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~*~Laguna Loire~*~

[laguna lorie] Father of Squall Leonhart and husband of the deceased Raine. He is now the president of Esthar. Before he got married, he was a solider in the Galbadian army. He and his friends Kiros and Ward would also get lost. During the Soceress War, he was injured and the people of a small town caled Winhilll took him in and took care of him. After the Soceress War, he took up writing, and he met Raine, whom he married. She died giving birth to Squall. Laguna was then captured by Estharan soldiers and then, he met up with his friends. Edea took Ellone, a girl whom Raine used to take care of, into her orphanage. Now he is reunited with his son, Squall.
[esthar] This is where laguna has been president for for about 17 years. Esthar is in a vast contient called Esthar. It is acutally hidden and has been for the past 17 years.

the gif will be slow the first time, wait for it to run through to see it at it's correct speed.

[more pix of laguna can be found in the ending section]


[Final Fantasy Main] [Final Fantasy 8] [Squall Leonhart] [Rinoa Heartilly] [Seifer Almasy] [Zell Dincht] [Quitis Trepe] [Selphie Tilmitt] [Irvine Kinneas] [Laguna Loire] [Sorceress Edea] [Sorceress Adel and Ultimecia] [Balamb and Galbadia Gardens] [Ragnarok] [Time Compression] [Scenes from the SeeD Graduation Party] [Scenes from the intro] [Scenes from the Ending]

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