 15:9).

If You Keep My Commandments, You Will Remain In My Love; Even As I Have Kept My Father’s Commandments, And Remain In His Love. This Is My Commandment, That You Love One Another, Even As I Have Loved You, (John 15:12).

Should Not You Also Have Had Mercy On Your Fellow Slave, Even As I Had Mercy On You? (Matthew 18:33).

But God, Being Rich In Mercy, For His Great Love With Which He Loved Us, Even As We Were Dead In Sins, He Has Made Us Alive Together With The Christ (By Whose Grace You Are Saved), (Ephesians 2:4-5).

And Be Kind To One Another, TenderHearted, ForGiving One Another, Even As God In Christ ForGave You, (Ephesians 4:32).

And Walk In Love, Even As Christ Also Loved You, And Gave Himself Up For Us, An Offering And A Sacrifice To God For An Odor Of A Sweet Smell, (Ephesians 5:2).

Bearing With One Another, And ForGiving One Another, If Anyone Has A Complaint Against Another; Even As Christ Forgave You, So You Also Must Do, (Colossians 3:13).


Staying In Love Is Connected To Keeping Your Joy~!

The Joy Of Yahweh Is Our Strength, (And This Comes By Love).  Don’t Read This Like It Is A Statement Describing Bricks On A Building, (The Joy Of Yahweh Is Our Strength).  Read It Like You Are Describing A Particular Kind Of Mortar Between The Bricks That Allows A Little Swaying And Enables The Building To Not Topple During An Earthquake.  Or Read It Backwards Like A Question.  What Specifically Makes This Building So Extraordinarily Strong?  What Is Its Secret Strength?  Well, The Mortar In This Building Is Gallina Poly-Carbonate That Is Not As Rigid As Common Mortar And Allows The Building To Sway.  What Is The Exceptionally Secret To Our Strength?  {The Joy Of Yahweh Is Our Strength, (Nehemiah 8:10)}.  This Joy, {Of Yahweh, Yahweh's Joy In Us}, Like The Gallina Poly-Carbonate Mortar Is Flexible and Forgiving.  When A Child Tips Over A Bowl Of Pudding, And Before They Know It The Bowl Is Flipped And It’s All Over Their Face; And We Can’t Help But Laugh Even Though They Made A Mistake And Used Up The Last Of The Pudding And Their Pudding Is All Over The Floor.

Mark 4:16-17
Immediately, Some Spring Up With Joy, “And They Have NO Real Root In Themselves, And So They Endure For A Little While; Then When Trouble or Persecution Arises On Account Of The Word, They Immediately Are Offended, (Become Displeased, Indignant, Resentful), And They Stumble And Fall Away”, Compare That To “Being Rooted And Grounded In Love”… {Ephesians 3:17).

If You Take Offense, {Notice, It’s Something You Have To Take, As It Is Not Given To You And Not Automatic.  You Have To Take Offense And An Offense Is Not A Gift From Yahweh For His Blessings Have No Sorrow Associated With Them, (Proverbs 10:22)}; And Become Offended, Then Your Joy Can Be Robbed, And You Are Ineffective~!

“The Joy Of Yahweh Is Our Strength”
(And Joy Comes By Walking In Love)

To Have The Glory, You Must Have Joy.  And To Have, And Keep The Joy, Then You Cannot Be Offended.  And To Be unOffendable, You Have To Have Faith, And Faith Works By Love, (Galatians 5:6).  You Can’t Have Joy or The Glory If You Do Not Walk In Love~!

If Only We Could Get Some Warning, Like When Someone Is Going To Come Up Behind Us And Hugs Us When We’ve Got A Cup Of Hot Cocoa or Coffee In Our Hands, And It Spills… If Only The Holy Ghost Would Say, “Brace Yourself, Hold On Tight, You’re About To Have To Walk or Live In Love”…

We Must Learn To Abide In Love, (John 15:4-12), Walk In Love, (Ephesians 5:1-2), Talk In Love, (Ephesians 4:15), And Edify One Another In Love, (Ephesians 4:29).  Then When The Pressures Come, We Won’t Have To Stop And Think.  We Will Immediately React In Love.  So, We Have To Abide In Love ALL The Time~!… John 15:17 ~ These Things I Command You, That You Love One Another, (This Wasn’t Just A Suggestion; It Was A Commandment From The Head Of The Church).>/p>

Psalm 144:15 ~ Happy And Blessed Are The People Who Are In Such A Case; Yes, Happy (Blessed, Fortunate, Prosperous, To Be Envied) Are The People Whose God Is Yahweh~!


Love Is An Action~!
Love Is Always Doing~!

For Yahweh So Loved The World That He Gave, ( John 3:16).

But Toward Us, In That While We Were Still Sinners, Christ Died, (Romans 5:8).

In This The Love Of Yahweh Was Manifested, (Revealed) Toward Us, That Yahweh Has Sent, (1 John 4:9), His Only Begotten Son Into The World, That We Might Live Through Him.

In This Is Love, Not That We Loved Yahweh, But That He Loved Us And Sent, His Son To Be The Propitiation, (As The Atoning Sacrifice For Our Sins; The Covering), (Romans 3:25; 1 John 4:10).

By This We Know Love, That He Laid Down His Life For Us, And We Ought To Lay Down Our Lives For The Sisters And Brothers, (1 John 3:16).

Greater Love Has No One Than This, That Someone Lay Down His Life For His Friends, (John 15:13).

And Walk In Love, As Christ Loved Us And Gave Himself Up For Us, A Fragrant Offering And Sacrifice To God, (Ephesians 5:2).

Even If I Am To Be Poured Out As A Drink Offering Upon The Sacrificial Offering Of Your Faith, I Am Glad And Rejoice With You All, (Philippians 2:17).

I Am The Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life For The Sheep, (John 10:11).

Even As The Son Of Man Came Not To Be Served, But To Serve, And To Give His Life As A Ransom For Many,
(Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45;
1 Timothy 2:6

Just As The Father Knows Me And I Know The Father; And I Lay Down My Life For The Sheep, (John 10:15).

Recall That Propitiation Means, “Covering” Above, *(Enter Here).  I Will Meet You At The Mercy Seat…, (Exodus 25:22); In Other Words, He Will Meet Us Where We Need Mercy The Most, (To Cover, To Put A Lid On Our Junk).  Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins… He Who Covers A Sins Seeks Love, (Exodus 25:22; Proverbs 17:9; James 5:20; 1 Peter 4:8).  It’s Not That We’re Inviting Yahoshua To Be Our Lord, As Much As He’s The One Reaching Out To Us; However, If We Draw Close To Him Then He Will Draw Close To Us.

Notice In The Following Scripture Which Person Of The Trinity Is Associated With Each Attribute, (Especially That Of Love).  These Weren’t Like Idle Words, or The Correct Accolades Of The Closing Remarks For A Closing Salutation; May The Grace Of The Lord Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, (Jesus Christ), And The Love Of Yahweh, {God}, And The Fellowship Of The Holy Ghost Be With You ALL, (John 1:16-17; 2 Corinthians 13:14).

Love Is An Action, Love Does Something… Love Acts…

Selflessly, Sacrificially, Willingly, Completely, Passionately, Without Question, Honorably, With Deepest Commitment, UnConditionally.

Love Comes From Yahweh And Yahweh Is Love, (1 John 4:7-8
(1 Corinthians 13:4-8)~!


Yahoshua, (Jesus), Was Moved By Compassion Before He Acted In Faith…

Compassion Is A Deep Yearning That Responds To The Needs Of People.  It’s Much Deeper Than Sympathy. Sympathy Can Just Sit Around Feeling Sorry For People.  “Compassion” Has To Do Something For Them.

Compassion Is What Motivates God, {Yahweh}, And Yahoshua’s, {Jesus’}, Life On Earth Was A Picture Of That Compassion In Action.  His Whole Ministry Was Driven By It.  It Was Compassion That Caused Him To Multiply The Loaves And Fishes, Heal The Sick, Cast Out Demons And Raise The Dead.  It Was Compassion That Compelled Him To Go To The Cross.  And It’s That Same Compassion That He Now Longs To Pour Out Through You, {Copied From Compassion In Action}.  Yahoshua, {Jesus}, Went Out, And He Saw A Great Multitude.  He Had Compassion On Them, And Healed Their Sick. Matthew 14:14.

  • Matthew 9:36 ~ He Was Moved With Compassion For Them, Because They Were Weary And Scattered, Like Sheep Having No Shepherd

  • Matthew 14:14 ~ He Had Compassion On Them, And Healed Their Sick

  • Matthew 15:32 ~ And Yahoshua, (Jesus), Called To Him His Disciples, And Said, I Have Compassion On The Multitude,
         Because They Have Now Continued With Me Three Days And Have Nothing To Eat.
         And I Do Not Want To Send Them Away Hungry, Lest They Faint On The Way

  • Matthew 18:27 ~ Being Moved With Compassion, Released Him, And Forgave Him The Debt.

  • Matthew 18:33 ~ Should Not You Also Have Had Mercy On Your Fellow Slave, Even As I Had Mercy On You?

  • Matthew 20:34 ~ Yahoshua, (Jesus), Being Moved With Compassion, Touched Their Eyes; And Immediately They Received Their Sight

  • Mark 1:41-42 ~ Being Moved With Compassion, He Stretched Forth His Hand, And Touched Him, And Said To Him, “I Am Willing; Be Cleansed”.  As Soon As He Had Spoken, Immediately The Leprosy Left Him, And He Was Cleansed.

  • Mark 5:19 ~ Tell Them What Great Things Yahweh Has Done For You, And How He Has Had Compassion On You

  • Mark 6:34 ~ Yahoshua, (Jesus), When He Came Out, Saw A Great Multitude And Was Moved With Compassion For Them…

  • Mark 8:2 ~ I Have Compassion On The Multitude, Because They Have Now Continued With Me Three Days And Have Nothing To Eat.

  • Mark 9:22 ~ “Have Compassion On Us And Help Us

  • Luke 7:13-15 ~ Yahoshua, (Jesus), Saw Her, He Had Compassion On Her,
         Then He Came And Touched The Open Coffin, And Those Who Carried Him Stood Still. And He Said, , (Took An Action) ~ “Young Man, “I Say To You”, Arise”.  So He Who Was Dead Sat Up And Began To Speak.

  • Luke 10:33 ~ But A Certain Samaritan, As He Traveled, Came Where He Was. When He Saw Him, He Was Moved With Compassion

  • Luke 13:12-13 ~ And Having Seen Her, Jesus Called Her Near And Said To Her, “Woman, You Have Been Freed From Your Sickness”.
         “And He Laid The Hands Upon Her, And Immediately She Was Made Straight And Began To Glorify God”.

  • Bonus:
  • Luke 15:20 ~ His Father Saw Him, And Had Compassion On Him, And He Ran And Fell On His Neck And Kissed Him

  • Romans 9:15 ~ I Will Have Mercy On Him Whom I Love, And I Will Have Compassion On Him Whom I Favor

  • Hebrews 5:2 ~ He Is One Who Can Humble Himself And Have Compassion On Those Who Are Ignorant And Go Astray

  • Hebrews 10:34 ~ “For You Had Compassion On Me In My Chains, And Joyfully Accepted The Plundering Of Your Goods, Knowing That You Have A Better And An Enduring Possession For Yourselves In Heaven.

  • 1 John 3:17 ~ But Whoever Has The World’s Goods, And Sees His Brother In Need, And Shuts Up His Compassion From Him, How Does The Love Of Yahweh Remain In Him?

  • Jude 1:22 ~ And On Some Have Compassion, Making A Distinction.

{Enter Here To Read Most ALL Of Yahweh’s Word OnLine Listed Above About Compassion}.


Knowledge Puffs Up, But Love Edifies
(1 Corinthians 8:1)

Ephesians 4:15 ~ But Speaking Truth In Love, We May Grow Up In ALL Things Into Him, Who Is The Head, [Even] Christ;

2 John 1:3 ~ Grace, Mercy, Peace Shall Be With Us, From God The Father, And From Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, (Jesus Christ), The Son Of The Father, In Truth And Love.

1 John 3:18 ~ [My] Little Children, Let Us Not Love In Word Only, Neither With The Tongue Only; But In Deed And In Truth.

Psalm 85:10 ~ Mercy And Truth Are Met Together; Righteousness And Peace Have Kissed Each Other.

Proverbs 3:3-4 ~ Let Not Mercy, [Shutting Out ALL Hatred And Selfishness] And Truth, [Shutting Out ALL Deliberate Hypocrisy or Falsehood] Forsake You; Bind Them About Your Neck, Write Them Upon The Tablet Of Your Heart.  So Shall You Find Favor, Good Understanding, And High Esteem In The Sight [or Judgment] Of God And Man.

Proverbs 14:22 ~ Do They Not Err That Devise Evil?  But Mercy And Truth [Shall Be To] Those That Devise Good.

John 1:17 ~ For The Law Was Given Through Moses; Grace And Truth Came Through Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, (Jesus Christ).

Proverbs 16:6 ~ By Mercy And Truth Iniquity Is Atoned For; And By The Fear Of Yahweh Men Depart From Evil.

{1 Corinthians 8:1; Ephesians 4:15;
2 John 1:3; 1 John 3:18;
Psalm 85:10; Proverbs 3:3-4;
Proverbs 14:22; John 1:17;
Proverbs 16:6; 1 John 4:17


Love Is The Fulfillment Of The Law~!”

For Where Envy And Self-Seeking Exist, Confusion And Every Evil Thing Are There,
(James 3:16..

LOVE ~ Not Selfish Ambition, {1 Corinthians 13:4; James 3:14-16}

LOVE Does NO Wrong To One’s Neighbor [It Never Hurts Anybody].
Therefore Love Meets ALL The Requirements And Is The Fulfilling Of The Law
, (Romans 13:10).

First Of All, Let Me Say That Some Folks Tend To Get Very Scholarly About The Scriptures And Yet Seem To Miss The Main Point or The Central Theme Of Yahweh And That Is Denying Self And Without Dying To Self Then This Is A Religion Without A Relationship, (John 5:39-40). With That Being Said, I Think The Thompson Chain Reference Bible Is Very Exhausting; But Sometimes It Seems To Be Like Having A Birthday Party, But Failing To Invite The Guest Of Honor. We Can Have Church Without God, But It Will Have No Power, (2 Timothy 3:5).


Love Is The New Commandment~!”

The Central Theme Of Yahoshua’s Message ~ Alias The Cross Walk Of Our Decisions, When We Come To A Cross In The Road, , We Have To Decide If We Are Going To Wait or Go, And Then Decide Which Way To Go). Even Yahoshua Said To Follow His Example,

For I Have Given You An Example, That You Also Should Do As I Have Done To You, (John 13:15).

… And Yahoshua Died To Self And Said Not My Will, But Your Will Be Done, (Matthew 6:33; Luke 22:42; John 5:30; Luke 6:38; Ephesians 5:25)… Because Christ Also Suffered For Us, Leaving Us An Example, That You Should Follow His Steps, (1 Peter 2:21).

And Walk In Love, As Christ Also Has Loved Us And Given Himself For Us, An Offering And A Sacrifice To God For A Sweet-Smelling Aroma, (Ephesians 5:2).

So For That Reason, I Call It The Cross † Walk When We Come To A CrossWalk or A Fork In The Road…

We Are Commanded To Take Up Our Cross And Die Daily To The Desires Of The Body, (or Flesh), And To Renew Our Mind To Yahweh’s Way Of Thinking. This Concurs With, “He That Finds His Life Must Lose His Life In This World”, And This Involves Laying Down Your Life For Your Sisters And Brothers, And Dying To Self, {or Dying To Selfish Ambition, (Verses About Taking Up Your Cross, And Dying To Self, Enter Here).

Inferred ~ (Matthew 19:21; 29; & Philippians 3:8).

See Also (Ephesians 4:22-24; Romans 12:1-2; Romans 8:13; Galatians 6:8; 2 Corinthians 5:15).

We Died In Christ
(Romans 6:6; Romans 8:36; 2 Corinthians 4:11; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 2:20; 2 Timothy 2:11).

Here’s The Thompson Chain Reference OnLine Scripture References To, “Gain Through Loss


Love Defined

This Is My Commandment, That You Love One Another, Even As I Have Loved You, (John 15:12. This Is Not A Suggestion Nor Was The Word, “Please”, or, “Endeavor” Included As A Prefix.

I Have Found That When I Try To Walk In Love Towards Someone With My Own Strength, They Always Seem To Know When I’m Holding Back And Just Being Kind, And They Push Me, It’s Like If I Give An Inch, They Take A Mile, And They Will Not Be Happy Until They’ve Completely Exposed That My Motives Are Not Love, (Even Though I Think I Am Showing Love).

But, Where I Have Not Fully Surrendered And Laid Down My Life
By Fully, I Mean I Have Not Died To Self, And I Sometimes Feel, That If I Go Any Further Then I Won’t Be Able To Function.

And Finally When I’ve Had ALL I Can Stand, And Self-Preservation Kicks In And As I Have Pulled Out My Sword, (My Tongue), And Lashed Out, Then People Get Hurt.

But, It’s Like Obi-Wan Kenobi In Star Wars, or Like Yahoshua Who Is Our Example, ( John 13:15; 1 Peter 2:21); It Is Only In Laying Down Our Lives, (To See All The Verses About Taking Up Your Cross, Enter Here).

For To This Were You Called, Because Christ Also Suffered For Us, L eaving Us An Example, That You Should Follow His Steps, ( 1 Peter 2:21).

For I Have Given You An Example, That You Also Should Do As I Have Done To You, ( John 13:15).

In ALL Things I Gave You An Example, That So Laboring You Ought To Help The Weak, And To Remember The Words Of The Lord Jesus, That He Himself Said, ‘It Is More Blessed To Give Than To Receive’, ( Acts 20:35).


Real Love Is…

  • The 1st Four Of The Ten Commandments Are Covered By Matthew 22:37-38, And The Last Six Are Covered In Matthew 22:39.

    Matthew 22:36-40 (AMPC) 36 Teacher, Which Kind Of Commandment Is Great And Important (The Principal Kind) In The Law?  [Some Commandments Are Light—Which Are Heavy?] 37 And He Replied To Him, You Shall Love The Lord Your God With ALL Your Heart And With ALL Your Soul And With ALL Your Mind (Intellect). 38 This Is The Great (Most Important, Principal) And First Commandment. 39 And A Second Is Like It: You Shall Love Your Neighbor As [You Do] Yourself. 40 These Two Commandments Sum Up And Upon Them Depend ALL The Law And The Prophets.

  • John 13:34 (AMPC) ~ I Give You A New Commandment: That You Should Love One Another. Just Even As I Have Loved You, So You Too Should Love One Another.

  • John 13:35 (AMPC) ~ By This Shall ALL [Men] Know That You Are My Disciples, If You Love One Another [If You Keep On Showing Love Among Yourselves].

  • Romans 13:10 (AMPC) ~ Love Does NO Wrong To One’s Neighbor [It Never Hurts Anybody]. Therefore Love Meets ALL The Requirements And Is The Fulfilling Of The Law.


Love One Another

John 13:34-35, (WEB) 34 A New Commandment I Give To You, That You Love One Another, Just Like I Have Loved You; That You Also Love One Another. 35 By This Everyone Will Know That You Are My Disciples, If You Have Love For One Another.

John 14:21, (AMPC) ~ The Person Who Has My Commands And Keeps Them Is The One Who [Really] Loves Me; And Whoever [Really] Loves Me Will Be Loved By My Father, And I [Too] Will Love Him And Will Show (Reveal, Manifest) Myself To Him.  [I Will Let Myself Be Clearly Seen By Him And Make Myself Real To Him].

John 15:12, 17 ~
12 In This Is My Commandment, That You Love One Another Even As I Have Loved You,
These Things I Command You, That You Love One Another;

Romans 12:10, 16 ~
10 In Love Of The Sisters And Brothers Be Tenderly Affectionate One To Another; In Honor Preferring One Another
16 Work Toward Unity, And Live In Harmony With One Another.  Avoid Thinking You Are Better Than Others or Wiser Than The Rest; Instead, Embrace Common People And Ordinary Tasks, (The Voice Translation).

Philippians 2:3-4 ~
2 Fulfill My Joy By Being Like-Minded, Having The Same Love, Being Of One Accord, Of One Mind.
3 Let Nothing Be Done Through Selfish Ambition or Conceit, But In Lowliness Of Mind Let Each Esteem Others Better Than Themselves.
4 Let Each Of You Look Out Not Only For His Own Interests, But Also For The Interests Of Others.

Romans 13:8-10 ~
8 Owe No One Anything, Except To Love One Another; For He Who Loves His Neighbor Has Fulfilled The Law.
9 For The Commandments, “You Shall Not Commit Adultery”, “You Shall Not Murder”, “You Shall Not Steal”, “You Shall Not Covet”, And Whatever Other Commandments There Are, Are All Summed Up In This Saying, Namely, “You Shall Love Your Neighbor As Yourself”.
10 Love Doesn’t Harm A Neighbor. Love Therefore Is The Fulfillment Of The Law.

Galatians 5:13 ~ For You, Sisters And Brothers, Were Called For Freedom.  Only Don’t Use Your Liberty For An Occasion To The Flesh, But Through Love Serve One Another.

Ephesians 4:1-4, 32 ~
1 I Therefore, The Prisoner For Yahweh, Appeal To And Beg You To Walk (Lead A Life) Worthy Of The [Divine] Calling To Which You Have Been Called [With Behavior That Is A Credit To The Summons To God’s Service,
2 Living As Becomes You] With Complete With All Humility And Meekness (Unselfishness, Gentleness, Mildness), With Patience, Bearing With One Another And Making Allowances In Love Towards One Another .
3 Be Eager And Strive Earnestly To Guard And Keep The Harmony And Oneness Of [And Produced By] The Spirit In The Binding Power Of Peace.
4 [There Is] One Body And One Spirit—Just As There Is Also One Hope [That Belongs] To The Calling You Received—

32 And Be Kind One To Another, Tenderhearted, Forgiving One Another, Even As Yahweh For Christ’s Sake Has Forgiven You.

Colossians 3:12-17 ~
12 ~ Therefore, As God’s Chosen People, Holy And Dearly Loved, Clothe Yourselves With Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness And Patience.
13 Make Allowance For Each Other’s Faults, And “ForGive” Anyone Who Offends You. Remember, The Lord “ForGave” You, So You Must “ForGive” Others.
14 And Over ALL These Virtues Put On Love, Which Binds Them All Together In Perfect Unity .
15 And Let The Peace Of God Rule In Your Hearts, To Which AlsoYou Were Called In One Body; And Be Thankful.
16 Let The Word Of Christ Dwell In You Richly; In All Wisdom Teaching And Admonishing One Another With Psalms, Hymns, And Spiritual Songs, Singing With Grace In Your Heart To The Lord.
17 Whatever You Do, In Word or In Deed, Do All In The Name Of The Lord Jesus, Giving Thanks To God The Father, Through Him. (WEB).

1 Thessalonians 3:12 ~ And The Lord, {Yahweh}, Make You To Increase And Abound In Love One Toward Another, And Toward ALL Men, Even As We Also Do Toward You,

1 Thessalonians 4:9 ~ But Concerning Kindred Love [For ALL Other Christians], You Have No Need To Have Anyone Write You, For You Yourselves Have Been [Personally] Taught By God To Love One Another,

2 Thessalonians 1:3 ~ We Are Bound To Always Give Thanks To God For You, Brothers, Even As It Is Appropriate, Because Your Faith Grows Exceedingly, And The Love Of Each And Every One Of You Towards One Another Abounds;

Hebrews 10:24 ~ Let Us Consider How To Provoke One Another To Love And Good Works ,{Enter Here More Info}.

1 John 3:11 ~ For This Is The Message Which You Heard From The Beginning, That We Should Love One Another;

1 John 3:23 ~ This Is His Commandment, That We Should Believe In The Name Of His Son, Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, (Jesus Christ), And Love One Another, Even As He Commanded.

1 John 4:7, 11-12, 21 ~
Beloved, Let Us Love One Another, For Love Is (Springs) From God; And He Who Loves [His Fellowmen] Is Begotten (Born) Of God And Is Coming [Progressively] To Know And Understand God [To Perceive And Recognize And Get A Better And Clearer Knowledge Of Him].
11 Beloved, If God Loved Us So, We Also Ought To Love One Another.
12 No One Has Seen God At Any Time. If We Love One Another, God Remains In Us, And His Love Has Been Perfected In Us, {Enter Here To Read 1 John 4:7-21}.  And Perfected Love Cast, (or Flushes), Out Fear, (1 John 4:18).
21 And This Command (Charge, Order, Injunction) We Have From Him: That He Who Loves God Shall Love His Brother [Believer] Also.

2 John 1:5 ~ And Now I Beg You, Lady (Cyria), Not As If I Were Issuing A New Charge (Injunction or Command), But [Simply Recalling To Your Mind] The One We Have Had From The Beginning, That We Love One Another.

1 Peter 1:22 ~
Since By Your Obedience To The Truth Through The [Holy ] Spirit You Have Purified Your Hearts For The Sincere Affection Of The Sisters And Brothers, [See That You] Love One Another Fervently From A Pure Heart.

1 Peter 4:8-9 ~
8 Above All, Show Sincere Love To Each Other, Because Love Brings About The Forgiveness Of Many Sins.
9 Be Hospitable To One Another Without Grumbling or Complaining.

1 Peter 5:5 ~ Likewise, You Younger, Submit Yourselves Unto The Elder. Yes, All [Of You] Be Subject One To Another, And Be Clothed With Humility: For God Resists The Proud, And Gives Grace To The Humble ~ (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 29:23; Psalm 138:6; Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52; James 4:10)… {See Also Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 57:15; Jeremiah 9:24; Micah 6:8}.

(1 Thessalonians 5:11 ~
Therefore Encourage (Admonish, Exhort) One Another And Edify (Strengthen And Build Up) One Another, As You Have Been Doing.

*Click Below To See Most Of The Verses Above That I Found Concerning The Love Walk:

(John 13:34-35; John 14:21;
John 15:12, 17; Romans 12:10, 16;
Philippians 2:3-5; Romans 13:8-10;
Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:1-4, 32;
Colossians 3:12-17; 1 Thessalonians 3:12;
1 Thessalonians 4:9; 2 Thessalonians 1:3;
Hebrews 10:24; 1 John 3:11; 1 John 3:23;
1 John 4:7,11-12;21; 2 John 1:5;
1 Peter 1:22; 1 Peter 4:8-9;
1 Peter 5:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:11

(Enter Here To Read About Peace, The Opposite Of Strife)
John 14:27; Colossians 3:15;
Philippians 4:7; James 3:17
John 13:34-35; Galatians 6:1;
2 Timothy 2:24-26; 1 John 3:16;
1 John 4:8; 1 Peter 2:19-21


For Love Is Of God~!”
{1 John 4:7-21}

7 Beloved, Let Us Love One Another, For Love Is Of God; And Everyone Who Loves Is Born Of God, And Knows God.
8 They Who Don’t Love Don’t Know God, For
God Is Love.
9 By This Was God’s Love Revealed, (Manifested) In Us, That God Has Sent His Only Born Son Into The World That We Might Live Through Him.
10 In This Is Love, Not That We Loved God, But That He Loved Us, And Sent His Son As The Atoning Sacrifice, (
Propitiation), For Our Sins.
11 Beloved, If God Loved Us So, We Also Ought To Love One Another.
12 No One Has Seen God At Any Time. If
We Love One Another, God Remains, (Abides, Dwells, Resides), In Us, And His Love Has Been Perfected In Us.
13 By This We Know That We Remain, (Abide, Dwell, Reside), In Him And He In Us, Because He Has Given Us Of His Spirit.
14 We Have Seen And Testify That The Father Has Sent The Son As The Savior Of The World.
15 Whoever Will Confess That Jesus Is The Son Of God, God Remains, (Abides, Dwells, Resides), In Him, And He In God.
16 We Know And Have Believed The Love Which God Has In Us.  God Is Love, And He Who Remains In Love Remains In God, And God Remains In Him.
17 In This Love Has Been Made Perfect With Us, That We May Have Boldness In The Day Of Judgment, Because As He Is, Even So Are We In This World.
18 There Is NO Fear In Love; But Perfect Love Casts Out Fear, Because Fear Has Punishment.  He Who Fears Is Not Made Perfect In Love.
19 We Love Him, Because He First Loved Us, (Romans 2:4; Ephesians 2:4).
20 If A Person Says, “I Love God”, And Hates Their Sister or Brother, They Are A Liar; For They Who Do Not Love Their Sister or Brother Whom They Have Seen, How Can They Love God Whom They Have Not Seen?
21 This Commandment We Have From Him, That They Who Love God Should Also Love Their Sister or Brother.


If You Love Me, Keep My Commandments
We Do Love Yahweh, So Why Don’t We Keep His Commandments, {Because We Love Something Else More~!}

  • John 14:15 ~ If You Love Me, Keep My Commandments.

  • John 14:21 ~ Someone Who Has My Commandments, And Keeps Them, That Person Is One Who Loves Me. One Who Loves Me Will Be Loved By My Father, And I Will Love Him, And Will Reveal Myself To Him”.

  • John 15:9 ~ Even As The Father Has Loved Me, I Also Have Loved You. Remain In My Love.

  • John 15:10 ~ If You Keep My Commandments, You Will Remain In My Love; Even As I Have Kept My Father’s Commandments, And Remain In His Love.

  • John 15:11 ~ I Have “Spoken” These Things To You, That My Joy May Be In You, And That Your Joy May Be Made Full.

  • John 15:12;17 ~ This Is My Commandment, That You Love One Another, Even As I Have Loved You These Things I Command You, That You Love One Another.

  • John 12:50; John 13:34; John 14:15; John 14:21; John 15:9-11; John 15:12, (WEB)


Marriage: The Male’s Responsibility And The Female’s Responsibility

Ephesians 5:25 ~ “Husbands, Love Your Wives, Even As Christ Also Loved The Church, And Gave Himself Up For It”, {And Christ Died For The Church, Laying Down His Life}.

Ephesians 5:33 ~ “Nevertheless Let Each One Of You In Particular So Love His Own Wife As Himself, And Let The Wife See That She Respects And Reverences Her Husband [That She Notices Him, Regards Him, Honors Him, Prefers Him, Venerates, And Esteems Him; And That She Defers To Him, Praises Him, And Loves And Admires Him Exceedingly”.

So, There’s The Winning Formula For A Successful Romance.  Husbands, {And Since It Works For Husbands, Then It Would Apply To Husbands To Be or BoyFriends}, …They Are To Love, Whatever The Problem Is And The Wife’s / Wife To Be / GirlFriend’s Response Is To Respect.  That’s Less Than 100 Words ~ The Answer To ALL Romantic Conflicts or Dilemmas Right There In A NutShell~!

Husbands Love, Wives Respect.  Whatever The Problem, That’s Your Answer.  Lots Of Books Can Be Tossed~!
Husbands, Love Your Wives And Do Not Be Harsh With Them, (AMPC, GNT ~ Colossians 3:19).

At A Lay Renewal, I Interviewed Several Older Widows and Asked Them What Did You Like Best About Your Husband. Over And Over Again, The Answer Came Back. He Made Me Laugh.

So, I Was Having A Dream The Other Night, And I Dreamed That We Should Incorporate This Into The Male’s Part On The Marital Vows.

“I Promise To Love And To Cherish, And To Always Make My Wife And Family Laugh”.  Because Then If It’s Part Of The Vows, Then Yahweh Will Supply The Humor, (Not Corny “Dad Jokes” But Humor From “The Real Father”).

But, In Case You Desire To See More Than The Cliff Notes, {With Supporting Scriptures}, (Ephesians 5:22-33).

How Is Love In Marriage Defined In The Scriptures?  Love Your Wives, Even As Christ Also Loved The Church, And Gave Himself Up For It.  In Other Words, “Die To Self”, {or Dying To Selfish Ambition} … To Die Is Gain, (To See All The Verses About Taking Up Your Cross, Enter Here).

Laying Down His Life, {Time, Ambitions, Agenda, Computer, etc“}, Willing To Give Up Your Life.  Wow~!  The Male’s Part Is Like The Pig And The Chicken Talking About Breakfast.  The Chicken Is Complaining About Having To Lay ALL Those Eggs; However, The Pig Says, But My Contribution To, “Bringing Home The Bacon” Is The Ultimate Sacrifice~!


Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Do Nothing, {No Thing} From Selfish Motives

Philippians 2:3-7; 19-21, (AMPC)
2 Fill Up And Complete My Joy By Living In Harmony
And Being Of The Same Mind And One In Purpose, Having The Same Love, Being In Full Accord And Of One Harmonious Mind And Intention.
3 Do Nothing From Factional Motives [Through Contentiousness, Strife, Selfishness, OR For UnWorthy Ends] or Prompted By Conceit And Empty Arrogance.  Instead, In The True Spirit Of Humility (Lowliness Of Mind) Let Each Regard The Others As Better Than And Superior To Themselves [Thinking More Highly Of One Another Than You Do Of Yourselves].
4 Let Each Of You Esteem And Look Upon And Be Concerned For Not [Merely] His Own Interests, But Also Each For The Interests Of Others.
5 Let This Same Attitude And Purpose And [Humble] Mind Be In You Which Was In Christ Jesus: [Let Him Be Your Example In Humility:]
6 Who, Although Being Essentially One With God And In The Form Of God [Possessing The Fullness Of The Attributes Which Make Yahweh God], Did Not Think This Equality With God Was A Thing To Be Eagerly Grasped or Retained,
7 But Stripped Himself [Of All Privileges And Rightful Dignity], So As To Assume The Guise Of A Servant (Slave), In That He Became Like Men And Was Born A Human Being.

19 But I Hope And Trust In The Lord, {Yahweh}, Jesus Soon To Send Timothy To You, So That I May Also Be Encouraged And Cheered By Learning News Of You.
20 For I Have No One Like Him [No One Of So Kindred A Spirit] Who Will Be So Genuinely Interested In Your Welfare And Devoted To Your Interests.
21 For The Others ALL Seek [To Advance] Their Own Interests, Not Those Of Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, (Jesus Christ), (The Messiah).

Galatians 6:2 ~ Bear (Endure, Carry) One Another’s Burdens And Troublesome Moral Faults, And In This Way Fulfill And Observe Perfectly “The Law Of Christ, (The Messiah) And Complete What Is Lacking [In Your Obedience To It], (AMPC).

What Is “The Law Of Christ?”

One Who Has My Commandments, And Keeps Them, That Person Is One Who Loves Me.  One Who Loves Me Will Be Loved By My Father, And I Will Love Them, And Will Reveal Myself To Them, (John 14:21).

This Is My Commandment, That You Love One Another, Even As I Have Loved You, (John 15:12).

Finally, All [Of You] Should Be Of One And The Same Mind (United In Spirit), Sympathizing [With One Another], Loving [Each Other] As Sisters And Brothers [Of One Household], Compassionate And Courteous (TenderHearted And Humble)…
…Let Him Turn Away From Wickedness And Shun It, And Let Him Do Right. Let Him Search For Peace (Harmony; Undisturbedness From Fears, Agitating Passions, And Moral Conflicts) And Seek It Eagerly. [Do Not Merely Desire Peaceful Relations With God, With Others, And With Yourself, But Pursue, Go After Them~!], (1 Peter 3:8-12).


Yahoshua Kept His Own

Here’s A Revelation From Yahweh’s Word That I Gleaned From Keith Moore From His Series, “Seeing Jesus ~ 4”, Pt. 9, (If That Link Is Broken, Then Enter Here To Go To Keith Moore’s Word Supply, Then Search For “Seeing Jesus”, {Search Text Must Be Alphabetic Characters Only, No Numbers}.  Then Find “Seeing Jesus ~ 4, Pt. 9 - My Brother’s Keeper”), or Click On This Link.

When They Came To Take Jesus, And Yahoshua Replied The Second Time, “I Am”, To The Mob Of Folks Coming To Take Him Away And The Entire Mob Fell Down, {Including Judas Who Was On The Other Side With Those Coming To Capture Yahoshua}; Then They Took Yahoshua, (Matthew 26:48-56).

Here Is The Picture Of This Mass Amount Of Soldiers Coming To Take Yahoshua.  When They Arrive, Do They Find The 12 Disciples Shielding Yahoshua And The Mob Asking, Where Is Yahoshua?  No, In Fact, We Normally Think Of Yahoshua To Be Meek And Mild.  He Is Like My Father Who Was A Pastor For 42 Years.  Normally, Dad Was Quiet-Tempered.  But, If You Mess With One Of His Children Then You Have Poked The Bear.  Yahoshua Wasn’t Cowering Behind His Disciples With His Head Peeking Out While They Searched For Him.  Yahoshua Was Literally Out Front Of His Gang Going To The Armed Soldiers.  Wow~!  Talking About Bravery~!  When Yahoshua Said, “No One Takes My Life From Me, I Laid It Down”, He Was Telling The Absolute Truth.  Some Things We Will See So Clearly When We Get To Heaven… But, Why Wait For Then…  Ask For Insight Now.  No One Took Yahoshua’s Life, He Laid It Down.

The Answer Lies In John 10:17-18… “I Lay Down My Life That I May Take It Up Again”.  As I Read This Passage This Time, The Holy Ghost Brought Something To My Attention I Had Never Seen Before, (Hebrews 4:12).  Yahoshua Had To Voluntarily Lay Down His Life So That He Would Legally Be Permitted To Take It Up Again.  If They Had Taken Yahoshua Against His Will, And He Resisted, He Would Not Have Been Able To Take His Life Back Up Again.  This Could Be Alarming.  If Yahoshua Makes Any Move Outside Of Love, He Could Be Forever Trapped In HELL.  No Wonder He Asked The Father, Is There Any Other Way, (Matthew 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42; John 6:38).  Generally The Three Gospel Accounts Of Matthew, Mark & Luke All Retell The Same Story From Different Perspectives, And Are Sometimes Called The Synoptic Gospels Because Of This Dove-Tailing.  But, Here We See That The Writers Of All Four Gospels Recounted This Plead From Yahoshua, So, It Must Have Made An Impression.

Have You Ever Wondered, Why Yahoshua Activated The Angels With This, “Super-Duper Shock Wave Force Field”, And Have The Attackers Fell Flat On Their Face, And Then Let The Attackers Take Him Anyhow?  What?  Either Go Quietly, or Stand Tall And Fight.  Why Have These Armed Soldiers Fall On Their Face?  Was It Just To Show That He Could, And If So, It Doesn’t Fit The Pattern Of Love Of Yahweh And Yahoshua Only Did What He Saw The Father Do.  That Explanation Reeks Of ‘Pride’, Which Is So Out Of Character For Yahoshua, And Therefore Cannot Be The Reason Why.

However, If Yahoshua Had Just Said, “I Am He, Let Them Go”, Then They Might Not Have Allowed The Disciples To Go Free.  But, When Yahoshua Said The 2nd Time, “I Told You That I Am He.  So, If You Want Me, Let These Men Go Their Way”, And They Were Knocked Down By The Power Of Yahweh, The Men Were Shaken Up A Bit And May Have Had Doubts That They Could Even Take Yahoshua.  I Guess That They Answered A Little More Gentler When Yahoshua Said The 2nd Time, “Let These Others Go”.  Yahoshua Showed Us That He Was A Human Being That Spoke With Authority And His Word Was Supported With Demonstration, {Mark 16:20 ~Confirming The Word Through The Accompanying Signs”}.  I Am Reminded Of Some Other Scriptures That Say, “And My Message And My Preaching Were Not In Persuasive Words Of Wisdom, But In Demonstration Of The Spirit And Of Power”, (1 Corinthians 4:20); or, “For The Kingdom Of God Does Not Consist In Talk But In Power”, (1 Corinthians 2:4).  Yahoshua Is A Good Shepherd And He Was Acting In Love And Making Sure That His Disciples Were Not Taken, [And Possibilities That They Could Have Remained In Prison The Rest Of Their Lives Had They Gotten Captured, Especially Peter, As Peter Had Drawn His Sword, And Struck The Servant Of The High Priest, {Caiaphas}, And Cut Off His Ear, (Matthew 26:51; Mark 14:47; Luke 22:50; John 18:10).   {Notice That A Disciple Cutting Off The Ear Of A Servant Of The High Priest Is Mentioned In All Four Canonical Gospels}.  The Mob Of Armed Roman Soldiers Comes To Take Yahoshua, And Simon Peter Cuts Off The Ear Of The Servant To The High Priest, {Caiaphas}, …But Is Not Arrested~!  Now, That’s A Miracle~!

The Reason Peter Was Not Arrested Was Because Yahoshua Rectified The Situation By Putting Malchus’ Ear Back On.  If Any Of The Soldiers Were Wondering Is This The Right Man That Others Say Healed Folks, There Was Now Left No Doubt As He Restored The Man’s Ear And Healed Him Right In Front Of Their Eyes~!  Yahoshua Knew How Each Of His Disciples’ Temperament Would React And Knew That They Had Not Prayed To Find Out How To Respond.  But, He Would Need Peter’s Boldness Later On To Spread The Gospel.  Yahweh Needed All Of Them Later On.  Interesting To Note That Only Luke The Physician Recorded The Man’s Ear Being Healed, But Didn’t Mention His Name, (Luke 22:51).  But Both Luke And John Reported That It Was The Right Ear, (Luke 22:50; John 18:10).  And Only John Who Was Concerned With People Noted The Person’s Name, Malchus As Well As Noting Specific Details Like He Was The Servant Of The High Priest and That It Was His Good Buddy And Friend Peter That Did The Cutting.

{This Is Not Scripture, But I Don’t Think Peter Was Trying To Cut Only Malchus’ Ear Off.  I Think Peter Was Aiming To Take Malchus’ Head Off And Malchus Ducked and So Peter Only Got The Ear.  And This Is Conjecture Also, But Since Peter Cut Off Malchus’ Right Ear; Could Peter Have Been Right-Handed With His Knife Sheathed On His Left Hand Side and Moving From Left To Right and Malchus Ducked And Peter Only Cut His Right Ear Off}?

Yahoshua Spoke To Armed Guard Identifying Himself As The Ones That They Sought To Protect His Disciples.  But, This I Can Prove.  And The Very Next Verse In Matthew 26:56 Says, “That The Saying Might Be Fulfilled, Which He Spoke, OF THEM WHICH YOU GAVE ME HAVE I LOST NONE”.  You See Matthew Had Been A Tax Collector, And One Of The Jobs Of Tax Collector Was To Keep Track Of The Debt People Owed.  I Imagine Matthew Kept A Log Of Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Reconciled.  Matthew Was Used To That Way Of Thinking, {Of Reconciling Taxes, An Accounting Term ~ Debt Owed—Debt Paid, or Reconciled ~ Today, In Common Everyday Speech, Instead Of Saying Reconciled, We Would Probably Say, “Paid In Full”}.  So, Matthew More Than The Other Gospel Writers Would Often Say, “This Was Done That It Might Be Fulfilled Which Was Spoken”, or ‘This Was Written That It Might Be Fulfilled, or ‘It Is Written, or ‘Have You Not Read, or ‘Have You Never Read’.  This Gives Us Insight Into Matthew’s Mindset.  He Was Constantly Looking To Cancel Out Some Debt, or A Word Spoken,  (Probably Why Yahweh Told Yahoshua To Choose Him).  Bonus: The Greek Word, “Tetelestai”, Used In John 19:30 Is Translated, “It Is Finished”, (Tetelestai ~ G5055), And Is Another Accounting Term That Also Means, “Paid In Full”}.p>

In Fact, If You Only Read The Book Of Matthew, You’ll Just See A Glimpse Of This Encounter As Matthew Does Not Mention Some Other Details As John Had, As Matthew’s Emphasis Seemed To Have Been On Reconciling Things Yahweh Had Said.  This Reminds Me Of The Story Says That Six Blind Men Were Asked To Determine What An Elephant Looked Like By Feeling Different Parts Of The Elephant’s Body. The Blind Man Who Feels A Leg Says The Elephant Is Like A Tree Trunk.  The One Who Feels The Tail Says The Elephant Is Like A Rope; The One Who Feels The Ear Says The Elephant Is Like A Large Leaf And The One Who Feels The Tusk Says The Elephant Is Like A Solid Pipe.  So, This Explains Why There Are Four Different Accounts Of The Same Incidences As We Need All The Different Gospel Writers Perspective To Get A Better Insight As To What Had Occurred.  However, John Must Have Been Inclined As Matthew Was, For He Also Noticed In John 18:9, This Was To Fulfill The Word He Had “Spoken”: “I Have Not Lost One Of Those You Have Given Me”.  It Was Also John That Caught That Yahoshua Set A Condition For His Surrender.  Yahoshua Would Only Go If They Let The Disciples Go, (John 18:8); Proving By Knocking The Armed Soldiers Down By The Power Of Yahweh That He Really Could Do As He Had Said, “Or Do You Think That I Couldn’t Ask My Father, And He Would Even Now Send Me More Than Twelve Legions Of Angels?” So, The Whole Purpose Of Making The Apprehenders Fall Backwards Was So That Yahoshua Could Literally Keep His Disciples From Harm, And He’ll Keep You Also.

What To Me Is Even More Astonishing Than Peter Not Getting Arrested Was Yahoshua Is Tired, And Having Very Little Sleep, Sweating Great Drops Of Blood, And His Very Disciples Could Not Even Stay Awake And Pray With Him.  Then He Is About To UnderGo The Most Tremendous Trial Of His Life, And Yet He Is Able To Still Walk In Love And Have Compassion And Put Malchus’s Ear Back On And Heal It.  Wow~!  Wow~!  Wow~!  Have You Ever Been In A Situation Where You Were Falsely Accused, or Gotten A Ticket For Speeding, When You Weren’t Speeding And Had To Go To Court And Pay A Fine, Even Though You Knew You Were Innocent.  Then Have To Show Love To The Judge Or Worse To The Police Officer That Wrongfully Charged You?  Perhaps, You See Him At The Restaurant And The Holy Ghost Nudges You To Pay For His / Her Meal.  Then, Later On, You Visit The Hospital And You See The Same Police Officer In The Children’s Ward And Discover That Their Young Daughter Is Struggling With Life And Death And That’s Why The Police Officer’s Mind Was Distracted When He, {or She}, Picked The Wrong Vehicle, {Yours}, To Be Speeding When You Were Not Speeding.  And It May Have Cost You $1,500 or More In Court, But Now, You Have An Understanding And A Person Of Understanding Has A Cool Spirit, (Proverbs 17:27) …(I Just Felt Like That Was For Someone).

Also, Here Is What Yahoshua Had Previously Said Before His Capture As Recorded By John, (Another Eye Witness With A Slightly Different Perspective).

John 6:39 ~ That I Should Lose None Of Those He Has Given Me But Should Raise Them Up On The Last Day.

John 10:27-28, (WEB) ~ 27 My Sheep Hear My Voice, And I Know Them, And They Follow Me.
28 I Give Eternal Life To Them.  They Will Never Perish, And No One Will Snatch Them Out Of My Hand.

John 16:2-4
2 They Will Put You Out Of The Synagogues. Yes, The Time Comes That Whoever Kills You Will Think That They Offer Service To God.
3 They Will Do These Things Because They Have Not Known The Father, Nor Me.
4 But I Have Told You These Things, So That When The Time Comes, You May Remember That I Told You About Them. I Didn’t Tell You These Things From The Beginning, Because I Was With You.

John 17:12 ~ While I Was With Them, I Kept And Preserved Them In Your Name [In The Knowledge And Worship Of You].  Those You Have Given Me I Guarded And Protected, And Not One Of Them Has Perished or Is Lost Except The Son Of Perdition [Judas Iscariot—The One Who Is Now Doomed To Destruction, Destined To Be Lost], That The Scripture Might Be Fulfilled.

John 18:9 ~ That The WORD MIGHT BE FULFILLED WHICH HE SPOKE, “Of Those Whom You Have Given Me, I Have Lost None”.

Acts 1:16, “Brothers, It Was Necessary That This Scripture Should Be Fulfilled, Which The Holy Ghost Spoke Before By The Mouth’ Of David Concerning Judas, Who Was Guide To Those Who Took Jesus.

Perhaps You Don’t Believe In Name-It ~ Claim-It.  Well King David Certainly Did~!  King David Spoke Prophetically,  (Acts 2:30), When He, “Called Those Things That Were Not As Though They Were”, (Romans 4:17), When He Said This In Psalm 41:9-11.

Psalm 41:9-11
9 Yes, My Own Familiar Friend, In Whom I Trusted, Who Ate Bread With Me, Has Lifted Up His Heel Against Me.
10 But You, Yahweh, Have Mercy On Me, And Raise Me Up, That I May Repay Them.
11 By This I Know That You Delight In Me, Because My Enemy Doesn’t Triumph Over Me, See Also, (1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14).

John 18:4-9, (AMPC) ~ Jesus’ Name Was Actually The Same Name As “Joshua”, But There Was No “J” In The Hebrew Language, So, His Name Was More Than Likely “Yoshua”… And Pronounced “Yahoshua”… (Now You Know Why I Spell It The Way I Do, So You Will Pronounce It Right).  But There Could Easily Have Been More Than One Person Named “Yahoshua”, {“Joshua” To Us}, So When They Said, “Jesus The Nazarene”, This Was Like A First And Last Name Identifier.

4 Jesus Therefore, Knowing All The Things That Were Happening To Him, Went Out, And Said To Them, “Who Are You Looking For?
5 They Answered Him, Jesus The Nazarene. Jesus Said To Them, “I Am He”. Judas, Who Was Betraying Him, Was Also Standing With Them.
6 When Jesus Said To Them, “I Am He”, They Went Backwards , (Drew Back, Lurched Backward), And Fell To The Ground.
7 Then Again He Asked Them, “Whom Are You Seeking?”  And They Said, “Jesus The Nazarene”.
8 Jesus Answered, “I Told You That I Am He. So, If You Want Me [If It Is Only I For Whom You Are Looking], Let These Men Go Their Way”.
9 Thus What HE HAD SAID Was Fulfilled And Verified, Of Those Whom You Have Given Me, I Have Not Lost Even One.

Psalm 121:5, 7-8, (WEB) ~
5 I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Keeper, (Hedge Of Protection, Who Preserves You, Body Guard). Yahweh Is Your Shade On Your Right Hand, [The Side Not Carrying A Shield].
6 The Sun Will Not Harm You By Day, Nor The Moon By Night.
7 Yahweh Will Keep, {Preserve ~ KJV}, You From ALL Evil.  He Will Keep, {Preserve ~ KJV}, Your Soul, (WEB).
8 Yahweh Will Keep Your Going Out And Your Coming In, From This Time Forth, And Forevermore.

These Are Great Promises To Mix Your Faith With Going On A Trip, Yahweh Will Keep Me, Keep My Luggage From Getting Lost, Keep My Reservations…

Isaiah 26:3 ~ You Will Guard Him And Keep Them In Perfect And Constant Peace Whose Mind [Both Its Inclination And Its Character] Is Stayed On You, Because He Commits Himself To You, Leans On You, And Hopes Confidently In You.

Numbers 6:24-26, (WEB) ~
24 ‘Yahweh Bless You, And Keep You.
25 Yahweh Make His Face To Shine On You, And Be Gracious To You.
26 Yahweh Lift Up His Face Toward You, And Give You Peace.


Yahweh Will Keep Us

2 Timothy 1:12 ~ For The Which Cause I Also Suffer These Things: Nevertheless I Am Not Ashamed: For I Know Whom I Have Believed, And Am Persuaded That He Is Able To Keep That Which I Have Committed Unto Him Against That Day.

James 4:7 ~ Submit Yourselves Therefore To God. Resist The Devil, And He Will Flee From You.

Luke 13:1-5 ~ If You Don’t Repent And Give Yahweh An Opportunity To Protect You, This Could Happen To You Also.

2 Corinthians 4:4 ~ Satan Is The God Of This World And Unless You Are “Kept By Yahweh”, You Can Be Taking Out Anytime.

Job 1:1-5 ~ The Complete Word Study Dictionary By Dr. Spiros Zodhiates, Says That The Word Used For “Perfect”, ({Strong’s Concordance # OT:5485); Is Defined As: An Adjective Meaning Integrity, Completeness. This Is A Rare, Almost Exclusively Poetic Term Often Translated Perfect But Not Carrying The Sense Of Totally Free From Fault, Does Not Mean “Mistake Free”, {It Has To Do With Your Heart… For Yahweh’s Eyes Run Back And Forth Throughout The Whole Earth, To Show Himself Strong In The Behalf Of Them Whose Heart Is “Perfect” Toward Him, (2 Chronicles 16:9).  You Can Do A Lot Of Dumb Stuff, But Your Heart Can Be Perfect.  On The Other Hand, You Do Things Exactly Technically Right, But Your Heart May Not Be Right}.

2 Timothy 3:16 ~All Scripture Is God-Breathed And Is Useful For Teaching, Rebuking, Correcting And Training In Righteousness”… So, If It’s In The Scriptures, Then It Is Important For Us To Know And If It Is Omitted, {Like Whatever Yahoshua Wrote In The Sand When The Woman Was Caught In Adultery; (John 8:1–11)}, Then It Is Unimportant For Us To Know.  Personally, I Feel Yahoshua Was Probably Just Doodling In The Sand To Buy Time As He Said, “I Do Not Speak Of My Own Authority, But Whatever I Hear The Father Speak”, (John 5:19; John 12:49), To Hear What The Father Was Saying To Reply, And While They Looked Over His Shoulders.

“So That This Man, [Job] Was The Greatest Of All The People Of The East”, (Job 1:3 Is Included In The Scriptures, So This Is An Important Piece Of Information).  d-Evil One Hates A Man or A Woman Of Yahweh, But Much More So, d—Evil One Hates A Rich And Influential Man or Woman Of Yahweh.

It May Be That My Sons & Daughters Have Sinned (Very Significant Fear Walk), (Job 1:5).  d—Evil One’s Plans Are Revealed, “The Thief Comes Only To Steal And Kill And Destroy”, (John 10:10).  d—Evil One Is Trying To Get Job To Destroy Himself~!

“Whatever You Bind On Earth Shall Be Bound In Heaven, And Whatever You Loose On Earth Shall Be Loosed In Heaven”, (Matthew 18:18).  So Much Of The Stuff That We Encounter, WE Have Control Over.

Job 1:6-7 ~ 6 Now There Was A Day When The Sons Of God Came To Present Themselves Before Yahweh, And Satan Also Came Among Them. 7 Yahweh Said To Satan, “From Where Have You Come?” Satan Answered Yahweh And Said, “From Going To And Fro On The Earth, And From Walking Up And Down On It”.  Compare That To The New Testament, “Your Adversary, The Devil, Walks Around Like A Roaring Lion, Seeking Whom He May Devour”, (1 Peter 5:8).

Job 1:8 ~ 8 And Yahweh Said To Satan, “Have You Considered My Servant Job, That There Is None Like Him On The Earth, A Blameless And Upright Man, Who Fears God And Turns Away From Evil?” This Has Been Translated Wrong.  In The Hebrew, It Probably Should Have Read, “Have You Set Your Sight On Job”.  “You Got Your Eye On Job”.  “Have You Got Your Heart On Job?”

Job 1:9-10 ~ 9 Then Satan Answered Yahweh And Said, “Does Job Fear God For No Reason?  10 Have You Not Put A “Hedge” Around Him And His House And All That He Has, On Every Side?  You Have Blessed The Work Of His Hands, And His Possessions Have Increased In The Land”.

d—Evil One Had Been Checking Out Job Going To And Fro Like A Cat Trying To Find A Way In, But Kept Running Into This Hedge.  d—Evil One Cannot Do What He Wants To Do.  He Couldn’t Get Access, So He’s Trying To Get That Force Removed.  Trying To Build A Case Against Job, To Get Job Judged To Turn The Power Off, So d—Evil One Can Get To Him.  d—Evil One wants The Hedge Taken Down.  Can The “Hedge” Be Removed?  Yes, It Can.

Psalm 80:12-13 ~ 12 Why Have You Broken Down Her “Hedges”, So That All Who Pass By The Way Pluck Her Fruit?  13 The Boar Out Of The Woods Uproots It, And The Wild Beast Of The Field Devours It.

Psalm 89:40-41 ~ 40 You Have Broken Down All His “Hedges”; You Have Brought His Strongholds To Ruin. 41 All Who Pass By The Way Plunder Him; He Is A Reproach To His Neighbors.

Isaiah 5:5-6 ~ 5 And Now, Please Let Me Tell You What I Will Do To My Vineyard: I Will Take Away Its “Hedge”, And It Shall Be Burned; And Break Down Its Wall, And It Shall Be Trampled Down. 6 I Will Lay It Waste; It Shall Not Be Pruned or Dug, But There Shall Come Up Briers And Thorns.  I Will Also Command The Clouds That They Rain No Rain On It.

The More We Commit To Him, He Is Able To Keep, (2 Timothy 1:12).  And If We Commit It All To Him, He Is Able To “Keep” It All.

If The Protection Is Removed.  Without The “Hedge”, It’s Easy Pickings.  When You Push Yahweh Away, You Also Push Away His Protection, His Hedge Of Protection.

Even Though Their Real-Life Examples May Be Different Than What We Experience, d—Evil One Is The Same.  The Old Testament May Not Have Been Written About You, But For You.

1 Corinthians 10:6-13 ~ 6 Now These Things Became Our Examples, To The Intent That We Should Not Lust After Evil Things As They Also Lusted. 7 And Do Not Become Idolaters As Were Some Of Them.  As It Is Written, “The People Sat Down To Eat And Drink, And Rose Up To Play”. 8 Nor Let Us Commit Sexual Immorality, As Some Of Them Did, And In One Day Twenty-Three Thousand Fell; 9 Nor Let Us Tempt Christ, As Some Of Them Also Tempted, And Were Destroyed By Serpents; 10 Nor Murmur or Complain, As Some Of Them Also Complained, And Were Destroyed By The Destroyer. 11 Now All These Things Happened To Them As Examples, And They Were Written For Our Admonition, Upon Whom The Ends Of The Ages Have Come. 12 Therefore Let Him Who Thinks He Stands Take Heed Lest He Fall. 13 No Temptation Has Overtaken You Except Such As Is Common To Man; But God Is Faithful, Who Will Not Allow You To Be Tempted Beyond What You Are Able, But With The Temptation Will Also Make The Way Of Escape, That You May Be Able To Bear It.

1 Corinthians 10:9-10 ~ 9 Nor Let Us Tempt Christ, As Some Of Them Also Tempted, And Were Destroyed By Serpents; 10 Nor Murmur or Complain, As Some Of Them Also Complained, And Were Destroyed By The Destroyer.

Complaining, Murmuring, Grumbling, Griping, {All The Same Thing}, Gets You Destroyed~!

What Did Job Do Continually?  “Oh, They Are Having Another Party, It Ain’t No Telling What My Kids Are Doing”, (d—Evil One Was Able To Make A Case Out Of This To Get Access To Job, Because It’s Coupled To Fear).  Fear Is The Opposite Of Faith, And Faith Is Trust.  You Cannot Complain In Faith.  Do Not Murmur Like They Murmured, Because They Got Destroyed.

Job 3:1-13 ~ 1 After This Job Opened His Mouth’ And Cursed The Day Of His Birth. 2 And Job Spoke, And Said: 3 “May The Day Perish On Which I Was Born, And The Night In Which It Was Said, ’A Male Child Is Conceived.’ 4 May That Day Be Darkness; May God Above Not Seek It, Nor The Light Shine Upon It. 5 May Darkness And The Shadow Of Death Claim It; May A Cloud Settle On It; May The Blackness Of The Day Terrify It. 6 As For That Night, May Darkness Seize It; May It Not Rejoice Among The Days Of The Year, May It Not Come Into The Number Of The Months. 7 Oh, May That Night Be Barren~!  May No Joyful Shout Come Into It~! 8 May Those Curse It Who Curse The Day, Those Who Are Ready To Arouse Leviathan. 9 May The Stars Of Its Morning Be Dark; May It Look For Light, But Have None, And Not See The Dawning Of The Day; 10 Because It Did Not Shut Up The Doors Of My Mother’s Womb, Nor Hide Sorrow From My Eyes. 11 “Why Did I Not Die At Birth?  Why Did I Not Perish When I Came From The Womb?” 12 Why Did The Knees Receive Me? or Why The Breasts, That I Should Nurse? 13 For Now I Would Have Lain Still And Been Quiet, I Would Have Been Asleep; Then I Would Have Been At Rest”.

Is That Murmuring, (It Is).  Is This Positive?  Is This Faith?  No, Job Is Complaining And His “Hedge” Has Been Removed.  Job Is Being Eloquent About Saying, “I Wish I Had Never Been Born”.

They Were Destroyed By The Destroyer, They Murmured, They Grumbled, They Griped, They Complained.  If You Do This Enough And Grumble As A Lifestyle, You Will Forfeit Your Protection And Expose Yourself To An Attack By d—Evil One.

Job 3:20, 23, 25 ~ 20 “Why Is Light Given To Them Who Are In Misery, And Life To The Bitter Of Soul, 23 Why Is Light Given To A Person Whose Way Is Hidden, And Whom Yahweh Has “Hedged” In? 25 For The Thing I Greatly Feared Has Come Upon Me, And What I Dreaded Has Happened To Me”.

That’s Fear Talking And Working Just Like Faith Does But Bringing About What Was In Job’s Heart And Now Coming Out Of His Mouth.  That’s How Both Fear And Faith Work.

How Did Job’s “Hedge” Get Removed?  Did He Have Anything To Do With It?  Well, We Have New Testament Scripture That Tells Us; Warns Us Do Not “Murmur” As They Did, Because It Caused Them To Get Destroyed By The Destroyer.  Murmuring Is not Innocent, It’s Not A Nothing Thing.  You Can’t Be In Faith About A Thing And Be Grumbling And Complaining And Murmuring About That Thing, And If We Persist In Doing It, We Can Forfeit Our Own Divine Protection.  And Without His Protection, How Long Did It Take For d—Evil One To Come In And Start Wiping Out?  Yahweh Was Not Against Job.  Never Was.

Exodus 23:20-22
20 Behold, I Send An Angel Before You To Keep And Guard You On The Way And To Bring You To The Place I Have Prepared.
21 Give Heed To Him, Listen To And Obey His Voice; Be Not Rebellious Before Him or Provoke Him, For He Will Not Pardon Your Transgression; For My Name Is In Him.
22 But If You Will Indeed Listen To And Obey His Voice And All That I Speak, Then I Will Be An Enemy To Your Enemies And An Adversary To Your Adversaries.

The Hedge Is Yahweh’s Garrison Of Angels Surrounding Job And His Property.  It Might Be That It Was Just One Angel Who Is The Guardian, But, If Yahweh Said That “The Hedge” Consisted On Only One Angel, We Probably Would Think That’s Not Enough… But It Only Took One Angel To Wipe Out 185,000 Men~!  2 Kings 19:35:And That Night, Yahweh’s Angel Went Out, And Struck 185,000 In The Camp Of The Assyrians~!   So, This Was Not A Hedge Of Spiky Holly To Keep The Deer From Eating Its Berries Nor A Barricade Of Rocks Piled High With Thistles On Top.  Naw, Satan Could Easily Navigate Through Physical Stuff.  The Only Force That Could Have Stopped Him Would Be An Angelic Force, or Even One Angel, (Psalm 34:7; Ephesians 6:12; Daniel 10:13).

Can You See What Yahweh Did For Job?  Even When d—Evil One Was Able To Get A Judgment Against Job Because Of What He Was Saying And  Doing, But Yahweh Would Say, Ok, But You Can’t Touch This..  This Is As Far As You Can Go.

In The End, Job Had To Repent Of Saying Wrong Things:
Job 42:3-6 ~ 3 You Asked, ‘Who Is This Who Hides Counsel Without Knowledge?’ Therefore I Have Uttered What I Did Not Understand, Things Too Wonderful For Me, Which I Did Not Know. 4 Listen, Please, And Let Me Speak; You Said, ‘I Will Question You, And You Shall Answer Me.’ 5 “I Have Heard Of You By The Hearing Of The Ear, But Now My Eye Sees You. 6 Therefore I Abhor Myself, And Repent In Dust And Ashes”.

Fear-Based Murmuring Can Get Your Protection Removed.  If The Wall Can Be Brought Down, It Can Be Brought Back Up.  What Is Yahoshua’s Solution?  To Repent.  Unless, You Should Repent, You Should All Likewise Perish, (Luke 13:3, 5).  There Will Be A Time That You Have To Bite Your Lip.  Evil Influences Are Pushing You To Judge Them, To Talk Bad About The Situation, To Curse Them.  Why?  Because That Is The Only Way d—Evil One Can Get To You~!  If d—Evil One Can’t Get You To Remove Your Hedge, He Can’t Get To You.  Let’s Keep d—Evil One On The Outside Looking In, Wanting To Get In, Trying To Get In.

Doubt Despairs, Complains And Is Sad; But Faith Rejoices, Gives Thanks And Is Glad~!

If We’ll Stay Tight With Yahweh And Close To Him.  If We Can Stay In Faith, And Trust Him And Order Our Mouth’ Aright, (Psalm 50:23), He Can Keep Us.  Not Because We’re So Perfect, Because We Believed What He Said, And We Got A Hold Of Our Mouth’, (Psalm 141:3; Psalm 63:5; Hebrews 13:15).

Though A Thousand Fall At One Side With COVID, And 10,000 On The Other, But It Won’t Come Near Me Nor My Family, (Psalm 91:6-7).

2 Peter 3:9 ~ Yahweh Is Not Slack Concerning His Promise, As Some Count Slackness, But Is Longsuffering Toward Us, Not Willing That Any Should Perish But That All Should Come To Repentance.

According To 1 Corinthians 10:6-13, If We Are Smart, We Will Learn From This..  Order Our Mouth’ Aright, 1 Peter 3:10 For, “They Who Would Love Life And See Good Days, Let Them Refrain Their Tongue From Evil, And Their Lips From Speaking Deceit, {No Guile, Speaking Lies}, (Proverbs 18:20-21; Matthew 12:37; Psalm 34:12-13; 1 Peter 3:10).

These Notes Came From The Series That Is Called, “The Lord My Keeper”, By Keith Moore. This Whole Series Can Be Downloaded From Brother Keith Moore’s Website.  If You Are Interested In Viewing or Sharing This Sermon.  Here Is The Link To Find This Clip, This Sermon Is Entitled: “Pt. 5 - The Hedge Of Protection” ~ The Lord My Keeper.  Brother Keith Moore Has Made His Material For Free, And It Can Be Found At The Faith Life Church Website.  More Life Church.


What To Declare ~ Prayer

Whenever My Wife And I Go Anywhere, We Open The Scriptures To Psalm 121:5-8, And We Read These Scriptures Out Loud Together, {Personalizing It From, “Your” To, “Our”, etc.}. 

Psalm 121:5-8, (WEB) ~
5 I Am Yahweh Who Is Our Keeper, (Hedge Of Protection, Who Preserves You, Body Guard). Yahweh Is Our Shade On Our Right Hand.
6 The Sun Will Not Harm Us By Day, Nor The Moon By Night.
7 Yahweh Will Keep. {Preserve}, Us From ALL Evil.  He Will Keep. {Preserve}, Our Soul, (WEB).
8 Yahweh Will Keep Our Going Out And Your Coming In, From This Time Forth, And Forevermore.

We Stand In Our Living Room or The Kitchen or Bedroom And Declare Out Loud, “Based On The Word Of Yahweh In Psalm 121:5-8, I Believe I Receive, (Mark 11:24), _______ {Us}, Making A Safe Trip Without Incident To ____________, And Being Brought Back Here To This Very Spot In Complete Safety Without Incident Where We Will Embrace In Gratitude.  So, We Express Our Thankfulness Now For The Safe Return”.   Then We Hug~!  Sealed With A Kiss.  It’s A Lock.  If Ever We Worry, We Go Back To Psalm 121:5-8 And Read It Again~!  In Fact, Notice What Psalm 91:5-8 Says, {Five Is The Number For Grace, And Eight Is The Number For New Beginnings}.  Deuteronomy 28:7, 10.


Receiving One Another

Yahoshua, {Jesus}, Tells Us That, “Whoever Will Receive One Such Little Child In My Name Receives Me”, (Matthew 18:5), And Later On Jesus Says, “Whenever We You Do Something To One Of The Least Of These My Brothers, You Did It To Me”, (Matthew 25:40)… So When We Love One Another, We Are Loving Yahoshua.  This Same Concept Is Given In 1 John 4:20-21.

20 If A Person Says, “I Love God”, And Hates Their Sister or Brother, They Are A Liar; For They Who Does Not Love Their Sister or Brother Whom They Have Seen, How Can They Love God Whom They Have Not Seen?
21 This Commandment We Have From Him, That They Who Love God Should Also Love Their Sister or Brother.

  • Matthew 10:40 ~ He Who Receives You Receives Me, And He Who Receives Me Receives Him Who Sent Me.

  • Matthew 10:41 ~ He Who Receives A Prophet In The Name Of A Prophet Will Receive A Prophet’s Reward: And He Who Receives A Righteous Person In The Name Of A Righteous Man Will Receive A Righteous Person’s Reward.

  • Matthew 10:42 ~ Whoever Gives One Of These Little Ones Just A Cup Of Cold Water To Drink, In The Name Of A Disciple, Most Assuredly I Tell You He Will In No Way Lose His Reward”.

  • Matthew 18:5 ~ Whoever Will Receive One Such Little Child In My Name Receives Me,

  • Matthew 25:40 ~ The King Will Answer Them, ‘Most Assuredly I Tell You, Inasmuch As You Did It To One Of The Least Of These My Brothers, You Did It To Me.’

  • Matthew 25:45~ Then Will He Answer Them, Saying, ‘Most Assuredly I Tell You, Inasmuch As You Didn’t Do It To One Of These Least, You Didn’t Do It To Me.’

  • Mark 9:37 ~ Whoever Receives One Such Little Child In My Name, Receives Me, And Whoever Receives Me, Doesn’t Receive Me, But Him Who Sent Me.

  • Luke 9:48 ~ And Said To Them, “Whoever Receives This Little Child In My Name Receives Me. Whoever Receives Me Receives Him Who Sent Me. For Whoever Is Least Among You ALL, This One Will Be Great”.

  • John 13:20 ~ Most Assuredly I Tell You, He Who Receives Whoever I Send, Receives Me; And He Who Receives Me, Receives Him Who Sent Me”.

Matthew 10:40-42; Matthew 18:5; Matthew 25:40;
Matthew 25:45; Mark 9:37; Luke 9:48; John 13:20, (WEB)


Poured Out, Emptied

As I Was Pondering My Own Inefficacies To Walk In Love, And How The People I’m Showing Love To Always Want To Push Me Just One More Step… Three Words Came To My Mind, “Poured Out” And, “Emptied ”, And I Search These Three Words And Saw Where Yahoshua Was Not Just, “Poured” But Always Being, “Poured Out”, (or, “Emptied”).  Even The Holy Ghost Was, “Poured Out”.  We Get ALL Of The Holy Ghost, Nothing Held Back, (Romans 5:5).  He Pours Out Of Himself Until We Get Every Last Drop~!

John 12:3-7
3 Then Mary Took A Litra¤ Of Very Costly Oil Of Spikenard, Anointed The Feet Of Jesus, And Wiped His Feet With Her Hair. And The House Was Filled With The Fragrance Of The Oil.
4 But One Of His Disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s Son, Who Would Betray Him, Said,
5 “Why Was This Fragrant Oil Not Sold For Three Hundred Denarii And Given To The Poor?”
6 This He Said, Not That He Cared For The Poor, But Because He Was A Thief, And Had The Money Box; And He Used To Take What Was Put In It.
7 But Jesus Said, “Let Her Alone; She Has Kept This For The Day Of My Burial”.

¤ How Much Volume Was “A Litra Of A Very Costly Oil Of Spikenard?”  Litran, The Original Greek Word Of Latin Origin That Is Translated “A Litra”, Means A Roman Pound, Which Is Equivalent To 329 Grams [11.6 Ounces], Which Is Just A Bit Smaller/Lighter Than A Can Of Soda. How Costly Was This Litra Of Spikenard Mary Used To Anoint Jesus’ Feet?  One Denarius Was The Wage For One Day’s Labor; So If Judas’ Estimate Of The Value Of Mary’s Spikenard Is Correct, “Three Hundred Denarii” …Would Have Been Someone’s Annual Salary, Equivalent To Several Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars Today.  In 2019, The Average Income Of A U.S. Citizen Was $35,977, And Considering There Are 365 Days In A Year So 365 Hundred Denarii Would Be Closer To Year’s Wages And By Dividing $35,977 By The Same Percentage, (300/365 = 0.82191) Would Make This Spikenard Cost Approximately $29,570.14 In Today’s Values.  The Litra Of Spikenard Mary Used Was Indeed “Very Costly”.  I Think It Is Significant To Note That This Incident Was Recorded In All Four Gospels… So, It Must Have Made An Impression~!

(Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9;
Luke 7:36-50 And John 12:1-8

As I Read The Passage Of Scripture About The Woman That Came Having An Alabaster Flask Of Very Costly Oil Of Spikenard And Poured It On Yahoshua.

I Felt This In My Spirit.  Sometimes Each Of Us, Has To Be Reminded That Love Never Fails , {Including Yahoshua When He Walked On The Earth, (Philippians 2:6-7)}; And Just As She Poured Out This Costly, Precious To Her, Oil, That She Poured It Out Completely , (She Didn’t Hold Back or Save Any At ALL)~!  So, This Woman’s Act Of Pouring Out Oil On Yahoshua May Have Meant More To Him Than We Have First Realized.  We Have Proof At Gethsemane That He Was Wondering If There Was Any Other WayIn This Sacrificial Act By This Woman, Yahoshua May Have Been Reminded That His Purpose Was To Empty Himself, To Pour Himself Out Like A Drink Offering.

We Don’t Usually Connect The Dots, Because We Read It As, “The Mount Of Olives”, Like It’s Just A Name Of A Place.  However, The Garden At Gethsemane, A Place Whose Name Literally Means “Oil Press”, And Is Located On A Slope Of The Mount Of Olives Just Across The Kidron Valley From Jerusalem.  In Fact Gethsemane Was An Olive Grove Where Olive Trees Are Grown And The Olive Berries, {To Make Olive Oil, The Fruit Must Be Squeezed, (Crushed), Completely To Extract Out ALL The Oil}, And This Location Was Probably Chosen To Help Yahoshua Realize What Was Being Asked Of Him~!

“Yahoshua Was On The Mount Of Olives, Where He Sweat Great Drops Of Blood And Surrendered His Will To Abba’s Will As He Travailed In Communication With Yahweh, (Prayer), (Luke 22:43–44).

See Also: Matthew 26:7; Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; Acts 2:33;
Acts 10:45; Romans 5:5; Philippians 2:7; Philippians 2:17

It Is Always Exciting To Hear How The Christians In That Day Were Told To “Gird Up The Loins Of Their Mind”, (1 Peter 1:13); And To Realize That The Men Wore What Would Be To Us Like A Long Dress, And So To Run A Footrace, They Literally Would Grid Up Their Gowns Around Their Waist.  However, The Problem With This Mental Image Is That We Men Don’t Wear Long Robes Today, And So We Put An Umbrella Over Our Head And Say That Applied To Them And Does Not Include Me.

In The Same Way, It’s Pretty Awesome To See How Yahoshua Was Shown The Solution At The Very Location Of His Prayer Inquiry, (Matthew 26:39; Luke 22:42), And That What Was Being Asked Of Him Was To Be Poured Out, Emptied… Crushed … But, How Does That Apply To Us?  Matthew 10:39 ~ He Who Seeks His Life Will Lose It; And He Who Loses His Life For My Sake Will Find It.  Do You Think That This Has Anything To Do With Love?


Love Never Fails
1 Corinthians 13:1-8, 13)

  1. IF I [Can] Speak In The Tongues Of Men And [Even] Of Angels, But Have Not Love (That Reasoning, Intentional, Spiritual Devotion Such As Is Inspired By Yahweh’s Love For And In Us), I Am Only A Noisy Gong or A Clanging Cymbal.

  2. And If I Have Prophetic Powers (The Gift Of Interpreting The Divine Will And Purpose), And Understand ALL The Secret Truths And Mysteries And Possess ALL Knowledge, And If I Have [Sufficient] Faith So That I Can Remove Mountains, But Have Not Love (Yahweh’s Love In Me) I Am Nothing (A Useless Nobody).

  3. Even If I Give ALL That I Have [To The Poor In Providing] Food, And If I Surrender My Body To Be Burned or In Order That I May Glory, But Have Not Love (Yahweh’s Love In Me), I Gain Nothing.

  4. Love Endures Long And Is Patient And Kind; Love Never Is Envious Nor Boils Over With Jealousy, Is Not Boastful or Vainglorious, Does Not Display Itself Haughtily.

  5. It Is Not Conceited (Arrogant And Inflated With Pride); It Is Not Rude (Unmannerly) And Does Not Act Unbecomingly.  Love (Yahweh’s Love In Us) Does Not Insist On Its Own Rights or Its Own Way, For It Is Not Self-Seeking; It Is Not Touchy or Fretful or Resentful; It Takes No Account Of The Evil Done To It [It Pays No Attention To A Suffered Wrong].

  6. It Does Not Rejoice At Injustice And Unrighteousness, But Rejoices When Right And Truth Prevail.

  7. Love Bears Up Under Anything And Everything That Comes, Is Ever Ready To Believe The Best Of Every Person, Its Hopes Are Fadeless Under ALL Circumstances, And It Endures Everything [Without Weakening].

  8. Love NEVER FAILS [Never Fades Out or Becomes Obsolete or Comes To An End]. As For Prophecy (The Gift Of Interpreting The Divine Will And Purpose), It Will Be Fulfilled And Pass Away; As For Tongues, They Will Be Destroyed And Cease; As For Knowledge, It Will Pass Away [It Will Lose Its Value And Be Superseded By Truth].

  1. And Now Abides Faith, Hope, Love, These Three; But The Greatest Of These Is Love~!



Prayer Of Faith For Grace

In Yahoshua’s Name, I Make A Fresh And Strong Commitment Today To Live The Life Of Love, To Let The Tenderness Of Yahweh Flow Through Me And Heal The Wounded Hearts Of Those I Meet.

Father Teach Me To Love Even When Things Go Wrong.  To Be Patient And Kind.  To Overlook Spiteful Words.  To Rejoice When Another Person Gets Promoted Instead Of Me Or My Family Or Friends.

Teach Me To Talk In Love, To Lay Gossip Quietly Aside And To Take Up Words Of Grace Instead.

Yahweh, Your Word Says That Your Love Is Already Inside Us… That This Love Has Been Shed Abroad In Our Heart, (Romans 5:5).  This Agape Love Is The First Fruits Of The Spirit, (Galatians 5:22-23).

So, Today I Resolve To Remove Every Obstacle That Would Keep The Love Of Yahweh From Flowing Freely Into The Lives Of Others.  I Put Resentments Behind Me, And I Gladly And Cheerfully Forgive ALL Those Who’ve Done Me Wrong, Knowing Also How Great A Pardon I Have Received From Yahweh. “Set A Guard, O Yahweh, Before My ‘Mouth’; Keep Watch At The Door Of My Lips, (Psalm 141:3).


The Spiritual Gift Of “Helps” Is Only Found In (1 Corinthians 12:28); Therefore, It Is Said That The Exact Meaning Of The “Gift Of Helps” Is Somewhat Obscure.

However, I Have A Different Opinion About The Gift Of “Helps”.  I Think The Gift Of “Helps” Is Helping Someone At The Time They Are In Need And It Might Be Helping Them Change A Flat Tire or Give Them A Jump On Their Battery or Escorting Them To Their Car With An Umbrella When It Is Raining or Helping Them Clean The House Or Mow The Lawn.  So The “Gift Of Helps” Can Be Doing A Lot Of Different Things And The Definition Of “Helps” Couldn’t Just Be Specified To One Subject, So It All Falls Under The Umbrella Called The “Gift Of Helps”.

So, My Point Is This: It May Interrupt Your Plans To Help Them Right Now, But “When Folks Need Help Is When Folks Need Help”, and It Will Probably Require Walking In Love, (Dying To or Denying Self).

Consider Praying This Prayer Of Faith:

O Yahweh In Heaven, I Commit Myself Today To Develop My Faith In Your Love.  I Commit Myself To Your Word, To Be Pleasing Unto You—To Walk In Love, “Even As” Yahoshua Walked.  I Make The Quality Decision Now To Win Love, Talk In Love, Think In Love And Respond To ALL Things In Love No Matter What Time Or How Inconvenient It Is For Me To Do So.  I Renounce Selfishness In The Name Of Yahoshua.  It Has No Part In Me.  I Am Born Of Love, So I Will Walk In Love.

By Faith, I Put My Trust In The Grace Of Yahweh To Make This So In My Life,
(Ephesians 2:8; Philippians 1:6).



Yahoshua Was A Pretty Normal Happy Guy

Looking Away [From ALL That Will Distract] To Yahoshua, Who Is The Leader And The Source Of Our Faith [Giving The First Incentive For Our Belief] And Is Also Its Finisher [Bringing It To Maturity And Perfection].  He, For The Joy [Of Obtaining The Prize] That Was Set Before Him, Endured The Cross, Despising And Ignoring The Shame, And Is Now Seated At The Right Hand Of The Throne Of Yahweh. Hebrews 12:2.

“This Is What The Love Of God Can Do”


He Can Make A Way Where There Isn’t A Way, That’s What The Love Of God Can Do.
Everything Can Start, New Every Day, That’s What The Love Of God Can Do

And The Whole World Changed, When Love Stepped In That’s What The Love Of God Can Do.
Hearts To Save/Change, And A World To Win That’s What The Love Of God Can Do

Love Flies Higher, Walks Through Fire
Doesn’t Change From Day Today
If It’s Really Love, It Just Won’t Give Up
Love Will Never Pass Away
(Repeat Verse)

Love Is Patient, Love Is Kind
If Someone Else Wins, Love Doesn’t Mind
Love Believes And Love Forgives
And God Is The Start Of ALL Of This.
(Repeat Verse)

When We Don’t Walk In Love, Which Results In Strife, And We Stop ‘The Joy Of Yahweh, (Which Is Our Strength), And We Frustrate’, (To Nullify, To Make Void or Invalid, To ‘Short Circuit’), ‘The Grace Of Yahweh’, And A ‘Root Of Bitterness’ Springs Forth And Many Are Defiled, (Nehemiah 8:10; Galatians 2:21; Hebrews 12:15; James 3:16).  Strife Never Just Ends With Someone Getting The Best Of The Other Person.  When Someone Feels That They Are Hurt, (Real or Perceived), They Feel That They Have To Hurt Back; But, Since The Pain Is Still There; They Want To Cause Harm One Step More.  Strife Always Escalates, (If You Can Relate, You Might Want To Enter Here To Buy, “Hurt People, Hurt People” By Sandra D. Wilson).

Or Enter Here To Purchase Charles R. Solomon’s, “The Handbook To Happiness” or, “The Rejection Syndrome” or, “Handbook To Acceptance”.

Enter Here For A Lifetime Guarantee By Bill Gillham, “Lifetime Guarantee

Strife Always Escalates Unless One Of The Parties or Both Walk In Love And Die To Self And Having Their Own Way.

To See More Of My Findings On These Other Forms Of Love, Click On These Links Below:

Enter Here To See More On Strife.

Enter Here For Another Read On Being Offended.

There Is No Fear In Love; But Perfected Love Casts Out Fear: Because Fear Has Torment.  He That Fears Is Not Made Perfect In Love~ {1 John 4:16-18}.

We Are Made In The Image Of God And Our Heavenly Fathers Sings

Zephaniah 3:17
“Yahweh, Your God, Is Among You, A Mighty One Who Will Save.  He Will Rejoice Over You With Joy.  He Will Calm You In His Love.  He Will Rejoice Over You With Singing~!”

There Is No Fear In Love; But Perfected Love Casts Out Fear: Because Fear Has Torment He That Fears Is Not Made Perfect In Love” ~ {1 John 4:16-18}.



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