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~*~Squall Leonhart~*~

He's soooo OMFG FOINE~!!!

[squall leonhart] An orphan, and son of Laguna Lorie and Raine, had been raised by Matron. He is now the leader of Balamb Garden. His world was turned upside down when he met Rinoa Heartilly. He fell in love with her. And it was his first time to care for someone besides himself when "Sis" left.

[Squall Leonhart continued...]

[Final Fantasy Main] [Final Fantasy 8] [Squall Leonhart] [Rinoa Heartilly] [Seifer Almasy] [Zell Dincht] [Quitis Trepe] [Selphie Tilmitt] [Irvine Kinneas] [Laguna Loire] [Sorceress Edea] [Sorceress Adel and Ultimecia] [Balamb and Galbadia Gardens] [Ragnarok] [Time Compression] [Scenes from the SeeD Graduation Party] [Scenes from the intro] [Scenes from the Ending]

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