The Anointing


Isaiah 10:27
And It Shall Come To Pass In That Day, That The Burden Shall Be Taken Away From Off Your Shoulder And The Yoke From Off Your Neck, And The Yoke Shall Be Destroyed Because Of The Anointing.


The Anointing


Declarations References
I Lay My Hands On Myself, And I Stir Up The Gift, (Cháris, Strong’s Concordance # 5485), That Is Within Me.  I Love Life, I Am Excited, I Am Enthusiastic~!  I Love Righteousness And I Hate Wickedness; Therefore The God Who Is My Exceeding Joy, Has Anointed Me With The Oil Of Joy Above My Companions.  I Walk Within My House In The Integrity Of My Heart.

I Set No Wicked Thing Before My Eyes.  I Hate The Work Of Them That Turn Aside; It Shall Not Cleave To Me.  I Put On Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, And Make No Provision For The Flesh.  I Walk In The Spirit Not Obeying The Lusts Of The Flesh Nor Grieving The Holy Ghost; Whereby I Am Sealed Unto The Day Of Redemption.

2 Timothy 1:6; Psalm 45:7;
Hebrews 1:9; Psalm 101:2-3;
Galatians 5:16; Romans 8:4,9;
Romans 13:14; Galatians 5:24-25;
2 Corinthians 5:15; 1 John 2:5-6;
Ephesians 4:30

The Spirit Of Yahweh Is In Me And Upon Me And Has Anointed Me.  I Am Anointed With Burden Removing, Yoke Destroying Power Of God.  No Burden or Yoke Does Exist In My Life.  I Am Anointed To Speak The Words Fitly Spoken At Just The Right Time That Are Like Apples Of Gold In Settings Of Silver, That Avails Much~!

2 Corinthians 1:21-22; Isaiah 10:27;
Proverbs 25:11; Proverbs 15:23






Breaks The Yolk,
(Of Bondage)


Declarations References
I Have An Unction And An Anointing From Yahweh, Who Is The God Of Knowledge, And I Know ALL Things, And I Abide In Christ.  The Anointing Teaches Me ALL Things, Guides Me Into ALL The Truth, And Brings ALL Things To My Remembrance.  I Have The Anointing Of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, The Fear Of Yahweh, And The Spirit Of Yahweh Upon Me.  I Know No One After The Flesh, And I Judge Not By The Sight Of My Eyes, Nor Decide By The Hearing Of My Ears.  I Do Not Lean To My Own Understanding. 1 John 2:10; 1 John 2:27;
John 16:13; John 14:26;
Isaiah 11:1-3; Proverbs 3:5
My Partner, The Holy Ghost Works With Me And He Manifests Himself In My Life.  The Word Of Wisdom, Word Of Knowledge, Faith, Gifts Of Healings, The Working Of Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning Of Spirits, Divers, (Calling Into Existence, New), Kinds Of Tongues, And Interpretation Of Tongues Work In My Life. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

See Also:

Have What You Say~! & Goldmine

I Am Anointed To Preach The Gospel To The Poor, To Heal The BrokenHearted, To Preach Deliverance To The Captives, And The Recovery Of Sight To The Blind, To Set At Liberty Them That Are Bruised, or Oppressed or Downtrodden, And To Preach The Acceptable Year Of Yahweh~!     Because I Am Anointed; I Go About Doing Good, Healing ALL That Are Oppressed Of d—Evil One.  These Signs Follow Me; Because I Believe In The Name Of Yahoshua, I Cast Out Devils, I Speak With New Tongues And No Deadly Thing Shall Harm Me.  I Lay Hands On The Sick, And They Are Made Whole. Luke 4:18-19; Acts 10:38;
Mark 16:17-18





Take Offense

The Biggest d—Evil One’s Bunch On Earth At This Last Hour Is Not Temptation To Drink, or To Murder or To Chew Tobacco, or To Commit Adultery.  By Far, I Feel In My Heart That The Thing That’s Pulling Down The Most Of Us.  It Is Being Offended,  And To Cause Strife.

Those Other Sins Are The Result Of Us, Taking Offense And Then We Are No Longer Submitting To God And Resisting d—Evil One Causing Him To Flee, But We Are Submitting To d—Evil One And Inviting Him In To Camp With Us, And Resisting Yahweh, (James 4:7).

Matthew 24:10-12
10 And Then Many Will Be ‘Offended’ And Repelled And Will Begin To Distrust And Desert [Him Whom They Ought To Trust And Obey] And Will Stumble And Fall Away And Betray One Another And Pursue One Another With Hatred.
11 And Many False Prophets Will Rise Up And Deceive And Lead Many Into Error.
12 And The Love Of The Great Body Of People Will Grow Cold Because Of The Multiplied Lawlessness And Iniquity,

I Have Been Offered Many Occasions For Stumbling or Opportunities To Be Offended A Lot By Pastors.  Most Women Receive Me, And I Operate And Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Ghost A Lot.  However, I May Not Have Developed In Other Areas As Well, But Praise Yahweh, These Pastors Are Pushing Me Toward The Mark Of The High Calling Of Christ, (Ye-hah~!), (Genesis 50:20).





My Heart Revealed

Once I Went Down Front At A Local Church To Praise & Worship.  I Didn’t Plan On Going ALL The Way Down Front, But Just Close Enough For This Guy To See Me.  I Met Him Prior To Church And He Said That He Would Love To Get More Exercise, And He Was Fit And In Proper Health.  I Said, Why Don’t You Worship More And Then You’d Get Your Exercise.  He Replied Something To The Effect That He Just Didn’t Want To Be The First or The Only One Worshipping.

So, I Tried To Get Close To Him While I Was Dancing To Encourage Him, And Still He Could Not See Me.  The Spot Available Where He Would Be Able To See Me Was Down At The Very Front.  So, I Went Down To The Very Front, Near The Spot Lights, And The TV Cameras.  I Leaped, I Twirled.  I Wasn’t Stumbling, But In High Form Doing The Twirls Coming Off The Ground Without Missing A Beat, (“Hallel” Means To Dance Around, Foolishly To Others, But Tender To The Heart Of Yahweh.  #H2342 = “To Twist or Twirl, To Whirl, Whirl About In A Circular Manner, To Dance”,

(Exodus 15:20; Judges 21:21;
1 Samuel 21:11; Psalm 149:3; Psalm 150:4

Then I Saw One Of The Staff Leaving The Pastor, And Coming Over Towards Me.  I Thought, “Oh, I Hope That He’s Not Coming To Me”.  But, Sure Enough He Was, And The Pastor Had Him To Ask Me To Dance In The Back Of The Church .  Ouch~!  I Was So Embarrassed.  I Wanted To Crawl Under A Rock And Hide, But There Were No Rocks To Hide Under.

My Throat Got Suddenly Very Dry, And I Asked Yahweh If It Would Be Alright To Go Get Some Water, And Yahweh Said That It Would Be Okay.  I Never Wanted To Show My Face There Anymore.  I Tried To Act Like Everything Was Alright, And That I Was Doing Okay.  But, As I Went Out Back To Get The Drink Of Water, I Spied 5 or 7 Women In The Congregation That Were Looking At Me As I Walked By With Much Sorrow In Their Eyes.  I Knew That I Wasn’t Fooling Nobody.  I Was Hurt With Pain.





Presumptuous Sin

So, The Following Weekend My Wife And I Made Reservations And Went Up To A Cabin This Missionary Had Set Up For Anyone That Wanted To Relax For Our Wedding Anniversary.  They Had A Guest Sign-In Book At This Cabin, And In It I Saw Where Both The Pastor Of This Church And The Worship Leader Had Stayed Here Recently Also.

My Wife And I Sang For Over An Hour Just Making Up Songs As We Go Singing To Yahweh In The Spirit.  The Presence Of Yahweh Was So Strong.  And I Felt Yahweh Speaking Softly And Tenderly To Me Telling Me That I Have To Love This Pastor, And Then To Make Matters Worse, Yahweh Informed Me That The Pastor Was Right.

It’s Bad Enough To Be Done Wrong By Someone That You Trust, And Now Yahweh Tells Me That I Have To Love Him.  He Hurt Me.  I Was Wounded.  And Now, To Hear That The Pastor Is Right~!  I Had Done As King David Did Often, And That Was That He Inquired Of Yahweh.

Yahweh Did Not Tell Me To Go Down Front, Not At The First, (But When I Kept Pressing The Issue, Then Yahweh Replied ‘Go’.  Yahweh Allowed Me To Go, (Psalms 81:12), And Knowing The Circumstances That Were To Follow  I Couldn’t See That It Was I That Pressed The Issue To Go Down Front Where I Could Be Seen, (I Thought My Motives Were Pure, But They Were Flawed)~!

Wow~!  Now, I Was Really Having An Opportunity To Get ‘Offended’, And Struggling With The Bait On The Hook.  I Really Wanted To Take ‘Offense’, And Put Up A Wall, “To Make A Fence”, So That I Could Never Be Hurt Like That Again.




Another View Point

I’ll Return Back To The Saga Of The “Woes Of Self-Pity” After These Words From Our Sponsor”.

Luke 17:1 And He Said To The Disciples, “It Is Impossible But That Offenses, (Strong’s Concordance #4625), Will Come.  But Woe To Them Through Whom They Come~!

The Word For ‘Offenses’ Is In The Greek Referenced By A Strong’s Concordance Number That We Can Read The Definitions Of.

In The Greek, The Word For ‘Offenses’ Is ‘Skandalon’, And Is Strong’s Concordance #4625.

Thayer’s Greek English Lexicon Says That #4625 Is,

1) The Movable Stick or Trigger Of A Trap, A Trap Stick
1a) A Trap, Snare

And Here’s How This Verse Is Worded In The UpDated Version

Luke 17:1
And He Said To His Disciples, “It Is Impossible But That Occasions Of Stumbling Should Come; But Woe To Them, Through Whom They Come~!





Occasions Of Stumbling

Okay, Offenses Are Going To Come.  That’s For Sure.  Opportunities For Stumbling Will Present Themselves, ( Warnings Be Issued Out To Those Whom The Offenses Should Come), But That’s Them.  What’s Going To Be Our Response?  How Do We Just Buck Up And Walk In Love At ALL Times   We All Know That They The ‘Done You Wrong Song’; But Inspect Luke 17:3 ~ “Take Heed To Yourselves, That You Don’t Get Snared By The Trap.  Don’t Take The Bait~!

The Disciples Wondered The Same Thoughts.  These Disciples Followed Yahoshua And Watched The Dead Being Raised, The Blind See, The Deaf Hear, And The Lame Walk, But That Never Garnered Them To Ask Yahoshua To Increase Their Faith.  However, What Did It Was This… How Do We
Forgive Someone That Much?  Lord, GIVE US MORE FAITH~!

Luke 17:1-5
1 AND [Jesus] Said To His Disciples, “Temptations, (Snares, Traps Set To Entice To Sin), Are Sure To Come, But Woe To Them By or Through Whom They Come~!
2 It Were Better For Them That A Millstone Were Hanged Around Their Neck And They Were Cast Into The Sea, Than That They Should Offend One Of These Little Ones.
3 Take Heed To Yourselves.  If Your Sister or Brother Trespasses Against You, Rebuke Them.  And If They Repent, Forgive Them.
4 And If They Trespass Against You Seven Times In A Day, And Seven Times In A Day Turns Again To You, Saying, I Repent, You Shall Forgive Them”.
5 And The Apostles Said To The Lord, “Give Us More Faith”~!





What Stops Faith?

Let’s Find Out What Stops Our Faith.  Looking At Mark 4:13, Yahoshua Said, “Do You Not Understand This Parable?  How Will You Understand ALL Of The Parables?”  I Believe That This Parable Is, “The Key That Unlocks The Ways Of Yahweh~!”  Let’s Read On Some More In Mark 4:14-17.

14 The Sower Sows The Word.
15 And These Are Those By The Wayside, Where The Word Is Sown.  And When They Hear, Satan Comes Immediately And Takes Away The Word That Was Sown In Their Hearts.
16 And These Are Those Likewise Being Sown On Stony Places; Who, When They Hear The Word, Immediately Receive It With Gladness, (Joy ~ Greek Word Is Cháris ~ Strong’s Concordance #5479, And Is Translated 51 Times As, Joy, And Only 3 Times As, “Gladness”; This Word Probably Should Have Been Translated As, Joy Here Also).
(Hebrews 4:12)

17 But They Have No Root In Themselves, But Are Temporary.  Afterward When Affliction or Persecution Arises For The Word’s Sake, They Are Immediately ‘Offended’, (Strong’s Concordance #4624).

Here’s Some Key Points.  Persecution Arises For The Word’s Sake.  Was I Wrong To Dance?  In That House, Under Those Circumstances, Apparently So.  But That’s Not The Word That d—Evil One Was Coming After.  I Was Preaching And Teaching How We Are To Be Kind One To Another, And Become Useful And Helpful, TenderHearted (Compassionate, Understanding, Loving-Hearted), Forgiving One Another [Readily And Freely], As God In Christ ForGave You, (Ephesians 4:32).

If d—Evil One Can Get You Off The Word Of Yahweh, (Mark 4:15), You Will Not Reap The Rewards.  And Let Us Not Grow Weary While Doing Good, For In Due Season We Shall Reap If We Do Not Lose Heart. (Galatians 6:9).




Lamentations 3:22-23
22 It Is Because Of Yahweh’s Loving-Kindnesses That We Are Not Consumed, Because His Compassion Doesn’t Fail.
23 They Are New Every Morning.  Great Is Your Faithfulness.

ForGiving” Is For Giving
{Not For Taking}

It Was A Whole Lot Easier To Tell Others To Be TenderHearted, Overlook A Suffered Wrong Than To Be The One On This Side Of The Pouting Lips.  Yes, But I May Have Been Wronged; Perhaps The Pastor Probably Should Not Have Embarrassed Me Publicly, But Taken Me Aside Privately.  Maybe.

Okay, He May or May Not Have Blundered Also.  He May Not Have Perceived That It Would Come Off As It Did, Maybe The Staff Member Was Embarrassed Also, And Said What Was Directed To Him Too Bluntly Towards Me.  No Matter, For Love Covers ALL Wrongs, (Transgressions, Mistakes), (Proverbs 10:12).

However, This Is Between Me And Yahweh.  Will I Forgive Him?  Will I Love This Pastor?  Or Will I Allow It To Steal My Joy, And Joy Is Mentioned Also Here In Mark 4:16.  (Read More On Joy At This Website, And How It’s Connected To The Glory Of Yahweh Showing Up On The Scene And Here’s A Link To More Information About The Glory).

Okay.  Point #2 From Mark 4:17.  I Can Try Not To, Take’ This Personally, And As Such Realize That This Is An Attack d—Evil One Sent For One Purpose Only.  And That Purpose Is To Get Me ‘Offended’, {So That I Will Lose My Joy}.  To Be ‘Offended’, One Must, TakeOffense.

I Waited For The Traffic To Clear, And Then Finally Seeing That There Was Not Going To Be A Break In The Five O’Clock Traffic, I Went.  A Car Coming Head-On At Me Blew Their Horns.  I Could Have, Taken’ The Offense And Just Stopped Right In Front Of Them, Causing Them To Really Have To Hit The Brakes Hard, But The Probable Result Would Be That They Would Hit My Car And We’d Have An Accident.  Offense’ Was Being Offered … Would I Take The Bait?

If I Had, TakenOffense, I’m The One That Would Have Gotten Hurt.  This Is Precisely What d—Evil One Wants Us To Do When We, ‘Take Offense’.  You Do Have To, TakeOffense.  It’s Not Just Inherently Done And Suddenly You’re Offended.  Instead, I Made A Choice Rather Than To, TakeOffense, I Would, ‘Give’ Them Mercy And Grace, And I, ‘ForGave’ Them, {Hint: The Word, ForGive Has, ‘Give’ In It}; And Laughed It Off As Young People Behaving Like Young People or Having A Bad Hair Day, And Remembered ALL The Mistakes That I Had To Mature Through And So Will They.

ForGiving’ Is ‘For GivingThem Love And ‘ForGetting’ About Their Mistakes.  ‘ForGiving’ Is ‘For Giving’.  However, When You Don’t Forgive, Then You Are Holding Back, And That Usually Means, Holding A Grudge, (Hint: Holding To ~ Clinging To, Hanging Onto; Harboring ~ Giving A Place For Un‘ForGiveness’ And Division), And Then Generally From There, You Take’ And What You ‘Take Is Offense’… ‘On Guard’, And Put Up Our Best Fencing Posture And Fall Into d—Evil One Trap.

The Inverse Of Forgiveness Is Harboring An Offense, {Proverbs 17:9 ~ He Who Covers And ‘ForGives’ An Offense Seeks Love, But Whoever Repeats or Harps On A Matter Separates Even Close Friends As Offense Always Escalates Into ‘Strife’}.

Un‘ForGiveness’ Is A Faith Stopper / Anointing Blocker / Healing Obstacle, (Mark 11:25-26) ~ And Whenever You Stand Praying, If You Have Anything Against Anyone, Forgive Them And Let It Drop (Leave It, Let It Go, {Or You’ll Be Frozen}), In Order That Your Father Who Is In Heaven May Also Forgive You Your [Own] Failings And Shortcomings And Let Them Drop.  But If You Do Not Forgive, Neither Will Your Father In Heaven Forgive Your Failings And Shortcomings.  Michigan Psychologist, Christopher Peterson Who Indicated That Forgiveness Is The Trait Most Strongly Linked To Happiness And Fulfillment.

Ever Notice How Closely Fence Is Spelled To ‘Offense’?  When Offense Comes Up Against Us, We Want To Put Up Walls, StrongHolds or A Fence, (OF~Fense).  Whenever A Child Hits Another Child The Impulse For The Injured Child, {1 Corinthians 13:11}, Is To Strike Back And Hit The Other Child Back Even Harder, (As The Injured Child Can Still Feel The Pain From The Blow The Other Child Gave Them). We May Want To Take Up Fencing With Swords To Hurt Them Back~!  However, This Will Only Escalate The Situation And Short Out The Anointing~!  The Only Thing That Will Stop This From Escalating Is One Party Has To Forgive.

ForGive = Mercy, (Ephesians 4:2)
ForGetting Their Mistakes = Grace, (Ephesians 4:29)

They Could Have Slowed To Allow Me In.  It Seemed That All They Were Concerned About Was Themselves, {Maybe, They Were On Their Way To Hospital So I Want To Be Careful About Judging Others}, And d—Evil One Would Have Loved It Had I, ‘Taken Offense’, And Gotten Mad And Chased Them Down.  What If Their Blowing The Horns Had Caused Me To Freeze?  However, It’s Not My Job To Point Out Their Immaturity, Yahweh Will Grow Them Up, Just As He Did For Me.  What If One Day We Met At The Grocery Store, And I Hadn’t ForGave Them?

The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are NOT Carnal’, But Mighty To Yahweh To The Pulling Down Of Strongholds Like The Fruit Of The Spirit Is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, etc.  d—Evil One Cannot Do War Against Love or Joy or Any Of The Other Fruits Of The Spirit~!  Against Such There Is NO LAW ~ d—Evil One Wants To Get You Out Of The Weapons Of Yahweh’s Warfare, (ie… The Fruit Of The Spirit); That Are Not Carnal, And Into STRIFE, Which Is Carnal And Where He Is Practicing Law, (2 Corinthians 10:4-5; Galatians 5:22-23).

So, If We Are To Be The Believers, Then It’s Not Our Part To War Against The Flesh, (In The Fruit Of The Spirit, Against Such There Is NO Law, Meaning That d—Evil One WEAPONS ARE ONLY CARNAL And He Has To Get Us To Enter Into His Arena Of Carnality 1 To Have A Shred Of A Chance For Success).

However, The Only Weapons That The d—Evil One Has Are Only Carnal, (Contentions, Jealousies, Outbursts Of Wrath, Strife, Arguing, Holding A Grudge, Pouting, Being OFFENDED), (Galatians 5:19-21).  So, For d—Evil One To Even Stand A Chance, He Tries To Endeavor To Get Us To Enter Into His Arena, (Proverbs 10:12), ~Hatred Stirs Up Strife, But Love Covers All Sins’}.  d—Evil One Cannot Do War Against Love or Joy or Any Of The Other Fruits Of The Spirit~!

1 Synonyms And Examples Of Carnality.  Debauchery, Hedonism, Lewd, Sensuous, Wanton, Fleshly, Impure, Indecent, Lascivious, Lecherous, Libidinous, Licentious, Lustful, Profane, Salacious, Temporal, Unchaste, Vulgar, Worldly. Words Related To Carnality. Greed, Rapaciousness, Rapacity, Ravenousness. Dissipation, Gluttony, Immoderation, Intemperance, Self-Indulgence.




The Trap  

This Greek Word For ‘Offended’ Used In Mark 4:17 Is Strong’s Concordance Number #4624 And The Other Number Was Strong’s Concordance #4625.  Only One Number Apart From Each Other, So They Are Related Words.

Strong’s Concordance #4624 Means To Put A Stumbling Block In The Way, An Impediment Upon Which Another May Fall or Trip, (You Can Go To The Strong’s Concordance Definitions OnLine Listed Below And See For Yourself).

A Snare, The Part Of The Trap That Triggers The Action.  Like When I Was A Younger Person, (Like Last Week ~ lol)  My Brothers And I Would Make A Cardboard Box To Catch A Turtle In; And Then Put Some Lettuce Attached To A String That Was Attached To The Stick Holding Up The Box.  Then When The Turtle Would Tug On The Lettuce, It Would Pull This Stick Down.  This Was The Trigger, (And The Very Word That Yahoshua Used To Convey, ‘Offenses’ In Luke 17:1), or ‘Skandalon’ In The Greek.





Rooted In Love

But, Why Do We Fail?  Why Do We Take The Bait?  I Am So Glad That You Asked Because The Clue To That Is Also In Mark 4 ~ At Verse 17: They Have No Root In Themselves’.  That’s It~!  What Does, Having No Root In Themselves, Refer To?  The Answer Comes From Ephesians 3:17, Luke 17:6 & Mark 4:17 About Being UpRooted.

Ephesians 3:17, “That Christ May Dwell In Your Hearts By Faith; That You, Being Rooted And Grounded In Love’”.

If You’re Rooted And Grounded In Love Then You Can Say To This Sycamine, {Sycamore / Mulberry} Tree, Be UpRooted And It Will UpRoot.  However, If You’re Not Grounded In Love, Then You Can Become Offended And Be UpRooted Yourself In The Specific Assignment At Hand~!

When You Have An Opportunity To Be Trapped, Dont Take The Bait.’   Realize That This Stakes Are Much Bigger Than You Perceive The Issue To Be So Don’t ‘Take’ It Personally.  Well It Is Personal To You, And It Is Intended From d—Evil One To Get You Personally Involved; And That Is Really The Part Where The d—Evil One Messes Up Big Time~!  However, Remember That This Is A Give And Take Situation.  Either You Are Giving Them ‘ForGiveness’, (‘ForGiving’ Is ‘For Giving’), or You Are ‘Taking An Offense’.

Since We Can React Back In Faith And Because Faith Works In Love, (Galatians 5:6
), Then We Personally Will Have A Hand In Thwarting d—Evil One’s Plans.  (Love Is One Of The Fruit Of The Spirit That Against Such There Is NO LAW’, No Rules Where d—Evil One Can Play Ball At ALL ~ (Galatians 5:22-23).




Revealed A Condition Of My Heart

All This Moment Of Being Publicly Reprimanded At This Church Really Did For Me; Was To Reveal A Condition Of My Heart That I Was Not Walking In And Yielded To The Love Walk That Already Existed.  This Flaw That I Had That Of, Not Walking In Love In This Area Of My Life, Would Greatly Affect The Worship That I Would Be A Part Of And Ruin It For ALL Involved.  I Couldn’t See This Flaw.  I Was So Thankful That Yahweh Allowed Me To Correct This Matter Privately, Before It Grew Much Larger.

How It Must Have Touched The Father’s Heart To Have Me Beg To Go And Do Something That He Knew Would Cause Me To Grow, {Because I Would Be Scolded}, (Proverbs 3:12; Hebrews 12:6-11).  But, Yahweh Knew I Was Ready To Pass This Test, This Trial, (1 Corinthians 10:13).

So, I Repented, (Changed My Mind).  I Decided That I Could Not Just Buck Up And Say, ‘I‘m Not Going To Be Offended’, But Instead Love By Faith Realizing That Love Never Fails, (1 Corinthians 13:8), And That I Was Going To Allow The Love Of Yahweh To Come Up Inside Of Me And To Flow Out Onto Others For Their Benefit And Not Mine, (Romans 5:5; John 7:38).

I Had To Say Over And Over And Over ALL Week Long, “I Love This Pastor”, And “He Who Began A Good Work In This Pastor Will Be Faithful To Complete It”, (Philippians 1:6).  “The Love Of Yahweh Is Shed Abroad In My Heart By The Holy Ghost Who Has Been Given Unto Me”, (Romans 5:5).  I Kept Saying It, And Saying It, And Saying It, (Mark 11:22-24), Because We Overcome Thoughts With Words From Yahweh’s Word That Pour Out Of Our Heart And Out Our Mouth.





Then Yahweh Told Me To Go Back The Following Sunday, (Remember, I‘m Semi-Far Away Celebrating Our Wedding Anniversary, And My Wife And I Had Just Sang For Over An Hour).

So, We Drove Down To The Church (Around 34 Miles, And That Would Mean 34 Miles Back On The Return Trip), And This Time, I Decided That I Was Going To Remain Quiet, And Not Dance.  But, They Started Singing This Song, And I Didn’t Even Realize What The Song Was Saying Until About One Minute Into The Israel Houghton Song And I Heard, ‘Rejoice In The Lord Always And Again I Say Rejoice’.  Re-Joy~! … To Have Joy Again~!  To ReJoice~!

It Was Like A Word Personally Spoken To Me, “Again, I Say Rejoice”, And This Was More Than Just A Song, It’s In The Scriptures, (Philippians 4:4); And That Means It’s An Instruction To You And If You Want To Do Something Right, Then Follow The Instructions.  I Was Getting A Personal Instruction From Yahweh, “Again, I Say Rejoice~!

Well, The Holy Ghost Just Got ALL Over Me.  And Before I Knew It, I Was Leaping And Twirling In The Midst Of The Congregation, And That Is Okay,

{Exodus 15:20; Judges 11:34;
Judges 21:21; 1 Samuel 21:11;
Psalm 9:2,11; Psalm 22:22,25;
Psalm 26:12; Psalm 35:18;
Psalm 68:26; Psalm 109:30;
Psalm 111:1; Psalm 149:3;
Luke 12:8-9; 1 Corinthians 14:25

Right After I Finished Worshipping, I Turned To Greet Folks, And A Young Woman That I Didn’t Know Said, “You Are Awesome~!”  This Is An Example Of How Powerful A Word Of Encouragement Can Be.

It Floored Me, But Also Elevated Me At The Same Time As I Knew That Came From Her Heart, (Proverbs 4:23).  At The Close Of The Service And I Privately Pondered If Yahweh Had Inspired Her To Say That At That Particular Moment, I Went To Shake Hands With The Pastor, And Instead He Grabbed Hold Of Me And Embraced Me Tightly And I Could Honestly Hug Him Back In Faith And In Love.  It Broke.  Whenever There Is An Opportunity To Walk In Faith, There Will Always Be An Opportunity To Walk In Love, For Faith Works By Love~!’, (Galatians 5:6).




The Joy Of Yahweh Is Our Strength

Let’s Move Ahead To Just A Few Months After This Time Of Being Called On The Carpet.  I Went To The Azusa Street 100 Year Centennial In California In April 2006 At The Faith Dome Where Dr. Fred Price, Sr. Was The Pastor At That Time.  I Came Not Just To See, or To Get Yahweh’s Presence, But I Came Also To Bring The Presence Of Yahweh.  To Bring The Manifest Presence Of Yahweh, One Must Walk In Faith, And To Walk In Faith Requires Walking In Love, And To Walk In Love, One Must Not Lose Their JOY~!

The Opposite Of ‘Joy’ Must Be ‘Being Offended’ “For, The ‘Joy’ Of Yahweh Is Our Strength”, (Nehemiah 8:10).  To Become Offended, One Must, Take Offense.  It’s Not A HappenStance Sort Of Thing.  You Have To, “Take” It To Be Offended.  And To Release ‘Joy’, One Must Realize That We Are Not Here To Get Yahweh’s Presence, or To Get Yahweh To Come Down.

Yahweh Is Already Inside Of Us, And John 7:38 Says That, “He Who Believes In Me [Who Cleaves To And Trusts In And Relies On Me] As The Scripture Has Said, From Their Innermost Being Shall Flow [Continuously] Springs And Rivers Of Living Water”.

In The Presence Of Yahweh Is The Fullness Of Joy, (Psalm 16:11).

You’re Either Going To Get Incensed With Rage or Pout And Be Without, or ForGive And Enter In His Presence~!  For A Person’s Anger Does Not Promote The Righteousness Yahweh [Wishes And Requires], (James 1:20).  To Be In Joy Is A Decision, (This Is Different From Happiness, Where If Things Happen Great, Then You’re Happy, or If They Happen Badly, Then You’re Not A Happy Camper).  Joy Is A Decision~!  It Takes Faith To Believe That Out Our Inmost Being Is Flowing Rivers Of Living Waters, Enough To Bring Down The Glory Of Yahweh To The Entire Congregation~!




Faith Works By Love

There I Was Out In California, And Before The Service I Went To The Bathroom Where An Elderly Gentleman Asked Me To Tie His Tie As His Hands Weren’t Working As Good As They Used To.  I Really Didn’t Have Much Time As I Could Hear The Music Starting Up, And I Knew I Needed To Get Down To The Front Soon Before The Worship Starts, But I Was Determined To Walk In Love; And If That Means I Miss Out On Worship, Then I Miss Out.

So, I Tied His Tie, And Made Great Conversation.  It Fact, I Was Already Walking In Love And This Further Act Of Love, (Patience, One Of The Fruits Against Such There Is NO LAW), Just Fueled The Love, And This Gentleman’s Words Were Like Words From A Father To A Son Just Soared Me Into An Awesome Almighty Joy~!

They Had A Call For Worship, And I Went Down Front, {2 Chronicles 20:21}.  I Had Worshipped Every Night, Not Holding Anything Back.  But, This Night I Knew Would Be The Main Focal Point Of All The Worships We Had Done.

I Normally Went Down Another Isle, Nearer To Where My Wife Was Sitting.  However, Because Of My Delay In The Bathroom Helping This Kindly Old Man, I Just Went Down To The Front The Quickest Isle That I Could Find.  On My Way Down To The Front, I Bent Over To Tie My Shoes Tight {Important To Do If You Know You’re Going To Be Dancing And Twirling, (Psalm 149:3; 2 Samuel 6:14 ~ David Danced, {“Twirling In A Circular Manner”, [Strong’s Concordance # H3769}] Before Yahweh).

Just Then An Usher Put His Hand On My Shoulder, (And In My Mind, I Had Made A Resolve Not To Be Offended, To Be}, To Be unOffendable,¤ And To Allow The Love Of Yahweh To Come Pouring Out No Matter What This Usher Says).

¤ Adapted From A Chapter In Francis Frangipane’s Book A House United, Available At




Praising By Faith

This Kindly Usher Asked Me Where I Was Going And I Replied, “I‘m Going To Dance”, And He Allowed Me To Go On.  I Stayed In Love Either Way, (Whether I Get To Go Down Front or Am Told To Remain Behind).  I Began To Leap Like Never Before, (Literally, Twirling Five Times In A Row~!).   It Was The Anointing, Because I Could Not Do These Maneuvers In My Own Flesh.

In One Of The Twirls, I Saw Standing No More Than Four Feet From Me, Kenneth Copeland With Gloria Copeland By His Side.  Zowie~!  No Wonder That Usher Challenged Me, I Am In Awe That I Was Even Allowed To Go Down That To The Front Of That Area, It Is A Circular Dome With The Worshippers In The Middle, So There Are A Lot Of Down Front Areas, And I Didn’t Know Kenneth Copeland Was In That Area.

I Remained Calm As I Swayed Side To Side, (I Was Coasting, And Thought, I‘m Not Here To Worship Kenneth Copeland, I Came Here To Worship Yahweh).  And The Music Was Awesome~!  The Place Was Packed With Folks From All Over The World, People Just Like Us, Makes You Wanna Dance, Makes You Wanna Sing, “And I Did.

If I Hadn’t Stopped To Help That Older Man, I Would Have Missed This Opportunity To Accidentally Be Positioned Right Where The Cameras Were, So That Yahweh Was Able To Lead In Worship Through Me For The Entire Congregation, (My Wife Told Me Later I Was On The Large Screen TV’s A Lot, And You Might Can Still Get The DVD’s With Me Dancing On Them).  Not That I’m ALL That Important, And I Don’t Want To Bring Glory To Myself, But Yahweh’s Impact And Correction In My Life Made In Faith Acting By Love, Allowed DVD’s To Be That Still Exist To This Day That Captured The Love Walk.

I Am Convinced With ALL My Heart That The Reason That I Am Allowed The Honor To Draw Folks To Yahweh In Worship, Is Because I Have Made A Choice To Stop And Say, “How Would Love Respond In This Situation”, And Not To, “Be Offended”.

{Love}“ It Is Not Conceited (Arrogant And Inflated With Pride); It Is Not Rude (Unmannerly) And Does Not Act UnbecominglyLove (Yahweh’s Love In Us) Does Not Insist On Its Own Rights or Its Own Way, For It Is Not Self-Seeking; It Is Not Touchy or Fretful or Resentful; It Takes No Account Of The Evil Done To It [It Pays No Attention To A Suffered Wrong].  {1 Corinthians 13:5 ~ AMP}.





Joy In The Anointing

I Went To Get A Haircut And Decided That I Have Given Out A Bunch Of Flashlights To People I Love, And My Father, And Aunt, But Had Not Given Any To The Folks That Care For And Tend To Me, (Like When I Get A Haircut Once A Month), And This Woman Is 73 Years Old, (Older Folks Tend To Need Good Flashlights).  So, I Bought Six (6) Two For Each Person, (One For Home And One For The Car).  I Brought Powerful Torch Flashlights To These Fine Ladies.  They Were Thrilled And Delighted, (Actually They Were Lighted)~!

Also I Had Been Putting Some Emu Oil On My Head And Virginia, (My Hair Cutting Lady), Keeps Telling Me That My Hair Is Growing Back, And I Told Her It Will, As I Just Realized That Yahweh Has All My Hairs Numbered, (Matthew 10:30; Luke 12:7).  Well, I Also Brought Her Some Emu Oil To Show Her What It Looked Like.  And I Had Just Bought An Italian Sandwich From A Convenience Store For My Father, (But Dad Said He Had Something Else For Lunch).  Therefore, I Asked Virginia Had She Had Lunch And She Said A Ham Sandwich, So I Knew She’d Love This Sandwich.  I Toasted This Sandwich And Was In Hurry To Get It To Her While It Was Still Warm.  I Wrapped It In Aluminum Foil, And Left Just As Soon As It Was Toasted.  But, In My Haste, I Forgot To Get My Anointing Oil, (And The Heavenly Father Has Told Me To Make Sure That I Have Oil On Me At All Times 24/7).

Anyhow, One Of The Ladies There Virginia, (All Are Older Women, They Have Been Cutting Both Of My Parents Hair Since 1986, And They Have What I Call A Ministry To The Elderly And I Tell Them That).  They Pray For Folks… And It Is Not A Typical Hair Cutting Place At All.  Dad Asked Me Why Do I Drive 25 Miles or So For Them To Cut My Hair, And The Answer Is Easy.  I Want To Sow Into Their Ministry~!

So, While Virginia Was Cutting My Haircut, Wanda Came Over To Me And Says, When You Get Done, I Want You To Come To My Station.  So, I Did And She Points To An Elderly Woman Sitting There With Curlers In Her Hair And Says, “I Want You To Pray For This Woman”… Her Name Was Shirley, {Surely Goodness And Mercy Shall Follow Me ALL The Days Of My Life… Came To Mind, (Psalm 23:6)}.

If You Are Going To Pray For Someone Else, Please Note That It’s Very Important Before You Pray For Someone That Has A Life Threatening Disease To Find Out If They Want To Be Made Whole.  If Not, You Could Pray In Faith And They Still Go On To Be With Yahweh And You Would Wonder What Happened.

So, First Of All According To James 5:13; “If Anyone Among You Is Suffering, Let Them Pray”.  If He or She Is Unwilling To Pray To Be Healed, Then Don’t Even Bother To Go On With The Second Part.  Wish Them A Good Life, And Know That You’ll See Them In Heaven If They Have Asked Yahoshua To Be Their Lord.  You May Want To Try To Get Them To Come Around To Faith, (I’m Not Saying It’s A Lost Cause, But Usually, It Takes Time And Patience For Faith To Arise And They May Not Have Much Time To Live).  But If They’re Stuck On, If It’s God’s Will”, You Might Take Up Precious Time While Others That Can Be Healed Are Waiting And Ready Now.  Perhaps, Schedule An Appointment To See Them One On One Later On.

So, I Asked Her What Was Wrong, And She Said, “I Have Cancer”.  “I Have”… Umph.  I Noticed That. Instantly, I Heard The Holy Ghost Saying, “The Only Thing You Should Have Is By His Stripes You Were Healed, (1 Peter 2:24).  You Can Let The Facts Dictate Your Life, But You Still Will Not Be Free From Bondage”.  It IS The Truth That WILL Set You Free, (John 8:32).  I Paused, And She Took Note Of My Pause.  And On The Inside Said, “Father, Just So I Understand You, Do You Want Me To Tell Her That, or Is That Just For My Information”.  The Holy Ghost Spoke Gently To My Heart, “Tell Her”.  So, I Said To Her.  I’ll Pray For You Under One Condition.  “Don’t Ever Say, I’ve GOT Cancer Again”.  She Immediately Caught It, And Said Right Because You’re Going To Pray For The Prayer Of Faith.  Right~!  Wow~!  She Caught On Right Off The Bat~!  Such Great Faith Have I Not Seen In All Of Alabama.  This Is Same Thing Yahoshua Said, When The Centurion, Said, “Just Speak The Word And My Servant Shall Be Healed”, And Yahoshua Responded Just Like I Did, And Said “Such Great Faith Have I Not Found In All Of Israel”, (Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:2-10).

So, I Conclude That The Strongest Prayer Where Great Faith Is Found Is To Believe What Yahweh Wrote In His Word… The Most Important Part Of A Prayer Is The Amen, (*So Be It…Unto Me According To Yahweh’s Word).

But, Just To Be Clear To Her That I Am Not The Healer And I Don’t Want Folks To Put Me On A Pedestal or To Give Me The Glory That Belongs To Yahoshua, I Said Again, “I’m Not The Healer, I Am The Believer”.  I Quoted James 5:13-15 From Memory.  Yeah, It’s Alright There In Black And White Recorded In James 5:13-15 And Shows That My Part Is Not To Heal Anyone, But To Pray The Prayer Of Faith, (To Believe What Yahweh Wrote).

Is Anyone Among You Suffering?  Let Them Pray.  Is Anyone Cheerful?  Let Them Sing Psalms.  Is Anyone Among You Sick?  Let Him Call For The Elders Of The Church, And Let Them Pray Over Him, Anointing Him With Oil In The Name Of Yahweh.  And The Prayer Of Faith Will Save The Sick, And Yahweh Will Raise Them Up.  And If They Have Committed Sins, They Will Be ForGiven

And Then Just To Show Her That I AM Not The Healer, But The Believer I Also Quoted Mark 11:24;When You Pray, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Will Have Them”,

And I Then I Remembered That I Don’t Have My Anointing Oil On Me… Oops.  So, I Changed Scripture Verses And Recited Another Scripture, and All That Came To Me Was Just This Verse That Doesn’t Require Oil, “These Signs Shall Follow Those That Believe, They Shall Lay Hands On The Sick And They Will Recover, or They Will Get Well, They Shall Be Made Whole, or Healed”, {(Mark 16:17) ~ Depending Upon The Translation}.

I Like, “Recover” or, “Be Made Whole”. This Reminds Me Of The Word Shalom, Which Means, “Completeness or More Accurately And Literally Translated”, “Nothing Missing, Nothing Broken”, And Implies That There Was Something Missing, Taken or Stolen, And It Has Now Been ‘Restored’ or ‘Recovered’.

Then It Dawned On Me, I Have Emu Oil In My Front Pocket.  So, I Went Back To James 5:15; And Anointed Her With Oil.

The Strongest Prayer Is To Believe What Yahweh Wrote In His Word… The Most Important Part Of A Prayer Is The Amen, {“When You Pray, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Will Have Them”}, (Mark 11:24).  Our Part Is To Believe And To Mix Faith, (Hebrews 4:2), With His Word… James 5:15 ~ And The Prayer Of Faith Will Save The Sick, And Yahweh Will Raise Them Up.  And If They Have Committed Sins, They Will Be ForGiven).

Well, Then They Told Me About Another Woman Right There Sitting Below Me As I Was Standing That Couldn’t Even Walk Last Month, And Now She Could Because Of Yahweh.  But, She Wanted Me To Pray For Her, I Didn’t Need To Quote Any More Verses As She Was Right There And Heard Every Word I Had Said.  Some Folks That I Know That Have The Gift Of Healing And Their Hands Get Hot or Like Kathryn Kuhlman.

That Hasn’t Happened To Me And For A Long While, I Was Very Disappointed.  But, The Lord Showed Me That I Had The Gift Of Faith.  For A While, I Was Still Disappointed And Began To Just Use What I Had Because It Was All I Got, And I Didn’t Seem To Get The Gift Of A Healing.  Then Both Hair Stylists Said That They Wanted To Be Anointed And Prayed For, And We Had A Little Mini-Revival Right There In The Hair-Cutting Shop.





Joy In The Prayer Line

My Favorite Story To Show How Much Confidence I Gained In The Word Of Yahweh Was After I Got Through Preaching, {(Mark 16:20) ~ Confirming The Word With Signs Following}.  A Certain Woman, And A Friend Of The Woman Pastor Had Asked Me To Pray For Her.  She Fully Expected For Me To Pray For Her, And For Her To Feel Heat or Something Magical And Be Instantly Healed.  As Per My Normal Way Of Praying, I Asked Her What The Problem Was And She Hung Her Head.

Why So Downcast Oh My Soul?”, (Psalm 42:11; Psalm 43:5).  In The Presence Of Yahweh Is The Fullness Of Joy, (Psalm 16:11).
She Said, “The Doctors Only Give Me Eight Months To Live”.  Can You See The Problem That I Saw?  She Hung Her Head.  She Is Not In Joy.  We Need Some, “Believing, You Rejoice Greatly With Joy Unspeakable And Full Of Glory” Faith Going On Here.

1 Peter 1:5-9 ~ World English Bible (WEB)
5 Who By The Power Of God Are Guarded Through Faith For A Salvation Ready To Be Revealed In The Last Time. 6 Wherein You Greatly Rejoice, Though Now For A Little While, If Need Be, You Have Been Put To Grief In Various Trials, 7 That The Proof Of Your Faith, Which Is More Precious Than Gold That Perishes Even Though It Is Tested By Fire, May Be Found To Result In Praise, Glory, And Honor At The Revelation Of Jesus Christ — 8 Whom Not Having Known You Love; In Whom, Though Now You Don’t See Him, Yet Believing, You Rejoice Greatly With Joy Unspeakable And Full Of Glory — 9 Receiving The Result Of Your Faith, The Salvation Of Your Souls.

Now, Put Two And Two Together.  We Were Just Told Whatsoever We ‘Believe We ‘Receive And We Shall Have Them, (Mark 11:24).  If You Really ‘Believe That You Will Have Them… Then Declare It To Be So, And A Calm or A Peace Will Come Over You And You Will Be Full Of Joy~!

This Woman Is A Woman Of Great Faith And I’ve Heard Her Preach And It Moved Me.  Perhaps, The Pastor And She Operates In The Gift Of Healing, They Expected Something Different, Maybe Feeling Heat, But I Don’t Get That Luxury.  I Operate In The Gift Of Faith And Normally Don’t Feel Anything.  So, I Said, “Well, I Have The Gift Of Faith And Faith Works With Patience And Having Heard The Word, Hold It Tightly, And Bring Forth Fruit With Patience, (Luke 8:15).  Who Through Faith And Patience Inherited The Promises, (Hebrews 6:12).  So, I’m Going To Use My Gift Of Faith And You’ll Be Completely Healed In Nine Months.  She Looked At Me Calf-Eyed Like I Misunderstood Her, {Actually, I Was Speaking The Truth As She Would Have The Ultimate Healing :)}.

This Is Where The Other Denominations Seem To Criticize The Faith Healers And Saying That We Say That You Must Have Faith.  I Have Prayed For Infants That Couldn’t Possibly Have Faith And They Got Completely Healed.  I Prayed The Prayer Of Faith.  I Had Faith.  However, It Is Quite A Different Story To Be Praying For Somebody That’s In Fear And Doubt And Unbelief And You Will Not Sway Their Opinion And Their Unbelief Will Undo The Prayers Of Faith.  I Didn’t Make This Up.  It’s In Hebrews 3:10-19—Hebrews 4:1-2.  It’s Just Like Painting Latex Paint Over Wood That Is Wet.  You Can Do It, But It Won’t Stick ~ It Won’t Take.  So, I Had To Locate This Woman And Find Out Where She Was At In Her Mindset.

When You’re Dealing With A Religious Spirit Know That They’re Going To Go In The Opposing Direction To You No Matter What You Say.  If You Say You Are Going To Pray The Prayer Of Faith For Their Healing And They’re Going To Be Made Whole, Then They’ll Come Back With, “What If It Is Not God’s Will?”, {Which Is The Opposite Of What James 5:14-15, Says}  Actually, They Are Stuck In The Middle And They Can’t See That Themselves, So I Sometimes Shake Them Up A Bit, And Say Well You’re Going To Die.  I’ll See You In Heaven.  Then They Really Get Mad Because They Argue The Same Argument, But From The Other Side Of The Coin… Saying But Only If It’s God’s Will; And I Can Usually Get Them To See That If They’re So Adamant About It Being God’s Will For Them Not To Die, Then They Should Be Just As Passionate About Believing For Yahweh’s Word For Healing.

So, I Said, “Okay, Are You Ready, I’m Going To Pray For You And You’ll Be Completely Healed In Nine Months”, And I Laid My Hands On Her Shoulders To Stir Up The Gift That Was Within Her, {(2 Timothy 1:6-7) ~ I Knew What I Was Doing}.  The Woman Interrupted Me, And Said But The Doctors Said That I Only Have Eight Months To Live~!  I Said, “Oh, I Am So Sorry, Thanks For Playing, Thanks For Praying”.  Her Cousin Was The Pastor There Who Is Also A Close Friend Of Mine, And Was Glaring At Me, And I Thought I Was About To Get My Face Slapped.  I Could See Several Men With A Look On Their Face Like They Were Looking For A Rail To Run Me Out On, But I Was Super Smiling.  The Whole Congregation Got Out Of The Glum Sober Mood, (That’s One Way To Change The Attitudes Of Doubt And Unbelief).  She Looked At Me, And Begin To Smile Also, {Her Head Was No Longer Looking At The Floor ~ We Had Made Progress, I Had Gotten Her Out Of The “What If’s” Of Doubt, Fear And Unbelief  Enter Here To Read More About The Effects Of Fear, Doubt And unBelief.

You See Faith Always Requires The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh To Work, (Romans 10:17
), And It Takes A Little Time To Get The Word To Soak In You, So That Is Where The “Patience Part” Comes In.  It Didn’t Say That It Would Take A Long Time, Just Depending Upon Each Person And How Much Word Of Yahweh They Had Already Absorbed or Their Rate Of Absorbing Now.  In This Case, She Already Had The Word Of God In Her, So The Amount Of Time For The “Patience Part” Of This Formula Was Just A Moment or Two For Her To Connect The Dots.

She Had Previously Preached Herself, And Because Of Her Preaching I Sold My House When I Did, So I Was Just Trying To Stir Up The Gift, And Like I Said, I Had My Hands On Her Shoulder On Purpose ~ (2 Timothy 1:6-7).  She Said, “If You Won’t Pray For Me, I’ll Pray For Myself”, {James 5:13 ~ There You Go ~ Mission Accomplished}.  So, Then I Chuckled And Said, “Wait, Did You Bring Some Faith With You?”  I Was Just Smiling So Broad, And She Began To Have This Big Grin, And Boom That Spirit Of Gloom Was Broken Off Of Her And She Could See It~!  Yeah Team Yahweh~!

Before She Could Even Answer, I Said, “So Did I — The Scripture Said, Is Anyone Among You Suffering?  Let Them Pray.  Is Anyone Cheerful?  Let Them Sing Psalms.  Is Anyone Among You Sick?  Let Them Call For The Elders Of The Church, And Let The Elders Pray Over This Person, Anointing Them With Oil In The Name Of Yahweh And The Prayer Of Faith Will Save The Sick, And Yahweh Will Raise Them Up.  And If They Have Committed Sins, They Will Be ForGiven”.

I Lightly Touched Her ForeHead And Anointed Her With Oil And Having Just Quoted James 5:15 Said, “I Pray The Prayer Of Faith, Cancer Leave Like A Scalded Dog~!”, (The ‘Ole Scalded Dog Prayer).  She’s Still Alive And That Was Over 9 Years Ago~!

What Has Been Happening Ever Since A Missionary Prayed For Me Five Times And I Fell Under The Anointing Five Times, She Fell Under The Anointing.  At First, I Thought She Was Just Pretending, {Obviously, I Didn’t Feel Anything, No Heat, No Tingling Fingers, No Sensation Of Any Kind, And With No Gift Of Healing There And My Eyes Were Closed, So, I Was Puzzled Why Her Head Was Leaving My Hands Until She Was Caught By The Catchers And Laying On The Floor.  This Might Be Why Ephesians Says To Watch And Pray}, But She Was Out Cold, And She Is Completely Healed And Still Very Much Alive And In Great Health~!  Give Praise To Yahweh, He Did His Part As He Said That He Would Do In His Word And Healed Her Completely And She Is Totally Made Whole.  That Was Many Years Ago Since This Writing.

There Is A Missionary That Has A Majestic Gift.  When He Prays For Folks, Their Knees Buckle And They Go Out — They Faint.  And Now, Like I Said, The Lord Said, Because I Was Seeking The Truth And Not Letting People Be Misled, But I Earnestly Sought To If See His Laying Hands On Folks Was Real or Were People Faking Fainting, And I Had Him Pray For Me Five Times And Would Have Kept On Having Him Pray For Me; But, The Holy Ghost Stopped Me And Said That From Now On That Attribute Of Praying For Folks Would Be A Part Of My Life Also.  And Like This Woman, People Fall Under The Anointing…

But, Now, When You Get To A Point Where You Don’t Feel Goose Pimples or Heat, or Nobody Faints, (or Falls or Swoons) … I Want You To Know That The Pray Of Faith Doesn’t Require Any Of That To Operate.  Seriously, (Watch And See—Watch And Pray).  Just So You Know What To Look For And How To Work Faith, And Unlike The Gift Of Healing Which Just Seems To Work If Faith Is Applied, Your Faith Will Increase As You Stay In The Word, As Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh , (Romans 10:17).

Now, I Wouldn’t Trade This Gift Of Faith For The Gift Of Healing, {I Still Desire The Gift Of Healing ~ (1 Corinthians 12:31)}…  But Faith Is Going To Manifest With Preaching, (Mark 16:20 ~ Confirming The Word With Signs Following, {This Is An Example Of The Anointing, It’s Not Something You And I Can Produce, Other Than By Mixing Faith, (Hebrews 4:2) With (Mark 16:20).  It’s Not Something We Can Work Up, And I Don’t Think It’s Grace, But It Operates A Whole Lot Like Grace. Like When The Preacher Is Preaching Something They Said Just Invokes A Deeper Revelation Into Yahweh’s Word, And It May Have Nothing To Do With What They Were Saying… That’s The Anointing}), As Faith Is Going To Arise As Faith Comes From “Hearing And Hearing”… So, I Also Anointed Her With Oil, Because That’s Also What The Scripture Said To Do, (James 5:14
), ~ And Yahweh Will Raise Them Up, If We Would But Pray The Prayer Of Faith Will Save The Sick

You May Be Pondering How I Had So Much Faith, Like Perhaps, You Could Not Do The Same.  It’s Not Hard To As Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh, (Romans 10:17).  Recall From Psalm 112:7-8 ~ 7 They Will Not Be Afraid Of Evil Tidings; Their Heart Is Steadfast, Trusting In Yahweh8 Their Heart Is Established And Steady, They Will Not Be Afraid While They Wait To See Their Desire Established Upon Their Adversaries, (Psalm 112:7-8).

If The Word Of Yahweh Says That I Will Not Be Afraid Of Evil Tidings, Then It’s My Part To Believe It’s So.  My Heart Is STEADFast, My Heart Is Established.  Now Whose Report Are You Going To Believe?  See, You Can Do These Things Also, Just As Yahoshua Said That You Would, (John 14:12).  According To The Power That Works In Us, (Ephesians 3:20). Like A Deputy Sheriff Who Goes Out InSTEAD Of The Deputy, As We Go In His STEAD, Then Our Hearts Are STEADY~!   We’ve Got The ‘Home Court Advantage’ As We Are On His HomeSTEAD.

Apart From The Rhema’, <4487> Or Revealed Word Of Yahweh, There Can Be No Faith, (Romans 10:17 ¤), And You Will Not Survive, (Hebrews 11:6).  And How Can They Hear Without Someone Preaching To Them?  {That Is What I Was Doing Then And What I Am Doing Now, I’m Preaching This To You}. … On Him Of Whom They Did Not Hear?  And How Shall They Hear Apart From One Preaching?  (Isaiah 35:10; Isaiah 51:11; Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:14)… But It Is Only Hearing The Word ¤ , As The Word Of Yahweh That Will Strengthen Faith ¤, Since There Can Be No True Calling Upon Yahweh Without Faith, No Faith Without Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> Word ¤, {Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary}… And How Can Anyone Preach Unless They Are Sent?  {Consider Me Like The Messenger That Elisha Sent To Naaman}.  As It Is Written:, “How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Those Who Bring Good News~!” ~ (Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:15).




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