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Movie Information
Dead Zone
Dead Zone

Z Warriors: Gohan, Goku, Krillen, and Piccolo
Other: Bulma, Chi Chi, Kami-sama, Kame, Kamesennin (Master Roshi), and Ox-King
Appearance By: Shenron
Villains: Garlic Jr., and his 3 minions (Ginger, Nikki, and Sansho)
Finishing Attack: None

Z Warriors: Gohan, Goku, Krillen, and Piccolo
Other: Chi Chi, Kami-sama, Kamesennin, and Oolong
Appearance By: Shenron
Villains: Dr. Wheelo, Dr. Kouchin, their three android fighters (Minkattsun, Ebifuraiya, and Kishiime), and their android soldiers
Appearances By: None
Finishing Attack: Genki Dama

Z Warriors: Chaozu, Gohan, Goku, Kamesennin, Krillen, Piccolo, Pwar, Tenshinhan, and Yamcha
Other: Bubbles, Bulma, Gregory, Chi Chi, Ickerus, Kaio-sama, and Oolong
Villains: Tarlus and his 5 fighters (Amond, Daiizu, Kakao, Rakasei, and Rezun)
Finishing Attack: Genki Dama

Z Warriors: Gohan, Goku, Krillen, and Piccolo
Other: Bulma, Chi Chi, Ickerus, Kaio-sama, Oolong, and Yajirobe
Villains: Dr. Slug, his 4 fighters (Angira, Dorodabo, Medamatcha, and Zeeun), his 2 scientists (Gyoshu, Kakuja), and his soldiers
Appearances By: Kamesennin and Shenron
Finishing Blow: Genki Dama

Z Warriors: Gohan, Goku, Kamesennin, Krillen, and Piccolo
Other: Chi Chi, Ickerus, Korin, Oolong, and Yajirobe
Villains: Koola (Freeza's brother) and his armored squadron (Doole, Neiz, and Sauza)
Appearances By: Bardock and Freeza
Finishing Attack: Kamehameha

Z Warriors: Gohan, Goku, Kamesennin, Krillen, Vegeta, and Piccolo
Other: Dende (Kami-sama), Mr. Popo, Oolong, and Yajirobe
Villains: Metal Koola
Finishing Attack: Mega Genki Dama

Z Warriors: Gohan, Goku, Kamesennin, Krillen, Mirai Trunks, Piccolo, and Vegeta
Other: Chi Chi and Oolong
Villains: Android # 13, #14, and #15
Appearances By: Dr. Gero, Android #17 and #18
Finishing Attack: Genki Dama

Z Warriors: Gohan, Goku, Kamesennin, Krillen, Mirai Trunks, Piccolo, and Vegeta
Other: Baby Trunks, Bubbles, Bulma, Bulma's mother, Chi Chi, Dr. Briefs, Kaio-sama, Oolong
Villains: Brolly and his father Paragus
Finishing Attack: Screwball Ki punch

Z Warriors: Chaozu, Gohan, Goku, Kamesennin, Krillen, Mirai Trunks, Piccolo, Tenshinhan, Vegeta, and Yamcha
Other: Baby Trunks, Bubbles, Bulma, Chi Chi, Kaio-sama, Mr. Satan, and Oolong
Villains: Bojack and his 4 fighters (Bido, Bujin, Gokua and Sangya)
Finishing Attack: Kamehameha

Z Warriors: Chibi Trunks, Gohan, Goten, Krillen, and Videl
Other: Priest
Appearance By: Baby Brolly, Baby Goku, and Goku
Villains: Brolly
Finishing Attack: Kamehameha

Z Warriors: Chibi Trunks, Goten, Krillen, and Android 18
Other: Colonel Jaga, Hei, Menmen, Mr. Satan, Priest, and Professor Coli
Appearance By: Marron
Villains: Bio-Brolly
Finishing Attack: Kamehameha

Z Warriors: Gohan, Goku, Chibi Trunks, Goten, Gotenks, Vegeta and Videl
Other: All the Kaios, Chi Chi, King Enma, Mr. Satan, and Pikahan
Appearances By: Adolf Hitler, Dracula, Freeza, and all the Villains they defeated on Earth
Villains: Janemba
Finishing Attack: Special Genki Dama

Z Warriors: Chibi Trunks, Gohan, Goku, Goten, Krillen, Vegeta, and Videl
Other: Bulma, Kamesennin and Tapion
Appearances By: Minoshi and Shenron
Villians: Hirudagarn and Hoi
Finishing Attack: Dragon Fist
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