How To Be A Friend

And The Harvest Of Righteousness (Of Conformity To God’s Will In Thought And Deed) Is [The Fruit Of The Seed] Sown In Peace By Those Who Work For And Make Peace [In Themselves And In Others, That Peace Which Means Concord, Agreement, And Harmony Between Individuals, With Undisturbedness, In A Peaceful Mind Free From Fears And Agitating Passions And Moral Conflicts].
James 3:18 (AMPC)



If Your Brother Wrongs You, Go And Show Him His Fault, Between You And Him Privately. If He Listens To You, You Have Won Back Your Brother, (Matthew 18:15 ~ AMP).



Females Tend To Be More Relationship Oriented Than Males, So I Colored This Web Site Pink In Honor Of Women, But I Put Some Blue In Here Also As This Applies To Both Genders.

A Person Who Has Friends Must Themself Be Friendly, But There Is A Friend Who Sticks Closer Than A Sibling.

Proverbs 18:24 Sums It ALL Up.  If You Want Friends, You Have To Be Friendly, And Then The Yahweh’s Word Goes On To Define The Quality Of A Someone That Is Better Than A Friend, (A Friend Who Sticks Closer Than A Brother).

When One Gets Married They Make A Vow, (A Verbal, “Spoken Out Loud”), Commitment To Each Other.  However, When We Decide That We Are Going To Be Someone’s Friend, Usually No Such Commitment Exists.  There Are Already Web Sites That Describe What Is Involved When You Decide That You Wants To Be Someone’s Friend, (True Friendship ~ A Scriptural Study On Friends).  When We Were Children, We Could easily Decide, I Don’t Like You Anymore.  Normally, This Is Because The Other Party Was Doing Something That Was Hurting Us; But To Be A Friends Requires More, (*See Kindred Love Below).

There Is An Often Overlooked View Of Proverbs 17:9.  The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Makes It More Clear, But I Want To Expound Upon That.  Proverbs 17:9 Says, “He Whoever Covers And Forgives An Offense Seeks Love, But Whoever Repeats or Harps On A Matter Separates Even Close Friends”.

Repeats” Can Mean To Gossip, To Spread Rumors or Even The Truth About Someone.  But The Word, “Harps”, That’s Obviously Not Telling Everyone Else About A Mistake Made, But This Is A Conversation Between You And The Person Involved.  Recalling How That They Said This, And I Thought You Meant That.  So What?  Be Quiet.  Do You Want To Make The Commitment To Be Their Friend or Not?  I Can Still Hear You Saying “But They Did This”, or, “You Just Don’t Know What They Said To Me”.  Do You Want To Be Right or To Have A Relationship?.

Harping On A Matter WILL SEPARATE EVEN CLOSE FRIENDS~!  The Best Thing You Can Do Is Just Simply Apologize.  But, You Might Say, “I’m Not At Fault”, (And This Might Come Across To Some As Lying, But Think Of It Rather As, “Covering”, And You Take The Blame, “I Apologize, It Was My Fault“), But You Have To Decide To Make A Commitment To Be A Friend, A Friend That Sticks Closer Than A Brother.  If You’ve Locked Into This Commitment, Then Just Apologize.  Don’t Make No Fanfare, Nor Excuses For Your Behavior, or What You Thought They Said.  Just Apologize, {For More On How To Apologize Effectively, Then Read The Following Website ~ How To Apologize}.  So Often, After I’ve Apologized And Said, “I’m At Fault”, And Later On, I See Where There Was Something I Had Previously Written In An Email or A Text Message Confirming That For Real, I Was At Fault, (Even Though Prior To This Revelation, I Didn’t Think It Was Really My Fault).

Is It A Blessing To Have Them Cover You When You Make A Mistake Towards Them?  Then Be A Blessing To Them And Cover Their Mistakes That They Make Towards You.  Just Apologize And Make Sure That Down Deep In Your Heart You Meant It.  You Might Have To Just Stop And Take The Time To Say To Yourself, (“I Forgive Them”), And Then Examine Yourself To Be Sure That You Really Have Forgiven Them With No Intentions Of Bringing This Subject Back Up Ever Again.  Forget The Mistake And Cover It Up, (Bury It Like You Would A Dead Dog In Your Back Yard, Don’t Dig It Up Again, For It Stinks).


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*Kindred Love



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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14


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