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(Family) (Shakespeare Facts)

The BRADY bunch. (music*). The Brady bunch! Well....not EXACTLY. Here are some of Shakespeare's unfortunate family.
Anne Shakespeare (1571-1579)
Anne Shakespeare was the playwright's sister. She was born when William was seven and died when he was 14. Her death may have been especially grievous for Shakespeare's family since evidences show her funeral was unusually elaborate and costly, despite financial difficulties of her father.
Edmund Shakespeare (1580-1607)
Shakespeare's brother and most likely an acotr in London. He is believed to be buried in St. Saviour's Church, Southwark, on December 31, 1607. Four months earlier, the burial of an illegitimate child, 'Edward, sonne of Edward Shakespeare' was found at another church. (this is depressing...only death and burial about Shakespeare's family...).
Gilbert Shakespeare (1566-1612)
Shakespeare's brother and a haberdasher(what a nice word for a clothe merchant) in London in 1609 he was summoned to appear in Stratford court concerning a lawsuite and in 1610, he witnessed a document in Stratford. He was buried there and recorded as a bachelor.
Gilbert Shakespeare (1566-1612)
Shakespeare's brother and a haberdasher(what a nice word for a clothe merchant) in London in 1609 he was summoned to appear in Stratford court concerning a lawsuite and in 1610, he witnessed a document in Stratford. He was buried there and recorded as a bachelor.
Hamnet Shakespeare (1585-1596)
Shakespeare's son who was born around the end of Janurary in 1585. His death at age 11 must have been devastating for his father, but no trace of it is shown in Shakespeare's plays.
Henry Shakespeare (Died 1596)
Shakespeare's uncle who was a tenant farmer on a manor near Stratford. He was sued many times over mpney matters and was in trouble with the law on several occasions. In 1574 he was fined for fighting, in 1593 for wearing improper clothes in church, in 1591 for treaspassing, and in 1596 for debt-3 months after his death. However, despite these problems, he was a prosperous man at death.
Joan Shakespeare (Born 1558)
Shakespeare's sister and nothing is known of her except her christening date and that she died before the birth of the second Joan Shakespeare in 1569.
Joan Shakespeare Hart (1569-1646)
Shakespeares sister and was only 1 of William's siblings to out live him and she was apparentetly the only one to marry. She married a hatter named William Hart. In his will, William left her with 20 pounds, all his clothes, and a lifetime lease on the house she lived in. He decendents lived in that house until 1806.
John Shakespeare (1530-1601)
Shakespeare's father and he was an apprentice glover and a tanner of fine leathers. Between 1556 and 1558, he married Mary Arden. He eventually became a broker of wool and other commodities along with his leather business. In 1565, the year after William's birth, he was electerd an alderman and in 1568, became biliff of Stratford, the equvilant of mayor.
In 1592, he was fined for not attending church and he was thought to be staying home of arrest for debt. It is speculated that he resorted to alcoholism during that period, but cannot be proved. Just before his death, John Shakespeare re-appeared on the town council.

Judith Shakespeare Quiney (1585-1662)
Shakespeare's daughter and twin sister of Hamnet. Judith married at age 31 with Thoman Quiney, who was 4 years younger. Her father left Judith with 100 pounds as dowry and 150 pounds in reserve and received interest on it as long as Quiney lived. Judith and Tom Quiney were married during lent without the special license that was recquired and was briefly excommunicated.
Mary Arden Shakespeare (1540-1608)
Shakespeare's mother and the youngest of 8 daughters of Robert Arden, a gentlemen farmer. Her father left her some money and estate of 60 acres of land and a share in another property. She had two children who died in infancy before William was born in 1564. After John's death in 1601, she either lived with her married daughter Joan or New Place with William's family.
Richard Shakespeare (Died 1561)
Shakespeare's paternal grandfather and was a farmer in Snitterfield, a villiage not far away from Stratford. Records mentioning of him reveal the life of an ordinary English yeomen. He was a solid citizen who was many times called on to value the estates of his deceased neighbors.
Richard Shakespeare (1574-1613)
Shakespeare's brother and nothing is recorded of this younger brother of William between his christening and burial.
Susanna Shakespeare Hall (1583-1649)
Shakespeare's daughter who was born only after 6 months of her parents marriage. Her name s taken from the biblical Apocrypha reflecting Puritan learnings. Susanna's only child, Elizabeth Hall, was born in February 1608. She survived her husband by 14 years and was buried with a tombstone saying that she was 'witty about her sex'.