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Android - Beings that consist mostly or entirely of artificial parts, yet still maintain a human look. There are three classes of androids in the Dragonball world: Androids with a human base that rely on an internal power source, androids without a human base with an internal power source, and androids with a human base that rely on power absorbing nodes in their hands. All androids in the series are produced by the Red Ribbon Army.

Basjin - A short, stout race of four-eyed telepaths, only one Basjin is introduced to us in the series. It is unknown if any more exist.

Changeling - A race of beings that control the Saiyans until Freeza decides to destroy them all. These beings hid their true powers with many transformations and control many systems with the help of the Saiyans.

Kaio - Lesser gods of the universe, the Kaios are immortal creatures that live in heaven. In the series, we only see the Kaio from the North Galaxy, and it is unknown if the rest were killed when Buu destroyed most of the Kaioshins. The Kaios are notorious for their pride and stubborness, but they rarely let it get the better of them.

Kaioshin - Rulers of the four galaxies, the Kaioshins are immortal beings that watch their domain. All but the East Kaioshin is wiped out by Buu's tirade. They are not physically strong, but as gods, they have a great influence over the galaxies.

Namek - The race that has the potential to regenerate any body parts, destoryed limbs, or broken bones. They are the creators of the Dragonballs, which allow you to grant one to three wishes. Many of these beings train with weighted clothing.

Shamoan - A race that was turned into slaves by Brolly when he founded New Vegeta. They where held captive on their planets moon. The planet was destroyed when a passing comet collided into their planet.

Saibamen - Introduced during the Saiyan saga. The little green creatures that are planted into the ground and sprout out instantly. The all have the same amount of power lever of 1,500 each.

Saiyan - Saiyans are a powerful species from the planet, Planet Vegeta. They are very power, brutal, cruel and uncivilized. Saiyans have a unique ape-like tail on their backs that distinguishes from other species. When they see a full moon, their tails give them the ability to go into the Oozaru form. The Oozaru form is a form in which Saiyans turn into gigantic and extremely strong ape creatures. In order to return to the normal Saiyan form, their tails must be cut off. Their natural fighting abilities allows them to easily beat off their enemies. On their planet, they destroyed the weaker Tuffels and built rocket ships to blast off to planets with advanced technology and great wealth. Once they arrived on a planet, they would take control of it and become the rulers. The Saiyans' goal were to capture the best planets and trade it off; they were somewhat like planet brokers. Although the Saiyans' natural fighting abilities were high, one day, the evil and powerful Freeza conquered Planet Vegeta and destroyed Planet Vegeta including all the saiyans. Luckily, two saiyans survived. One of them was Vegeta, who was the prince. The other Saiyan was Goku, a normal Saiyan who had been on Earth when Planet Vegeta was destroyed. Only some Saiyans can reach a special status called Super Saiyan.

Tsfuruan - A frail, yet highly intelligent race native to the Planet Plant, they protect their domain from the chaotic race of wilderness-dwelling Saiyan. Their civilization is heavily advanced, and possesses technology that allows them to move spaceships beyond the speed of light. However, a full moon wipes out their entire race.

Yardratt - A race that can manipulate time and space, they play a brief role when they teach Goku how to use Shunkan Idou. Goku ends up on their world when he finds one of the Ginyu pods space-worthy, and hops in just before Namek explodes.

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