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There were orginally three Ragnaroks that were sent up to put Sorceress Adel in space. After 17 years, Rinoa and Squall found one of them. The Ragnarok is shaped like a dragonfly. It has some pretty cool guns.

[Final Fantasy Main] [Final Fantasy 8] [Squall Leonhart] [Rinoa Heartilly] [Seifer Almasy] [Zell Dincht] [Quitis Trepe] [Selphie Tilmitt] [Irvine Kinneas] [Laguna Loire] [Sorceress Edea] [Sorceress Adel and Ultimecia] [Balamb and Galbadia Gardens] [Ragnarok] [Time Compression] [Scenes from the SeeD Graduation Party] [Scenes from the intro] [Scenes from the Ending]

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