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Dragonball GT: Final Bout

Kamehameha (55) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Chou Kamehameha (105) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Genki Dama (?) : Towards, away, down, up, triangle
Ryuugekiken (135) : Down, towards, square
Gekiretsurenkyaku (115) : Away, down, towards, circle
Slash-Down Kick (25) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Jump Knee Lift (80) : Down, up, circle
Dash Elbow (20) : Towards, towards, square
Dash Sekkin (?) : R1, then L1 + towards
Renzoku Energy Dan (105) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- Punch, Punch, Gekiretsurenkyaku
-- Dash Elbow, Dash Sekkin, Ryuugekiken, Renzoku Energy Dan

Super Vegeta
Big Bang Attack (55) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Final Flash (105) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Dash Elbow (30) : Towards, towards, square
Shougekiha (45) : Towards, away, down, up, triangle
Slash-Down Kick (20) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Slash-Arrow Kick (65) : Down, up, circle
Vegeta Hammer (25) : Down, up, square
Wild Spin Kick (50) : Down, away, circle
Super Dash (85) : Down, towards, circle
Heel Shoot (65) : Towards, towards, circle
Renzoku Energy Dan (105) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- Punch, Dash Elbow, Super Dash
-- Super Dash, Heel Shoot, Wild Spin Kick

Burning Attack (50) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Finish Buster (100) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Rushing Kick (130) : Towards, towards, circle
Sliding Kick (55) : Away, down, towards, circle
Down The Hill (66) : Down, away, circle
Brave Sabre (83) : Towards, away, towards, square
Lightning Show (50) : Away, away, circle
Kakukin Energy Dan (84) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- Punch, Punch, Sliding Kick, Sliding Kick

Masenkou (50) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Kamehameha (100) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Knee Smasher (65) : Towards, away, towards, circle
Zankoukyaku (35) : Down, up, circle
Bukuukyaku (320) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Missile Kick (60) : (in air) Down, towards, circle
Jet Uppercut (40) : Down, towards, square
Renzoku Energy Dan (90) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- Knee Smasher, Kick, Zankoukyaku

Makankousappou (45) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Gekiretsukoudan (95) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Sonic Kick (50) : Towards, away, towards, circle
Madankyaku (30) : Down, up, circle
Bukuukyaku (255) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Zankuureppa (60) : Towards, towards, towards, circle
Mashoudankyaku (60) : Away, down, towards, circle
Mystic Attack (30) : Towards, towards, square
Renzoku Energy Dan (70) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- Madankyaku, Sonic Kick, Zankuureppa

Little Goku
Kamehameha (50) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Chou Kamehameha (100) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Sliding Bomb (55) : Away, down, towards, square
Sanrenkyaku (100) : Towards, towards, towards, circle
Slash-Down Kick (35) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Bakuretsu Combination (180) : Towards, down, away, square
Solid Shoot (20) : Down, towards, circle
Renzoku Energy Dan (90) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- Punch, punch, kick, Sanrenkyaku

Death Ball (45) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Evil Energy (95) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Super Tail Kick (60) : Away, down, towards, circle
Guillotine Kick Combination (80) : Towards, towards, circle
Jasenkou (70) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Head Attack (70) : Away, away, towards, square
Dash Elbow (30) : Towards, towards, square
Freezer Beam (70) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- Freezer Beam, Dash Elbow, Super Tail Kick

Atomic Side Blitz (45) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Twin Energy Ball (95) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Eagle Knee Lift (25) : Down, up, circle
Senbuu Heel Otoshi (30) : Down, towards, circle
Cutting Uppercut (60) : Towards, away, towards, square
Jack Force Combination (180) : Down, towards, square
Wild Whip Cycle (???) : Towards, away, down, up, square
Renzoku Energy Dan (60) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- Punch, Punch, Eagle Knee Lift, Cutting Uppercut

Kamehameha (65) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Shougekiha (115) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Cell Combination (180) : Towards, up, towards, square
Rising Attack (105) : Down, up, square
Head Attack [beginning] (45) : Away, away, towards, square
Head Attack [additional] (45) : Towards, square
Ground Slider (80) : Down, towards, circle
Power Attack (45) : Down, towards, square
Renzoku Energy Dan (135) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- Punch, Cell Combination, Ground Slider

Powerball (55) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Vice Shout (105) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Arm Ball (40) : Down, away, square
Ultimate Punch (35) : Away, down, towards, square
Spiral Kick (100) : Down, towards, circle
Buu Bomber (45) : Towards, away, down, up, triangle
Earth Shoot (75) : Away, down, circle, circle, circle
Expand Punch (35) : Towards, away, towards, square
Kakusanrenzoku Energy Dan (105) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- Punch, Punch, Kick, Kick, Spiral Kick

Super Saiyan 4 Goku
Kamehameha (?) : Away, down, towards, triangle
10 Bai Kamehameha (?) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Spear Shoot (?) : Down, towards, square
Slash-Down Kick (?) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Reppugazanshuu (?) : Away, down, towards, circle
Jump Knee Lift (?) : Down, up, circle
Dash Elbow (?) : Towards, towards, square
Renzoku Energy Dan (?) : Down, towards, triangle

Final Kamehameha (160) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Flash Sword Attack (110) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Psychic Whip (320) : Away, down, up, triangle
Heel Shoot (90) : Towards, towards, circle
Spiral Heel Shoot (200) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Phantom Summer (200) : Away, down, up, circle
Rising Chain Kick (475) : Down, up, circle
Atomic Break Combo (290) : Down, away, circle
Renzoku Energy Dan (240) : Down, towards, triangle

Suggested combo:
-- (while close) Ki no Tsurugi, Final Kamehameha

Super Saiyan Goku (Z)
Kamehameha (105) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Chou Kamehameha (155) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Renzoku Energy Dan (240) : Down, towards, triangle
Ryuugeki Combination (440) : Down, towards, square
Dash Elbow (65) : Towards, towards, square
Jump Knee Lift (215) : Down, up, circle
Slash-Down Kick (140) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Bakuretsurenkyaku (575) : Away, down, towards, circle

Super Saiyan Goku (GT)
Kamehameha (105) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Chou Kamehameha (155) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Renzoku Energy Dan (240) : Down, towards, triangle
Ryuugeki Enbu (440) : Down, towards, square
Dash Elbow (65) : Towards, towards, square
Knee Shock (215) : Down, up, circle
Slash-Down Kick (140) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Power Stream (505) : Away, down, towards, circle

Super Saiyan (Little) Goku (GT)
Kamehameha (100) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Chou Kamehameha (150) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Renzoku Energy Dan (225) : Down, towards, triangle
Slide Fire (150) : Away, down, towards, square
Sanrenranbushuu (190) : Towards, towards, towards, circle
Slash-Down Kick (160) : (in air) Towards, down, circle
Blocking Roll (500) : Towards, down, away, square
Solid Shoot (315) : Down, towards, circle

Super Saiyan Trunks (GT)
Burning Attack (95) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Finish Buster (145) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Kakusan Energy Dan (150) : Down, towards, triangle
Down The Hill (160) : Down, away, circle
Shoot Rush (425) : Towards, towards, circle
Grand Swing Kick (145) : Away, down, towards, circle
Brave Sabre (220) : Towards, away, towards, square
Lightning Crush (210) : Away, away, circle

Super Saiyan Trunks (Z)
Burning Attack (95) : Away, down, towards, triangle
Finish Buster (145) : Down, away, towards, triangle
Kakusan Energy Dan (150) : Down, towards, triangle
Down The Hill (160) : Down, away, circle
Blocking Over (355) : Towards, towards, circle
Grand Shoot Jabbering (145) : Away, down, towards, circle
Brave Sabre (220) : Towards, away, towards, square
Lightning Sonic (210) : Away, away, circle

Dragonball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
The Basic controls for each characters are quite simple and similar:
- There are two energy bars for each fighter. The top one is energy, which goes down as you take a hit. Note different colours means different multiples of the bar. e.g. it goes from blue to green to yellow. The bottom bar is the power bar which denotes your 'chi' which decreases as you use a fireball. It charges up on its own very slowly. When it goes down to nothing, you are then tired and is not able to move for a few seconds. ( During which time you are completely vulnerable to attacks)

S = Square button
F/B = Forward / back on the directional buttons
X = X button
U/D = Up / Down
O = Circle button
UF/ DB = Up forward / Down backward
qcf= quarter circle forward = D,DF,F
qcb = quarter circle backward = B,DB,B
hcf = half circle forward = B,DB,D,DF,F
hcb =hale circle backward = F,DF,D,DB,B
T = Triangle button
S - basic punch
X - basic kick
O - basic fire ball ( causes the power bar to go down)
T - fly This is actually a form of martial arts when you use your 'chi' to move your body in the air!
L1/R1 - to speed along in the R/L direction on the ground or in the sky Hold down either
X, O, or S - to recharge your 'chi' quickly. You will have to do this quite often. You will see your character has some sinuous energy around him.
F or B + S (when you are close to the opponent)
- for a close range attack. FIREBALLS ( all the direction here assumes the opponent is on the right) all the characters has basically three types of special-move energy projectile attacks 1)continuous or spread-out fireballs (depending on the character)
- qcf + O 2 Medium strength energy attack
- hcf + O 3 Super Energy projectile attack
- qcb,F + O note from 1 to 3 uses progressively more Chi energy and thus will cause more damage. 4)Release of Chi ( few of the characters has an invisible fireball - the strength of a normal fireball )
- B (hold), F + O note also a basic fireball can collide with and dissipate another basic fireball and an invisible fireball. Whereas a medium fireball will be needed to cancel a medium one and so on. Of course, there are also the Unblockable Fireballs

Basic block
1) Defense
- B or DB ( you can block a kicks, punches and basic fireballs with this but will take some damage from a medium to Super fireball)
2)Breaking a Medium/Super Fireball
- S + X ( when done right you will see your character's arm lash out and no damage will be taken. Have to time this one, ie when the fireball is near you.)
3)Energy Shield
- qcb + O ( this will also block the fire- balls but will cost you your Chi energy depending on the length of time)
4)Quick Step
- tap B twice (you can avoid fireballs this way, again need timing though.)
5)Run away!
- R1 or L1 ro T ( I've found by far the best method is to avoid the fireball by moving away quickly)

For most Hypermoves to work, one needs to stand close to the opponent and the first punch or kick of the move must connect with your opponent. Hypermoves do not use any chi energy.

Character Moves
Dash elbow : qcf + S
Forward Turtle Flip : F,B,F + X
Four Dragon Kicks : hcf +X
Jump Knee Lift : DB,UF + X
Solar Energy : D,U + O
Teleport : F + S
3 Continuous Fireballs : qcf + O
Release of Chi : B (hold), F + O
Turtle Power Ball : hcf + O
Super Turtle Power Ball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : hcb, F + S
Teleport Fireball : qcb, hcf + O

Super Saiyan Gohan
Jet Uppercut : qcf + S
Descending Kick : jump up, F,D + X
Dash Slider : B,DB,D + X
Back Roundhouse Kick : qcf+ X
3 Continuous Fireballs : D,DF,F + O
Invisible Fireball : B ( hold ), F + O
Devils Power Ball : hcf + O
Turtle Power Ball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : F,B,D,U + X
Super Turtle Ball : qcf,B + O

Super Saiyan Goten
Goten Head Charge : D (hold), U + S
Back Round House Kick : B + X
Kicking Uppercut : DB, UF + X
Dash Sweep : B,DB,D + X
3 Continuous Fireballs : D,DF,F + O
Invisible Fireball : B (hold), F + O
Turtle Power Ball : hcf + O
Super Turtle Power Ball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : hcb,hcf + S
Super Goten Attack : D (hold), U + O

Dash Elbow : qcf + S
Back Roundhouse Kick : B + X
Middle Kick : qcf + X
Flash Kick Attack : B(hold), F + X
3 Continuous Fireballs : qcf + O
Air to Ground Energy ball : ( jump up ),F,D + O
Energy Ball : hcf + O
Super Energy Ball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : F,B,D,U + X
Ultimate Energy Ball : qcf,hcf +O
Double Large Energy Ball : qcf,hcf + O, O

Super Saiyan Gotenks
Descending Head Charge : ( jump up ), F,D + S
Multiple Punches : B(hold), F + S
Leg Sweep : D,DB,B + X
Double Roundhouse Kicks : DB, UF + X
3 Continuous Fireballs : qcf + O
Combined Goten and Trunks Energy Ball : hcf + O
Superfast Multiple Fireballs : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : hcb,hcf + S
Super Unblockable Ghost Attack : hcb,hcf + O

Adult Super Saiyan Trunks
Sliding Leg Sweep : B,DB,D + X
Forward Flip : hcb + X
Double Hand Hit : B (hold) , F + S
5 Multiple Kicks : F,B,F + X
Shower of Fireballs : qcf + O
Ground Energy Discharge : B,DB,D + O
Energy Ball : hcf + O
Super Energy Ball : qcb, F + O
Hypermove : F,B,D,U + S
Super Fast Multiple Fireballs : hcf,hcf + O

Arm Stretch : B (hold), F + S
Super Descending Kick : ( Jump up ), F,D + X
Sliding Kick : F,B,F + X
Upward Swoop : DB, UF + X
Energy Flame : F,B,F + O
3 Continuous Fireballs : qcf + O
Electric Header : DB, UF + O
Energy Missile : hcf + O
Super Energy Ball : qcb, F + O
Hypermove : F,B,D,U + S
Homing Fireballs (when flying) : hcb,hcb + O

Forward Charge : qcf + S
Descending Gail Kick : F,B,F + X
Flowing Double Kick : B,DB,D +X
Super Sweep : (jump up ), F, D + X
3 Continous Fireballs : qcf + O
Forward Bounce : qcb + O
Solar Energy Bomb : D,U + O
Turtle Power Ball : hcf + O
Energy Saw : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : hcb, F + S
Four Energy Saw : hcf,hcf + O

Multiple Hand Slap : tap S repeated Horizontal Head Charge : F,B,F + S
Low Kick + Close punch : qcf + X
Beam Attack : DB,UF + O
3 Continuous Fireballs : qcf + O
Upward Energy Beam : qcf + O
Solar Energy Bomb : D,U + O
Energy Ball : hcf + O
Super Invisible Energy Ball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : hcb, F + S
Ultimate Unblockable Energy Ball : hcb,hcf + O
Combination : hcf + S

Great Saiyaman
Winning Upper : qcf + S
Super Hero Punch : F,B,F + S
Descending Kick : (Jump up), F,D, + X
Double Roundhouse Kick of Justice : qcf + X
Slow Energy Ball : qcf + O
Invisible fireball : B (hold), F + O
Turtle Power Ball : hcf + O
Super Turtle Power Ball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : hcb, F + X
Ultimate Turtle Power Ball : hcb, F + O

Multiple Slaps : F,B,F + S
Side Slap : B(hold),F+ S
4 Multiple Kicks : hcf + X
3 Continuous FireBalls : qcf + O
Invisible Fireball : B (Hold), F + O
Ground Energy Discharge : B,DB,D + O
Energy Ball : hcf + O
Super Energy Ball : qcb, F + O
Hypermove : F,B,D,U + O
Multiple Spread Fireballs : hcb, hcf + O

Dash Elbow : qcf + S
Upward Charge : F,B,F + S
Sway Attack : B,DB,D + S (close)
Descending Kick : (Jump) , F,D + X
Upward Sliding Kick : DB,UF + X
Side Bomb : D,U + O
Upward Multiple Fire balls : qcf,B + O
Big Bang Attack : hcf + O
Final Flash : qcb, F + O
Vegeta Final Blast Bomb : (jump), F,UF,U,UB,B,F + O
Ultimare Fire Ball : qcb,hcf + O
Hypermove : hcb, F + X

Forward Charge : F,B,F + S
Descending Head Charge : (jump up) ,F,D + S
Forward Flip : qcb + X
3 Continuous Fireballs : qcf + O
Invisible Fireball : B (hold), F + O
Descending Lunar chop : B,DB,D + O
Death Ball : hcf + O
Mega Buster : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : F,B,D,U + O
Invisible Energy Ball : hcb, F + O

Android #18
Horizontal Head Charge : F,B,F + S
Back Leg Sweep : B,DB,D + X (stand close)
Double Low Roundhouse Kick : F,B,F + X
Back Flip Kick : qcf, B + X
3 Continuous Fireball : qcf + O
Ground Energy Discharge : B,DB,D + O
Energy Ball : hcf + O
Super Energy Missile : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : hcb, F + X
Flash Beam Bless : hcb + O

Android #16
Charging Punch : qcb,F + S
Body Charge : B,DB,D + S
Flying Fist : qcf + S
3 Continous Fireballs : qcf + O
Invisible Fireball : B(hold), F + O
Upward Eye Laser : DB,UF + O
Mega Energy Bomb : DB,D,DF,F + O (close range)
Arm Cannon : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : qcb,hcf + S
Super Arm Cannon : qcf,hcf + O
COMBOS - execute these after the Rocket Punch has hit.
Reverse Rocket Punch : qcf + S
Dash Attack : qcb, F + S
Dash Tackle : B,DB,D + S

Forward Charge : F,B,F + S
Low Sweep + Mid Level Kick : F,B,F + X
Ascending Charge : DB,UF + X
3 Continuous Fireballs : qcf + O
Invisible Fire Ball : B (hold) , F + O
Finger Beam : B,F + O
Energy Ball : hcf + O
Turtle Power Ball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : F,B,D,U + S
Super Turtle Power Ball : hcb, F + O

Sword Slash : qcf+ S
Double Sword Slash : qcf + X
Jumping Sword Attack : hcb + S
Medusa's Spit : B (hold), F + O
Javelin : B,F + O
Forward Slide + Contact Fireball : D,DB,B + O
Spitting Fire Ball : hcf+ O
Super Energy Ball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : B,F,D,U + S
Death Flame : hcb,hcf + O (close by)

Majin Buu
Body Bomber : DB,UF + S
Horizontal Head Charge : F,B,F + S
Descending Kick : (Jump up), F,D + X
Jumping Lower Kick : B,DB,D + X
Fireball Shower : qcf + O
Invisible Fireball : B (hold), F + O
Antenna Missile : hcf + O
Super Spitting Fireball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : B,F,D,U + S
Boo Bomb : hcb, F + O

Super Buu
Head Whip : B,F + S
Forward Charge : qcf+ S
3 Continuous fireballs : qcf+ O
Antenna Missile : hcf + O
Super Spitting Fireball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : hcb,hcf + S
Fireball Shower - hcf,hcf + O

Little Goku
Stone : B,F + S
Paper : B,F + O
Scissors : B,F + X
Eight Handed Strike : hcf + S
Rod Strike : B(hold), F + S
Descending Charge using a Fireball : (jump up ) , F,D + S
Turtle Power Ball : hcf + O
Hypermove : hcf,hcb + S
Super Turtle Power Ball : hcb, F + O

Throw Teleport : F,B,F + S
Drunken Turtle Punch : qcf + S
Drunken Turtle Low Punch : F,DF,D + S
Double Kick : F,B,F + X
Drunken Turtle High Kick : qcf + X
Drunken Turtle Low Kick : F,DF,D + X
Flying Kick : qcb, F + X
Drunken Tiger Punch : D,DF, F + O
Drunken Tiger Low Punch : F,DF,D + O
Turtle Power Ball : hcf+ O
Maximum Turtle Power Ball : qcb,F + O
Multiple Beam Attack : hcb + O
Hypermove : hcb,hcf + O

Mr. Satan
Rolling Attack : B,DB,D + S
Forward Charge : qcf +S
Diving Jabs : qcb+ S
Hero Dance : hcb, F + S (first hit must connect)
Dynamite Kick : qcf + X
Grenade : O
Cannon : hcf+ O
Massive Missle : qcb,F + O
Failed Massive Missile : qcb,hcf + O
Hypermove : hcb,hcf + S

Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Dash Punch : qcf + S
Descending Kick : (Jump up), F,D + X
Gale Shoot : qcb, F + X
Gale Shoot Reverse : qcf, B + X
Saiyan 3 Attack : hcb + S (Stand Close)
Thousand Combination : hcf+ X
Invisible Fireball : B(hold), F + O
Turtle Power Ball : hcf+ O
Super Turtle Power Ball 3 : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : B,F,D,U + S
Ultimate Turtle Power Ball : hcb, F + O

CannonBall Attack : hcf + S
Spinning Drop Kick : F,B,F + X
Fast Descending Kick : (Jump Up), F,D + X
Forward Kick : qcb + X (close by)
Teleport Slider : (when Dashing R1/L1), S
Teleport Slash Down : ( when Dashing R1/L1),O
Teleport Spinning Drop Kick : (when Dashing R1/L1), X
Invisible Breath : B(hold), F + O
Special Genki-Dama : D(hold), U + O
Ultra Super Doughnut : hcf + O
Final Super Turtle Energy Ball : qcb,F + O
Hypermove : hcf,hcb + S
Quick Ultra Ball : qcb,hcb + O
Ultimate Super Saiyan Copyright © 2001 All Rights Reserved

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