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Key the Metal Idol


Added My Review
Put up my review for Key.
- March 7, 2003

Story Section Up
Finally got some time to finish the story page. Got the lyrics for the ending song I'll Be Here For You up as well. Put a few more reviews in the review section as well. I'm still debating whether to put up the lyrics for the other songs up, because it takes forever to type them. Overall, this site is basically complete, I will add more images, some more reviews and possibly more lyrics later.
- November 30, 2002

Gallery Up
I got some images up in the gallery, more to be added soon. Also, I added the Key vocal soundtrack to the products page. This leaves one section left to open, the story section. I still have stuff to add to the other pages though, please bear with me. ^_^
- November 9, 2002

Content Added
Alright, I finished up a good amount of stuff. The music, reviews and contact pages are up. I still need to add a bunch more stuff to the music and review pages. I'm still searching for more Key reviews as well. I will try to add more content as soon as possible.
- October 25, 2002

Website Open!
Key website open today, as promised! Still have to finish most of the sections though (doh!). The only sections that are up are the products page and the characters page (some of the pics aren't up yet). Sorry! I am still working diligently to put the rest up as soon as possible. I will post here when I put each section up.
- October 15, 2002

The Anime On DVD webring
Current Site: Key the Metal Idol
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