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A Logical Rant
I have wrote a rant and decided to post it here. Please do not be offened by anything that I say for it is not directed at any one person. I just need to get some of this out before I explode.

Today as I was going on my weekly "check to make sure I don't have any broken stuff" like I normally do, I decided to stop by my polls and surveys. First I stopped by my "Pollishous Polls" section and checked the results. As usual... they were good. I even got a chuckle when I read the comments about them... "If the Bye Bye Bye song was the theme I would shoot myself" ... that was very cute. Also... "About question number one.... Trunks is mine". I found this very humorous, heck I even responded to it. Since things looked so nice there, I went to my Survey. The last time I had checked it, only 3 people had taken it. I had not changed it because everything still applied. On the first question I ask.." What do you think of my new layout?" I had ask this question a few layout changes ago, but it still fit the bill. The thing that upset me was that someone said that it sucked and to change it. All I had gotten since I changed it was... "Wow!" "Pretty" and others, but this was a slap in the face and hurt me deeply. Does my new layout actually suck? I never get constructive feedback except from my web-buddies (you know who you are ~_^). Sure, I get submissions for stuff, but I never get any actual critism from my guests. Do you guys like my new layout or should I change it? I know it's pink, but I love pastel colors and I was going for pretty and elegant and more professionsal. I have a feeling this was from a Dragonball peep and whether anyone wants to admit it or not most DBZ fans are guys. Hold of the fruit throwing for a moment and let me finish... Sure, there are lots of girl fans (me being one of them), but most of them are guys. My point to saying this is that most guys like "guy" colors *most*(notice I said most) of which is black or other dark and dreary colors. Girls on the other hand tend to go with lighter colors. I am a girl... so I like pastel colors and cute things. Thats just the way I am. These things reflect on my page. I will never have a black layout with little stars in the background. If thats what you want, sorry you won't it here. I know I got off topic a little bit, but my point is this: I want to know what you think. I want to know how you want this site to be. If the text is too small to read, tell me. If there is some aspect of this site that is dissatisfying or unappealing, tell me. Just email me in an intelligent manner about what is wrong and I will take you seriously. If you email me saying " Errr... your site sux" I will laugh at you and start a mailbag. Is this cruel? Not in the least. All I want is some feedback. Tell me what you think, what you would like to see, send me submissions, etc. This not only shows me that there are people actually coming to me page, but that there are people that want to help make it better and that my hard work has not been in vain. So, to wrap this up I will leave you with this... what you give to me, I give back twice as much. In other words, I work harder when I hear from you. I try to add new things and tend to work faster and feel a lot better when I know that what I am doing is making you guys happy. Thats what I am here for. I not here for my health even though this is a great hobby and makes me have something to do with my I am here to provide you with something different or at least attemp to so do. Whether I am suceeding or not, I don't know. That has yet to be determined. *Sighs* Now... I am hungry and I will eat ^_^ *little bubble appears over head with a bag of sharp cheddar Cracker Barrel potato chips in it* Hmmm......