Laughing Yahoshua

The Joy Of Yahweh Is Our Strength

Nehemiah 8:10
Then He Said To Them, “Go Your Way, Eat The Fat, Drink The Sweet, And Send Portions To Those For Whom Nothing Is Prepared, (Isaiah 58:7); For This Day Is Holy To Our Lord.  Do Not Sorrow, For The Joy Of Yahweh Is Your Strength”.




Psalm 16:11.
In Your Presence There Is Fullness Of Joy~!


Keeping Your Joy Prevents You From Being Offended…

I Took A Group To A Youth Camp Once And A Man Prophesied Over Me.  He Said, “You Have Been Wanting To Do Many Things”.  At The Time I Had Made Up My Mind That I Would Speak Spanish, Play A Guitar And Be A Pilot Of An Airplane.

Then, He Went On To Say, “But, There Is Only One Thing That The Heavenly Father Requires From You ~ Joy”.

 Joy, I Thought?  What?  There Are Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors And Teachers, But Where Does The Bringer Of Joy Come Into Play… The Court Jester?

The Holy Ghost Said, “You Are Not Grasping The Whole Picture, I Don’t Do Anything Without Joy ”.  Your Part Is Central To Everything I Do.

So, I Relaxed And Begin To Research Joy.  Yahweh Was Right And I Could See That It Showed Up In Everything Yahweh Does.  “In Your Presence There Is Fullness Of Joy~!”, (Psalm 16:11).

And For Years And Years And Years, I Would Ask The Holy Ghost, Where Would You Like Me To Read, And The Reply Would Be, Mark 4.

I Thought I Had Read Mark 4, But Apparently I Didn’t Get It.  So, I’d Read It Again.  Here Is Just One Thing I Observed Now That My Focus Is On Joy.

Mark 4:14-17.
14 The Sower Sows The Word.
15 And These Are Those By The Wayside, Where The Word Is Sown.  And When They Hear, Satan Comes Immediately And Takes Away The Word That Was Sown In Their Hearts.
16 And These Are Those Likewise Being Sown On Stony Places; Who, When They Hear The Word, Immediately Receive It With Gladness, (
JOY” ~ Greek Word Is Cháris ~ Strong’s Concordance #5479, And Is Translated 51 Times As, “Joy”, And Only 3 Times As, “Gladness; This Word Probably Should Have Been Translated As, “Joy” Here Also).
17 But They Have No Root In Themselves, But Are Temporary.  Afterward When Affliction or Persecution Arises For The Word’s Sake, They Are Immediately ‘Offended’’, (Strong’s Concordance #4624).

Can You See That Having Your Roots Grounded In Joy And Love Prevents You From Being Offended.

I Ended Researching About The Love Walk, And I Made The Following Statement.

If We Stop ‘The Joy Of Yahweh, (Which Is Our Strength), And We Frustrate’, (To Nullify, To Make Void or Invalid, To ‘Short Circuit’), ‘The Grace Of Yahweh’, And A ‘Root Of Bitterness’ Springs Forth And Many Are Defiled, (Nehemiah 8:10; Galatians 2:21; Hebrews 12:15; James 3:16).

Now, You Can See Where I Got This From, (Mark 4).

Then I Begin To Notice The Word Joy Popping Up All Over The Scriptures In Places Where It Was Previously Hidden From Me, Because Of The Words Used.  For Example, Psalm 100:1-5
1 Make A “Joyful Noise” To Yahweh, ALL You Lands~!
2 Serve Yahweh With Gladness.  Come Before His Presence With Singing.

The Word Used For Gladness Is The Hebrew-Chaldian Word, “Simchâh”,
<OT:8057> ~ “A Feminine Noun Meaning Joy, Rejoicing, Gladness, Pleasure.  It Refers To The Reality, The Experience And Manifestation Of Joy And Gladness.  It Refers To A Celebration Of Something With Joyful And Cheerful Activities”, (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament Copyright © 2003 By AMG Publishers.  All Rights Reserved).

But, Then I Saw Joy Was Everywhere Yahweh Was~!  I Hope That You Will Stay With Me.  After All, Joy Is The Second Fruit Of The Spirit, Right Behind “Love”.


That Your ‘Joy’ May Be Made Full And Complete And ‘OverFlowing

Psalm 100:1-5
1 Make A “Joyful Noise” To Yahweh, ALL You Lands~!
2 Serve Yahweh With Gladness.  Come Before His Presence With Singing.

The Word Used For Both Joy And Gladness Is The Hebrew-Chaldian Word “Simchâh”,
<OT:8057> ~ “A Feminine Noun Meaning Joy, Rejoicing, Gladness, Pleasure.  It Refers To The Reality, The Experience And Manifestation Of Joy And Gladness.  It Refers To A Celebration Of Something With Joy And Cheerful Activities”, (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament Copyright © 2003 By AMG Publishers.  All Rights Reserved).

Well, Here Are Some Other Places Where This Same Word Often Interpreted as Joy And Sometimes As “Gladness” Is Found In The Scriptures.

Psalm 126:3 In God’s Word Translation Says, “Yahweh Has Done Spectacular Things For Us.  We Are OverJoyed”.  I Like That Interpretation Of That Word As “OverJoyed” Because That Reminds Me Of A Cup That Is OverFilled, And Yahoshua Said, “I Have Told You These Things So That My Joy And Delight May Be In You, And That Your Joy May Be Made Full And Complete And “OverFlowing”, (John 15:11; John 16:24; 1 John 1:4).

♪ ♫ ♪ Bringing In The Sheaves, Bringing In The Sheaves, We Shall Come Rejoicing, Bringing In The Sheaves~! ♪ ♫ ♪

Lots Of Times When A Sheave Is Depicted, A Person With A Sickle Is Shown And Yes That Is The Reaping Tool or Device Used Now And Back In Old Times To Gather In The Harvest.  Usually, Today’s Sickle Is On A Long Wooden Arm With a 4" to 6" Arched Blade At The End And Is Slung From Left To Right Back And Forth To Clear Sagebrush or Harvest A Small Barley or Wheat Farm.  Hand Held Sickles Tend To Have A More Pronounced Curve And A Skinnier Blade.  Even Today, The Moving Blade Part Of An Industrial Harvesting Tractor Is Still Called The Sickle.  {The Fictional Grim Reaper Is Usually Shown Carrying A Sickle Of Sorts For Harvesting Souls}.

So Then, What Is A Sheave or Sheaves?  Let Me Explain.  When I Go Camping And Have To Bring In Firewood From The Nearby Fallen Limbs, I Use A Firewood Carrier.  It Is A Heavy Duty Canvas Cloth With Two Handles That Folds Up Around The Wood Logs.  You Can See One By Entering Here.  This Is About The Same Concept As A Sheave, As It Allows You To Carry More Firewood Than You Can Normally Carry With One Arm While Trying To Load The Rest Of The Firewood With The Other Hand.  Except Rather Than Firewood, You Would Bring In Barley or Wheat Or Another Harvest By Bundling The Stalks Up And Tying Them With Some Twine or a Small Rope or String.  If Someone Had A Field Of A Few Acres, It Would Be Too Unproductive & Time-Consuming To Bring In Each Sheave, So Instead Of Just An Armload Of Barley, or Wheat, You Would Stack These Bundles Onto An Ox-Drawn Wagon Loaded As Tall As Possible~!  Enter To See Scene Of Bringing In The Many Sheaves.  So, When They Brought In The Sheaves, It Was A Lot And A Great Reason To Celebrate.  Then So With That Background Information Please Read This Familiar Passage Of Scripture Again.

Psalm 126:1-7
1 When Yahweh Brought Back Those Who Returned To Zion, We Were Like Those Who Dream.
2 Then Our Mouth Was Filled With Laughter, And Our Tongue With Singing.
Then They Said Among The Nations, “Yahweh Has Done Great Things For Them”.
3 Yahweh Has Done Great Things For Us, And We Are Glad.
4 Restore Our Fortunes Again, Yahweh, Like The Streams In The Negev.
5 Those Who Sow In Tears Will Reap In Joy.
6 He Who Goes Out Weeping, Carrying Seed For Sowing, Will Certainly Come Again With Joy, Carrying His Sheaves .

Well, Why Is It So Important That We Have Joy?  For Starters, In Almost Every Occurrence Where I Find Joy In The Scriptures, I Find Singing And Rejoicing And An Expectancy Of Something Promised.  I Find Hope, (Proverbs 10:28) … {HopeJoyful And Confident Expectation}.

See If You Notice A Pattern Here:

Psalm 100:1-5
1 Make A “Joyful” Noise To Yahweh, ALL You Lands~!
2 Serve Yahweh With Gladness.  Come Before His Presence With Singing.
3 Know That Yahweh, He Is God.  It Is He Who Has Made Us, And We Are His.  We Are His People, And The Sheep Of His Pasture.
4 Enter Into His Gates With Thanksgiving, Into His Courts With “Praise”.  “Give Thanks To Him, And Bless His Name”.
5 For Yahweh Is Good  His Loving-Kindness Endures Forever, His Faithfulness To All Generations. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
16Rejoice Always
17 Pray Without Ceasing
18 In Everything “Give Thanks”, For This Is The Will Of God In Christ Jesus, (Yahoshua Ha Mashiach) Toward You.

This Is The Pattern Of How To Enter Into The Presence Of Yahweh…

I Promise I Will Delve More Into This, But For Now Just Concentrate On:

Nehemiah 8:10
Then He Said To Them, “Go Your Way, Eat The Fat, Drink The Sweet, And Send Portions To Those For Whom Nothing Is Prepared; For This Day Is Holy To Our Lord.  Do Not Sorrow, For The Joy Of Yahweh Is Your Strength”.

Watch And Hear Ron Kenoly SingingMorning Into Dancing”, (

O Magnify Yahweh With Me, And Let Us Exalt His Name Together”, (Psalm 34:3).


To Get Yahweh’s Glory ~ You Must Have Joy And To Have Joy You Must Have Love

{Enter Here For More On Love}

The Joy Of Yahweh Is Our Strength, (And This Comes By Love).  Don’t Read This Like It Is A Statement Describing Bricks On A Building, (The Joy Of Yahweh Is Our Strength).  Read It Like You Are Describing A Particular Kind Of Mortar Between The Bricks That Allows A Little Swaying And Enables The Building To Not Topple During An Earthquake.  Or Read It Backwards Like A Question.  What Specifically Makes This Building So Extraordinarily Strong?  What Is Its Secret Strength?  Well, The Mortar In This Building Is Gallina Poly-Carbonate That Is Not As Rigid As Common Mortar And Allows The Building To Sway.  What Is The Exceptionally Secret To Our Strength?  {The Joy Of Yahweh Is Our Strength, (Nehemiah 8:10)}.  This Joy, {Of Yahweh, Yahweh’s Joy In Us}, Like The Gallina Poly-Carbonate Mortar Is Flexible and Forgiving.  When A Child Tips Over A Bowl Of Pudding, And Before They Know It The Bowl Is Flipped And It’s All Over Their Face; And We Can’t Help But Laugh Even Though They Made A Mistake And Used Up The Last Of The Pudding And Their Pudding Is All Over The Floor.

Psalm 30:11-12
11 “You Have Turned My Mourning Into Dancing For Me; You Have Put Off My Sackcloth And Girded Me With Joy’ ”,
12 “To The End That My Tongue And My Heart And Everything Glorious Within Me May Sing Praise To You And Not Be Silent.  Yahweh My God, I Will Give Thanks To You Forever”.















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Staying In The Love Walk Is Connected To Keeping Your Joy

I Am Going To Connect A Lot Of Dots In This Topic, So I Urge You To Read It All.

Can You Lose Your Joy?  Yes.  Look At Mark 4:16-17 ~
16 “… When They Have Heard The Word, Immediately, Some Spring Up With Joy …” 17 “And They Have No Real Root In Themselves, And So They Endure For A Little While; Then When Trouble or Persecution Arises On Account Of The Word, They Immediately Are Offended, (Become Displeased, Indignant, Resentful), And They Stumble And Fall Away”, Compare That To “Being Rooted And Grounded In Love{Ephesians 3:17).

Do You Suppose That After They Are Offended, That They Still Have Joy?  No.  The Joy Was Lost.  There Is A Connection Between Praying Believing The Word And Maintaining Your Joy.  If You Really Believe The Promises That Have To Be Received By Faith, Then You Will Rejoice.

Nehemiah 8:10
Then He Said To Them, “Go Your Way, Eat The Fat, Drink The Sweet, And Send Portions To Those For Whom Nothing Is Prepared; For This Day Is Holy To Our Lord.  Do Not Sorrow, For The Joy Of Yahweh Is Your Strength”.  There Have Been Studies Where Folks Lie Flat And Try To Lift Their Arm Up With A Weight, {But Can’t}.  Then They Focus On Joy And Succeed In Lifting The Weight.  This Is All Well And Good; However, I Am Not Trying To Arm Wrestle With Olga From Russia.

But, This Is The Mindset Of Most Folks When They Think Of “The Joy Of Yahweh Is Your Strength”.  But, We Don’t Wrestle Against Flesh And Blood, {Olga}, But We Wrestle Against Principalities, Against Powers, Against The Rulers Of The Darkness Of This World, Against Spiritual Wickedness In High Places, (Ephesians 6:12).

You See, When You Rely On Yahweh’s Promises, That Will Bring You Joy.

Psalm 119:111 ~ Your Statutes Are My Heritage Forever; They Are The Joy Of My Heart, (NIV).

When You Really Believe That Something That Yahweh Promised Is Going To Happen You Will Greatly Rejoice.  And It Is This Joy That And Speaking To The Issue At Hand, (Mark 11:23-24); Is The Strength or The Force Behind Praying Believing In Mark 11:24 That Causes It To Occur.  There Is A Huge Correlation Between Praying Believing And Joy, (John 15:11; John 16:24; 1 John 1:4) ~ {That Your Joy May Be Full}.  Romans 15:13 ~ “Now May The God Of Hope Fill You With All Joy And Peace In Believing, That You May Abound In Hope By The Power Of The Holy Spirit”.

“This Is The Reason I Urge You To Boldly ‘Believe For Whatever You Ask For In Prayer—
Be Convinced That You Have Received It And It Will Be Yours
”, {The Passion Translation}.

Mark This Phrase Down In Your Way Of Thinking, “Believing, You ‘Rejoice”.

1 Peter 1:5-9 ~ World English Bible (WEB)
5 Who By The Power Of God Are Guarded Through Faith For A Salvation Ready To Be Revealed In The Last Time. 6 Wherein You Greatly Rejoice, Though Now For A Little While, If Need Be, You Have Been Put To Grief In Various Trials, 7 That The Proof Of Your Faith, Which Is More Precious Than Gold That Perishes Even Though It Is Tested By Fire, May Be Found To Result In Praise, Glory, And Honor At The Revelation Of Jesus Christ — 8 Whom Not Having Known You Love; In Whom, Though Now You Don’t See Him, Yet Believing, You Rejoice Greatly With Joy Unspeakable And Full Of Glory — 9 Receiving The Result Of Your Faith, The Salvation Of Your Souls.

Now, Put Two And Two Together.  We Were Just Told Whatsoever We ‘Believe We ‘Receive And We Shall Have Them, (Mark 11:24).  If You Really ‘Believe That You Will Have Them… Then Declare It To Be So, And A Calm or A Peace Will Come Over You And You Will Be Full Of Joy~!

How Do You Return His Word Unto Yahweh?  By Voicing It Out Loud, And Then The Angels Sent To Minister To You, (Hebrews 1:14); Have Something To Work With, (Psalm 103:20-21; Daniel 10:12); {Yahweh’s Words Believed In Your Heart And Spoken Out Loud With Faith, And Full Of Joy~!}

Isaiah 55:11-12
“So Shall My Word Be That Goes Forth Out Of My ‘Mouth’: It Shall Not Return Unto Me Void, But It Shall Accomplish That Which I Please, And It Shall Prosper In The Thing Which I Sent It.  For You Shall Go Out With ‘Joy’, And Be LED Forth With Peace: The Mountains And The Hills Shall Break Forth Before You Into ‘Singing’, And All The Trees Of The Field Shall Clap Their Hands’”.

Doubt Despairs, Complains And Says, “Oh Boy”; But Faith ‘Rejoices’, Gives Thanks Is Full Of ‘Joy~!

However, If You Take Offense, And Become Offended, You Are Not Walking In Love Anymore And Then Your Joy Can Be Robbed, And You Are Ineffective~!

To Have The Glory, {Where Miracles Happen, To Walk In The Miraculous}, You Must Have Joy.  And To Have, And Keep Joy, Then You Cannot Be Offended.  And To Be unOffendable, You Have To Have Faith, And Faith Works By Love, (Galatians 5:6).  You Can’t Have Joy or The Glory If You Do Not Walk In Love , {By Dying To Self}~!

Joy Is One Of The Fruits Of The Spirit, And Against Such There Is No Law, (Galatians 5:22-23).  That Means That There Is Nothing Legally, {Against Such There Is No Law}, That d—Evil One Can Do To Stop You If You Remain In Joy.  So, Satan Has To Send Stuff Your Way, {Trouble or Persecution Arises On Account Of The Word}, So That You Are Side-Tracked And You Yourself Lose Your Joy.

What If This Has Happened To You?  Just Know That You’re In Good Company.  The Very Same Thing Happened To King David, After He Committed Adultery With Bathsheba And Had Her Husband Uriah Killed.  So, Just Repent, (1 John 1:9); And Receive Forgiveness And Make A Quality Decision To Walk In Love Towards This Person or Situation That Has Offended You.  And Pray The Same Prayer That King David Prayed After He Messed Up.

Psalm 51:12 ~ “Restore To Me The ‘Joy’ Of Your Salvation, And Uphold Me With A Willing Spirit”.

Joy’ Fills Our Heart As We Remember The Good Things God Has Done Through The People He Has Placed In Our Lives.

Philippians 1:3-5 ~ “I Thank My God For You Every Time I Think Of You; And Every Time I Pray For You All, I Pray With Joy Because Of The Way In Which You Have Helped Me In The Work Of The Gospel From The Very First Day Until Now”, (GNT).

When I Think About The People God Has Put In My Life, Who They Are And What They’ve Done, It Brings Me JoyForGive and Refuse To Focus On The Unkind Words And Hurts That Have Come To You From Other People And Every Time A Thought Comes Up About That Situation, Say, “I Have ForGiven Them And I Will Not Dwell On That Thought Anymore”.  Instead, Spend Your Time Thanking Yahweh For The People Who Have Developed You, Encouraged You, Served With You, And You Will Have Joy.

Keeping Your Joy

I Was Writing About Fasting and Some Trouble Spots To Be Watching For Where d—Evil One Might Try To Thwart Your Fast.  Then I Realized That This Pertains To More Than Just Fasting.  This Is About Keeping Your Joy.

The Thing To Watch For During A ‘Fast’ Is Strife~!  (Isaiah 58:4, {TLB}) ~ Look, What Good Is Fasting When You Keep On Fighting and Quarreling?  This Kind Of Fasting Will Never Get You Anywhere With Me.

Another Opponent To A Fast Is Getting Offended’ or Taking Offense.

Mark 4:16-17 And These Are They Likewise Which Are Sown On Stony Ground; Who, When They Have Heard The Word, Immediately Receive it With Joy; and Have No Root In Themselves, {Stay Rooted and Grounded In Love ~ (Ephesians 3:17)}, And So Endure But For A Time: Afterward, When Affliction or Persecution Arises For The Word’s Sake, Immediately They Are ‘Offended, {Skandalizó; A Trap, Stumbling Block.  An Enticement; To Cause ToStumble and Fall}.

Skandalizó; It’s Like When I Was a Little Boy My Brothers and I Would Take A Cardboard Box and Prop Up One End With a Stick and Inside We Would Have Some Lettuce With a String Tied to That Stick and When a Turtle Would Come In and Grab That Lettuce and Would Pull The Stick and The Cardboard Box Would Fall On Them, and Trap Them.

However, The Turtle Would Keep On Moving and The Whole Cardboard Box Would Move With Them But They Were Trapped and We Would Catch Box Turtles and Play With Them.  But The Trigger Part Of This Trap Was The Very Word Used Here In The Greek, Skandalizó, To Be ‘OffendedDon’t Take The Bait.  The Bait Of Satan Is To Be ‘Offended.

Be On The Watch For This, And When It Comes I Already Have a Pre-Planned Strategy Of Attack To Walk In Love and Put On The Shield Of Faith Which Quenches All The Fiery Darts Of The Enemy, (Ephesians 6:16; Ephesians 6:12-18).

When You Take Offense That Is The Trigger Mechanism to Release The Trap… It Could Be A Hidden ‘Trip Rope’, {Low To The Ground}, That Causes Us To Stumble, {Lots Of Translations Use The Word Stumble Here, But It Is The Same Exact Greek Word, Skandalizó, Translated As Offended}, and Then Once Tripped, This Releases The Trap or It May Pick You Up In The Air With A Net.

When You Get The Opportunity to Be ‘Offended’ Don’t Take Offense But Instead Say, “It Is Written” … Then Quote:

Proverbs 16:7 ~When A Person’s Ways Please Yahweh, They Cause Even Their Enemies To Be At Peace With Them”.

Another One Hindrance To A ‘Fast’ Is Judging Others

Isaiah 58:9 ~ Then You Will Call, and Yahweh Will Answer. You Will Cry For Help, and He Will Say, ‘Here I Am.’ “If You Take Away From Among You The Yoke, Finger Pointing, And Speaking Wickedly.

Expect Someone To Call You During a Fast and Ask You Out For Lunch.  Expect Turmoil.  Expect The Unexpected.

Mark 4:19 ~ And The Cares Of This World, And The Deceitfulness Of Riches, and The Lusts Of Other Things, {Like Food} Entering In, Choke The Word, And It Becomes Unfruitful.

Make An Effort Be In Joy, And to Stay In Joy, And One Way That I Know Of To Stay In Joy Is To Sing Praises, {(Psalm 71:23) ~ When I Sing Praise To You My Lips Will Shout For Joy, Along With My Soul, Which You Have Redeemed ~ Berean Study Bible}.

Psalm 98:4-9 ~ Make A Joyful Noise to Yahweh, All The Earth~!  Burst Out And ‘Sing’ For Joy, Yes, ‘Sing Praises’~!

What Kind Of Sound Does A Joyful Noise Make Like When Your Favorite Football Team Scores?  To Me A JoyFul Sound Is The Sound Tigger From ‘Winnie The Pooh’ Makes When He Goes Whoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo~H~!”

Lay Your Hands On Yourself And Declare I Am Full Of The Love Of God And I Walk In Love And “I’m Full Of Joy And ‘I Put On The Shield Of Faith Which Will Quench All The Fiery Darts Of The Enemy’, (Ephesians 6:16).

Whoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo~H~!”


Faith Really Works …But Faith Works By Love, (Galatians 5:6)

When You Think About President Biden, Are You “Praying For Him” or “Preying On Him”.  This Is Probably Not What You Wanted To Hear.  Until We Learn That Faith Really Works, We’d Honestly Rather Have Someone Feel Sorry For Us And Put Their Arm Around Us, And Let Us Have A Good Cry On Their Shoulder.  However, David Had To Encourage Himself In Yahweh At Ziklag.  This Is The Opposite Of Calling Eight People And Telling Them Your Woes And Hoping That They Will Agree With You That You’ve Had It Rough.  King David Had Some Rough Patches In His Life As Well, And Yet He Encouraged Himself In Yahweh.

David Was Greatly Distressed; For The People Spoke Of Stoning Him, Because The Soul Of ALL The People Was Grieved, Every Man For His Sons And For His Daughters: But David Strengthened, (Encouraged), Himself In Yahweh His God, (1 Samuel 30:6).

To Those Skilled In Observing Folks With Dementia, It Is Obvious That They Have Dementia.  They Know It, But Don’t Know What To Do About It.  They Stumble Going Up Or Down Steps.  They Are Embarrassed.  Knowing This, Then Probably, Biden Is Not Making The Decisions… Doesn’t That Make You Want To Pray For Him That He Will Be Saved And Come To Repentance, Rather Than Preying On Him.

2 Timothy 2:24-26.
24 And The Servant Of Yahweh Must Not Strive; But Be Gentle Unto All Men, Apt To Teach, Patient,
25 In Meekness Instructing Those That Oppose Themselves; If God Peradventure Will Give Them Repentance To The Acknowledging Of The Truth;
26 And That They May Recover Themselves Out Of The Snare Of The Devil, Who Are Taken Captive By Him At His Will.

You Have Probably Heard This Before, But Harboring Resentment And Not Walking In Love Only Hurts You, Making You Feel Offended And Robs You Of Your Joy, {Which Is Your Strength}.  How Can You Pray Joyfully Expecting If Your Joy Is Robbed?

Our Attitude Should Be Mark 11:22 ~Have Faith In God”~!

Actually, There Are Two Places In The Scriptures Where I Have Researched The “In” Mentioned Above.  It’s Sort Of Hard To Find The Meaning As Prepositions Are Not Given A Strong’s Concordance Number.  James Strong Felt That In Order To Devote Himself To Making A Great Lexicon He Almost Omitted The Prepositions.  In Fact, He May Have; But Someone That Edited “The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible, Red Letter Edition” Added A Section That Lists All The Occurrences Of Prepositions Such As, “Of” or “In”.  I Wish That I Had My Hard Copy In Front Of Me As I Decided To Go Completely Digital And So I Gave Away My Hard Copy.  {However, I Just Purchased Another One On eBay}.  Currently, I Use PC Bible Software With “The Complete Word Study Dictionary Of The New And Old Testament” By Dr. Spiros Zodhiates And Dr. Warren Patrick Bake r D.R.E, And Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon Of The New Testament And eSword, {With 42 Translations Including The Phillip’s Translation, I Could Never Understand Romans 4:16 Before Getting The J. B. Phillip’s Translation), And I Use BibleGateWay And Studylight Online For My Exhaustive Word Searches.  Occasionally, I Go To Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary, or Theological Workbook Of The Old Testament or Theological Dictionary Of The New Testament Abridged In One Volume or Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary Of Old And New Testament Words.

Except For Mounce’s, I Used To Literally Own All These As Hard Books, And I Gave Them Away, And Then Decided That It Was Probably Not Wise To Not Be Like Everyone Else, And I Re-Purchased Them All… And Then Gave Them All Away Again, And Decided That I Can’t Be Everyone Else, But I Can Be The Best Me Possible, And I Now Have All Of These Same Study Sources On My Cell Phone Using Olive Tree’s Bible Reader, (Plus 31 Translations).  I Can Be At A Conference And Someone Say, This Is From ‘The Passion Translation’ or ‘The Message Bible’ or ‘NKJV’ or ‘NASB1995’ or ‘NIV’ or ‘NLT’ or ‘NCV’ or ‘God’s Word Translation’ or ‘Holman Christian Standard Bible’ or ‘The Amplified Bible Classic Edition’ And I Can Change To That Translation In The Blink Of An Eye.  Or They Can Say, ’Such-n-Such Word’ Is ‘X’ In The Greek or Hebrew; And I Can Look It Up Right There On The Fly.  Plus I Have A History That I Can View Later In Chronological Order Of All The Scripture Used During Someone’s Sermon.

Click Or Tap Here To See The Reference Works That I Have Used And Recommend …But, I Now Have Most All Of Them Either On My Cell Phone / Tablet or On My DeskTop Computer, But I Don’t Have Hard Copies Of Them Anymore.  I Used To Work For Boeing Writing Excel VBA Macro’s… So, To Maintain My Geek Status In Good Standing, I Wrote an Excel Macro That Will Bring Up Three Different OnLine Bibles And Compare One Verse At A Time When I Enter A Scripture.  To See A Partial Example Of What I Am Talking About Click On The Two Scriptures Below To See How Most Translations Handled The “Of” As “In”.  That Doesn’t Mean That It Is Set In Stone, But They Make Good References.

However, I Do Recall That When You Look Up The Word “Of” It Shows Up In Two Distinct Places And One Of Them Is Mark 11:22 And The Other Is Galatians 2:20.  Both Of These Scriptures Are Connected With “Having The Faith OF God”, Rather “Than Have Faith In God”.  The Reason That I List Both Scriptures, It That Some Translators Correctly Interpret The “I Live By The Faith ‘Of’ The Son Of God” In Galatians 2:20; However, According To “The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible, Red Letter Edition”, It Is The Same Word Used In Mark 11:22.

Both Mark 11:22 And Galatians 2:20 Should Have Read, (And Does In Some Translations Including ‘The Wycliffe Bible’), “Have The Faith OF God”~!  This Changes The Focus From A Generic Statement Such As “God Is In Control” That Indicates That We Are Waiting On Yahweh, When Yahoshua, The Head Of The Church Told Us That He Has Given Us His Authority And To Go, (Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 10:19).  This Puts The Onus “On Us” And “When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith On The Earth?”, (Luke 18:8).

Have The Faith OF God”~!  Speak To The Current Situations.  Boldly Declare That “There Is Nothing Hidden That Won’t Be Revealed, And There Is Nothing Secret That Won’t Become Known And Come To Light~!” (Luke 8:17; Luke 12:2; Matthew 10:26; Mark 4:22).

Psalm 40:4 ~ “Oh, The Joys Of Those Who Trust Yahweh”~!


Coming Soon ~ Sorry Arnold, Yahoshua Said It First, ‘I’ll Be Back~!’

And While They Looked Steadfastly Toward Heaven As He Went Up, Behold, Two Men Stood By Them In White Apparel
And Asked, Why Are You Galileans Standing Here Looking At The Sky?’  Yahoshua, Who Was Taken From You To Heaven, Will Come Back In The Same Way That You Saw Him Go To Heaven”, (Acts 1:10-11).

lf You Look At Yahoshua’s Coming Back From Our Perspective, There Were Many Things We Were Told To Do, Like Be Prepared For Yahoshua To Come At An UnExpected Time, {Like A Thief In The Night, (1 Thessalonians 5:2; Matthew 25:13)}.  And Have Our Lamps Full Of Oil, (Matthew 25:1-13).

What Does It Mean To Have Your Lamp Filled With Oil?
Oil In The Bible Usually Represents The Holy Spirit or The Anointing Of The Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 5:18
18 And Be Not Drunk With Wine, Wherein Is Excess; But Be Filled With The Spirit;

Ephesians 5:19-20 Tells Us How To Stay Filled With The Holy Spirit.
19Speaking To Yourselves In Psalms And Hymns And Spiritual Songs, Singing And Making Melody In Your Heart To Yahweh’;
20 Giving Thanks Always For All Things Unto ‘Yahweh Our Father’ In The Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ;

Being Filled With The Holy Spirit Is Also Done By Asking And Receiving By Faith, Being Aware Of And Dependent On Yahweh, And By Having A Good Spiritual Diet Such As Yahweh’s Word, And Just Staying In Tune With The Holy Ghost.

You Know, A Lamp That Runs Out Of Oil Can No Longer Give Light, And Is Useless In That Condition.

For Me, It Means Keep Trusting In Yahweh And, Dont Fizzle Out.

Isaiah 54:3-4, {The Message}
3 You’re Going To Need Lots Of Elbow Room For Your Growing Family.
Youre Going To Take Over Whole Nations;
You’re Going To Resettle Abandoned Cities.
4 Don’t Be Afraid - You’re Not Going To Be Embarrassed.
Dont Hold Back - You’re Not Going To Come Up Short.’
You’ll Forget All About The Humiliations Of Your Youth,
And The Indignities Of Being A Widow Will Fade From Memory.’

Yahoshua Said It In Many Different Ways About How He Prefers Us To Be Hot or Cold- (Clear And Not Hypocritical) ~  Lukewarm Christians Make Him Vomit.  That’s What He Was Literally Saying In (Revelation 3:14–22).  Many Lose The “Fire” They Had At First.  Lukewarm Means To Compromise, Be Worldly-Minded, Comfortable, Focused On Self or Putting Self First.  We Are Warned And Encouraged Throughout The Bible To Abide In Christ, To Persevere, Not Go Back To The Old Ways, To Not Grow Weary, To Endure Until The End.  When We Stay In A Right Relationship With Yahweh, He Guides Us And Sustains Us.  Our Faith And Relationship Should Remain Active, And Not Go Out Like A Lamp That Has Run Out Of Oil.   {Proverbs 20:27 ~ The Human Spirit Is The Lamp Of Yahweh, Searching All The Inner Depths Of Our Hearts}.

However, If You Look At Yahoshua’s Return From Yahoshua’s Perspective, There Is Only One Directive or Agenda That ‘Yahoshua’ Has On His Mind.  “When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith On The Earth?”, (Luke 18:8).

Yahoshua Shall Appear In The Same Manner That You Saw Him Go… How Did They See Him Go?  They Were Watching Yahoshua.  They Kept Their Eyes On Yahoshua The Whole Time As He Went Up.  If They Heard Another Noise, They Didn’t Dare Turn Their Eyes Away From Watching Yahoshua.  We Need To Be Looking All The Time For His Return.  What If He Is Not Going To Return?  I Don’t Mean He’s Not Coming Back.  But The Scripture Said, In The Same Manner That You Saw Him Go, He Shall Appear.  Or Since Yahweh Is Light, (1 John 1:5), So, Probably Everybody In Heaven Including Angels Are Traveling At The Speed Of Light And Then They Slow Down To Our Dimension And Seems To Us To Just Appear, (This Could Explain Why The Angel’s First Words Were Often ‘Fear Not’.

What If He Doesn’t Need To Return As He Is Already Here In Direct Connection With The Holy Ghost.  But He Just Suddenly Materializes From Out Of Thin Air.  So, Why Are You Looking Towards The Eastern Sky For His Appearance, When We Ought To Be Talking With Him Daily, And It Might Not Take Us Such By Surprise.

We Should Have Our Mindsets So Thinking That It Might Be Today, So When We Hear A Train Horn In The Middle Of The Night, And We’re Not Sure What That Was, We Should Be Asking Ourselves, Is This It?  Is That The Last Trump?  Is This Your Return?  I’ve Always Thought I Don’t Want To Have To Wait.  So, Since The Dead  In Christ Shall Meet Him In The Air First, (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17); That I Imagine That One Day I’m Taking A Group Of Teens Rappelling On A High Cliff And I Hear This Loud Trumpet Sound And So I Run And Jump Off The Edge, So That I Can Be Among The Dead In Christ That Rises First To See Yahoshua.  Then On The Way Down, I Hear My Friends Saying, It Was Me Blowing My Trumpet, It Was A Jokeeeeeee~! …

But, That Is How Eager We Should Be.  I Want To See Yahoshua, The One Who Gave Me A Relationship With The Heavenly Father.  The Holy Ghost, I Already Know And It Will Nice To Connect A Face With The Inner Voice.  So, What If The Dead In Christ, Wasn’t Talking About Those In Their Graves, But Those That Have Died To Self?  Are We Ready?  Do We Live Our Lives Dying To Self Daily?

I Used To Work At Boeing And I Literally Ushered In The Internet To The Folks At My Building That Worked For Another Company.  I Taught A Large Class Of 150 Folks How To Use Email.  That Was New To Us, And We Could Not Imagine That You Could Email Beyond Our Building To One Another.  Then While Still Working For Boeing, I Was Transferred To The Alabama Super Computer In Huntsville, Alabama With High Speed Computers,  And We Connected To All The Colleges And Universities Through A DOS Like Unix Structure Using TelNet And FTP Protocols And I Thought That Was So Cool~!

But, The Holy Ghost Told Me That The Next Thing Coming Would Be How He Would Communicate To The World, And When www, {World Wide Web}, Came Out; I Asked The Holy Ghost, “Is This What You Were Talking About”, And He Said That It Was.  Back In That Day, We Used To Refer To Email Between Our Building(s) As ‘Intranet’, And Outside Our Building(s) As The Internet.  Now-a-Days, I Don’t Hear The Term ‘Intranet’ Anymore As We All Can Connect To Each Other Through The Internet Or We Google On The Information Highway About Everything or Find Out How To Build or Repair Whatever On YouTube, (Our Knowledge Has Increased).  And Currently, We Have Access To More Information Than All The Super Computers Had Back Then Right In Our Cell Phones.

How Did They Fish In Yahoshua’s Day?  With A Line or With A Net.  How Do We Fish For People Today?  We Chat With Text Messages via An OnLINE Connection And Use The InterNET For Our Email.  I, Along With Zillions Of Others Have Zipped By Airplane To And Fro Another City And State And Back For A 3-Day Excursion And Traverse To The Rental Car By The Airport Shuttle And Stay In A Hotel And I’ve Done so Twice In The Last Six Months, And Ate Out And Lived My Life Without Interruption While Doing So.  And Cruise Ships Abound Where Folks Can Have Servants Catering To Their Every Beck And Call, {Lovers Of Pleasure, (2 Timothy 3:1-7)}, And All These Things We Can Do Just Further Points To The Fact That Yahoshua Is Coming Back Soon~!

Daniel 12:3-4 ~
3 Those Who Are Wise Will Shine As The Brightness Of The Expanse.
Those Who Turn Many To Righteousness Will Shine As The Stars Forever And Ever
4 But You, Daniel, Shut Up The Words, And Seal The Book, Even To The Time Of The End.
Many Will Run Back And Forth, And Knowledge Will Be Increased”.

Was Donald Trump, The Last Trump?  Is Russia Invading Ukraine The Beginning Of Gog And MaGog?

You Might Be Saying, But Let Me Raise My Family First.  Finish Raising Them In Heaven.  Let Me Explain It This Way.  What Is A Widow?  A Widow Is Someone Whose Husband Is Not Present.  How Much More So, Should We Be Expecting And Longing For Yahoshua’s Return All The While.  We Are Like Widows Because We Are The Bride Of Christ And We Are Without Our Husband, And Groom Yahoshua.  If Your Spouse Walks To The Other Room, You Might Miss Them For A Second.  If They Go To Work All Day, You Look Forward To Seeing Them At The Close Of The Day.  But, If They Go Out Of Town For A Couple Of Days Or A Week; Then For A Season, You Are A Widow or A Widower.  You Miss Them.  If The Phone Rings Or You Get A Text Message On Your Cell Phone, You Answer It Immediately.  You Are Thinking, Is This Them?  Maybe, They Are Calling To Tell Me The Meetings Ended Early And They Are Coming Home~!  Yip-eee~!

And Keep Our Eyes On ‘Yahoshua’ As We Run This Race With Endurance.

Looking To Yahoshua, The Author, {Pioneer} And Perfecter Of Faith, Who For The Joy That Was Set Before Him Endured The Cross, Despising Its Shame, And Has Sat Down At The Right Hand Of The Throne Of Yahweh, (Hebrews 12:2).

When I Used To Run 10k Road Races, I Found That I Could Keep A Steady Consistent Pace Better If I Focused On The Person Ahead Of Me.  Maybe, They Would Have On Red Shorts or Green Striped Shorts.  So, Instead Of Focusing On Trying Not To Slow Down or To Quit, My Thoughts Would Be To, “Follow Yellow Shorts, Look At Yellow Shorts, Don’t Lose Yellow Shorts”.  In A Similar Manner; Instead Of Staring At An Empty Sky In The Sweet By And By, We Are To Look To Yahoshua’ And Keep Our Eyes Focused On Him.

He Just Disappeared… So, He Shall Just Re-Appear,
Yahoshua Is Not Going To Have To Confer With The Holy Ghost To Be Updated As To What’s Going On.  As He Is Already Here In The Holy Ghost And Is Constantly Being Apprised Of Our Situation.  He Is Just Going To Suddenly Appear, (Colossians 3:4).

The Key Verse For Us Is Found In Matthew 25:13,
Watch Therefore, For You Know Neither The Day Nor The Hour In Which The Son Of Man Is Coming”.

If The Only Thing Preventing You From Telling Someone How To Ask Yahoshua To Be Their Lord, Is Because You Feel That They Might PigeonHole You Into “They’re One Of Those” Categories.  How Would You Feel About That If You Really Believed That Yahoshua Could Return Any Day Now, And They Will Go To Hell.  Do You Care What They Are Going To Think?  Besides, That’s Assuming That They Don’t Get Saved.

The Word Will Not Return Void, (Isaiah 55:11); So Use Faith When You Witness And Ask The Holy Ghost What To Say So, That When They Get Saved, Then They Are Going To Say, “When I First Met S0-And-So, I Thought They Were ‘Bonkers’, But Now, I’m So Thankful That They Had The Bravery To Tell Me About Yahweh’s Love For Me”.

If You Need Help Telling Them How To Allow Yahoshua To Be Their Lord,
Go To One Of These WebSites: You Could Also Send Them One Of These Links, By Email or Social Media,
{Like If They Live Far Away}.

By Since It Is Written All Will Know That You Are My Disciples, (John 13:35).
If Possible, It Is Way Better To Talk To Them In Person,
{So That They Can See That Love, (Ephesians 4:15)}

How To Pray Someone Into The Kingdom Of Yahweh:

Mix Your Faith, (Hebrews 4:2), With The Scriptures Below To Believe That The Holy Ghost Will Fill Your Mouth The Right Words Fitly Spoken At Just The Right Time…

Exodus 4:12; Psalm 81:10;
Psalm 103:5;
Isaiah 50:4-5; Matthew 10:19-20; Luke 12:11-12; Mark 13:11; Colossians 4:6; James 3:2; Proverbs 15:23; Proverbs 25:11


Kick Start

Oftentimes We Too Have To Kick Start Our Prayer Life In The Same Exact Way That King David Did With A Good Dose Of Believing Yahweh’s Word, (Note That David Didn’t Just Adopt, “The Cup Is Half Full”, Positive Mentality.  David Had To Encourage Himself In Yahweh By What Yahweh Replied To His Inquiry And What Yahweh Had Previously Said About David.

Such As When The Prophet Samuel Had Appointed David As King And Said That He, (David) Would One Day Be King, (1 Samuel 16:1-13).  Then We Find David Was Going From Cave To Cave Running From Saul, Sleeping In Clammy Wet Cave Floors In The Same Clothes Day After Day, And Has To Provide Food For All 600 Men And And Now Someone Has Stolen His Family And Everyone Else’s Family At Ziklag And The Men Are Talking About Stoning Him,

1 Samuel 30:3-9 ~ So, David And His Men Wept Aloud Until They Had No Strength Left To Weep.  Back In That Day, There Was No Captive Exchange Program.  When They Captured Your Family And Livestock, They Would Be Gone Forever.

I Read That When David Was Living With The Philistines In The Land Of Ziklag, (1 Samuel 27:5-7).  That David Would Pretend To Be On The Philistines Side, But Secretly Killing And Looting All The Geshurites; The Girzites; The Amalekites, {Which Joshua Was Supposed To Have Alienated}.  While David And His 600 Men And Their Families Were Camped At Ziklag; All The While Telling The Philistine King Achish Saying That He Had Only Gone South To Destroy The King’s Enemies, (1 Samuel 27:8-12)}.  The Amalekites Lived In The South And David Had Been Killing And Looting Them~!  (Numbers 13:29).

“David Did Not Leave A Man or A Woman Alive To Bring News To Gath, Saying [To Himself], ‘Otherwise They Will Tell About Us, Saying, ‘This Is What David Has Done, And This Has Been His Practice All The Time That He Has Lived In The Country Of The Philistines”, (1 Samuel 27:11).

Now, These Very People That David Has Been Looting And Killing Have Captured His Family And The Families Of All His Men And All David’s Supplies And Their Livestock, (The 600 Men Plus Their Wives And Children All Had To Eat, And Even The Best Deer Hunter Could Not Have Adequately Fed All These Folks).  So, Cattle And Goats And Other Animals Were Probably Their Food Supply And It Was Gone Also.  There Must Have Been Some Provisions That Also Went With David, For 200 Stayed To Watch Over It, While 400 Pursued.

So, David And His Band Of Merry Men, {Actually, Some With Faces Like Lions, (1 Chronicles 12:8)} Returned Back After A Three Days Journey Back To Ziklag Where They Were Camped.  They Were Very Tired And Exhausted.  But, Upon Arriving To Their Camps Instead Of Finding Children Running To Greet Them, They Found That Their Entire City Had Been Burned To The Ground~!  They Didn’t Know What Had Happened To Their Families.  All They Saw Was Ashes And Soot, And Everybody Got Very Discouraged.

However, You Hear Often That David Encouraged Himself In Yahweh.  How Did He Do That?  I Imagine That He Rehearsed In His Mind The Time He Fought Lions And Bears And Took The Sheep Out Of Their Mouths, or When God Was With Him When He Slew Goliath… or The Time That Yahweh Put 3000 Of Sauls’ Men Asleep, (1 Samuel 26:6-16).  Perhaps, This Is The Importance Of Making A Journal.

However, There Is Something Else That Might Have Played A Part In David Encouraging Himself.  Have You Ever Heard Of One The Names Attributed To Yahweh Was Yahweh ~ Nissi;
(Pronounced Nissy): (Strong’s # 3068 ~ 03071 / 5251)

The Hebrew Word, “Nissi Means ‘My Banner, or ‘My Covering, ‘My Protection And, Also, ‘My Victory(Corresponds With The Greek Word Niki or Like The Nike Running Shoe, Associated With Victory).  This Title Was Made Known When Moses Lifted Up The Rod Of Victory In Prayer For An Entire Day As A Battle With None Else, But The Amalekites Was Fought (Exodus 17:15).  We Wouldn’t Probably Know The Hebrew Attributes That Moses Had Assigned To Yahweh, But, David Would Have Known And Also Have Known It Origins, A Battle With None Else, But The Amalekites Where Moses’ Folks Walked Away Victoriously.

But, I’m Not Going To Focus On David Encouraging Himself In Yahweh.  You Can Read About That In 1 Samuel 30:1-6 To Find Out More About That Aspect.  But, I Want To Talk About From The Time David Inquired Of Yahweh, And That Was Certainly A Central Part Of David Being Encouraged.

1 Samuel 30:7-8
7 David Inquired Of Yahweh, Saying, “If I Pursue After This Troop, Will I Overtake Them?”
8 He Answered Him, “Pursue; For You Will Surely Overtake Them, And Will Without Fail Recover All”.

David Wasn’t Inquiring To See If He Should Go Get His Wives, As He Didn’t Even Know If They Were Still Alive.  David Just Wanted To Know If He Should Pursue.
Pursue; For You Will Surely Overtake Them, And Will Without Fail Recover All~!”  First Of All, That Means David’s Wives And Everybody Else’s Families Are Alive~!  That’s Good News~!  That Alone Is Worth Re-Joicing And Shouting Aloud About~!  But, Wait, There’s More.  “And Will Without Fail Recover All~!”.

Now, That Has Got To Be Encouraging~!  Wow~!  Now, Let’s Bring That To Now And How It Relates To Us.  David Like Us, Didn’t Know What To Think Upon Finding His Village Burned, And Neither Did We Know What To Make Of Matters Our Day With COVID.  But, Now That We Have Inquired Of Yahweh And Heard From Yahweh Telling Us To Stand Still And To Hold Fast To Our Confession And That WE TOO WILL RECOVER ALL~!  And David RECOVERED ALL~!, (1 Samuel 30:19).

So Shall My Word Be That Goes Forth Out Of My Mouth: It Shall Not Return Unto Me Void, But It Shall Accomplish That Which I Please, And It Shall Prosper In The Thing Which I Sent It For You Shall Go Out With Joy, And Be LED Forth With Peace: The Mountains And The Hills Shall Break Forth Before You Into ‘Singing’, And All The Trees Of The Field Shall Clap Their Hands’”, (Isaiah 55:11-12).

If Satan Can’t Rob You Of Your Joy, Then He Can’t Steal Your Goods~!

Hebrews 10:34-35 ~
34 “For You Had Compassion On Me In My Chains, And Joyfully Accepted The Plundering Of Your Possessions, Knowing That You Have For Yourselves A Better Possession And An Enduring    1 One In The Heavens”.
35Do Not, Therefore, Fling Away Your Fearless Confidence, For It Carries A Great And Glorious Compensation Of Reward”.

Inquire Of Yahweh First, {Always}.  Ask Like King David, Should I Pursue These Folks And Recover What They’ve Stolen From Me, Especially Where Family Members Are Involved.  But, If It’s Just Physical Property Unless The Holy Ghost Directs You Otherwise, Then If They Steal From You, Count It As If You Gave It To Them, And Now Believe For A 100-Fold Return~!

James 1:2-3
“Consider It Joy, My Brothers And Sisters, When You Face Trials Of Many Kinds, Because You Know That The Testing Of Your Faith Produces Perseverance”.

1 Peter 1:8-9
“Though You Have Not Seen Him, You Love Him; And Even Though You Do Not See Him Now, You Believe In Him And Are Filled With An Inexpressible And Glorious Joyfully, For You Are Receiving The End Result Of Your Faith, The Salvation Of Your Souls”.

Psalm 27:6
“And Now My Head Shall Be Lifted Up Above My Enemies All Around Me; Therefore, I Will Offer Sacrifices Of Joy In His Tabernacle; I Will Sing, Yes, I Will Sing Praises To Yahweh”.


“Every ‘Good Thing’ Which Is In You~!”
(Hebrews 13:21)

Can You See David Out There Early In The Morning Away From The Others Saying, “I Will Get My Family Back For Yahweh Is With Me < Just As He Was With Me When I Faced Goliath”, (1 Samuel 17:36-37, 45-46), {By The Way, David Did Get His Family Back As I Mentioned Yesterday}.  We Have To As Philemon 1:6 Says And Acknowledge The Good Stuff That Is Inside Of Us That Helps Us To Overcome The World, (Yeah, That’s Right Even Our Faith ~ 1 John 5:4).

And With The Holy Ghost, You Don’t Have To Wait To See If Punxsutawney Phil Will See His Shadow At Gobbler’s Knob In Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania To Know If We Are Going To Have Six More Weeks Of Winter… John 16:13 ~But When He, The Spirit Of Truth, Comes, He Will Guide You Into All Truth.  For He Will Not Speak On His Own Authority, But Will Speak Whatever He Hears, And Will Tell You What Is To Come”.  We Are Going To Have 5 1/2 More Weeks Of Winter.

On January 25, 2022, Pastor Q.T. Curtis Passed Over.  He Used To Be The Pastor Of Sage Avenue Baptist Church In Mobile, Alabama, Where My Wife And I Attended.  From His Obituary, I Discovered That He Fought In Major Battles In North Africa, Italy, Battle Of The Bulge And Was Part Of D-Day, But He Never Mentioned That To Me.

Well, Brother Curtis Said That He Would Have Prayer In The Sanctuary At 5:30 A.M.  I Thought That’s Way Too Early, But I Went And Met With Him And At First There Were Others.  But, Over The Next Few Weeks, Most Everybody Else No Longer Showed Up, And Quite Often, It Was Just Me And Brother Curtis.  But, What Drew Me In, Was That Everybody That We Prayed For Ended Up Coming Down The Aisle The Following Sunday.  At First, I Thought He Knew Stuff Ahead Of Time Because Maybe They Told Him That They Were Coming Down Front The Following Sunday.  But, Then I Realized That He Wouldn’t Have That Many Advanced Notices.  This Really Intrigued Me, And I Begin To Understand That We Were Seeing Answered Prayers.  He Would Pray, And Then I Would Pray.

We Both Would Be Kneeling At The Altar Steps, So The Following Sunday, I’d Go To Church, And When I Saw The Steps, I Couldn’t Help But Remember What We Prayed That Week.  At First, 5:30 A.M. Seemed Quite Early, But Because Of Joy Of Seeing Answered Prayers Each Week, My Anticipation Rose And I Gladly Got Up And Went With Joy To Pray, I Honestly Couldn’t Wait To See What Would Be Answered This Week.  But, When I Would Pray, Then He Would Moan.  So, I Would Stop Immediately Thinking That I Said Something Wrong.  Then He Would Be Quite, So I Would Pray Again What I Felt In My Heart To Pray, And Again He Would Moan.  It Took Me A While To Realize That I Would Praying Things That Moved Him In Spirit And That’s Just The Way He Responded.  I Begin To Listen For His Moaning In Agreement.

But, One Thing I Learned About Praying, Was That It Brought A Lot Of Joy To See Prayers Answered That Folks Had Been Hoping For To Happen For A Long, Long Time, And Yet When We Prayed We Would Get Results Quickly.  It Wasn’t Because We Were Special.  Not Once Did Brother Curtis or Myself Ever Pray, Father Please Let This Drunk Keep Beating His Wife And Children.  Not Ever And Neither Would You.  We Prayed The Opposite Of That, And I Begin To Just Know That It Would Be About In One To Four Weeks, We Would See This Husband And Father Come Down The Aisle In Repentance.  So, I Learned To Pray Believing.  I Learned To Have An Expectancy Of Hope, (Hebrews 11:1); When We Prayed And I Didn’t Even Know Mark 11:24 At That Time.  I Was Young And Had Just Gotten Out Of The Navy And Was Going To College Full Time.  But, I Also Learned To Pray With Joy, And Not By Getting All Teary-Eyed And Full Of Sorrow.  I Got Where I Hated It, If Others Joined Us, Because They Would Spend 12-15 Minutes In That Sorrow Sounding Voice Telling Yahweh The Problem.  We Never Went To Tell Yahweh The Problem, He Already Knew The Problem.  We Prayed The Answer To The Problem With Earnest Expectation And Saw Results.  But, Fortunately, The Weepy Praying Folks Quit Coming

Psalm 30:11-12
11 “You Have Turned My Mourning Into Dancing For Me; You Have Put Off My Sackcloth And Girded Me With Joy’ ”,
12 “To The End That My Tongue And My Heart And Everything Glorious Within Me May Sing Praise To You And Not Be Silent.  Yahweh My God, I Will Give Thanks To You Forever”.

Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, {Gladness’ Is Also Translated As Joy, Elsewhere In The Scriptures ~ Tap or Enter Here To See Proof That Gladness’ and Joy’ Are The Same Exact Hebrew Word,<OT:8057>}.

And The Next Time We Met For Prayer,  Either Brother Curtis or Myself Would Pick Up What They Were Begging God About And Pray It In Faith And See Results.  This In A Nutshell Is Why I’m Telling You Joy Is A Very Important Part Of Praying Believing.

So, Now, The Phrase, “The Joy Of Yahweh Is Your Strength”, (Nehemiah 8:10); Makes More Sense Than Just Being Able To Wrestle Olga.

Romans 14:17-18 ~ “For The Kingdom Of Yahweh Is Not Meat And Drink; But Righteousness, And Peace, And Joy In The Holy Ghost”…

I Am With You

Entry Here To See How Many Times Yahweh Has Said, “I Am With You” or, “Yahweh Is With You”, or, “Yahweh Was With A Certain Person”.

Now, It Would Seem Normal To Say That “I Am With Yahweh”.  But For There To Be A Minimum Of 64 Scriptures That I Have Found Bearing Witness Instead That “Yahweh Is With Us”, Is Certainly Something We Should Take Note Of And Readjust Our Way Of Thinking.

The Scriptures Would Not Say To “Fight The Good Fight Of Faith”, If There Was No Fight To Be Fought.  So, Don’t Be Surprised When You Have To “Do ALL Things To Stand, (Ephesians 6:12; 1 Timothy 6:12).

It Turns Out That “The Good Fight Of Faith” Goes On To Say That “You Have Confessed A Good Confession Before Many Witnesses”.

Look At 1 Timothy 6:12.
Fight The Good Fight Of Faith?”  Take Hold Of The Eternal Life To Which You Were Called, And You Confessed The Good Confession In The Sight Of Many Witnesses.

I Think There Are A Number Of Mindsets That Prevent The Average Church-Going Christian From Being Effective.  One Of Those Things Is That We Think, “God Is In Control”, {So, We Do Nothing, Not Realizing That The Angels Are Responding To The Voice Of Our Words And We Are Uttering Nothing, (Daniel 10:12; Psalm 103:20-21)}.

If You Are Not Calling In The Things That Need To Be Called In But Are Just Saying, “God Is In Control”… You Are Not Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith And Therefore, Ineffective~!  Let’s See A Perspective From The Other Side Of The Coin.  Hebrews 4:2 Says, “For Indeed The Gospel Was Preached To Us As Well As To Them; But The Word Which They Heard Did Not Profit Them, Not Being Mixed With Faith In Those Who Heard It”.  These Are Like Two Nickels That Make Up Ten Cents.  Actually, There Is A Third Nickel To Toss In Here.

Whenever, You Hear The Word Of Yahweh And You Do Mix Faith With It, You Also Have To Have Corresponding Actions, “For Faith Without Works Is Dead”, (James 2:14-24), And If You Don’t Then You’re Not Holding Fast To Your Confession,

(Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 10:23; 1 Timothy 6:12);

And You’re Not Mixing The Word Of Yahweh With Faith Nor Do You Have Corresponding Actions.  Then Your Faith Is Dead, And Not Worth A Dime~!  {pun}… You’re Not Going To Get The “Well Done, You Good And Faithful Servant Award” “You Have Been Faithful Over A Few Things, I Will Set You Over Many Things.  Enter Into The Joy Of Your Lord”.  You’re Going To Get The “When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith On The Earth?”, (Luke 18:8). Now, By The Way, Faith Must Also Work By Love, (Galatians 5:6; Mark 11:25-26).


Speak The Truth In Love
{That We May Grow Up In All Things Into Him Who Is The Head, Christ}
(Ephesians 4:15)

This Is Important.  I Want You To Get This Message, (Ephesians 4:11-21).  When I Was In The Navy I Was Assigned To An Aircraft Squadron That Deployed With Various Aircraft Carriers.  While We Were Deployed With The USS Ranger, A Liberian Tanker Named “Fortune” Struck Us Head On In The Strait Of Malacca, {The Malaysian Strait}.  For Fear Of A Fire, And Until The Situation Could Be Ascertained All Engines Were Stopped And For A Short While And We Were Just Floating Adrift.  All Engines Were Also Stopped Onboard The USS Kitty Hawk In The Middle Of The Indian Ocean.  This Means That We Go, “Wherever The Wind Takes Us”, or More Specifically The Term Is Called, “Dead In Water”.  We Were “Dead In Wate r”.

I Recall How Unsettling That Made Me Feel, as We Were Not On A Cruise Ship But A United States Ship Of War, And Things Happen At Sea That Seldom Get Reported On The News, Like The Liberian Tanker That Struck The USS Ranger From Colonel Muammar Gaddafi While President Jimmy Carter Was President And Liberia Was Flirting With His Brother Billy Carter.  They Reportedly Only Had A Contingent Of 12 People OnBoard That Liberian Tanker And There Was No Oil Spilled, And they Immediately Sunk That Liberian Tanker And Probably Tried To Sue The United States To See If They Could Make A “Fortune” Off Of A Purposeful Attack.

However, I Don’t Think I Can Forget What It Felt Like To Be “Dead In Water”.  This Is Precisely What The Scriptures Are Talking About When It Says, “Faith Without Works Is Dead”, (James 2:17,20).  You Are “Dead In Water”, Floating Adrift By Every “Wind Of Doctrine”, (Ephesians 4:14).  One Of Those “Wind Of Doctrines” Is The Belief That “God Is In Control”, And That All Things Happen For A Reason.  Folks, We Have An Evil dEvil And He Is Seeking Whom He “May” Devour, (1 Peter 5:8).

Romans 8:28 Says “We Know That All Things Work Together For Good For Those Who Love God, To Those Who Are Called According To His Purpose”.  Not All Things Work Together For Good, But “For Good For Those Who Love God, To Those Who Are Called According To His Purpose”.

Another “Wind Of Doctrine” Is That Yahoshua Could Do Mighty Works Only Because “He Was The Son Of God”, Or Along The Same Lines, “If It Be The Will Of God”, Both Of Which Are Trumped With (John 14:12 And Philippians 2:5-13).  One Thing That Can Make The Word Of God Of, “NO Effect ~ “The Traditions Of Folks”, (Matthew 15:6;9; Mark 7:9;13) And Along Those Same Lines, “The Winds Of Doctrines” … “Doctrines Of Deceit”, (Ephesians 4:14; 1 Timothy 4:1).

Other Things That Can Prevent Your Faith From Working, Mark 4::14-20:

1. Satan Comes Immediately To Steal The Word.  That’s Why We Need To Hear The Word Over And Over Again.  Some Things Slip By, Your Baby Cries Precisely When The Most Important Part Of The Word That Would Get You Over Is Said And You Miss It.
2. You Receive The Word With Joy, But Then Get Offended And Don’t Walk In Love.
3. “The Cares Of This World, The Deceitfulness Of Riches, And The Desires For Other Things Entering In Choke The Word, And It Becomes Unfruitful”.


The Mechanics Of Faith
{How Faith Works}:

Just So That You Can Now Operate In Faith,
I Am Going To Put It All In One Nutshell Everything I’ve Said So Far.

  1. Faith Comes By Hearing and Hearing By The Word Of Yahweh, (Romans 10:17).

  2. Hear And Receive The Word, (Mark 4:20).

  3. Mix Faith With The Word Heard, (Hebrews 4:2).

  4. Don’t Get Offended And Lose Your ‘Joy (Mark 4:13; Mark 11:25-26; Galatians 5:6).

  5. Realize That You Have What You Say, {Good or Bad}, (Mark 11:22-24).

  6. Speak The Word Over The Situation, {Fight The Good Fight Of Faith, (1 Timothy 6:12).

  7. Angels Are Responding To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Words That You Are Speaking, (Psalm 103:20-21).

  8. Corresponding Actions, (James 2:14-24), {Which Might Just Be Speaking The Word Over The Situation}.

  9. Hold Fast To Your Confession, (Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 10:23; 1 Timothy 6:12; Ephesians 6:12).

  10. Walk In Love, (Galatians 5:6).  What If Someone Wrongs You?  Or Robs You?  Are You Going To Let Satan Steal Your ‘Joy’ Also?

Hebrews 10:34 ~
For You Both Sympathized With The Prisoners And Put Up With The Seizure Of Your Belongings With Joy Because You Knew That You Yourselves Had A Better And Permanent Possession.

Have The Faith OF God”~!  This Changes The Focus From A Generic Statement Such As “God Is In Control” That Indicates That We Are Waiting On Yahweh, When Yahoshua, The Head Of The Church Told Us That He Has Given Us His Authority And To Go, (Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 10:19).  So, Yahweh Is Waiting On Us~!   This Puts The Onus “On Us”.


These Three New Testament Scriptures In Particular Catch My Eye.

Mark 16:20
They Went Out, And Preached Everywhere, “Yahweh Working With Them”, And Confirming The Word By The Signs That Followed.  Amen.

Acts 10:38, “How God Anointed Yahoshua Of Nazareth With The Holy Ghost And With Power: Who Went About Doing Good, And Healing ALL Who Were Under The Power Of The Devil; For God Was With Him, {And Not The Other Way Around, Yahoshua Wasn’t Tracking Where Yahweh Was, But, Yahweh Was Following Where Yahoshua Was~!}

2 Samuel 5:10; John 14:16; Acts 10:38; Hebrews 13:6 Says, “Yahweh Is My Helper; I Will Not Fear.  What Can Humans Do To Me?”  Not “I Am The Yahweh’s Helper”.

Philemon 1:6 ~ That The Communication Of Your Faith May Become Effectual By The Acknowledging Of Every ‘Good Thing’ Which Is In You In Yahoshua Ha Mashiach.

Both Mark 11:22 And Galatians 2:20 Should Have Read, (And Does In Some Translations Including ‘The Wycliffe Bible’), “Have The Faith OF God”~!  This Changes The Focus From A Generic Statement Such As “God Is In Control” That Indicates That We Are Waiting On Yahweh, When Yahoshua, The Head Of The Church Told Us That He Has Given Us His Authority And To Go, (Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 10:19).  This Puts The Onus “On Us” And “When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith On The Earth?”, (Luke 18:8).

Have The Faith OF God”~!  Speak To The Current Situations.

Did You Know That They Are Secretly Importing Immigrants Into The USA That Will Vote Democratic?

Did You Know That All Across The United States, The Democratic Are Re-Zoning Voting Areas To Increase Their Vote? Like They Are Trying To Make Spanish Fort Be One District That Includes Prichard, {Even Though They Are Separated By Counties And By The Mobile Bay}.  This Is Going On Quietly Throughout The United States.z

Boldly Declare That “There Is Nothing Hidden That Won’t Be Revealed, And There Is Nothing Secret That Won’t Become Known And Come To Light~!” (Luke 8:17;Mark 4:22).

The Blessing Of Yahweh-It Makes [Truly] Rich, And He Adds No Sorrow With It [Neither Does Toiling Increase It]” ~  (Proverbs 10:22).

Once Upon A Time, I Went And Got My Lawn Mower And Cut My Neighbor’s Grass.  I Heard A Voice Inside Saying, “Don’t Cut Their Lawn As You’re Going Throw A Rock Through Their Window”.  Ugh~!  That Would Cost Me Time, Money And An Apology.  That Doesn’t Sound Like A Blessing To Me, (“The Blessing Of Yahweh-It Makes [Truly] Rich, And He Adds No Sorrow With It [Neither Does Toiling Increase It]” ~  Proverbs 10:22).

Now, Suppose That I Decided To Take That Negative Thought And Say Out Loud What The Negative Thought I Had Heard About Busting A Window.  This Would Be The Opposite Of What Yahoshua Said To Do In Matthew 6:31, Where He Said, “To Take No Thought, Saying

So, I Checked Inside To See If This Was A Warning From Yahweh, (I Tested The Spirit By Saying, “Spirit That Said Unto Me ‘Don’t Cut Their Lawn As You’re Going Throw A Rock Through Their Window’, Has Yahoshua Come In The Flesh?” ~ 1 John 4:1-2).  Guess What, It Wasn’t Yahweh~!

I Could Have Just Let It Ride.  However, Yahweh Told Us To Take Every Thought Captive, (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).  It Doesn’t Take But About A Second To Say, “No, That’s Not Right For ‘Yahweh, Before Whom I Walk, Will Send His Angel With Me, And Prosper My Way’, (Genesis 24:40; Hebrews 1:14).  Boom, Thought Captured ~ No Windows Busted~!  {To Learn More About That You Have What You Say, Please Enter Here}.

Angels Are Employed As I Speak Out Loud By Giving Voice To The Words Of God, And They Respond To Our Words, (Psalm 103:20-21; Daniel 10:12).  Because Of Their Words, The Angels Had No Word Of Yahweh To Work With.  Angels Hearken To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Word(s).  You Are The One That Has To Give Voice To Yahweh’s Word.  The Angels Give Heed, They Hearken; So, You Are Going To Have To Talk Out Loud… Anything Times Zero Equals Zero, (So, If You Say Nothing, There Is Nothing That Can Be Multiplied ~ Faith Without Works, {‘Corresponding Actions’}, Is Dead(James 2:14-24).

Philemon 1:6 ~ That The Communication Of Your Faith May Become Effectual By The Acknowledging Of Every ‘Good Thing’ Which Is In You In Yahoshua Ha Mashiach.

So Shall My Word Be That Goes Forth Out Of My Mouth: It Shall Not Return Unto Me Void, But It Shall Accomplish That Which I Please, And It Shall Prosper In The Thing Which I Sent It For You Shall Go Out With Joy, And Be LED Forth With Peace: The Mountains And The Hills Shall Break Forth Before You Into ‘Singing’, And All The Trees Of The Field Shall Clap Their Hands’”, (Isaiah 55:11-12).

When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith On The Earth?”, (Luke 18:8).


Live Long And Prosper And Be In Health~!

When You Get Near The Age Of 65 You Will Probably Be Inundated With Calls From MediCare Supplement Companies.  It Seems That From Their Perspective, That The Most Important Decision That I Can Make Right Now Is Do I Want MediCare Parts A, B, C And D.  Especially Medicare Part D Plans For Your Doctors And Estimate Rx Costs & Savings.  Let’s Just Make This Plain.  Part D Stands For Drugs, Where The Big Pharmaceutical, {aka… Big Pharma} Companies Profit The Most And Make Money. 

Study Out, “PreScript ion Drugs”, (Prescription Medication or Prescription Medicine), or Script And You’ll Find That, “Rx” Is Often Used As A Short Form For Prescription Drug In North America.  It Is An Abbreviation For The Latin, “Recipe”, An Imperative Form Of, “Recipere”, Meaning, “Take …As In Take Drugs.

The Pharmaceutical Industry, Known As ‘Big Pharma’ Is A Money Machine Wants Control Of Most All Of The Hospitals.  If It Is Not True That Pharmaceutical Companies Are Making Big Money, Why Are There So Many Pharmacies Almost On Every Street Corner And None Of Them Are Going Belly Up~!  Both CVS And WalGreens Plan To Add Doctors And Nurses In Their Stores~!  Also, Have You Noticed How Many Hospitals Are Being Bought Up By Ascension.  So, It Is Sad That Nurses, {And Doctors}, Are Revered And Seen As The Most Trusted Folks Of All, Yet Are Deceived And Duped Into Being A Reassuring Voice To Encourage Folks To Take Drugs.

Does The Scriptures Address This Use Of Drugs To Make Money For The Big Pharmaceutical Companies.  Well, Yes It Does.  Especially For The Last Days.

¤ In Revelation 18:23 ~ It Talks About The End Times And Says, “The Light Of A Lamp Will Shine No More At ALL In You.  The Voice Of The Bridegroom And Of The Bride Will Be Heard No More At ALL In You; For Your Merchants Were The Princes Of The Earth; For With Your, Sorcery, ’ (G5331), ALL The Nations Were Deceived”.  We’re Not Surprised At ALL That d—Evil One Uses Sorcery or Wizards, Like In The Movie, “Harry Potter”.

However, The Word, “Sorcery”, or, “Sorceries” Is Translated From The Greek Word, “Pharmake” or, “Pharmakeía”, From Which We Derive Our Modern English Words Such As, “Pharmacist”, And, “Pharmaceutical”.  Thayer’s Lexicon Describes This As, “1. The Use or The Administering Of Drugs 2. Poisoning”.  So, The Doctor’s Are Licensed ONLY To Practice,’ “Medicine”.  This Same Word Used In Galatians 5:20 Is Defined In The King James Version As, Witchcraft, And Implied In Acts 8:11, (BeWitched or Beguiled As In Genesis 3:13 Where Eve Was Beguiled).

The Medicine Man And The Medical Community At Large Are Not Licensed To Practice Physical Therapy, Nor Rehabilitation, Nor Homeopathic Means Nor The Use Of Herbs, (As A Herbalist), Nor Reflexology And Most Certainly Not Do Most Practice Openly Any Kind Of Spiritualism, {Including Christianity}.

I Say This To Say That When You Tell A Doctor That You’re Going To Use Faith And Talk To The Problem; Don’t Expect Them To See It From Your Point Of View And Agree With You, And They Will Most Likely Revert Back To What They Are Legally Licensed To Practice.  This Means Their Entire Field Of Recovery Is Focused Around Administering Pharmaceutical Drugs.  The Definition For Medicine Is “A Compound or Preparation Used For The Treatment or Prevention Of Disease, Especially A Drug or Drugs Taken By Mouth”.  But You Have To “Take” These Drugs.  You Can Cleverly Disguise These Drugs By Calling Them Pharmaceutical Drugs, But They Are Still ‘Drugs’.   So, Literally, The Physicians Administer And Dispense Drugs As They Practice Medicine And The Doctor Is The Medicine Man And Is Legally Licensed To Practice Witchcraft.


Fight The Good Fight Of Faith~!

The Scriptures Would Not Say To “Fight The Good Fight Of Faith”, If There Was No Fight To Be Fought.  So, Don’t Be Surprised When You Have To “Do ALL Things To Stand, (Ephesians 6:12; 1 Timothy 6:12).

It Turns Out That “The Good Fight Of Faith” Goes On To Say That “You Have Confessed A Good Confession Before Many Witnesses”.

Look At 1 Timothy 6:12.
Fight The Good Fight Of Faith?”  Take Hold Of The Eternal Life To Which You Were Called, And You Confessed The Good Confession In The Sight Of Many Witnesses.

Getting Back To Medicare, You Would Think That The Way The Big Pharma Is Trying To Control Your Thoughts On This, That This Is The Most Important Decision Of Your Life.  Like If You Don’t Have A Plan To Pay For The Drugs That They Want To Sell, Then You Are Just Not Being Prudent~!

Such Deception.  So Sad.  Why Is It That Not Many Voices Are Instructing You On How To Use Your Faith Mixed With The Word Of Yahweh To Stay Healthy And Not Need Pharmaceutical Drugs.  Click or Tap Here For A List Of Over 105 Healing Scriptures That You Can Mix Your Faith With, (Hebrews 4:2) And Do Corresponding Actions, (James 2:14-24), And Stay Healthy~! (3 John 1:2).

By His Stripes, We Were Healed, (Isaiah 53:5, Matthew 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24).  If You ARE Healed,{Past Tense}, Then You Are Still Healed Now~!, {Present Tense}.  But Unless You Believe This, You Will Not Prosper And Produce Fruit In This Area Of Your Life.  If I’m Going To Manifest Healing In My Body, I’ve Got To First Prosper In My Soul, {Mind, Will & Emotions}.  It’s Got To Happen On The Inside Of Us First.  In 3 John 1:2, The Author Says That He Wishes Above ALL Things That We Prosper And Be In Good Health, {“I Hope You Are Well And Prosperous, Having All Your Needs Met”.  ~ (G2137)}, Even As Our Soul, {Mind, Will & Emotions}, Prosper.  Unless You Prosper, {Flourish, Thrive}, In Your Soul, {Mind, Will & Emotions}, Then You Will Not Prosper, {To Succeed In Reaching}, In Receiving What Yahoshua Has Already Done For You By His Covenant.  You’ve Got To Believe Before You Can Receive,

(Mark 4:20; Matthew 13:23; Luke 8:15; Mark 11:23-24; Hebrews 4:2; James 5:15).


Angels Respond As I Speak Out Loud By Giving Voice To The Words Of God~!

Angels Respond As I Speak Out Loud By Giving Voice To The Words Of God, And They Respond To Our Words, (Psalm 103:20-21; Daniel 10:12).  Because Of Their Words, The Angels Had No Word Of Yahweh To Work With.  Angels Hearken To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Word(s).  You Are The One That Has To Give Voice To Yahweh’s Word.  The Angels Give Heed, They Hearken; So, You Are Going To Have To Talk Out Loud… Anything Times Zero Equals Zero, (So, If You Say Nothing, There Is Nothing That Can Be Multiplied ~ Faith Without Works, {‘Corresponding Actions’}, Is Dead(James 2:14-24).

Philemon 1:6 ~ That The Communication Of Your Faith May Become Effectual By The Acknowledging Of Every ‘Good Thing’ Which Is In You In Yahoshua Ha Mashiach.

So Shall My Word Be That Goes Forth Out Of My ‘Mouth’: It Shall Not Return Unto Me Void, But It Shall Accomplish That Which I Please, And It Shall Prosper In The Thing Which I Sent It For You Shall Go Out With ‘Joy’, And Be LED Forth With Peace: The Mountains And The Hills Shall Break Forth Before You Into ‘Singing’, And All The Trees Of The Field Shall Clap Their Hands’”, (Isaiah 55:11-12).

Speak In Faith To Any Health Issues That You Might Be Experiencing.  Even If You Climb The Stairs And Your Knees Hurt.  Inquire Of ‘Yahweh’ First, {Always …It Might Be That The Holy Ghost Will Say, You’re Overweight, And That’s Why Your Knees Are Causing You Pain, And Then Seek Yahweh For Your Diet}.  But, Even So, Even If It’s Your Own Fault, Say, “Knees Don’t You Get Used To Causing Me Pain, Because By His Stripes I Am Healed…”, (Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24).

When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith On The Earth?” ~ (Luke 18:8).


That My Joy May Remain In You, And That YOUR Joy May Be Full ~ (John 15:8, 11)

Now I’m Returning To You.  I’m Saying These Things In The World’s Hearing So My People Can Experience My Joy Completed In Them.  I Gave Them Your Word, (John 17:18).

I Like To Play The Card Game Hearts On The Computer.  Sometimes I Am Trying To Get All The Cards And Thus Give The Three Opponents 26 Points Each, (This Is Bad For Them As The Object Of The Game Is To Get Zero Points).

Occasionally, I Just Have A lot Of One Particular Suit And I Play That Suit Drawing Out The Hearts, And It Is Nice To See That For Example When I Play A Diamond, That No One Else Has Any Diamonds, And I Still Have Four Diamonds.  That Means That For Sure, That I Am Going To Win These Next Four Hands If I Play Diamonds.  Sometimes, All I Have Left Are Four Cards And They All Happen To Be Diamonds, Even Including The Two Of Diamonds.  This Means That I Am Going To Win This Hand~!

I Can Rejoice Because I Know That I’ve Already Won~!  Sometimes I Count The Cards In A Suite And Can Make This Determination That Way As Well.  Either Way, It’s A Joy To Know That I Have Already Won~!

This Is The Way It Is With Faith.  I Can Know Already That I’m Healed or That I’m Out Of Debt Because I Read In The Word.  “For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, That Though He Was Rich, Yet For Your Sakes He Became Poor, That You Through His Poverty Might Become Rich” ~ (2 Corinthians 8:9). We’ve Already Won~!  We Are Out Of Debt, (If We’re Rich, Then We Are Out Of Debt)~!  Money, Finances And Resources Are Already On Their Way~!, (Psalm 118:25).

“Until Now You Have Asked For Nothing In My Name ‘Ask And You Will Receive’, So That Your Joy May Be Full, {And Complete}”, (John 16:24).  You Can’t Be Full Of Joy, {Joy}, Unless Your Joy Is Full~!


Faith Foundation 101

How Would You Praise Yahweh If You Were Lifted Above The Situation, (Like In A Hot Air Balloon); And You Could See Into The Future And See That The Following Scripture Is True?  Romans 8:28 ~ And “We Know That All Things Work Together For Good To Them That Love God, To Them Who Are Called According To His Purpose”.  Would You Be Full Of Joy?   You Have To Ask Yourself, “Is This Verse True?” ~ {Hint: Yahweh Can Not Lie}.

If Romans 8:28 Is True In Your Mind, Proceed To The Next Paragraph, Otherwise Go Back And Re-Read Romans 8:28 And Ask Yourself If This Is True, (If You’re Saying, “But It’s Different For Me”, or “You Don’t Know My Situation”, Then Read 1 Corinthians 10:13, Where We Are Told That Nothing But That Which Is Common To Humans Occurs To Us.

You’ve Not Been Singled Out To Undergo Some Stress Test That No One Else But You Can Endure; Like You’re The Right Stuff Astronauts Are Made Of, (That’s Pride), “No Temptation Has Overtaken You Except Such As Is Common To Man; But God Is Faithful, Who Will Not Allow You To Be Tempted Beyond What You Are Able, But With The Temptation Will Also Make The Way Of Escape, That You May Be Able To Bear It”.
For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, That Though He Was Rich, Yet For Your Sakes He Became Poor, That You Through His Poverty Might Become Rich”, (2 Corinthians 8:9).  We’ve Already Won~!


Believing The Word Produces Results~!

Begging Doesn’t Work.  Feeling Sorry For Yourself Won’t Work.  Crying Also Can’t Work.  Only The Word Like Romans 4:17 Will Work.  Pray As If 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14; And Isaiah 41:2, (“Whom Victory Meets At Every Step ~!” ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition), Are Also True, (Which They Are).

Romans 4:17; Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14; Isaiah 41:2; Philemon 1:6, (WEB)

Genesis 17:5; Romans 4:17 ~
As It Is Written, “I Have Made You A Father Of Many Nations”.  This Is Before Him Whom He Believed, God, Who Gives Life To The Dead, “And Calls The Things That Are Not, As Though They Were”.

Deuteronomy 30:14; Romans 10:8 ~
But What Does It Say? “The Word Is Near You, In Your Mouth And In Your Heart” (That Is, The Word Of Faith Which We Preach)”.

Psalm 116:10
I Believed (Trusted In, Relied On, And Clung To My God), And Therefore “Have I Spoken” [Even When I Said], I Am Greatly Afflicted.

2 Corinthians 4:13 ~
And Since We Have The Same Spirit Of Faith, According To What Is Written, “I Believed And Therefore I Spoke”, “We Also Believe And Therefore Speak”.

(James 2:14-24).  You’re Not Holding Fast To Your Confession,

(Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 10:23; 1 Timothy 6:12)
Let Us Hold Fast The Confession Of Our Hope Without Wavering, For He Who Promised Is Faithful~!

Romans 8:28 ~
We Know That ALL Things Work Together For Good For Those Who Love God, To Those Who Are Called According To His Purpose.

Victory Meets Us~!

1 Corinthians 15:57-58
57 But, Thanks Be To God, Who Gives Us The Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
58 Therefore, My Beloved Sisters And Brothers, Be Steadfast, Unmovable, Always Abounding In The Work Of Yahweh, Forasmuch As You Know That Your Labor Is Not In Vain In Yahweh~!

2 Corinthians 2:14-15
14 But, Thanks Be To God, Who Always Leads Us In Triumph In Christ, And Reveals Through Us The Sweet Aroma Of His KnowledgeIn Every Place’.
15 For We Are A Sweet Aroma Of Christ To God, In Those Who Are Saved And In Those Who Perish:

Isaiah 41:2 ~ Who Has Roused Up One [Cyrus] From The East, Whom He Calls In Righteousness To His Service And Whom Victory Meets At Every Step?  Yahweh Subdues Nations Before Him And Makes Him Ruler Over Kings.  He Turns Them To Dust With The Sword [Of Cyrus], And To Driven Straw And Chaff With His Bow.

< NT:G2962> ~ The NT Greek Equivalent, {Kyrios}, For The OT Hebrew Yahweh <OT:H3068 >.
(From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 By AMG International, Inc. Revised Edition, 1993).

In The Septuagint, The Greek Version Of The Hebrew Scriptures, The Divine Name “YHWH”, {Strong’s Concordance # } Is Incorrectly Translated As “KYRIOS” Which Means “LORD”.  And New Testament Representative Of Hebrew ‘Jehovah’ (‘LORD’ In Eng. Versions). Vine, W. E, Unger, M. F, & White, W, Jr. (1996). In Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary Of Old And New Testament Words (Vol. 2, p. 379). T. Nelson.  “YHWH” Should Have Been Translated As “Yahweh”.

Numbers 6:22-27 ~
22Yahweh’ Spoke To Moses, Saying,
23 “Speak To Aaron And To His Sons, Saying, ‘This Is How You Shall Bless The Children Of Israel.’ You Shall Tell Them,
24Yahweh’ Bless You, And Keep You.
25Yahweh’ Make His Face To Shine On You,
And Be Gracious To You.
26Yahweh’ Lift Up His Face Toward You,
And Give You Peace.’
27 “So They Shall Put ‘My Name’ On The Children Of Israel; And I Will Bless Them”.

How Can The Priest Put Yahweh’s Name Upon Them, If He Calls Yahweh Something Other Than What Yahweh Commanded,
Because LORD Is Not Yahweh’s Name~!

The Faith Of The Son Of God~!

Galatians 2:20 ~ I Am Crucified With Christ: Nevertheless I Live; Yet Not I, But Christ Lives In Me: And The Life Which I Now Live In The Flesh I Live By The Faith Of The Son Of God, Who Loved Me, And Gave Himself For Me.

There Are Two Places In The Scriptures Where I Have Researched The “In” Mentioned Above.  It’s Sort Of Hard To Find The Meaning As Prepositions Are Not Given A Strong’s Concordance Number.  James Strong Felt That In Order To Devote Himself To Making A Great Lexicon He Almost Omitted The Prepositions.  In Fact, He May Have; But Someone That Edited “The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible, Red Letter Edition” Added A Section That Lists All The Occurrences Of Prepositions Such As, “Of” or “In”.

When You Look Up The Word “Of” In “The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible, Red Letter Edition”, It Shows Up In Two Distinct Places And One Of Them Is Mark 11:22 And The Other Is Galatians 2:20.  Both Of These Scriptures Are Connected With “Having The Faith OF God”, Rather “Than Have Faith In God”.  The Reason That I List Both Scriptures, It That Some Translators Correctly Interpret The “I Live By The Faith ‘Of’ The Son Of God” In Galatians 2:20.

Both Mark 11:22 And Galatians 2:20 Should Have Read, (And Does In Some Translations Including ‘The Wycliffe Bible’), “Have The Faith OF God”~!
{The Faith OF Yahweh, (Opens in A New Window) Enter Here For Proof That It Is Yahweh’s Faith}.  This Changes The Focus From A Generic Statement Such As “God Is In Control” That Indicates That We Are Waiting On Yahweh, When Yahoshua, The Head Of The Church Told Us That He Has Given Us His Authority And To Go, (Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 10:19).  This Puts The Onus “On Us” And “When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith On The Earth?”, (Luke 18:8).

Have The Faith OF God”~!  Speak To The Current Situations.  Boldly Declare That “There Is Nothing Hidden That Won’t Be Revealed, And There Is Nothing Secret That Won’t Become Known And Come To Light~!” (Luke 8:17;Mark 4:22).

Did You Know That They Are Secretly Importing Immigrants Into The USA That Will Vote Democratic?

Did You Know That All Across The United States, The Democratic Are Re-Zoning Voting Areas To Increase Their Vote?

Speak To These Situations.  Suppose, I Told You That.

We Live By The Faith Of The Son Of God.  And It’s Not Even Our Faith~!  Bottom Line Meaning: We Don’t Have To Work Up Our Faith ~ We’ve Got The Faith Of Yahoshua.  Like Yahoshua Believed And Then Passed On, So This Faith Cannot Fail~!

Philemon 1:6 ~ That The Communication Of Your Faith May Become Effectual By The Acknowledging Of Every Good Thing Which Is In You In Christ Jesus, (Hey, The Faith Of The Son Of God Is In Me And 1 John 5:4 Says That I OverCome By This Faith That Is Me.


Praise’ Is Different Than Worship~!

Praise Is Different Than Worship Worship Is Laying Down Your Life For The Service Of Yahweh, {Surprised?  In Romans 12:1, Compare J. P. Green’s Literal Translation or The King James Version Where The Word, “Service” Was Used With Other Translations Such As The Revised English Standard Version or The Amplified Classic Edition Where The Word, “Worship” Is Used, or Look Up The Greek Word, (Strong’s Concordance # 2999)}.

Praise’ Is Similar Except Instead Of Laying Down Your Life, You Are Denying Yourself To Walk By Sight And Purposely Deciding To Walk By Faith, (2 Corinthians 5:7).  Not Faith In Faith, But Faith In What Yahweh Has Said.  Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh, (Romans 10:17).

Years Ago Brother Jerry Savelle’s 13 Months Old Toddler Daughter Terri Savelle {Foy} Was In The Nursery And A Nursery Attendant Accidently Rocked Over Terri’s Fingers And Cut The Tips Of The Fingers.  The Nursery Worker Later Found The Fingertips. They Took Her To The Doctor And The Plastic Surgeon Said, “The Best That They Could Do Would Not Be Able To Reattach Them”, And Threw The Fingers In The Trash.

The Doctor Had Statues Of Buddha And Didn’t Believe That He Could Restore The Fingers And That The Best That He Could Do Was To Take A Skin Graft From Her Hips.  The Doctor Said, “They Will Be Little Nubs, And Will Never Have Nails, And Never Have The Right Length”.  Brother Jerry Said, “Sir, You Do What You Can, And Take It As Far As Medical Science Can, But My God Will Restore My Baby’s Fingers”.  The Doctor Said, “That’s Impossible”.  Brother Jerry Said, “Maybe Your God Can’t Do It, But My God Can And My God Will Restore My Baby’s Fingers”.  Brother Jerry Was Basing His Constant Hope And Earnest Expectation On The Word Of Yahweh At

(Galatians 3:13; Deuteronomy 28:4; Mark 11:24; Isaiah 55:11; And Mark 11:23),

Brother Jerry Added And Said Out Loud, “And I’m Saying My God Will Restore My Baby’s Fingers”.

So, The Doctor Walked Over To Brother Jerry’s Wife, Carolyn, And Said, “Your Husband Is In Shock.  And I Know This Is A Traumatic Experience For Y’all, You’re Both A Young Couple And This Is Your Daughter And I Can Understand.  But, I Have To Be Real With You.  It Is Impossible.  They Will Never Be Normal Again”.

Carolyn Said, “No, Sir, We Believe God Will Restore Our Baby’s Fingers”.

Brother Jerry Said, “Doctor, You Do What You Can Do”. So, The Doctor Took Her In And Did The Skin Graft And Kept Her Overnight.

Her Fingers Were Still Wrapped, And The Doctor Said, “Bring Her Back In Six Weeks”.  And So They Did.  Many Folks Came By His Home Saying, “We Don’t Know Why God Did This” And Brother Jerry Told Them To Leave His Home.  “My God Did Not Cause This”, Jerry Would Tell Them.  Remember It Is “The Traditions Of Folks’ That Make The Word Of God Of No Effect”, (Useless, A Moot Point, Making Void), (Matthew 15:6, 9; Mark 7:9, 13)}.

He Made A Lot Of Folks Mad.  This Is “The Sacrifice Of Praise, The Fruit Of Your Lips Giving Thanks”, As Brother Jerry Had To Endure The Ridicule Of Folks Thinking That He Just Wasn’t In Touch With Reality.

So, They Brought Terri Savelle Back In Six Weeks And When The Doctor Cut The Bandages Off, And When He Did, He Lifted Both Hands And Screamed, “My God~!” Brother Jerry Said, “What Is It, Doc?” The Doctor Pointed And Said, “Look”… Her Fingers Were Back To Normal And Had Nails On Them And You Couldn’t Even Tell That They’d Ever Been Cut Off~! Brother Jerry Said, “Not Your God, But MY GOD DID THIS~!

Brother Jerry Was Returning Yahweh’s Word To Yahweh And Yahweh Said That It Would Not Return Void, (Isaiah 55:11-12).

You Can Hear Brother Jerry Savelle’s Testimony At This Website.


Psalm 3:2-6, (WEB~NIV)
2 Many Are Saying Of Me, “God Will Not Deliver Him”.  3 But You, Yahweh, Are “A Shield¤ Around Me, My Glory, The One Who Lifts My Head High.  4 I Call Out To Yahweh, And He Answers Me From His Holy Mountain.  5 I Lie Down And Sleep; I Wake Again, Because Yahweh Sustains Me.  6 I Will Not Fear Though Tens Of Thousands Assail Me On Every Side.

¤ {Ephesians 6:16 ~Above All”, Taking The Shield Of Faith With Which You Will Be Able To Quench All The Fiery Darts Of The Wicked One}.

The Sacrifice Of Praise ~ The Fruit Of Our Lips Giving Thanks To His Name, Hebrews 13:15 ~ By Him Therefore Let Us Offer The Sacrifice Of Praise To Yahweh Continually, That Is, The Fruit Of Our Lips Giving Thanks To His Name).


Meditate On The Word Of Yahweh

Of Course, We Must Study To Show Ourselves Approved, A Workman That Needs Not To Be Ashamed, (2 Timothy 2:15).  But, That’s Being A Listener.  We Are Instructed Not To Be Hearers Only, But To Be Doers Of The Word, (James 1:22).  As In Philemon 1:6 There Needs To Be Some Application To Be A Doer Of The Word.  Some Acknowledgment Of Faith, or Confession Done With Our Mouth Out Loud~!

Confess, {Strong’s Number 3670 As In Romans 10:9-10) Means, “To Say The Same Thing As”, (or Maybe We Would Understand This Better If We Use The Word Profess, {Strong’s Number: 3670 As In Titus 1:6}, Professed, {Strong’s Number: 3670 As In 1 Timothy 6:12}, Profession or Professing, Like When Someone Is Baptized And The Preacher Says, “Based On Your Profession Of Faith’, I Baptize You Such-n-Such”).

Galatians 5:22
But The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Love, Joy… Against Such, There IS NO LAW~!

Galatians 5:25
Since We Are Living By The Spirit, Let Us Follow The Spirit’s Leading In Every Part Of Our Lives.

Did You Know That The Lack of Joy Can Work Against You… If You Don’t Get Into Joy.  You Can Be Obedient, But Not Willing.  A Young Person Was Told To Take Out The Trash, and They Obeyed, But They Said, “I’m Rebelling On The Inside”.  They Were Obedient, But Not Cheerful About Being Obedient, Thus They Were Not Willing, and Would Not Qualify To Receive The Good Of The Land To Eat.

Isaiah 1:19-20
19 If You Are Willing’ And Obedient, You Shall Eat The Good Of The Land;
20 But If You Refuse And Rebel, You Shall Be Devoured By The Sword; For The Mouth Of Yahweh Has Spoken.

Deuteronomy 28:47
47 Because You Served Not — Yahweh Your God With Joyfulness, And With Gladness Of Heart, For The Abundance Of All Things…
…Then Read Deuteronomy 28:48-68 To See All The Curses That You Will Have.

Now With This In Mind Considered How Important The Following Is.

2 Corinthians 9:7 ~
“And Let Every Person Give As They Have Purposed In Their Heart – Not Grudgingly, or Under Constraint. For Yahweh Loves A Cheerful Giver


The Sacrifice Of Praise~!

So, When We Begin To Confess’, {To Say The Same Thing As Yahweh Says}, Despite The Outward Circumstances, Then We Are Entering Into Praise, (In Fact; This Is The Sacrifice Of ‘Praise’ ~ The Fruit Of Our Lips Giving Thanks To His Name, Hebrews 13:15; Psalm 50:23; Psalm 27:6 ~ By Him Therefore Let Us Offer The Sacrifice Of Praise To Yahweh Continually, That Is, The Fruit Of Our Lips Giving Thanks To His Name).

The “Sacrifice Of Praise”, That Is, “The Fruit Of Our Lips, Giving Thanks” To His Name”.   It’s Easy To Praise When Things Are Going Well, It Is A Sacrifice To Praise When When Things Are Going Rough In A Hardship Situation, And Even More Difficult When The ‘Rough’ Has Been Going On For A Long Time, or The Certain Weakness That We’re Trying To Overcome And We Fall Back Into Doing It Once More. It’s Like, “Thanking Yahweh And Praising Him From Delivering You From Smoking, While You’re Still Huffing Away On A Cigarette”.  It Is The Sacrifice Of Praise As Stated In Hebrews 13:15, “Therefore By Him Let Us ‘Continually # Offer The Sacrifice Of Praise To Yahweh, That Is, ’The ‘Fruit Of Our Lips, Giving Thanks To His Name’”.

 Standing Firm On Yahweh‘s Word, (Isaiah 7:9); During Those Times Of Tribulation, Giving Yahweh Honor & Glory For Things Not Yet Accomplished, Calling Those Things That Be Not As If They Were Already Done, (Romans 4:17).  Notice How, “This Praise Cannot Be Silent”, (Psalm 30:1-4;11-12) ~ “The Fruit Of Our Lips, Giving Thanks” To His Name”.

Psalm 30:4;11-12
4 Sing Praise To Yahweh, You Saints Of His. Give Thanks To His Holy Name.
11 “You Have Turned My Mourning Into ‘Dancing For Me; You Have Put Off My Sackcloth And Girded Me ‘With Joy’ ”,
12 “To The End That My Tongue And My Heart And Everything Glorious Within Me May ‘Sing Praise’ To You
And Not Be Silent.  Yahweh My God, ‘I Will Give Thanks To You Forever’”.

We Want To “Fight The Good Fight Of Faith Which Is The Good Confession”, (1 Timothy 6:12).  So, You Don’t Want To Be “Double-Minded”, (James 1:6-8); And Declare That You’re Saying One Thing, And Then Say Stuff That Contradicts The Good Results You Are Expecting or You’ll Get Nothing.  Be Aware Of #Every Idle Word That You Say”, (Matthew 12:36).  We Want To Have “The Sacrifice Of Praise”, Which Is “The Fruit Of Our Lips Giving Thanks”, (Hebrews 13:15).  You’ll Have To Believe That “You Have What You Say”, (Mark 11:23-24), and Stand Firm On Yahweh‘s Word, (Isaiah 7:9; Ephesians 6:13).

Isaiah 7:95, (MSG Translation)
If You Don’t Take Your Stand In Faith, You Won’t Have A Leg To Stand On”.

It Might Encourage You To Watch And Hear Ron Kenoly Singing “Morning Into Dancing”, (https://youtu.Be/YkhvXCUEyuc).

Psalm 116:10
I Believed (Trusted In, Relied On, And Clung To My God), And Therefore “Have I Spoken” [Even When I Said], I Am Greatly Afflicted.

2 Corinthians 4:13 ~
And Since We Have The Same Spirit Of Faith, According To What Is Written, “I Believed And Therefore I Spoke”, “We Also Believe And Therefore Speak”.

Deuteronomy 30:14; Romans 10:8 ~
But What Does It Say? “The Word Is Near You, In Your Mouth And In Your Heart” (That Is, The Word Of Faith Which We Preach)”.

Genesis 17:5; Romans 4:17 ~
As It Is Written, “I Have Made You A Father Of Many Nations”.  This Is Before Him Whom He Believed, God, Who Gives Life To The Dead, “And Calls The Things That Are Not, As Though They Were”.  {“Calls” Means To “Say Out Loud”}

Psalm 27:6
“And Now My Head Shall Be Lifted Up Above My Enemies All Around Me; Therefore, I Will Offer Sacrifices Of Joy In His Tabernacle; I Will Sing, Yes, I Will Sing Praises To Yahweh”.

Have You Noticed The Many Times That When Joy Is Expressed That Singing Follows?

When You Get Depressed, You Want To Sleep All The Time.  So, One Of The Ways To Get Out Of Depression Is To Assign Yourself Tasks To Complete, And You Feel Good About Accomplishing Some Minor Goals.  Well, In The Same Exact Way, When You Feel Overwhelmed And It Is Hard To Have Joy And It Is Difficult To Offer A Sacrifice To Praise, That Is The Time To Start SingingSing … Alone In Your Private Time or In Front Of Others, But Sing To Yahweh, (Not About Yahweh, But Sing To Yahweh).

Psalm 68:4-5
4 Sing To God~! Sing ‘Praises To His Name.  Exalt Him Who Rides On The Clouds — His Name Is Yahweh—And Rejoice Before Him.
5 God In His Holy Dwelling Is A Father Of The Fatherless And A Champion Of Widows.

1 Chronicles 16:9;24 Psalm 105:2
9/2 Sing To Him, Sing Praise To Him; Tell About All His Wonderful Works~!
24 Declare His Glory Among The Nations, His Wonderful Works Among All Peoples.

Psalm 9:11
Sing To Yahweh, Who Dwells In Zion; Proclaim His Deeds Among The Nations.

I Start My Prayers With The Word Of Yahweh Right In Front Of Me Oftentimes, Even Stopping To Find A Certain Scripture, {And If I Had Not Studied, I Would Not Even Know That A Particular Piece Of My Arsenal, (The Word Of Yahweh ~ Hebrews 4:12), Was In Yahweh’s Word}, And Then I Return That Word Back To Yahweh With My Voice Lifted Up In High Praise For The Thing Being Accomplished, (Isaiah 55:11-13).

Proverbs 15:23 ~ {The New International Version}
A Person Finds Joy In Giving An Apt Reply—And How Good Is A Timely Word~!

Psalm 97:11 ~ {New Living Translation}
Light Shines On The Godly, And Joy On Those Whose Hearts Are Right.

Ecclesiastes 2:26 ~ {New Living Translation}
God Gives Wisdom, Knowledge, And Joy To Those Who Please Him.


Yahweh Cannot Lie~!
{Enter Here For Proof}

Not As A, “Begging” or Even An, “Accusation” To Yahweh, Demanding That Yahweh Do What He Said That He’d Do, (When It Appears That Yahweh Has Not Done What He Said That He Was Going To Do); But As A Praise, “The Sacrifice Of Praise, The Fruit Of Our Lips Giving Thanks”

Confess Means To, “To Say The Same Thing As”; And What Yahweh Has Said About The Circumstance, And Declaring It To Be So, Just Like Romans 4:17 Says~ “Calls The Things That Are Not, As Though They Were” And Watching In Awe And Wonder As They Unfold And Your Prayers Are Answered~!

F. F. Bosworth , (Author Of, “Christ The Healer”), Said, “Faith Begins Where The Will Of God Is Known”.

Another Famous Preacher Said, “You Must Know The Word Of Yahweh In Order To Believe What The Word Says.  The Word Of Yahweh Contains The Power Within Itself To Cause What It Says To Come To Pass.  If You Believe Yahweh’s Word, And Use It As Yahweh Intended For You To Use It, Then The Word Will Begin To Work In Your Life~!  You Must Act On The Word.  Faith Is An Act~!  The Best Way To Act On The Word Is To Speak It~!”


Never Stop Believing Yahweh’s Word~!

Probably The Greatest Reason That Some Prayers Go Unanswered Is Because Many Give Up Praying And Believing Before They Receive Their Answer.  As Long As We Have The Promise Of Yahweh’s Word, Be Patient And Persistent - Keep Believing, And Don’t Quit, No Matter How Long It Takes~!

Say, “The Greater One In Me Will Put Me Over In Life.  He Is Greater Than Sickness And Disease.  Yahweh Is Greater Than Poverty or Lack, And Greater Than Broken Heartedness”, (Isaiah 61:1-3; Luke 4:18-19),Yahweh Always Causes Me To Triumph In Christ Jesus”, {Yahoshua Ha Mashiach}.

Hold Fast Your Confession Of Faith~!
(Hebrews 10:23; Proverbs 15:4; Proverbs 18:4;21; Psalm 19:14; Matthew 12:34-37; Proverbs 13:3; Isaiah 55:11-12)

For Example, You’re Going On A Trip And You See In The Word At Psalm 121:5-8, That Yahweh Will Keep You And That Yahweh Will Keep (Preserve) Your Going Out And Your Coming In From This Time Forth, And Even Forevermore.  So, Based On The Word Of Yahweh, Declare Out Loud With Boldness To Any Spirits Listening, That You And Your Family or Company Will Return Back Safe And Sound.  Now Suppose You Have Confessed This And That You Just Arrived At Dallas-Fort Worth Airport And Your Daughter’s Luggage Didn’t Show Up.  What Do You Do?

A. Despair, {Hint: Doubt Despairs, Complains And Is Sad.  Faith Rejoices, Gives Thanks And Is Glad~!}
B. Say, “This Always Happens To Me~”~!,
{Hint: Doubt Despairs, Complains And Says, “Oh Boy”; But Faith ‘Rejoices’, Gives Thanks Is Full Of Joy~!}
C. Cling To Psalm 121:5-8; Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17 And Believe For Them To Find Your Daughter’s Luggage And Get It To You.

Believe Accord To Psalm 121:5-8, That If You’re Driving, You Will Not Get Into Any Accidents, Nor Have Mechanical Problems or Mishaps, or Speeding Tickets, Nor Will They Lose Your Luggage or Your Seat On The Plane, Or Rental Car.  Yahweh Will Keep You From This Day Forward And Forevermore~!  If You Say This, And Then Follow Up With Some Remarks Of UnBelief, {Like, “You Just Never Know”, or, “I Hope So”, Then You Just Compromised And Negated Your Profession Of Faith In Psalm 121:5-8; Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17.  Expect Your Doubt And UnBelief To Manifest Itself, (Maybe, You’ll Just Run Out Of Gas)}.

If You’ve Gone To ‘Feelings’ And ‘Feeling Sorry For Yourself’, And That You Deserve Something, Can You See That This Is Inverse Of Giving Thanks & Praising Yahweh For ALL The Things That Are Going Right In Your Life.  Our Topic Of Interest Has Been Joy, And This Scripture Might Not Come To Your Mind When You’re Thinking About Joy, But The Opposite Of Feeling DownCast Is Joy~!

Have You Noticed The Many Times That When Joy Is Expressed That Singing Follows?

Psalm 38:6; Psalm 42:4-5,11; Psalm 43:4-5
4 I Went With Them To The House Of God, With The Voice Of Joy And Praise, With A Multitude That Kept A Pilgrim Feast.
5 Why So DownCast, O My Soul? And Why Art Thou Disquieted Within Me?  Put Your Hope In God: For I Shall Yet Praise Him, Who Is The Health Of My Countenance, And My God, {KJV}.

4 Then I Will Go To The Altar Of God,
To God My Exceeding Joy; And On The Harp I Will Praise You, O God, My God.
5 Why Am I So Depressed? Why This Turmoil Within Me?  Put Your Hope In God,
For I Will Still Praise Him, My Savior And My God, {HCBS}.

Psalm 94:19 ~ {New Living Translation}
“When Anxiety Was Great Within Me, Your Consolation Brought Joy To My Soul”.
When I Worried About Many Things, Your Assuring Words Soothed My Soul, {Psalm 94:19 ~ God’s Word Translation}.  <OT:H8312>, (Psalm 139:23}.

Anxiety In The Heart Of A Person Weighs It Down”…, “In Nothing Be Anxious, But In Everything, By Prayer And Petition With Thanksgiving, Let Your Requests Be Made Known To Yahweh”, {Anxiety In A Person’s Heart Weighs It Down, But An Encouraging Word Brings Them Joy ~

(Proverbs 12:25; Philippians 4:6; Matthew 6:25-34)}.

Psalm 100:4-5 ~
Enter Into His Gates ‘With Thanksgiving’, Into His Courts With ‘Praise’.  ‘Give Thanks’ To Him, And ‘Bless His Name’.
Give Thanks To Yahweh, Call On His Name; Proclaim His Deeds Among The Peoples.

When We Think Of Praising Yahweh, We Usually Associate With The Worship Service Where We Sing And Dance And That Should Be Praise, (Psalm 68:4-5; Psalm 105:2; 1 Chronicles 16:9).  But Often It’s Just Something To Fill In The Time.  If Someone Were To Give High Praises Of Someone Else, They Would Tell Of All The Wonderful Things That This Person Is Noted For or Did.  So, In The Same Way, When You’re In The Middle Of A Trial, Talk Of All The Wondrous Things Yahweh Has Done. Tell Of His Greatness.  Call Somebody Up This Week And Tell Them Something Yahweh Did For You, [This Is Your Assignment}.  This Is More Than Just Mind Over Matter.  It Gets The Focus Off Of The Problem And Onto Yahweh And What’s He Done Before And Soon Your Head Will Be Lifted Up And You’ll Have An Expectancy Of Things Hope For.  Notice That David Says “For I Will Still Praise Him”~!  David Is Talking About Praising Yahweh Despite The Appearance Of Circumstances.  This Is What Praise Is All About.

Get Back On The Word That Yahweh Says About You.

Here’s What We Ought To Be Saying.  “I, Even I, Am He Who Blots Out Your Transgressions For My Own Sake; And I Will Not Remember Your Sins.  Put Me In Remembrance; Let Us Plead Together: Set You Forth [Your Cause], That You May Be Justified”,

(Isaiah 43:25-26; Jeremiah 31:31-34; 1 John 1:9).

Confession Of The Day—I, Having Received Abundance Of Grace And The Gift Of Righteousness Do Reign As A King / Queen In Life By Jesus Christ,  (Romans 5:17).

Psalm 9:11
Sing To Yahweh, Who Dwells In Zion; Proclaim His Deeds Among The Nations.

1 Chronicles 16:9;24 Psalm 105:2
9/2 Sing To Him, Sing Praise To Him; Tell About All His Wonderful Works~!
24 Declare His Glory Among The Nations, His Wonderful Works Among All Peoples.

Psalm 96:3
Declare His Glory Among The Nations, His Wonderful Works Among All Peoples.

Psalm 145:10-12
10 All You Have Made Will Thank You, Lord; The Godly Will Praise You.
11 All They Will Speak Of The Glory Of Your Kingdom And Will Declare Your Might,
12 Informing All People Of Your Mighty Acts And Of The Glorious Splendor Of Your Kingdom.


Let Us Exalt His Name Together~!

My Name Is Charlie.  What Is My Name In Mexico?  {Hint, It’s Not Carlitos}.  What If I Were To Visit China, What Would My Name Be?  Even In Russia or Hungary, It’s Still Charlie.  They Might Call Me Carlitos, And I Would Probably Answer, But That Did Not Change My Name.  Yahweh Is The Name In Hebrew That God Certified With The Scriptures Is His Name.  What Is Yahweh s Name In English, Spanish, German or Chinese?  It’s Still YahwehIsaiah 42:8 ~I Am Yahweh, That Is My Name; I Will Not Give My Glory To Another or My ‘Praise’ To Idols”.  And It Is Not Jehovah, As There Was No ‘J’ In The Hebrew Language.  I Wrote A Whole Lot More About This On The Following Website, Click Or Tap Here To Go To

(Exodus 3:15; Isaiah 42:8; Jeremiah 16:21; Psalm 83:18; Proverbs 30:4; Psalm 68:4; Genesis 15:7; Exodus 15:3; Isaiah 38:11)

Psalm 68:4-5
4 Sing To God~! ‘Sing’ Praises To His Name.  Exalt Him Who Rides On The Clouds — His Name Is Yahweh —And Rejoice Before Him.
5 God In His Holy Dwelling Is A Father Of The Fatherless And A Judge And Protector Of The Widows Is God In His Holy Habitation.

Psalm 105:1
Give Thanks To Yahweh, Call On His Name; Proclaim His Deeds Among The Peoples.

Isaiah 12:4
And On That Day You Will Say: “Give Thanks To Yahweh; Proclaim His Name~!  Celebrate His Works Among The Peoples.  Declare That His Name Is Exalted~!

Isaiah 52:6-9
6 Therefore My People Will Know My Name; “Therefore They Will Know In That Day That I Am He Who Speaks: ‘Behold, It Is I.’ ”
7 How Beautiful Upon The Mountains Are The Feet Of Him Who Brings Good News, Who Proclaims Peace, Who Brings Glad Tidings Of Good Things, Who Proclaims Salvation, Who Says To Zion, “Your God Reigns~!”
8 Your Watchmen Shall Lift Up Their Voices, With Their Voices They Shall Sing Together; For They Shall See Eye To Eye When Yahweh Brings Back Zion.
9 Break Forth Into Joy, Sing Together, You Waste Places Of Jerusalem~!  For Yahweh Has Comforted His People, He Has Redeemed Jerusalem.

A Translation Of The Hebrew Letters YHWH’, Traditionally Translated “The LORD”; “Yah” Is The Shortened Form.  The Translation “Yahweh” Is Used In The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) In Places Where The Personal Name Of God Is Discussed, (Psalm 68:4), or In Places Of His Self-Identification, (Isaiah 42:8).  If You Are A Mother or A Father or an Aunt or an Uncle or Even A Captain or A Chief In The Navy or A Colonel In The Army, You Know That Your Name Is Not Mother, Father, Aunt, Uncle, Captain, Chief Nor Colonel.  No, Colonel Sanders’ First Name Is Not Colonel~!  If Your Bible Says In Isaiah 42:8, “The LORD Is His Name”, That Is The Same Nonsense.  You Know That Can’t Be Right.  Anytime You See The Word LORD In The Old Testament With All Capital Letters, Now, You Know That In The Hebrew Language That Word Was YHWH, <Strong’s Concordance Number OT: H3068>.  I Explain Why The Translators Did This 6,822 Times At  They Did This Because They Had Thought That HIS Name Was Too Holy To Be Said Out Loud, Which Is A Subtle Way Of Taking Yahweh’s Name Away From Us, {You Shall Not Take Away The Name Of Yahweh’ And Obscure The Name And To Make It Null And Void, (Exodus 20:7)},  This Is Why I Use Either The World English Bible, {WEB}, or The Lexham English Bible, {LEB}, or The Names Of God Bible, {NOG} When I Quote Scriptures That Have Yahweh s Name In Them.

There Are Those That Mistakenly Believe That Yahweh Has Many Names.  Actually, That Is True And Yet It’s Not.  These Names Are Actually Titles That Were To Given To Yahweh By Others, And They Became Names.  For Example, I Once Helped Someone Move And We Were On The Second Story Of An Apartment Complex And Someone Said, “I Hate That We Got To Walk All The Way Back Down”, And I Replied, “You Don’t Have To Walk Back Down, You Could Just Jump Off The Balcony”.  Someone Said, “Right~!”, Like That Was Not Even A Possibility, And Just On A Lark, I Went Running For The Balcony And Jumped And Clobbered A Bush Below.  I Told My Dad What I Did And He Had Always Called Me Wildman, And Dad Said, “And You Wonder Why I Call You Wildman

So, Wildman Is Not My Name, But If Dad Were To Say Wildman, I Would Respond.  But That’s Still Not My Name.  It’s Just A Title That Dad Called Me By. “Even A Young Man Is Known By His Actions”, (Proverbs 20:11).

I Went To A Wedding Once And There Were Two Others Also Named Charlie Warren’s There; And None Were Related To Me or To Each Other, Except For Two More That Didn’t Show, (A Father And A Son).  If This Father And Son Had Shown, We Would Have Had Five “Charlie Warren’s”.  That’s Wild~!  So, If Somebody Was Talking About Charlie Warren, Someone Else Might Ask, Which Charlie Warren?   And The Reply Might Be Charlie The WildmanWildman Is Still Not My Name And I Don’t Really Like That Description, [I Saw What I Did By Jumping Off The Balcony As An Act Of Faith, Not Being Wild.  I Had Already Been Considering It, And Had Scoped It Out From The Ground Floor, And Determined How Far I Needed To Jump To Clear The Larger Bushes; and I Had AskedThe Holy Ghost If I Should Jump, and the Reply I Got Back Was It’s Up To You, {Implied, “You Won’t Get Hurt If You Do”}},  But Wildman Can Be Used As An Identifier, And I Would Come or Respond If Someone Called Me By That Title.  I Thought My Father Would Commend Me For Following The Holy Ghost And Making A Leap, (Literally) of Faith.  So, I Guess My Moniker Should Have Been ‘Naive’.  One Thing For Sure, I Quit Telling Folks Whenever I Moved In Faith, {If You Are Wise, You Are Wise For Yourself, (Proverbs 9:12)}.

There Were Many Joshua’s And Joshua’s Is Really The Same Name As Yeshua’s Actual Hebrew Name.  There Were Probably Many Joshua’s.  It Would Probably Be Yeshua Of Nazareth.  The Of Nazareth Is Just An Identifier, But Not Part Of Yeshua’s Name.  If I Write Yeshua, I Think Folks Would Read That As, Yes-You-Are.  That’s Why I Write Yahoshua, {So, That It Will Be Pronounced Correctly}.  The Pronunciation Is More Important Than The Spelling.  It’s Like In The Movie Written, Directed And Co-Starred By Tom Hanks Called ‘That Thing You Do’, With The Original Title Of The Band Called ‘The Oneders’, Which Was Intended To Be Pronounced, ‘The Wonders’, But Nobody Got It.  So Tom Hanks Changed The Name Of The Band To Be ‘The Wonders’.

But, The Attributes That Have Been Given To Yahweh Include Yahweh ~ Nissi Was Given To Yahweh When When Moses Lifted Up The Rod Of Victory Like A Banner And They Defeated The Amalekites By Moses, (Yahweh Our Banner ~ Exodus 17:15).  Or That Time When Yahweh Helped Gideon Bring Peace To The Land, So Naturally What Does Gideon Name Yahweh, Yahweh-Shalom Meaning, Yahweh Is Our Peace, (Judges 6:24).  In The Same Way, David Who Was A Shepherd Called Yahweh, Yahweh-Rohi, (Which Means Leader or The Great Shepherd At Psalm 23:1), And When Abraham Was About To Offer Isaac Upon The Altar, And God Provided A Ram, Abraham Called Yahweh, Yahweh-Yireh, {Yahweh Provides or Yahweh Is Our Provider ~ Genesis 22:14}.

Malachi 3:16
“Then Those Who Feared Yahweh Spoke To One Another, And Yahweh Listened And Heard Them; So A Book Of Remembrance Was Written Before Him For Those Who Fear Yahweh And Who Meditate On His Name”.

I Know Some Churches Have Banners Made With These Wonderful Titles For Yahweh And When You Get To Heaven And See A Man Waving A Banner That Says Wildman, That Would Be My Dad Welcoming Me Home~!  However, I Said All That To Say This..  You Can Name Yahweh~!  That’s Right, Whatever Attribute That You Need Right Now.  Why Not?  I Used To Work For Boeing’s Help Desk For Computers, And The Many Times I Had To Ask Yahweh How To Solve A Computer Problem And Yahweh Would Show Me, So To Me, Yahweh Was Yahweh The Magnificent Geek~!   But You Might Need A Break-Through In Some Areas Of Your Life.  Rather Than Beg Yahweh To Help You With Your… {Son, or Daughter, Finances, Decisions, Addictions, Relationships, Marriages).  Why Not Spend Some Moments After Reading This To Rehearse Those Areas Of Your Life Where Yahweh Came Through For You By Praising Yahweh For Being Yahweh Of The Breaking Through Of ___________.


Yahoshua Is Full Of ‘Joy’~!
You Will Show Me The Path Of Life In Your Presence Is Fullness Of Joy~!

(Psalm 16:11)

Yahoshua Was A Pretty Normal Happy Guy

Looking Away [From ALL That Will Distract] To Yahoshua, Who Is The Leader And The Source Of Our Faith [Giving The First Incentive For Our Belief] And Is Also Its Finisher [Bringing It To Maturity And Perfection].  He, For The Joy [Of Obtaining The Prize] That Was Set Before Him, Endured The Cross, Despising And Ignoring The Shame, And Is Now Seated At The Right Hand Of The Throne Of Yahweh. Hebrews 12:2

When I Drove For Lyft, I’ve Had Some Extremely Great Looking Folks, (Both Guys And Gals) That Live In $500,000 Homes And Two Of These Bright Young Women Told Me On Separate Occasions To Sing To “Wagon Wheel” As That Was My Jam, {It Really Wasn’t My Most Favorite}.  I Asked, “How Do You Know That’s My Jam?”, And They Both Said, “Because It’s In Your Favorites”… Well, It’s In My Favorites, So That I Can Find It Faster For My Passengers.  But, I Sing Along Anyhow.  I Bet I’ve Sang “Wagon Wheel” With 85-90 Different Groups Of Six Passengers.  All The Girls, (And Me), Know All The Words To This Song And The Guys In The Back Struggle, (I Am Still Convinced That The Females Are Better At Languages Than Most Males, Including Me, I Just Practiced These Songs More Every Night).

I Think It’s Because I Really Get Into Joy That Everyone Really Wants Me To Sing Along… In Fact, When I Really Get Happy And Start Saying Stuff Like Look At Those Oak Trees~!  I Get So Full Of Joy, (Joy), That Folks Start Laughing 50-75 Feet Before They Got Into My Vehicle And It Happened A Lot, Not Just Once, And So I Asked Yahweh Why Was This Happening, And He Said That I Was Like A Cup That Is Full To Overflowing.  People Seriously Want To Ride With Me Because I’m So Full Of Joy And Got Into Joy Before They Even Got Into My Vehicle~!

But, If You Really Want To Get Me Both Singing And Dancing, Then Play This.

Let God Arise With Paul Wilbur

Because I Love Righteousness And Hate Iniquity, Therefore God, Even My God Has Given Me The Oil Of Joy Above My Fellows~!
(Psalm 45:7; Hebrews 1:9) ~ {J.O.Y. = Jesus First, Others Second, Yourself Last}.

Notice The Next Time You Read Isaiah, The Numerous Times That Yahweh Instructs Folks To Sing For Joy, Especially When They Are Under Bondage or A Threat Of Attack.

Isaiah 52:6-9 ~
6 Therefore My People Will Know My Name; “Therefore They Shall Know In That Day That I Am He Who Speaks: ‘Behold, It Is I.’ ”
7 How Beautiful Upon The Mountains Are The Feet Of Him Who Brings Good News, Who Proclaims Peace, Who Brings Glad Tidings Of Good Things, Who Proclaims Salvation, Who Says To Zion, “Your God Reigns~!”
8 Your Watchmen Shall Lift Up Their Voices, With Their Voices They Shall Sing Together; For They Shall See Eye To Eye When Yahweh Brings Back Zion.
9 Break Forth Into Joy, Sing Together, You Waste Places Of Jerusalem~!  For Yahweh Has Comforted His People, He Has Redeemed Jerusalem.

Isaiah 51:11 ~
11 Therefore The Redeemed Of Yahweh Shall Return, And Come With Singing Unto Zion, An Everlasting Joy Shall Be Upon Their Heads.
They Shall Obtain Gladness, And Joy And Sorrow And Mourning Shall Flee Away.

Isaiah 35:10 ~
10 “Then Yahweh’s Ransomed Ones Will Return, And Come With Singing To Zion; And Everlasting Joy Will Be On Their Heads. They Will Obtain Gladness, And Joy, And Sorrow And Sighing Will Flee Away”.

Psalms Are Really Songs, And So Psalms As A Book Is Plural, {A Book Of Psalms / A Book Of Songs}, But, Singularly, Each Psalm Is A Single Song So, That’s Why They Don’t Have An "s" At The End Of Psalm.  But, My Point Is These Songs, {Psalms}, Were Meant To Be Sung, Especially In Times When Discouragement Is Trying To Gain The Upper Hands.  A Lot Of Very Anointed And Skilled Musicians Have Set A Lot Of Psalms To Music In Our Day And Time.  So, Why Re-Invent The Wheel, Just Sing Using Their Melodies And Lyrics, {Which Might Not Match The Scripture In The Right Order}.

Psalm 18:2-3
2 Yahweh Is My Rock And My Fortress And My Deliverer; My God, My Strength,
In Whom I Will Trust; My Shield And The Horn Of My Salvation, My Stronghold.
3 I Will Call Upon Yahweh, Who Is Worthy To Be Praised; So Shall I Be Saved From My Enemies.

Psalm 33:1-4
1 Rejoice In Yahweh, O You Righteous~!  For Praise From The Upright Is Beautiful~!
2 Praise Yahweh With The Harp; Make Melody To Him With An Instrument Of Ten Strings.
3 Sing To Him A New Song; Play Skillfully With A Shout Of Joy.
4 For The Word Of Yahweh Is Right, And All His Work Is Done In Truth.

Psalm 34:1,3
1O Magnify Yahweh With Me, And Let Us Exalt His Name Together
3 I Will Bless Yahweh At All Times; His Praise Shall Continually Be In My ‘Mouth

Psalm 42:11; Psalm 43:5
Why So DownCast O, My Soul.  Put Your Hope In God.  And Bless Yahweh, O, My Soul~!

This Is How We Also Should Respond When We Are Dealing With Sickness, or Wounds or Our Nation, Because The Word Is You Have Been Redeemed,
(Psalm 107:2; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 1:18–21).

Once, I Bent Down In The Bathroom To Retrieve Something I Dropped And I Came Up Under The Sink And Hit My Head On The Porcelain Sink.  Ouch, That Smarts.  It Was The Kind Of Hurt That Hurt So Bad That Tears Came To My Eyes.  I Was Just Holding My Head With My Hands And The Hurt Wouldn’t Go Away.  I Am Redeemed.  But, I Am In Pain.  Which Route Would I Choose ~ To Start Bad-Mouthing Myself For Being So Dumb And Curse The Blasted Sink, … or I Could Rejoice.  Rejoice?  What Are You Nuts?  My Head, My Head… And I Could Feel A Bump On My Head.  And This Song Came To My Remembrance About The Head.  So, I Started Singing Over And Over Again.

Therefore The Redeemed Of Yahweh Shall Return, And Come With Singing Unto Zion, An Everlasting Joy Shall Be Upon Their Heads.
They Shall Obtain Gladness, And Joy And Sorrow And Mourning Shall Flee Away {Repeat}.

Therefore The Redeemed Of Yahweh Shall Return, And Come With Singing, Unto Zion, An Everlasting Joy Shall Be Upon Their Heads.
They Shall Obtain Gladness, And Joy And Sorrow And Mourning Shall Flee Away {Again}.

Therefore The Redeemed Of Yahweh Shall Return, And Come With Singing, Unto Zion, An Everlasting Joy Shall Be Upon Their Heads.
They Shall Obtain Gladness, And Joy And Sorrow And Mourning Shall Flee Away {One More Time}.

Therefore The Redeemed Of Yahweh Shall Return, And Come With Singing, Unto Zion, An Everlasting Joy Shall Be Upon Their Heads.
They Shall Obtain Gladness, And Joy And Sorrow And Mourning Shall Flee Away {As Often As Necessary}.

I Might Have Sang For 5 Minutes Over And Over, And Suddenly The Pain Just Completely Went Away.  And The Bump Was Gone As Well.  Instantly~!

Recently, My Neighbor Said That She Was Concerned That The Dogs Behind Our Houses Were Going To Break Through Her Places In Her Privacy Wood Fence Where The Pickets Had Dry-Rotten.  She Was Very Concerned About Her GrandDaughter’s Safety.

I Said, I’ll Put New Pickets On The Fence.  I Only Needed 11 Pickets.  So, I Prayed About It And Felt That I Should Go To Lowe’s.

I Was At Lowe’s Getting The Pickets For The Privacy Fence And It Was Slim Pickings As It Looked Like It Was The Bottom Of The Barrel And They Mostly Looked Like Knotty Boards That I Wouldn’t Even Accept For My Own Fence Let Alone Doing It For My Neighbor~!

There Was Pressure Inside To Say “This Is A Bunch Of No-Good Trash Boards, I Think I’m Going To Go To Home Depot”, But Remember I Had Prayed And Felt Led By The Holy Ghost To Go To Lowe’s.  This Is A Key.  You Have To Stand Firm On What Yahweh Has Told You, (Ephesians 6:13; Hebrews 10:23).

So, I Remembered Instead What I Heard The Previous Night About Speaking The Answer To The Problem And So, I Said, “I Will Find 12 Good Boards For The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes Rich And Adds No Sorrow With It For I Have What I Say~!”, (Proverbs 10:22; Mark 11:23).

Within 25 Seconds, An Employee With A Forklift Comes In And Tells Me That He’s Going To Bring In Some More Brand New Pickets.

Just Remove The Doubt And Shout It Out~!

Nehemiah 8:10
Then He Said To Them, “Go Your Way, Eat The Fat, Drink The Sweet, And Send Portions To Those For Whom Nothing Is Prepared; For This Day Is Holy To Our Lord.  Do Not Sorrow, For The Joy Of Yahweh Is Your Strength”.

Watch And Hear Ron Kenoly SingingMorning Into Dancing”, ( 


Understanding People

When We Don’t Walk In Love, The Inverse Of This Is Strife And We Walk In Strife, We Stop ‘The Joy Of Yahweh, (Which Is Our Strength), And We ‘Frustrate’, (To Nullify, To Make Void or Invalid, To ‘Short Circuit’), ‘The Grace Of Yahweh, And A ‘Root Of Bitterness’ Springs Forth And Many Are Defiled, (Nehemiah 8:10; Galatians 2:21; Hebrews 12:15).

Strife Never Just Ends With Someone Getting The Best Of The Other Person.  When Someone Feels That They Are Hurt, (Real or Perceived), They Feel That They Have To Hurt Back; But, Since The Pain Is Still There; They Want To Cause Harm One Step More, (If You Can Relate, You Might Want To Enter Here To Buy,Hurt People, Hurt People” By Sandra D. Wilson).

Get Understanding~!
(Proverbs 4:5,7; Proverbs 16:16)


Enter Here To Purchase Charles R. Solomon’s, “The Handbook To Happiness” or, “The Rejection Syndrome” or, “Handbook To Acceptance”.

Enter Here For Lifetime Guarantee By Bill Gillham, “Lifetime Guarantee

Strife Always Escalates Unless One Of The Parties or Both Walk In Love.

Enter Here To See More On Strife.

Enter Here For Another Read On Being Offended.



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Romans 15:13
“Now May The God Of Hope Fill You With All Joy And Peace In Believing, That You May Abound In Hope By The Power Of The Holy Spirit”.


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In Righteousness I Shall Be Established; I Shall Be Far From Oppression, For I Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near Me. Isaiah 54:14

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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You.  Isaiah 54:14

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