Tenkaichi Budoukai
So, what is the Tenkaichi Budoukai. Well, it is a tournment with extreme masters of martial artists that compeat to see, who is the greatest among those who have showed up, to show who is proven to be the strongest. It is held every three years on Papaya Island on May 7th. As some of you have who have watched the dub, you have seen flashbacks, that were never made. In some instances, they show a Tenkaichi Budoukai scene. If you ever wondered where they were fighting, well, that was the place. Who knew, that, while fighting all those villans on Earth and Namek, that they all pratically met each other in that small arena. However, there have been some years that no one has gone to the Tenkaichi Budoukai for some time. Eleven years went by between the 23rd and 24th Tenkaichi Budoukai’s, for the arena to be rebuilt by, ahem, Goku and Piccolo’s little fight. Seven years had to go by between the 24th and the 25th, due to the Cell Game. Plus, the four years that happened to go by the 25th and 26th Tenkaichi Budoukai’s, because of the infamous Majin Buu. Due to the great intense of the Budoukai, a prize was meant for the strongest one that happened to show up. Usually, the prize was 50,000 zeni to about 500,000 zeni.
What does it mean?
Ten/Heaven or sky with ka/under or beneath makes, “Under the Heavens”. So, that isn’t in the title, “The World’s Greatest Martial Arts Tournament” Well, think, what is under the Heavens? The Earth, or, the World. Thus, the word in the title.
Ichi, well, that means, one, first, or greatest. Put that with the first part, and you have, “The World’s Greatest”.
Ba, that means, Martial Arts, so, with dou, a way of, you have, “Martial Arts”. Your saying, “…what happened to the way of?” Ok, well, let’s get back into Japanese mood again. When you add those two, with the word, Martial Arts, which is a Japanese way of fighting, which is sorta like a way of already combining it with the first word, which, you just have to tell everyone what you mean anyway.
Ka, when behind the word, Budou, makes, “Martial Art’s Meeting”. Well, when you get a whole bunch of fighters in a tournament, do they sit and have a conversation? Of course not, they fight, and have the tournament, which, Budoukai means, “Marital Arts Tournament”
Ok, well, we ran out of words and phrases…nothing left to say, except, “The World’s Greatest Martial Arts Tournament”
You are disqualified if you have a weapon or use any kind of object to help you win. If you leave the tournament and if you kill your opposer. You have lost when you have been knocked unconscious, or, go down from the count of 10. Also, you have lost when, you get knocked out of the ring or say, “I give up.”